Summary: Ciel Phantomhive is definitely an above average student in her, er, his first year of high school. What started off as a challenge to his authority, rather, a simple dare, ended up with him in a schoolgirl uniform being carted off to a public school. And now, for the sake of his pride, he must pretend to be a girl in this school and keep this secret. But what if a young, sexy teacher finds out his secret? And takes advantage of it? One name: Sebastian.

A/N: Hey! Well, I looked at my user stats today… and found out how pathetic I was. But thank you, 18plusforme! I really wish I could find ALL the people out there who favorited any of my stories/added it to alerts/reviewed it and give them one big huggly glomp. I'm keeping track of my fanfictions. This is my third! Actually, I'm SUPPOSED to be doing homework right now, but, just totally like me, I got distracted. Typical, eh? From 1-8pm I was at the mall with my friends celebrating Naomi's birthday. This is a fanfiction PRESENT for ya~ I was planning on a KHR fic, but then being Naomi's late bday, I'll make it Kuroshitsuji. This chapter specifically will be short because I don't have time at the moment. Enough of my rambling, without further ado…

Schoolgirl Ciel

Giggling. It was coming from the 1st year's high school dorm. To be more specific, it was coming from that room. Here in Ms. Wise's School for the Reserved, which was, ironically, an all-male dormitory school, students each had their own room and were given much freedom. The rooms were classy and large, catered to that one student's needs, and only the elites could afford to attend school here.

In a large, posh bedroom sat a group of huddled figures on the overly large, plush bed. They were all boys, but, unfortunately they were not doing what a fangirl may think. Not that early in this story. In one boy's hand was an iPod. He held it close to his face, so no one could peek over his shoulder as he eagerly tapped the screen. Looking up, he defiantly smirked at the boy in front of him, who was small in stature, but radiated pride all around.

"Ciel… Truth or dare?" The former boy spoke, flicking his eyes back to the iPod. He had blonde hair which matched his pale skin, which in turn matched his mischievously sly smile and crazed eyes.

"Dare. Of course." The boy who was Ciel huffed, brushing his dark blue hair back. The crowd of boys leaned closer.

"You do know we're playing the dirty version (1)?" The blonde grinned.

"Yeah. So? I'm not a sissy, Alois." Ciel huffed once more. He wondered why Alois had invited him to play truth or dare. They basically hated each other! Something was up, but he couldn't refuse, since Alois' father was the head of the school.

"Alright." Murmurs were whispered throughout the group sitting on the bed. None of them had chosen dare yet. Like a typical truth or dare game.

"Then… Dress as a girl in a school uniform without your undergarments on and seduce someone in the room," Alois read off. Apparently, on his iPod was a Truth or Dare app. He snickered and the group joined him.

"Well, I don't think you own a sailor uniform, so I can't really do that now, can I?" Ciel got off the bed, glaring at the snickering boys. Was that really the dare? Or were they fooling with him? He knew it was the dirty version, but he didn't think it would be that dirty.

"That's true…" One guy chorused. The others nodded with him.

"Maybe not… but how about we keep that dare in place for a week or so. Maybe we'll find a chance to make Ciel dress as a girl." That sly Cheshire smile reappeared, annoying Ciel to no end. He didn't know which one he found more annoying, Alois' freakishly happy smile, or his crafty one.

Alois noticed his suspicion, but only grinned wider. He just couldn't wait until tomorrow. "It's getting late. I don't want to play this anymore," he said with a pout as he buried his head in the covers of the bed.

Most of the boys agreed with him, and headed back to their dorms to sleep. Ciel lingered behind, his eyes looking for the slightest falter that would let him know Alois' plan.

"You should go back to your dorm too, my dear Ciel." Again with that Cheshire smile. He turned on his foot and stepped out of the room, heading to his own dorm.

"Young master Ciel, it's time for your tea." Ciel opened his eyes slowly. Morning light was rushing in through the window. He looked to his side, only to see a female maid pouring his tea. (A/N: Sorry, Sebas-chan doesn't come in this chapter… ^^; NEXT CHAPTER!) "Here you are, young master Ciel. Your breakfast will be served shortly in the dining hall."

