Right. So this is my version of the 100 themes thingy except there will be a lot more than 100. Going on 300 in fact. I will try to write about 10-15 a day but that might not happen.

I wonder if anyone actually reads this?

Review if you do?

Here is the first one


They way that they met was not your standard, accidently running into someone and love at first sight thing. In fact it was the opposite you could say.

When he first saw her she was a cat.

When she first meet him she was using him.

It wasn't till later that he told her the reason why he ended up in the house. And when he did she was astounded. "You have held the book?"

She closed the doors on his old life and opened up new ones. He showed her what pigheadedness really was.

"You certainly took your own sweet time getting here."

And that was how they meet.

And that is it for you folks. I will do them in order of how I get them. Which should be fun.

The rest are smaller.

I live to turn Author's worlds upside down

Alyss Mainwaring