A promise is a promise! Thank you to all of my reviewers and everyone who read Waiting to be Reunited. This fanfic was my very first story and I am proud of how successful it has gotten. This is a little treat of a day with Inuyasha and his new family. To help you guys out a little, I made a list of the children and how old they are supposed to be. (Yumemi-15, Kaito-9, Shizou-7, Ami-3) As for Miroku and Sango's kids (Kotoko and Kotomi-15, Keita-13, Kuro-11, Kohaku-8, Kiyo-5) Isn't is werid how they all start with 'K'. It kind of just happened, no joke! Inuyasha's kids do not have doggies ears, even though that'd be really cute. I figured since they were only a quarter demon they should have more human features. Although, they are a bit stronger then your average human. To give you a general idea of what the other three kids look like, they all have Inuyasha's eyes. Shizou has white hair, Kaito and Ami have black. Yumemi is the only one with light brown hair since that's how she originally looked. Enjoy the bonus! I LOVE REVIEWS!

Bonus Story

~3rd Person POV~

9 years later

"Ami! Don't wander off!" Yumemi called after her little sister. "I am not going to look for you when you get lost."

"Ami wants to go exploring," The three-year old pouted.

"She's speaking in third person again?" My brother Kaito sighed and shook his head. He flipped open his math workbook and began to scribble down numbers. Since we couldn't attend public school back in the modern era, mom forced us to be home schooled. I glanced down at my geometry.

"Hey Kaito, wanna switch math books?" She asked sweetly.

"No way. Don't tell me you want to review third grade math. Do you suck at school that much?" He stuck his tongue out at her.

"I have all A's right now smarty pants!" Yumemi stuck her tongue out back at him, being the mature fifteen-year old she was.

"Are you fighting again?" Kagome walked into the hut with medical herbs.

"Mommy!" Ami jumped up, "Ami has been very good. Can Ami go outside now?"

"Sure, sweetie. We'll head out to Aunt Sango's house in a moment. Yumemi, have you seen your father or Shizou?" Kagome directed her attention back to her daughter.

"I think dad wanted to show him how to exterminate a demon over in the next village. Miroku brought Keita and Kohaku along as well."

"What? Why didn't he bring me? I'm older then Kohaku and Shizou!" Kaito shot up and threw his book on the floor. "It's not fair…"

"Shizou's too young to go watch his father kill a demon! He's only seven! I'm having a talk with Inuyasha when he gets back," Kagome muttered to herself.

"Take a chill pill mom. Keita and Kohaku started their training when they were six," Yumemi tried to back up her father.

"Ami wants to slay a demon, too!" The little girl jumped up and down excitedly. Her black pig tails bouncing with her.

"Not you too," Kagome sighed.

"Yumemi! Are you done with your homework yet?" Kotoko and Kotomi peeked into the hut, "They're some boys our age who are visiting the village!"

"Really! Mom, can I go out now? I'll finish when I get back," Yumemi begged her mother.

"Alright, fine. But don't go getting into trouble," Her mother watched as the three girls screamed with delight and headed out the door.

"Can I go and catch up with dad?" Kaito asked.

"No, but you and your sister can come with me." Kagome picked Ami and motioned for her son to follow.

"It's not fair," He mumbled while reluctantly following his mother. She ruffled his white hair and he swatted her hand away.

"I've been thinking we can go back to the modern era tomorrow. We can re-stock on goodies and go see a movie. Grandma wants to see you guys every once in awhile," Kagome tried to cheer him up.

Kaito looked at her with big eyes, "Really? But we just saw them a few weeks ago. I thought the jewel could only take us every few months?"

"I don't mean to brag, but your mother has been purifying the jewel faster these days," She smiled to herself. Kaede had passed away a few years ago, making her the head priestess of the village. She had been growing stronger recently, now that she was sure she was done having kids.

"Ami wants to purify the jewel too!"

"When you're older, I'll start giving you lessons," Kagome promised.

"When did Yumemi start getting lessons?" Ami asked excitedly.

"I think she was about eight. So you'll have to wait a few more years."

"When is dad going to start training me how to use Tetsuiga?" Kaito looked hopeful.

"I'd prefer that he not teach you," Kagome couldn't imagine her son leaping into danger with the sword. He was only a quarter demon, so would he even be able to use it?

"Dad said he'd teach me! He said he would! I'm older then Shizou so I should inherit the sword, right?"

"Not exactly," Kagome thought back to how much Sesshomaru had wanted the Tetsuiga. He was the oldest, but he ended up with Tensaiga instead. "It depends, but don't go getting your hopes up."

"Kagome!" Sango waved at her friend as Kuro and Kiyo followed their mother. "Where are the girls?"

"They went off to flirt with some boys. Did you know Miroku took your sons out to exterminate a demon?" Kagome set down the squirming Ami.

"He's trying to sway Kohaku to be a monk. Keita ended up being a demon slayer after all," Sango smiled proudly.

"But Kohaku's only eight!" She protested.

"Are you worried about Shizou? He'll be fine, trust me. Inuyasha just wants his sons to become strong like him."

"All but one son," Kaito murmured, still angry for being left behind.

"I'm sure you're right." Kagome said hesitantly.

