Disclaimer: I do not own Detective Conan or Magic Kaito.



Ran Mouri strolled leisurely into Tropical Land, an amusement park that her childhood friend Shinichi had agreed to take her to. (Of course she didn't threaten him with physical violence or anything to get him to agree. Who did you think she was?)

"Oy! Ran!" She turned around at the shout, having recognized it as said childhood friend's voice.

Shinichi ran up to her, somewhat breathless.

"Sorry, am I late? There was a little bit of traffic and there was a really long line and–" Shinichi abruptly cut off having noticed something out of the ordinary.

"Hey, who's this?"

He crouched down to the ground and stared curiously at the little boy that was shyly clutching Ran's hand. Ran blinked for a moment, confused, before she realized what Shinichi was talking about. She smiled happily and explained, gesturing cheerfully at the child.

"Oh, this is Conan-kun. He's staying with me while his parents are in America. Since his parents are friends of the family, I thought it would be a good idea to let him stay with me."

Ran gently pushed Conan towards Shinichi, encouraging him to greet her childhood friend.

"Say hi, Conan-kun."

The aforementioned child flushed slightly, hiding behind Ran. "H-Hi." The shy seven year old stuttered, red coloring his cheeks.

Shinichi grinned and patted the kid on the head. "Ah, so that's it! Well, nice to meet you then, Conan-kun!"

The seven year old smiled uncertainly, managing a quiet laugh.

"Ahaha... nice to meet you, Shinichi... niichan." His words sounded somewhat unsure, but that could be accounted for the child's nervousness at meeting a new person.

As Shinichi straightened to talk to Ran, he missed Conan's abrupt change of expression to exasperated.

The two teens walked through the amusement park, Shinichi babbling on and on about Sherlock Holmes and Ran unhappily listening, although not paying complete attention to the high school detective's words.

"Aha!" Ran suddenly shouted too loudly, interrupting Shinichi's tirade. "There's a ride! It's called the Mystery Coaster; I think it'll be fun to ride!"

She grabbed her friend by the arm and lead Shinichi down towards the ride. Conan reluctantly followed behind, annoyed but relieved that his older sister figure had stopped the high school detective's rant. As they passed the entrance to the amusement park ride, Shinichi blandly noticed a group of three kids attempting to sneak into the ride.

Heh. Kids these days. Shinichi muttered. Trying to get a free ride, huh? He rolled his eyes in annoyance and dutifully allowed Ran to drag him to the attraction.

"Eh? Conan-kun won't be able to ride the roller coaster with us since it's only two people per seat." Ran turned worriedly to the child. "We can go and find another ride instead."

Conan cutely gazed up up at his neechan endearingly, a carefree smile spreading across his cherubic face. "Ne, ne, it's alright Ran-neechan!" He chirped. "You can go have fun on the roller coaster and share a seat with Shinichi-niichan."

The seven year old happily skipped forward "I'll sit by myself." Conan puffed his cheeks, pouting slightly. "I'm old enough to anyway!"

Ran stared down at her little brother figure, unsure about leaving him on his own.

"Are you sure? Because– "

Conan quickly interrupted her before she could finish her sentence.

"Don't worry neechan, I'll be alright!"

Ran sighed in defeat and fondly patted Conan on the head. "Alright Conan-kun, but you have to wait with us!"

The little kid jubliantly bounced on his heels, sing-songing out an affirmative.


She giggled at Conan's antics and returned her attention to Shinichi, who had been clueless to their entire interaction, once again having been prattling about Sherlock Holmes.

In front of them in the line was a young lady dressed in purple and wearing a pearl necklace. Conan, being the inquisitive joyful little kid he was, trotted over to the aforementioned lady.

"Wah~! That necklace is pretty!"

He jumped up and down, wildly waving his arms around in excitement. The woman's attention instantly swerved to the innocently happy seven year old.

"That must have cost a lot of money!"

The lady giggled, amused at the hyperactive kid's actions.

"No, it wasn't really that expensive. But thanks for the compliment anyway." She smiled and patted Conan on the head before shooing him back with a few words of advice, "You shouldn't wander off without your parents!"

Ran and Shinichi sat down in the coaster, Shinichi still blathering about Sherlock Holmes. Shinichi really was true to his mystery otaku title.

No longer able to stand hearing all these pointless facts and fanboyish mutter any longer, Ran abruptly blew up.

"YOU STUPID MYSTERY OTAKU!" She continued yelling at her friend for babbling about Sherlock Holmes when this was supposed to be a celebration for her winning the karate tournament. Ran brandished a fist threateningly at Shinichi, flames almost blazing around her.

Shinichi jolted backwards immediately, face pale and looking completely aghast. Terrified of Ran's wrath, he unsteadily attempted to apologize to her, stuttering all the while. Appeased at her friend's attempt to cheer her up and atone for whatever he did wrong, she dropped the angry expression.

"Idiot~!" Ran burst out laughing at her friends panicked apologies. "I was just joking!"

The other teen looked offended as he turned to face the front, muttering about never believing her ever again. However, his annoyance at being tricked abruptly flew away when Ran suddenly clutched his hand tightly, squeezing her eyes shut as the roller coaster reached the top and began to descend.

Amid the screaming as they passed through a dark tunnel, a drop of water splashed on Shinichi's face. Water?

