Keida woke up and saw something on her face, she saw it was an paper butterfly, Keida sat up straight and it landed on her hands and opened itself revealing a note.

'Morning Keida. I hope you enjoy your day alone. Turns out Tobi had a mission at the last minute, so you are to watch the base. Itachi should be the first to come tomorrow but I'm not sure when everyone else, including myself are returning. Stay safe and know that we are only a thought away~' Konan

The butterfly slowly turned into a rose, Keida smiled softly and put it on her bed rest. She got up and stared in the mirror and tried to smile but she fail and sighed, she went to her closet and grabbed some clothes. Keida smiled and took out white shorts, she took a male's long sleeve white shirt and long white stockings that stopped above her knees and she went by and thought maybe she would indulge in a little robbery. She slipped into Hidan's room and saw an old pendant lying on the ground, she picked it up, then she went into Kakuzu's room and grabbed a piece of Kakuzu's string off his desk, she figured it's used to sew up his arms and stitches. She made a bracelet with Hidan's pendant using Kakuzu's string. She walked into Sasori's room and saw a red tie, she took it and tied it around her neck and she wander into Deidara's room, she peeked in and saw his pack where he keeps his clay, she smirked and took it, she wrapped it around her waist and skipped right out and into's Kisame's room, she she smiled when she saw a pair of his black pants on his bed, she grabbed it and put it on but fell as soon as she took a step. She laughed and then glared at the pants, she rolled them up to where they fit her as pants and then she used Deidara's pack as a belt and tighten it to fit her, she smiled in the mirror. She walked out of his room and then into Itachi's, she paused before she walked into wondering if she would die if she went in. She laugh and thought she might as well! She walked in and saw how tidy it was she then grinned at her object, a long sleeve black shirt, it had a swirl design on the left side and raven on the back, Keida laughed and took off her white shirt revealing her lacy red bra and she put it on, she buttoned it up but had her bra showing, she looked in the mirror and kissed her hand, she looked sexy! She laughed and ran into Konan's room and grabbed her make up case and did the smokey eyes, she felt alluring. She went into Zetsu's room and looked around, she pouted because she couldn't find anything but she then saw a hat, it was one you would see in those old time movies, a fedora she thought! It was dark gray and had a black feather on the side and a white sash around the middle of the hat. She put it on and smiled, she headed over to Tobi's room and saw on his desk a pair of sun glasses, she took them and put them on. She bet she looked like a hot mess walking around in all the guy's stuff, she wouldn't dare attempt to wear any of Pain's valuable but she laughed because she was pretty sure Konan would have them. Keida walked into the kitchen and make herself a good breakfast, a bacon omelette with a side of toast and jam, she had apple juice and milk next to them and then a small bowl of fruit and a small stack of pancakes, Keida smiled and took her fork and dig in.

"Something feels wrong." Konan said to Pain

"What?" He asked

"Like I'm forgetting something." Konan said

"We have everything for our mission." He said

"No. Something else. I don't know what though." Konan said frowning, Pain glanced at her in worry. He felt the same way.

"It's my birthday and I'll cry if I want to! Cry if I want to! Cry if I want to!" Keida singed with the sound system blasted up, she was laughing and being happy but she knew she was sad that she didn't tell anyone her birthday. She haven't had a birthday since her brother died so she just either forgot her own birth or just didn't celebrate it but she was having fun right now. Even if she was alone.

"Itachi what's wrong?" Kisame asked as they were sprinting through the trees

"Nothing Kisame." Itachi said. But something inside kept nagging at him. Kisame felt something tug at his hair, he turned around and saw nothing, he frown and continued to jump.

"Oh! I know what to do!" Keida announced, she made a single hand sign and felt herself split, she open her eyes and saw about five figures of herself. Though she smiled and began to mold two of the clones into someone else. She concentrated hard and focus her charka into the form and person she wanted. She opened her eyes and shinning blue eyes stared back at her with long blonde hair down and he was in a simple black shirt and white pants with matching shoes. She smiled.

"Ohayo Keida-chan, un." Her Deidara clone said

"Ohayo Dei." She said smiling, she walked over to it/him and hugged him and she then turn to her right and saw her tall blue haired shark.

"Ohayo Kisa." Keida said

"Ohayo Love." Kisame clone replied smiling and held her, Keida pulled away and turned to the other three.

"Now to focus." She said smiling.

