(You may remember this Story as The Death of Keigo Asano. I'm reposting it per a reader request.)

The Death and Times of Keigo Asano

Prologue: Good Bye Ichigo!

Keigo was not the most popular guy in school, nor the best student. He was not stupid, like many people thought. He often turned a blind eye to the truth, and besides he was so damn hyper he could not pay attention.

What had the guidance counselor told his parents? "Your son should be tested, I think he may have Attention-Deficit-Hyperactivity-Disorder. You know they have medications that can control it..." Bla-bla-bla, he had stopped listening. So had his parents obviously cause there was never a doctor's visit nor medication, 'Ha-ha-ha shows you-you mister know-it-all, wanna-be psychiatrist.'

His niche had always been comic relief. That was the particular reason he had been kept after school that day, and that was why he was walking down a scary street, after dark, all alone...But...he was not alone. He sensed someone. He had always seemed to know when Ichigo was around. Ichigo was the pinnacle of coolness, Keigo wondered why the guy even bothered hanging out with him, 'Comic relief remember.'

Really how much time had Ichigo spent with him lately anyway he was more of an afterthought to Ichigo anymore. 'Just pity,' Keigo was mentally beating himself up because he was so uncool and seemed to annoy everybody.

Then he was sure that was Ichigo he saw, on the roof of a building above him, fighting one of those monsters. He was dressed in those black clothes. Like Ikkaku and Yumichika, he knew them because he had let them stay at his house a while back, in exchange for not letting him be killed by one of those things. What was it, arrancar? Hell he didn't care he was watching Ichigo fight, "He's so cool, like a hero in a comic book. Hh-"

Suddenly he was jerked backward into the alley he had unintentionally stopped in front of, "Hey what have we got here?" The cold voice asked in a whisper.

"I-I don't have any money m-mister," Keigo was used to bullies taking his things so he did not like to carry possessions or money.

"Shut up you little bitch! I didn't say you could speak," The hand molested his butt. Keigo let out a whimper, "You know you almost look like a girl. I thought you was. I'm not that into boys, but you make me want to reconsider." he began stroking the teen's hair.

"No!" Keigo started to fight back.

Ichigo was too distracted by his own fight above to notice the struggle for life below, but he swore he heard a familiar voice scream 'no.' The hollow was not the strongest but it was very fast making it difficult to finish the thing off. He finally did, however, catch the thing off guard. He finished it and felt satisfied that there were no other hollows around right then. He jumped off the roof and started to walk away. He felt a familiar presence. It suddenly tripled in strength. Then he heard the worst sound he would ever hear.

"Hey. Ichi-Ichigo," Keigo sputtered through coughing fits. He sprayed blood as he talked.

"Kei-Keigo!" The orange haired soul-reaper ran to his injured friend, "No!"

"Hey," he coughed, "Ichi- you are so cool." another cough spraying blood droplets on the soul-reaper's face, "You're like a super hero." He smiled a gory smile.

"Keigo don't-don't talk," Ichigo examined the boy's limp body. He had several stab wounds. Most in his gut, at least one in his chest explaining the blood being coughed up.

"Shut-up Ichigo," Keigo chuckled.

"What!" Ichigo got angry almost forgetting the situation.

"Shut-up and listen," Keigo smiled up at his hero, "I have wondered if you were a super hero, that's why I get left behind all the time. You know it really hurts to be left out." Keigo frowned he started to look like he was loosing his train of thought, "But I-I'm sorry I'm gonna leave you behind now buddy."

"No! Keigo, be quiet, I'm gonna get you some help!" Ichigo started to gather up his frail and dying friend.

"Ichigo," Keigo pressed on fighting the darkness, "I'm gonna miss you." Ichigo started running not caring if anybody saw his friend seemingly floating through the air, "Tell them," He coughed again his breathing was really ragged. The soul reaper was drenched in his blood, "Tell our friends that I'm sorry. I'm sorry I was always so annoying and…melodramatic," He fished the word, he did not even know he knew, out of his oxygen starved mind.

"Keigo you can tell them that your self!" Ichigo thought if he acted angry things would turn out to be ok.

"Don't be stupid," Keigo smiled at his best friend, who was carrying him.

'Why does the hospital have to be so damn far away!' Ichigo screamed inside his head.

