1 • 11 • 11

Believe the Unbelievable



"Everything happens for a reason."

Okay, my first attempt at a story. Enjoy. =]

Charlotte is Nicky's older sister. She is the offspring of Erica and Larry. She is fourteen now. She was a huge fan of history, and she lived with her mother, but one night Nicky insisted she spend a weekend with her father and brother at the Museum of Natural History a year before. She didn't hesitate. She wasn't a big people's person, and being there without much people would be fun.

Nicky sat on the front of the desk. Larry went to go do his rounds, and Rebecca, his girlfriend, went to go get Charlotte some coffee.

"Pretty cool." Charlotte nodded her head in approval as she looked around. She placed her bag of her ice-skating equipment behind the desk.

"It gets better." Nick smiled devilishly like he knew something she didn't. She looked at him questionably and cocked a brow.

"Oh really? How so?"

"You'll see."

Rebecca came back with a streaming, hot cup of coffee; just the way Charlotte liked it. Milk and sugar.

She took a sip, licked her lips, and looked at Rebecca.

"This is really cool. I could have so much fun in here."

"We all do." Rebecca said, sitting in her normal day seat at the desk.

"Oh come on. Why do both of you sound like your hidin' something." She said with a bit of her mother's drawl.

Charlotte thought it was just her, but she heard a crack behind her.

Rebecca just smiled more.

"If you turn around, you'll see."

"What?" Charlotte squinted in confusion, but obliged and turned around.

What she saw practically gave her a heart attack, at thirteen.

"Holy . . . " She mumbled under her breath. She was careful not to make any sudden movements. She always learned by watching the movies if you stayed still a dinosaur would just go right passed you. But, a dinosaur? She wasn't suppose to need this technique, ever. She stayed completely still. She was in shock. Frozen in fear. The dinosaur took a dog-like position, and sniffled out the new person. Charlotte bit her tongue, trying to not exorcise a scream. It wiggled its tail, and roared in her face, enough to send her ponytail back by force. It also had enough force to send her running. Which she did, as fast as she could. Her long, tied up blond hair flowing after her. Nicky smile faded as he chased after her.

"Don't run!" He called which made her run faster. Rexy enjoying the running girl, chased after her, to Charlotte's distress. She ran into the nearest room, that was open. She relaxed a little, knowing the bony dinosaur couldn't fit in here. She looked around.

She was in a bigger situation than before. This exhibit used to be her favorite every time she came here. The animals looked so real. They did now too.

The Hall of African Mammals. Of course. She thought too herself. Falcons and hawks echoed above, giraffes wondered, and lion's growled, in Charlotte's direction. There was one male, and a few females all snarling in her direction. Reflexing, Charlotte darted out of the room, the colossal cats chasing after her.

I'm going to die. Charlotte thought to herself. She was able to make it out, and her father quickly closed the door, almost getting slashed across the face by the untrimmed claws. Larry took a step back, but Charlotte was already down the hall, facing a new challenge.

"Damn! Really!" Charlotte said looking at the two Anubis statues pointing spears at her.

I'm going to die. By two twenty feet jackals. What a good way to go. Charlotte thought starring at them in fear. Her back shivered and froze with fright. The two brought their spears down blocking the exit, causing the adrenaline in her body to force her deeper into the tomb. It was obviously an Egyptian tomb.

They slowly walked after her their spears sharpened, and there faces twisted in angst at the threat.

She hopped over the sarcophagus in a James Bond kind of way, huddled in a position that looked like she was a fetus in a womb, behind the Egyptian coffin.

"Wait. If everything comes to life, that means . . ." She heard a crash, but still finished her sentence. ". . . mummy." She closed her eyes tight as she waited either for the Anubis figures, or the mummy to kill her.

But it obviously never came.

She just heard a man barking in a foreign tongue she never heard before.

Oh man. The mummy's gonna devour my brains. Great.

She felt a shake on her shoulders. She jerked back, even though her back was the sarcophagus.

"Stop! Don't touch me!"

"I didn't mean to offend." She heard. It wasn't broken English like she expected, it was fluent. She looked up, and she opened her eyes. It was foggy and hard to see. She was crying. She blinked her tears away and looked at the men who was literally shining with gold.

"Jesus Christ." She murmured, but he still heard her.

"What is a Jesus?" The man asked. She blinked, than shook her head.

"Who is Jesus? You mean. And he is God's son. Well, in my religion anyway."

He just nodded his head, and looked at her weird. She mimicked him.

"Who are you?"

"Um. Larry's daughter. Charlotte."

"Are you sure?"

She just nodded her head. "I'm pretty sure."

"Charlotte. There you are!"

"I almost died!" She told her father as he came around the side of the coffin. She looked up at him.

The Egyptian Pharaoh stood to full height which was about the same as Larry's height.

"Told you showing her like this would traumatize her." He said shaking his head. He helped her up, and Charlotte hugged her dad.

"Excuse me." Rebecca said with a sneer.

Charlotte just shook her head.

"Dad?" She asked in a rather pleading tone.

"Did I hit my head really hard to have a dream like this?"

"Char. Your not dreaming. Relax."

"I almost got stabbed by a twenty foot jackal."


"Not to mention I almost got eaten by a lion, and a T-rex."

"His name's Rexy." Nick jumped in.

Rebecca took Charlotte's hand and started to guide her out.

"Come on. Let's go to the lobby, and we'll explain."

She just nodded her head, still thinking she was crazy. Nick following behind them, and Larry ready to follow, but a certain pharaoh stopped him.



"You sure that's your daughter?"

"Of course she is."

"You positive?"

Larry just gave him a strange look.

"I had a daughter that looked exactly the same."

Again first story. This whole chapter was a flashback of Charlotte's first night. I wish I could type more but it's late. I'll have Chapter I up soon though. Please review. =]