"Are you alright brat?" Sasori asked, Deidara sudden felt like someone tugged on his hair

"Yeah, un." Deidara said rubbing his head, Sasori stared at him strangely

"What the fuck was that?" Hidan yelled

"What!" Kakuzu yelled back annoyed

"You pulled my hair you dick!" Hidan accused

"How when I'm walking ahead of you!" He countered but Hidan remained silent, he rubbed his head

"That fuckin' hurt.." He mumbled rubbing it

"Wow. I got Dei, Kisa, Hidan and two failed clones. Itachi and Konan will be harder to clone I guess." Keida mumbled

"My my. You've been busy." A voice said, Keida activated her watch and pulled at her kunai hiding against her thigh on a granter she bought.

"Damn you Father!" Keida screamed holding her heart, she looked up to see Father Time in grey slacks and a matching white shirt and shoes.

"Hey now. And I brought you a birthday present!" He tried to kiss up, Keida pouted but stared at the small box in his hands.

"Why did you get me something?" Keida asked staring at the box

"I would have thought you would have appreciated it!" He mocked being hurt

"I do! I'm just not use to it.." She started, Father Time placed the gift on her hands and led her to a seat and watched her

"Well. Open it!" He smiled, Keida looked at him and then smiled, she began to take the bow apart and open the wrapping, she open the box and gasp.

"Did Tobi leave the stove on?" Tobi asked Zetsu, Zetsu froze to glare at him

"You better not. Plus if you did, no doubt Keida would have turned it off." Zetsu said

"Tobi knows he's forgetting something.." Tobi pouted

"It's beautiful." Keida smiled, she picked up the gorgeous bow and arrow, it was silver and had sapphires engraved into it, it looked like they were rivers flowing through out the bow, it was heavy but that was good for Keida, she saw that there was only three bows. The arrow heads were different colors, the first was pure sapphire with the rest of the staff silver, the next was a red ruby that covered the head and the rest silver and the last was one that changed colors, the colors ranged from bright violet's to dark amber's and calm indigo's.

"I always thought arrows needed more than just three?" Keida finally spoke, Father smiled

"These are special, whenever you need to practice you just think of more arrows and they'll come, it's just that these three have a specific use." He explained, he picked up the one with the sapphire. "This arrow is specific to our clan's power. Your power, it helps control time from a distances whether you shoot it or if your friends take it and need it, this arrow can actually be taken apart. I'll be teaching you how to use this next week." He said, Keida glance at the arrow in pure awe, something that can throw her power father and that could help her teammates, what a blessing.

"The ruby one is dangerous only in your hands." Father said holding it tightly, "NO ONE can use this but you even if you're in the same clan, no one. This arrow will never miss and this will kill your target no matter how far he or she is, all you need if a picture of them and focus. This is a very special assassination arrow, use this only when the risk of others are too much. This shouldn't be used often. It takes a more than half of your charka from you if you use it twice a week. Once every now is fine but don't go getting lazy and just shooting this." He said seriously, Keida smiled and nodded.

"Understood. What's the last arrow mean?" Keida asked

"This is what I like to call a wild card." He said chuckling, Keida tilted her head confused

"Why would you call it that?" She asked, Father smiled

"This one is solely based on your mood. Or more importantly what's in your heart. This arrow will carry out whatever plan is in your heart, if there was a friend you must kill but your heart wouldn't it would miss or it would create a diversion. There are different possibilities. This can also help you when you have no other weapon, time will show you how well this can help you but this is something that can be stolen but the other members. This can also be used a lie detector when you have no idea if the truth is real or fake along. This arrow can also guide you to where the arrow itself wants you to go,where your heart wants to be or go or where you need and must go to." He said

"Amazing." Keida breathe out

"If you just need arrows to fire and fight with again, all you need to do is think and they will come and continue to come, this response to your charka and your life force, so treat this well and he will never let you down." He said.

"He?" Keida asked confused

"Guys call they things she's, I thought you would call it a he." He said shrugging, Keida laughed and hugged him.

"Thank you so much. This is amazing and beautiful." Keida said nearly crying,

"Don't forget, you are a person in this world my Daughter. You don't have to hide, you have people here who want to help you if you let them. Happy birthday Ayame Kai and goodbye as well and happy birthday my Dear Keida Takara. I love you my Daughter, it's good to have you home." He said with one single tear sliding down his cheek while Keida cried with a smile on her face.