"Lets meet up, in the afterlife, 'kay? Ichigo you are my best bud..." He trailed off and went still.

Ichigo stopped. His friends eyes, those loyal hazel eyes stared lifeless, Ichigo screamed crushing the lifeless shell to his chest. He didn't know what else to do so he continued to run. He left the body outside the hospital. He knew it would not be pleasant for whoever found him, but he could not carry the body that use to belong to his friend into a crowded hospital with security cameras all over the place.

Ichigo felt numb, but he had to get back to Urahara's shop and retrieve his own body. He walked slowly, not wanting to explain the copious amounts of blood covering his uninjured body. He dreaded telling his friends, that Keigo… He shoved the thought away with a quiet sob. He knew the boy went to the soul society with no problems. He was even smiling when he went. Keigo was usually smiling about something, or crying dramatically. Ichigo could not believe a chuckle passed his lips. He was upset with himself, but Keigo liked to make people laugh. He was full of life, the idea that he had no life anymore made no sense.

He found himself in front of the shop. He couldn't go in. He stood there staring into space. Not thinking not moving. Just standing there.

Finally the door cracked open. Rukia jumped through the door and angrily cracked him on the head before she noticed the blood, "What was that for?" the boy whispered in a dull voice.

"What do ya' mean? That was for making us wait!," Rukia berated him. Then she noticed. She gasped, "Oh Ichigo what happened? You are bleeding all over."

"That's not mine," He had tears in his eyes.

Rukia went pale, "Who's-who's is it?"

"Kei-Keigo's," She could barely hear him. He was sobbing quietly, "I was right there, and I couldn't save him." His shoulders shook with the force of his quiet sobs.

Rukia knew what he meant, she whispered a quiet, "No." She barely knew the boy, but she knew he was very important to Ichigo. Taking Ichigo gently by the hand, she lead him into the shop where everybody was waiting on them. They were staring at the scene. Rukia gently leading a crying, blood covered Ichigo. She had gone out angry, really angry. …But no one expected the scene that entered the shop.

"What's going on?" Renji asked sitting next to Urahara. Chad and Orihime were there too. Everybody was staring as if they expected something from Ichigo.

"I-I can't say it again, Please," He whispered harshly as he sunk to the floor. Ichigo looked like a frightened child first confronted with the boogie-man. He had tears streaming down his face.

"It's ok. I'll tell them Ichigo," She turned and tried to comfort the boy she patted his orange head. She turned to face the people that were now gaping at the two of them, "Keigo, he's-he's dead."

"No!" That one word crossed Chad's lips then he was silent.

Orihime whimpered, "Oh Ichigo."

Even Renji, who did not know the boy looked upset, because he realized that this Keigo was an important person to all of them. He could not say anything to help so he kept silent.

Urahara frowned deeply, "I am very sorry, Ichigo."

Ichigo chocked on the words. He sobbed quietly and fell on his side. He was useless to help his friend who was mugged by some random human. Keigo didn't even carry money Ichigo knew he had been robbed to many times, "How can I be such a useless friend? Keigo deserved better."

"D-don't say that Ichigo," Orihime came over. She was crying and trying to comfort at the same time.

"Of course I was a terrible friend!" He angrily pounded the floor, "I pushed him practically out of my life, for what? His protection!" Ichigo gave a hard laugh, "Lot a damn good it did him. He said 'It hurts to be left out.' He said I was his best buddy. I hate myself! I let him down!" He pounded the floor until his hand was bleeding, "He knew. He knew what I was. He could see spirits, probably because he was always hanging out, or at least trying to, with us! He knew and I pushed him away anyway!" He gave himself up to despair and began sobbing loudly. He didn't care what the others thought. No one else could blame him for crying. So they left him to the comfort of his tears.

Chapter 1: Remembering Keigo.

Keigo's body was found placed on the walk outside the hospital. He did have I.D. on him that person that attacked him had not been interested in money.

There was a knock on the door at the Asano's door. Mizuho answered, there were two police officers standing at the door, "What has he done?"

"May we come in ma'am?" One of them asked.

"Uh, okay," She turned away and cupped her mouth with her hands, "Hey! Mom, Dad! There are two policemen here. I think Keigo must have been arrested!" The officers exchanged nervous glances and allowed themselves to be lead to the living room. Keigo's parents came in to the living area.

