Disclaimer: Though initially a fiction called Brave Souls, I revised the fiction for a more darker feel. The original fiction was much too flimsy and too often I found myself asking why this was happening and I couldn't come up with an explanation. In short, I didn't like the idea behind Brave Souls in the end. So now you we have this fiction created and hopefully you enjoy it as it progresses.


In every generation, we have always appeared. From within the shadows, buried and overshadowed by hundreds of years of history, one of us has always emerged. Though the thoughts are different, the mantle and purpose always remain the same.

Even amidst the chaos in the rune wars we searched for ways, ways to avoid our terrible destiny, to fulfill our purpose. For ours overlapped that of Runeterra's very foundations.

We disappear as quickly as we appear leaving no traces of our existence. Strange how we are much like our counterpart, veiling ourselves in utter darkness, and yet our purposes are the exact opposite of one another.

For generations, we have tried to fulfill our purpose. Even to this day, under the guise of shadows and chaos, we continue to carry out our objectives.

We are many, but we are only one for we are Ein, and this is our story. No, this is Runeterra's story, for all Runeterrans tread down the same bloodstained path as we do.

Chapter 1: First Blood

He felt a wisp of air brush pass the arm of his robe. He turned his head to look over his shoulder. There was nothing there, probably just him being paranoid. The gruff bald man fixed his Summoner robe's collar and hugged himself for more warmth. A chill ran down his spine when another dark breeze caressed his grey beard.

Just the wind, nothing out of the ordinary. The aged Summoner kept silently reassuring himself as he briskly walked down the cold Noxian streets. Noxus's streets were the perfect place for meetings concerning private matters, dangerous and most importantly no one would dare go out. The paranoid man scanned his surroundings before make a sharp right turn down a darkened alleyway. Further down the alleyway, he saw two similarly robed figures with their hoods up. One of them had the common violet hued robe; the other wore a crimson version of the Summoner's robe with deep blue eyes peeping out from underneath the hood.

"Do you have it?" The crimson one demanded in hushed impatience, holding out a hand as if expecting a gift of some sort. The bald Summoner rummaged inside his robes and took out a scroll of paper wrapped tightly by a violet strap.

"Good," His crimson hood nodded as he received the scroll. "Come Ernste, we must prepare our side of the ritual. Follow me." The three robed figures left the alleyway and proceeded down the dimly lit Noxian streets towards their destination. The architect of Noxus's seemed to fit nicely in with the current air, stone cold, grim and dark. The only light source being produced was from the fiery lanterns dangling from the wooden posts laden down the street. Even with the lanterns however, one could only see black shadows covering every wall.

"Summoner Terzer, I am inclined to question why we are called upon now, and why this place?" Ernste directed a quiet question towards the leading member.

"We know not why, but the tiny crack to the other side seems to have…widened quite significantly." The other violet robed figure replied with a hissing voice.

"It is as Summoner Abstell says, our master has called us at this time to assist with matters." The crimson Summoner known as Terzer replied in a deep tone. "Which is why we met in Noxus, doing such a ritual at the Institute would undoubtedly draw unneeded attention. You of all people should know how well the Institute monitors its own premises, Ernste."

"I see, so the day approaches when we are all judged." Ernste whispered with a satisfied grin on his hardened face.

It was surprising however, how noisy Noxus was during the day and yet it could be so quiet that you could probably hear a pin drop from a several blocks down the street. It made noises even more distinct however as Ernste heard something move from behind him.

Whoosh, the sound of some cloth flapping silently through the air sounded within his ears. The old man halted in his steps, quickly took a sharp glance behind his shoulder. To his surprise no one was there, only the entrance to a residence sat in his vision. This did not stop the pounding in his left side however. Like distant thunder his heart was thumping madly. He discarded the feeling and turned his attention forward.

Suddenly a cold hand grabbed him from behind, covering his mouth from uttering any distinct pleas for help. At the same time he felt something sharp drive itself through his chest. His eyes dilated from the pain, muscles started to contract. He could not get away as he flailed helplessly about. The cold hands dragged him under the shadows and pulled him onto the ground. The last thing he saw before he could scream was pitch blackness.

"Hm?" Summoner Terzer turned about upon hearing scuffling in the background, noticing the absence of one in the group. "Ernste?" He eyed the street suspiciously from underneath his crimson hood. A small gust cradled the nearby lantern, the flame that danced in its glass casing started to flicker as the lantern started to lurch violently. The orange glow from the light diminished until it was completely put out. His fellow Summoner reeled his head right to left in an erratic manner.

With no light source, Noxus's stone paved residence looked no different than the inside of an abandoned cave. "Summoner Ernste…" he repeated in a hushed voice. The crimson robed Summoner expected no reply though; at this point he had already deduced that someone was following them. His mind was rampantly fumbling about, trying to narrow down the possible identity of their pursuer. No matter how he thought about it, no one could have known about them. Even General Darkwill was not privy to their activities. Whoever it was if they had any knowledge, any inkling of an idea about them, then surely they had to be dealt with immediately.

Their hunter was surely working from the shadows of Noxus's streets. They would have to use Clairvoyance first and then quickly dispatch the foe; less they draw unnecessary attention from the neighbourhood. Abstell would be the one to draw their pursuer out in the open.

Underneath the folds of crimson, Terzer's deep blue eyes peered towards the side to give Abstell a signal. To his disbelief, there lay a lump on the ground where he had thought Abstell would be. As if to answer his horrid curiosity, the moonlight highlighted the lump. A violet hooded figure, Abstell, lay face down and underneath his corporeal form what appeared to be blood pooling out.

Out of fear, the crimson hooded summoner took several steps back from the lifeless body.

When-? How-? Who-? His mind was in a constant state of hiccup. So shocked was the summoner that he failed to realize that he had pressed himself tightly against one of the stone built walls of Noxus's residence. A shadow suddenly loomed over him, darkening his field of vision. With Ignite readied in the palm of his hand, he took a step away from the wall and turned around to address the shadow behind him.

Too late, before he could even react something heavy dropped on top of him and the last thing he saw was the tip of a bloodstained two pronged blade.

Once again, the wind blew passed the silent streets of night time Noxus.

On this list of fourteen summoners three have fallen, caught under night's blade. Eleven remain oblivious to their hunter.