"How's that Takishima guy?" Sango changed the subject, not wanting to cause more worry for the mother.

"Oh, he's good. Him and Ayumi just celebrated their seventh year anniversary. I babysat their two kids and all hell broke loose. I don't know how you juggle with six kids. Four is enough for me."

"It takes practice. And what about Mirai? I haven't seen her since she came back with you to visit."

"She's only twenty-six, but she already took over her father's company and restored it to its former glory. Being blind sure doesn't seem to be an obstacle for her," Kagome smiled thinking about Takishima and Mirai. They went through so much trouble helping her ten years ago and she could never thank them enough for what they had done for her family.

"Daddy's back!" Kiyo spotted the monk in the distance. Kagome squinted and tried to find her son.

"Yo!" Inuyasha landed right in front of the group with a smiling Shizou on his back.

"Why didn't you tell me you were taking him with you?" Kagome put her hands on her hips.

"Come on, he was safe with me," He set down their son, "Didn't you enjoy yourself?"

"Yes!" Shizou nodded and smiled.

"Why didn't I get to go?" Kaito marched up to his father, "I'm older then him!" He pointed at his little brother.

"You went last time. Don't worry about it squirt," Inuyasha ruffled his son's hair and again he swatted his parent's hand away.

"Papa!" Ami hugged her father's leg, "Ami wants to go next time, too!"

"We'll see," He picked up his daughter.

"Mom!" Kohaku came sprinting up to Sango, "You should've been there! The demon spit out this acid stuff and Keita totally helped take it down! I wanna be a demon slayer like him!"

"So much for him being a monk," Miroku sighed and caught up with the group.

"I'll be a monk papa!" Kiyo smiled up at him.

"Kiyo, if only you were born a boy! You're my only grateful child!" He hugged his daughter and joyful tears fell down his face. Kuro and her brothers exchanged eye rolls. "Where are the twins?"

"They're busy looking for fiancés," Sango crossed her arms around her chest, "They're flirts just like you were."

"What? I won't stand aside and watch my daughters be taken away by such ungrateful men! They're too young to even consider marriage!" Miroku took off towards the village.

"They're fifteen! They'll kill you if you mess this up for them!" Sango yelled after her husband.

"Is Yumemi looking for a fiancé too?" Ami asked her father.

"What? She's down there too?" Inuyasha looked at Kagome, "How could you let her go off with guys like that?"

"She can handle herself," Kagome sighed, knowing how protective her husband could be.

"Like hell she can!" Inuyasha took off after Miroku with a delighted Ami giggling in his arms.

"Wait, Inuyasha!" She called out to him, but she knew she couldn't stop him from being an over-protective father. "Yumemi is going to kill him."

"Let's head on after them," Sango sighed.

"Is dad gonna be like that when I'm older?" Kuro asked her mother.

"Yes, he will. I'm so sorry," Sango smiled at her daughter.

"Priestess Kagome! Thank goodness I found you! One of the elders fell and hurt herself. Can you come quickly?" One of the villagers ran up to them out of breath.

"Yes of course. Sango, can you watch Kaito and Shizou?"

"I don't need to be babysat," The moody Kaito muttered.

"Neither do I!" Shizou overheard his brother.

"Go with Sango to see your father. I'll be back later," Kagome headed off with the villager and smiled to herself.

~Later that evening~

Kagome and Inuyasha sat down next to each other watching the sun set. Yumemi and her siblings sat next to them and bickered among themselves.

"Yumemi has gotten a lot stronger, I'll give her that much," Inuyasha rubbed his bruised cheek. After he had shown up to stop his daughter from talking with boys, she had given him a piece of her mind.

Kagome kissed his bruised face, "You got off lucky. Miroku had two demon slayer twins beat the crap out of him. He won't be moving around for at least a week."

"Feh. I didn't even do anything. Those guys didn't deserve her." Inuyasha defended himself.

"Yes yes, I'm sure you're right." Kagome leaned on his shoulder. "You're just an overprotective father. She'll get over it by tomorrow."

Inuyasha smiled to himself and placed his arm around his wife.

"Can you guys like not? I don't want to watch you guys have a full on make out session," Yumemi glared at her father and looked away.

"What's 'making out'?" Ami asked her older sister.

"It's when mom and dad do gross stuff," Kaito answered.

"Ewwwww," Ami giggled.

"Not even. I read it in a manga. It's like a kiss but you use tongue," Shizou happily explained.

"Since when do you read manga?" Yumemi glanced at her brother.

"Since Uncle Takishima got me into it. They really aren't as bad as people make them out to be."

"Only girls read that stuff," Kaito rolled his eyes.

"No! There are boy mangas too!"

"Ami wants to read manga!"

Kagome smiled as she watched her children argue about the most ridiculous things. "I never thought this would possible ten years ago." She smiled at her husband.

"Neither did I," He put his chin on tip of her head.

"Thank you, Inuyasha," Kagome leaned up and kissed the only man she ever loved. I've never been so happy before in my life.

"Ewwwwwwww," The four children said in unison.

Note: If there are spellling or grammar errors, it's because I did not go over what I wrote. Fanfic is being weird and whenever I write something everything below it gets deleted, so tough luck for me! REVIEWING WILL MAKE MY DAY!