"Mr. And Mrs. Asano?" One of the men started, "I'm afraid we have terrible news."

"No," Mizuho looked between the two police officers suddenly realizing what they were about to tell them. She shook her head violently, tears forming in her eyes.

"I am sorry, your son was found dead tonight. Can you come to the hospital and Identify the body."

"No!" Mizuho screamed. Her parents looked pale. Outside the screams coming from the apartment could be heard down the block.

School was canceled the day of the memorial service. Everybody went to the service. Keigo had more friends then he knew. To bad he was not here to enjoy their company, or to cheer everybody up. He was good at making people laugh. There were a few sad smiles and even some laughed as people told stories to each other about Keigo. Ichigo would hear, "Remember when Keigo..." He'd move out of hearing only to be assaulted with, "Remember that time he jumped out the window..."

"Remember, remember, remember..." Ichigo hated it half of these people had never even talked to him. Now they all acted like they had been best friends with him. Ichigo had other things to worry about. Keigo's parents asked him to give the eulogy seeing as he was Keigo's closest friend, 'that's bullshit you know,' he heard an evil voice laughing at him.

'Shut the fuck up!' He tried to silence his inner hollow. It only laughed.

'He was pathetic. I don't know why you didn't just break his neck one of those times he tried to jump on you,' The thing chuckled.

Ichigo's eyes widened in sorrow. How many times had he physically hurt his friend. He had lost count.

Things were finally starting to quiet down. A man Ichigo recognized as Keigo's grandfather stood up to speak. Ichigo had only met the man once, but he had seemed very kind, "Today we are here to remember my beloved grand son, Keigo Asano. He is-was very dear to me. As all my grandchildren are. He was a bright light in the world and I know the world is a dimmer place without him in it."

Ichigo's lip was trembling he didn't know if he could go up there and speak about a boy who he abused and neglected; and yet loved like a brother. His mind trailed off to one of the many times he had rescued the little brunette from a bully. His hazel eyes were wide with fear as the bully began working him over. He was punched his stomach until he actually threw up. Ichigo, knew the kid was pathetic, but he saw pleading in the kid's eyes, "Help!" He had asked for help a lot after that. Ichigo did not mind. The kid was annoying, but he needed Ichigo. Being needed by someone felt good, no it felt great.

'So what, was the Asano boy just an ego boost for you?, The monster inside asked a legitimate question.

'No I needed him too. He helped me keep my humanity,' Ichigo was finally thinking straight and he wanted to honor Keigo's memory with dignity.

Then he heard his name..."Ichigo Kurosaki, has been asked to say a few words on behalf of the family."

He got up, his lip still trembling. Tears brimming. He approached the podium. His hands were shaking so badly that he had to grip the podium just to stop them. He started

"...Keigo Asano was many things, but most important," He inhaled, "He was lively. He-he never seemed to be able to sit still. I know many people found that annoying. I loved it about him though. He was never boring-" Ichigo had to stifle a sod. His tears flowing freely. Nobody from school had seen the tall orange haired boy cry, ever. It didn't look right, yet there he was practically bawling.

Ichigo regained his composure and continued, "He was a vital part of many of our lives. He was affectionate to a fault and simple. He made me laugh and many of you know how hard that was to accomplish."

He saw Tatski, teary-eyed, nodding an encouraging smile at him. Orihime, Chad and Rukia too were smiling through tears, "Keigo was a great friend. He'd often claim to hate a person for some petty reason, but then he'd soon be smiling and friendly like whatever had been bothering him had never happened." Uyru was looking stoic. Ichigo almost smiled at how much Uyru has annoyed Keigo. He acted like the guy was stealing his best friend.

"Keigo was loyal to a fault, He-he deserved better, he gave better, then he got..." At this point he couldn't say anymore he had lost control. He slumped down and shuffled away from the front. He had to leave. He stopped before He left. He took, Keiko's mother's hands and said, "I'm so very, very sorry." He managed to get far enough away before he left his body so he could scream at the top of his lungs and cry like he had been wanting to.

Rukia, Chad, Orihime, and Tatski turned in the direction of the screams. Nobody else, spiritually aware or not, moved.

To be continued...