He wiped the liquid off of his face, blinking in confusion when he realized what it was. Tears?

Then they exited the tunnel and someone began shrieking, albeit for a different reason this time. Beside one of the women, a man had been decapitated, blood exploding and freely spraying from the severed neck. Murder.

Police sirens split the air, roaring down the street and screeching to a stop at Tropical Land. Law enforcement poured out and immediately began remedy the situation. They arrived at crime scene, removing the body from the roller coaster car and covering it. All witnesses of the murder were quickly confined to the location and prevented from leaving.

"It was only an accident, we don't have time to waste here. Let us leave!"

"Wrong. This was a murder."

A voice rang out clearly amid the panicked whispers of the crowd.

All attention abruptly fixed onto the speaker, who continued his assessment of the situation.

"Also, the murderer was sitting in the same vehicle as the victim. The criminal is among the seven people in the vehicle." Shinichi opened his eyes, revealing confident clear azure.

Megure-keibu fixed an authoritative look on the teen. "Is what you said true, Kudo-kun?"

A shocked wave of whispers immediately began to spread through the crowd, each and every person muttering in recognition of the famous high school detective's name.

One of the police uncovered a bloody knife in Aiko's, the victim's fiance, bag. "Alright, arrest her."

"Hang on a moment, Megure-keibu! She isn't the murderer!" Everyone faced the teen detective in shock. "If she isn't, then who is?"

Shinichi turned and pointed at one of the suspects. "The murderer... is YOU!" Ignoring the girl's panicked protests that she hadn't killed Kishida-san, the murdered victim, he revealed the truth in his deduction and accurately reconstructed the murder.

Meanwhile, in the back of the crowd, Conan impatiently tugged on Ran's shirt. "Ran-neechan, I'm hungry. Can we please leave?" Ran gazed down at the pleading face of the child.

"I'm sorry Conan-kun, but we can't leave until this case is solved." Oddly, Conan's face suddenly lit up.

"Oh, okay then."

She was about to turn around, somewhat confused at Conan's lack of reaction to murder when Conan continued speaking.

"In that case, the neechan with the pretty necklace killed him."

Ran barely managed to find her voice. "E-Eh, Conan-kun, why do you say that?"

The child smiled cutely and began to explain his reasoning in a commonplace everyday tone.

"That's because she put her bag behind her back when they were buckling themselves in. So she could slip out from the roller coaster's safety bar really easily." He looked pensive for a moment. "That's not very safe." The seven year old suddenly perked up. "But that way, she could have killed the guy. And..."

His deduction matched Shinichi's almost word for word, albeit with simpler vocabulary.

"...and her necklace is gone. That's how she carried in the murder weapon."

Apparently, he had said this sentence rather loudly and the police, along with Shinichi, spun around to face the innocent looking seven year old in complete shock.

"..." Shinichi stuttered a few times before he recovered, turning serious.

"Actually, I can explain that." He continued the pseudo enactment of the murder.

"As for the evidence, like Conan-kun said, you used your necklace." He held up a bag with the missing pearls and a hook. "This should be enough to prove it."

The accused, a woman by the name of Hitomi, was speechless. Shinichi continued his deduction.

"Also, you already knew that Kishida-san was going to die, so you started to cry before you killed him. There are still tear traces on the sides of your face. If you didn't start crying before or after riding the roller coaster, then the tear tracks shouldn't be flowing sideways."

Her eyes flicked to the sides of her face and she collapsed to her knees and began to cry, spilling out her sob story and the reason why she had killed Kishida.

"Oy, Ran! Stop crying!" Ran turned to her childhood friend, tears staining her cheeks. "How can you be so calm?" She angrily demanded, glaring at him through her sobs. Shinichi rubbed the back of his head, looking sheepish and smiling slightly. "I've been to so many of these types of scenes, I'm already used to them!"

"That's terrible!" Ran interjected fiercely.

Shinichi was about to reply when something tugged on his pant leg. "Shinichi-niichan!" Conan pouted and puffed his cheeks cutely, looking up at him beseechingly.

"I'm hungry! Can we go somewhere to eat?"

The teenager blinked, confused, blankly staring at the innocent wide eyes of the cherubic seven year old. He had forgotten that the kid was even there.

"Oh! I'm sorry Conan-kun." Ran rubbed her eyes to dry them. "You told me earlier that you were hungry. I must have forgotten."

She managed a smile.

"We can go eat. Shinichi's going to pay for it, right?"

The karate champion fixed her friend with a heated glare. Shinichi laughed nervously and inched away slightly. "Y-Yeah, sure." He forced a somewhat unnatural looking grin. "No problem!" He warbled too loudly, his voice a few octaves too high.

His face dropped the fake smile when Ran turned away to assure Conan that they would get food.

Jeez, Ran was scary!


Plotbunny attack. I'll explain Conan-kun later and flesh out the rest of this story.

Yeah, everyone pretty much forgot about Conan's input on the case already. And Shinichi just missed his chance to be shrunk. Joy. Now he's still full of himself. It'll be up to Conan to knock down Shinichi's ego a few notches.

Input? Comments? Ideas? I'd like some help for future events in this story. I don't want to write about every single case that has been solved in Detective Conan... that would be boring and would take too long. Meh.

…Actually, I think I'll write future events based on review input and ideas. So, any good ideas?