I really wanted to write this one, even though I asked which idea you wanted to see first but, I was super inspired for this idea, so I wrote it first. But that doesn't matter since I waited to publish it until after Sweatshirt, and Triangle.

Muse Songs:

Marry Me - Stephen Jerzak (Cover)

The Writer - Ellie Goulding

You're So Damn Hot- OK Go

Notes: So some stuff to know. This is a year after the current series, the treasure was found. Joy was found safe and sound. The teachers or people who were on it are all gone. The school is still open, but the house of Anubis is now only a monument to the family that was there before. However a new house just called Renaissance (means rebirth) has been built there are 6 rooms for students, and its newer and nicer. Also, Alfie is gone. I have no need for him in this fic, so he is gone.

Fabian P.O.V

I stepped out of my parents car, shocked they let me return after everything that happened last year. I stared at the house I'd be living in for the next few months. I had been living in the Anubis house since I started school there, but Anubis house has been closed to students, and a new house was built. The new house was a bigger more modern take on the Anubis house. I walked to the back of the car and grabbed my bags. I slowly made my way to the school, then up the stairs. I waited a second before turning the knob and entering the house.

"Hey Trudy?" I called as I entered the house. When I received my information about this school year, I was informed she would still be my house mum.

"Fabian, you're the first one here. Just leave your stuff in the entrance way. When everyone else gets here we'll settle out room arrangements. Feel free to look around." Trudy called.

"Any news on anyone else?" I asked when I finally managed to find my way to the kitchen.

"Nina should be here soon, she phoned before the cabbie picked her up. Alfie unfortunately will not be joining us this year. However we have 2 new students a new girl named Alexandra, and a new boy named Willie, he's from America."

"Hey anyone else here?" I heard a call from the entrance.

"Fabian why don't you go get Nina, you two can look around till everyone else gets here it might be another hour or so." Trudy said.

"Nina!" I responded making my way back to the entrance.

"Fabian." She said dropping her bags going to give me a hug. "I've missed you so much."

"So we're the first two year, and we wont know our room's till everyone else gets here. Alfie isn't coming this year. Though we have 2 new students."

"I won't be the newbie anymore." She laughed.

"Nope, Trudy says we should look around until everyone gets here."

"Sounds like a plan." She smiled

"Where too first?"

"Upstairs? Maybe we can find another haunted attic."

"Doubt it. This house is brand new."

"I was kidding."

"Well to the upstairs." She said grabbing my wrist pulling me up the steps with her.

"Rooms rooms and more rooms..." I said yawning.

"Look an attic door... What do you thinks up there?"

"Storage or something."

"Its time to investigate." She smiled pulling me towards the door.

"See its even unlocked." She said well turning the knob and opening the doors.

"Hit the light next to you." I said as we began going up the stairs.

"Its lit, and carpeted. It must not be so bad." The trip up the stairs was a short one, and we were shocked at what we found.

"This is so cool." She said looking around the room. It was pretty much a lounge, couches, beanbags, a tv, a popcorn machine.

"Oh there you are." We jumped hearing a voice behind us.

"Amber." We said in unison

"I've missed you guys." She smiled. "Sibuna!"

"Sibuna." We repeated.

"This room is so cool." She said.

"It's bribery." Nina added.

"That true." I mumbled.

"Trudy told us to come get you guys, everyone is here but some guy named Willie." Patricia snapped suddenly appearing in the room.

"Oh Patricia how I've missed your snobbyness." Nina said before heading for the stairs.

"Oh how I prayed you wouldn't be back." She snapped.

"Well I do believe everyone knows everyone else. Except for Alexandra." Trudy said, pointing to the girl sitting on the far chair in the living room.

"So can you just tell us whose room is whose, and who is rooming with who?" Joy asked from her spot on the couch next to Patricia.

"I suppose I could. Were still waiting for Willie, but everyone else is here. Like last year boys are downstairs girls upstairs, rooming is as follows. Joy and Patricia in the first room. Alexandra and Mara in the second room. Amber and Nina in the third room. Now downstairs we have Mick and Jerome in the second room and Willie and Fabian in the third room. The first room downstairs will remain vacant. Why don't you kids all get settled, I'll start supper."

"Want some help with those bags Nina?" I asked.

"No I've got them."

"I need help Fab..." Joy whined.

"Okay." I said grabbing my bags and heading for the room I'd share with whoever this new kids is.

"What is his problem?" Joy asked Patricia, "Last year he would have grabbed my bag in a heartbeat."

"Nina happened." Patricia stated.

"Well I'll just have to fix that." Joy laughed grabbing her stuff heading up to the room she and Patricia would share.

"It feels so good to be back." Nina said flopping unto her bed.

"I know right. So what's new with you and Fabian? You two an item yet?" Amber questioned.

"Uh no. After everything that happened, coupling up just didn't happen. But this is a new year so hope for the best."

"I always hope for the best." Amber giggled.

"I'm going to unpack later, but for now I'll see if Trudy needs help." Nina said leaving the room and heading downstairs

"Fabian your roommate is here, show him where the room is." Trudy asked when Fabian entered the kitchen.

"Will do." I said heading for the entrance.

"So Willie I'll be you're roommate for the next few months. I can show you where our-" I was cut off by Nina who had just come downstairs.

"Hey Fabian. So this must be your roommate?" Nina asked looking at Fabian

"I guess so. My name's Willie by the way." he spoke

"Willie?" Nina questioned



"It's been a long time..."

"It's good to see you again."

"Wait what is going on?" I asked slightly confused by what just happened.

"Willie and I used to date, before his family moved to Wisconsin." Nina answered for them

"Well I should show Willie to our room." I said quickly heading down the hall.

"So I didn't know Nina went here. This is totally fate." Willie said when we made it to our room. "Is she seeing anyone?"

"Yes." I lied.

Next chapter is Willie's POV then Joys then Nina will finish us off :) I really hate the ending I could have just kept going haha...