Disclaimer: Don't own, don't make money from my "borrowing" of these beloved characters.

A/N: Prompted by a discussion of Vengeance and how John was straightening his pants when he walked into the bantos room with Elizabeth. Thank you JT-2.

Elizabeth strode through the corridor towards the control room. Her thoughts raced from budgets to mission reports when a hand landed on her arm, drawing her to a stop.

She tilted her head sideways, not entirely surprised to find John at her side.

"Hey." Her voice stalled when she caught his eyes simmering lustily upon her.

A sly, wicked grin stretched across his face. He cocked his head towards the door behind him, before taking her hands and drawing her inside.

Elizabeth's eyes fought to focus, they were adjusting too slowly to the dim light of the room. Her hands grappled for the walls, ending up with handfuls of a well muscled colonel instead.

Heat pooled through her body when his fingers started stroking little circles along the back of her neck. Her resolve had apparently taken a hiatus and her head instinctively tilted towards his own. His lips brushed hers softly, teasing her with their languid pace. She stretched higher, her lips more insistent. She pushed deeper into their kiss, his soft groan rumbled tantalizingly through their lips and torrent of need ripped through her body. Her fingers hooked through his belt loops urging him closer.

She was breathless when he finally tore his mouth away from hers. He shifted their bodies and suddenly the wall behind her took her weight, freeing up his hands to roam tortuously over her body. His mouth trailed raggedly down her neck and her nerves rioted in response. Her fingers delved into his soft thick hair and she gripped the strands tightly, trying to pry his hot mouth from her neck.

"John." She didn't recognize her own husky voice. "What are you doing?"

Undeterred, he nudged her shirt away from one shoulder, his lips following behind his fingers. "You said you don't kiss on the first date."

"I was teasing and our date isn't until tonight. Ohh." His mouth had just found the tender spot where her neck and shoulder met.

John chuckled and the vibrations left her skin humming with pleasure. "I'm not taking any chances, Elizabeth. I told you, the way I see things, we've already had hundreds of dates."

"It's the middle of the day, John." Her eyes fluttered. They had adjusted to the low light and she finally caught a glimpse of her surroundings. "You do realize there is rampant gossip about us making out in the storage closets? I avoid them for that very reason."

John rose back up to her face. "The best gossip ends with us having sex in the storage closets."

"John!" Her protest was more muffled laugh than true indignation.

Her body hadn't felt this good in, well, in way too long and she had long grown weary of fighting this fight. His hands drifted under her shirt and her head fell backward, striking the wall. There were so many reasons they shouldn't be doing this. Not now. Not here. Each second that passed, Elizabeth struggled harder to remember what exactly those reasons were.

"Rodney. Rodney will be looking for us any minute."

"He's busy, trust me, I've taken care of McKay."

His lips struck hers again and all thoughts of protest burned away. There so many moments they'd walked away from over the years and she wanted to make up for every one of them. She was finding it harder to think and it was definitely too hard to tug his shirt from his pants with his hands and mouth roaming wildly, seemingly intent on familiarizing himself with every inch of her now sizzling skin.

A cold slipped between them as John took a slight step back. "Elizabeth, no more talking about McKay when you're undressing me."

"I'm not undressing you. I'm not going to, not here." Her eyes trailed down his body. "I just want to feel…"

He got it, even if she didn't yet. He tugged off his shirt off and pressed back against her. His thumbs ghosted under her shirt pushing the hemline up and over her ribs. Suddenly his body pressed hot against her, his skin against hers and it was too much. She couldn't process all her chaotic emotions. She planted a hand firmly on his chest, trying to ground herself. Her head fell back against the wall, the ceiling seemed to be swirling above her. John clamped his arms around her and hugged her tightly.

"I've got you." His voice rasped against her ear. "Sorry, I got a little carried away."

She lowered her face, wanting to see his eyes.

"I rather enjoyed carried away." His eyes were still heavy with want and her stomach rolled deliciously. "I know we've been waiting a long time, but we've got the rest of our lives to catch up. I'm done fighting this, John. You've got me, if that's what you want."

"I want." He pressed his lower body closer, leaving her little doubt of that want. "Just so I'm clear, what exactly do you do on the first date?"

She swatted his bare arm and pulled away, starting to breathe a little easier. She grabbed his shirt from the floor and passed it to him. "I like to laugh. I like to hold hands."

John pulled her hand up, lacing his fingers through her own.

"I like to dance." She challenged.

John used their laced hand to twirl Elizabeth around and she couldn't help but smile.

"Dr. Weir?" The forgotten radio blared against her ear.

She took a deep breath and looked towards John with regret. "Chuck? This is Weir, go ahead."

John moved closer, trying to eavesdrop and Elizabeth shook her head. She couldn't think clearly with him that close, not yet.

"We just tried to contact the Tanarans again, still no luck. I know you wanted to send a team."

"Volcano people?" John whispered, refusing to move away.

"Super volcano people." Chuck answered.

Elizabeth softly sighed. Well at least John had tried to be quiet.

"Thank you Chuck, Col. Sheppard will ready his team."

"You should come with me to tell them." John shrugged back into his shirt. "You'll get a kick out of how I'm keeping McKay busy."

A few minutes later…

They paused inside the doorway of the bantos room. Elizabeth pretended she didn't notice John still trying to straighten out his pants. The sight of Rodney sparing with Ronon was unexpected, to say the least, and she found it more amusing than she wanted John to know.

After they briefed the two men, she turned back into the hallway. John followed close at her side. Elizabeth exhaled a long breath, finally feeling relief that they had escaped unscathed from the supply closet rendezvous.

Heavy footsteps echoed through the hall as Ronon caught up to them in the corridor.

"Sheppard, thought I was supposed to keep him busy?" Ronon's eyes gleamed mischievously. "Doesn't seem it was worth the trouble if it only bought you a few minutes in the supply closet."

Elizabeth's jaw dropped and her eyes slanted towards John.

"What?" John scrubbed his hand down the back of his neck and shifted uncomfortably. "We weren't-"

"Whatever you say, Sheppard. But you'd better tell Chuck we're down to the last pack of post it notes." Ronon reached behind John and snatched a colorful piece of paper attached to his back. He crumbled the post it note with Chuck's reminder scrawled across it and smashed it into John's palm before striding away.

Elizabeth's skin flushed with heat. "John."

Ronon turned back towards them. "But anytime you want me to keep Rodney busy, you let me know. That was fun. Plus, I don't want to be the one who stumbles across you in the supply closet."


"Well, in my defense…..you said you liked carried away."

"I can still hear you." Ronon's voice called back down the corridor.

Elizabeth grabbed John's arm and tugged him behind the first door she spotted. John almost turned purple trying not to laugh when he saw where they were. She pressed her lips tightly, trying to focus on the seriousness of the situation. What had just happened was bad,very bad. John's shoulders started to shake as laughter rolled through her body. Bubbles of laughter rose through her own chest, it would only be moments before she caved to the humor of the moment. She smiled slyly, realizing there was another way to wipe that grin off his face.

She stepped forward, closing the gap between them. The scruff on his face razed deliciously against her skin as his mouth travelled towards her ear.

"I just want it noted for the record, before you kiss me, that you just pulled me into this storage closet."

"Oh shut up!" Her laughter finally broke before covering his delicious lips with her own.

A/N: Oh damn! A little more wicked than I intended, but with that prompt, it had to be a little naughty. *begs forgiveness* Hope you enjoyed!