Thanks for the reviews guys, Please keep it up. Oh and Willow and Buffy are sisters their like 10 months apart if that's possible. For those who asked. I did have an explanation for it but I forget. Hope you enjoy the new chapter.

Chapter 11 – Bad Influences

It was past ten by the time the couple has exited The Sun Cinema. Buffy had made the unfortunate mistake of letting Spike choose the movie. Typical horror flick. A re-release of Dracula with Christopher Lee. Luckily she talked him out of seeing the Evil Dead. She saw that movie with her cousin Celia. Both having the flu at the time they decided to rifle around her brothers video collection. Both of them were ready to vomit by the end of the film.

She unconsciously looked at her watch.


She swore silently. Her curfew was in fifteen minutes. Swearing again she wondered how to approach Spike without making herself look like a total nerd.

Spike put his arm around her. Seeing her troubled expression he leaned closer whispering in her ear. "Want a coffee?" he asked.

Buffy's head snapped up at his voice shaking her out her thoughts. "Sorry, what?"

"I said, do you want a coffee?" Buffy turned noticing Spike pointing to 'The Expresso Pump' across the street. For a moment Buffy hesitated.

"Uh..I can't really..."

"Oh, come on Buff. Just one mochachino. Get back all the superpower you lost hiding into my shoulder." Spike smirked making her face flush slightly. She hated it when he brought out the big guns. That smirk was enough to knock any woman off her feet.

"I wasn't hiding" she stated "I was tired. I've seen the movie before anyway. Some kid raises Dracula blah blah blah, people killed blah blah, Dracula wants revenge bla...."

Spike stared at her watching her babble on. She looks so cute when she babbles he thought. Suddenly without warning he began to lean in and kiss her cutting her off in mid tirade. Both drew back, a little shocked by what just happened. Spike seemed the first to recover grabbing Buffys hand, leading her across the street.

"Come on Luv...I think you need decaf."

Looking down Buffy smiled to herself. Well, maybe one wouldn't hurt.


Rupert Giles checked his bedside clock for the fifth time that night. It was ten past eleven and he was sat up in bed trying to read a book and getting nowhere. All he was concentrating on was listening to hear Buffy come home. He'd saw them leave together. Came down and found their books on the coffee table. Something about the young man had bothered him and it wasn't just because of being late for class or cigarettes. He'd been suspended, expelled and made to repeat more than once. Definitely not the sort of boy he'd want for his daughter!

He cast his mind back to when Buffy was a little girl, to when all of his children were little. Life had been a lot simpler then. He could protect them back then. They would listen to him. He knew that if his wife were still with him things would be a lot different. Dawn would be a lot more agreeable for one.

Rupert Giles sighed and leaned back against the headrest. Whatever happened to that nice Riley Finn? He thought.


"That was fun right pet?"

Buffy brought her head up to look at him and smiled. "It was nice Spike"

Nice? He questioned. Nice was a term his grandmother used and Buffy was anything but his grandmother.

Buffy, noticing Spikes crestfallen expression she smiled broadly. Grabbing his hand she looked at him suddenly knowing what he was thinking. "It was fun Spike. I had a really good time, Honest."

Spike smiled a genuine smile and pulled her close. Leaning forward he planted another kiss firmly on her mouth. Soft and gentle but so strong that he poured all of his emotions into it. When he finally pulled back he noticed Buffys star gazed expression. He smiled once more, pleased he could finally knock her off her feet. He put his arm back around her and walked her the rest of the way home.

As they walked Buffy seemed in a daze she couldn't help thinking that the kiss was so much better than any others. Sure the first one had been great but this one... took her breath away. She sighed knowing that they'd just turned onto her street. Her house's mail box a few yards away.

"Well here we are Pet, safe and sound" Spike said puffing up his chest slightly. They had stopped by his car, for an instant she wondered if he was going to kiss her again, instead he turned round leaning against the hood. "So I'll see you tomorrow?" he asked. Buffy couldn't do anything but nod. It's just like the awkward bit at every first date she thought. Although this wasn't another date. Was it?

She watched spike move round to the drivers side and suddenly called out "OH..SPIKE" Spike turned his head up above the hood "WHAT ABOUT YOUR BOOKS?" She asked. "THE ONES ON MY COFFEE TABLE?"

Spike smirked "tomorrow" He called out.

Buffy wondered what the hell that meant "OH SPIKE" She called out again.



Spike began to grin getting into his car. Inside he was smiling, happy that there would be a next time.

Buffy on the sidewalk until Spike drove off. She watched as the black desoto sped off and grabbed her keys from her pocket ready to go in. She noticed the downstairs lights were still on. She knew she was in trouble but she couldn't find the heart to care. Stepping up onto the porch she began to mouthing to herself "next time..."

Yea that's another chapter finished. I'm hoping to update with a few more chapters this week if I get the chance. Don't worry I'll definitely try to update sometime this week. Please keep reviewing in the meantime, thanks.