Ciel nodded absentmindedly, sipping his tea. It was chamomile today, as fragrant as ever, though he honestly preferred Earl Grey. As the maid made motions to undress him, he stopped her.

"Go. I do not need help to undress today." It wasn't the fact that the maid was female; he had them help him change clothes all the time. He just needed some time to think alone whilst he drank his tea. The maid bowed and left without a word.

Sighing, he put down his cup and proceeded to make his way to his walk-in closet. Today was Saturday, which meant that there would be no classes. When he reached the closet, he heard a creak, followed by a timid head popping into his room. "C-Ciel-kun, Alois called us into his room again for Truth or Dare… And he wants us to come now."

Truth or Dare? In the morning? Was Alois out of his mind? Nevertheless, he followed the timid boy to Alois' room, where only a select few people were waiting, less than last night.

"Ciel, hello! It's so nice to see you again!" Alois waved him over, treating him like a good friend, when only about a week ago, they were throwing verbal rumors and accusations at each other.

"We just saw each other less than a day ago," muttered Ciel under his breath.

"What did you say?" Alois asked innocently, "Anyways, remember that dare you got last night?" The innocent tone was replaced with a more mischievous one.

"Yeah?" Ciel knew where this was going.

"Well, we've found out a way to make you do it! Isn't that fantastic? Unless… you're scared to do something like that?" Alois knew his weak points, and that his pride would never let down a challenge.

Without skipping a beat, or waiting for Ciel's response, Alois went into his closet, rummaging inside until he came up with something, pulling it out. Ciel's heart sank. No way in hell.

What Alois had pulled out was a rather skimpy sailor uniform. The top looked more like a midriff, and the ribbon that normally was pulled around the neck was way longer than the shirt itself. The skirt was worse. It looked more like a skimpy piece of fabric, ready to blow off in the wind. Not only that, it was short. If Ciel were to actually wear that crap, it wouldn't have even covered his ass.

"Alois… There's no way I'm doing this. I'm… not." Ciel looked him straight in the eye, flat out refusing.

"Oh? It's too bad… Get him!"

Ciel whipped around, assuming that a bunch of boys were going to tackle him and force it on, but none of that happened. Instead, a bucket of fluid—which wasn't guaranteed to be water—flew at him and completely drenched him in the liquid. The poor boy just stood there for a couple of minutes, trying to figure out what the liquid was, when he realized. Where had Alois gone? He was no longer in the room!

"Looking for me, Ciel? I'm right here~" A chuckle resided from the door. "Oh dear… Look at what a mess you are! You need a change of clothes don't you?"

"Yes. I do," Ciel growled, "Now, excuse me." He stomped out in his wet pajamas to his room, and flung open the closet door, and… gaped. In sheer horror.

His closet. All his clothes! They were gone! All he saw was… the sailor uniform Alois showed him earlier and in addition, a cheap looking wig. So, Alois must have slipped out to grab his clothes and replace them with the uniform.

He shivered. It was damn cold. And what was that fluid anyways? From the dark, murky color, it was definitely not drinking water and it stunk. Like hell. He heard a knock at his door and a note slid under. Grabbing the note, he read aloud,

"Tee hee, Ciel. If you're wondering, one of the toilets in the bathroom yesterday overflowed. As you should already know, our dorm was sent out to clean in up. Well, guess where all that overflowed water went. Right into that bucket that accidentally was thrown at you. I suggest you change clothes quickly. Your caring friend, Alois."

As soon as the letter was finished, it was violently torn apart and fluttered to the floor in pieces. Ciel's attention now turned to the uniform. Right next to it was another note.

Oh, since we're nice, we'll give you undergarments. I hope you know how to put them on~

More horror and shock struck him. Two pieces of undergarments lay side by side. One had a post it labeled "bra" and the other said "panties". Was he… really going to have to wear this?