Hey there folks. It's me again!

Woah! My second story already! Who had ever expected that!

This is just a silly idea that popped into my head today while I was, once again, not paying attention in class. I tried to get it out again, but it had already glued itself to my brain cells. So as soon as I came home I had a cup of green tea, ate some dry cereal from the box, watched Freddy vs. Jason and thén I typed this down. Yeah what? I'm lazy alright! Get over it! XD

This takes place during Phase 3, because the idea of 2D and Murdoc all alone on a island is just bégging for stuff like this to happen!

Erhm... Ow yeah I almost forgot: I do not own anything mentioned in this fanfic. This was written purely for fun... Blah Blah Blah! Stick it up your nose! Blah Blah Blah Blah... (Rockit! =D)


It was one of those regular, boring days on Plastic Beach. Murdoc was in the study, reading a book with, of course, a glass of liquor within reach. 2D was crouched in a chair, reading a stack of random magazines that had washed up in a crate that morning. The magazine he was currently reading was called "Know-It-All!". It featured some pages filled with all kinds of handy tips and useful facts. The page he was reading that moment was called "Recognize them when you see one". It was a list of tips on how to recognize demons secretly living amongst the humans. 2D had no idea why a demon would ever want to live in the human world, but the article went like this:

"There is a saying, that about once every decade, one or two demons escape from Hell to start a life on Earth. Some people actually believe this. Demons that live in the human world won't be too hard to recognize, but with these tips you will always know for sure when you see one! Here are 6 tips about how to recognize a demon:

1. Their skin is not used to our fresh, cold air, so it will try to defend the body by turning an unhealthy looking shade of green. The more time they spend in the human world, the greener they will become.

2. Most of the times, they will not express any other emotions than anger, malice and lust. They are able to express other emotions, but they usually don't feel the need to do so.

3. Besides a usual craving for sex, most of them will also have a massive craving for unhealthy things like large amounts of alcohol and cigarettes. Sometimes even drugs.

4. They will always worship Satan.

5. Their bodies will often sport strange features. Often strangely colored eyes, long sharp fingernails, pointed teeth an/or snake-like tongues.

6. They will get hurt whenever they touch holy water or objects.

So here you go! Now you will always be able to recognize those scary demons wandering the human world. And remember, if you ever happen to see one, smack it with a bible as hard as you can! Good luck catching those rotters!"

2D gasped, realizing that his "friend" Murdoc could actually relate to this list very well. Most of that list was true! He wasn't very sure about the last one though.

Murdoc, who had heard 2D's gasp and was annoyed by it, turned his green head towards the singer. He stared at him for a moment with his mismatched eyes before growling, revealing two rows of pointy yellow teeth.

2D's eyes widened with shock as they darted from the list to the Satanist and back. The more similarities he caught, the more he was starting to freak out. Was he really alone on an island with a cyborg ánd a demon now?

Murdoc was now getting extremely irritated by 2D's neurotic movements. He slammed his book down and opened his mouth, preparing to chase the other man out of the room. But to his own surprise, 2D had already ran off as soon as the bassist had opened his mouth, squealing like a little pig.


That was it for the first chapter.

How will this unfold! *Dun Dun Duuuunn!*

Is Murdoc really a demon, or is 2D's foggy mind playing tricks on him again!

If even one person likes this story, I will try to update regularly. (Yeah, my standards are very low...)

English is not my native language and I would like to improve my writing a little bit, so reviews with constructive criticism are very much appreciated.

If you want to you can also check out my other story. =D