Disclaimer: I do not own Dragonball/Z/GT.

Chapter 1: All Aboard for Chaos

"Aw, but c'mon Videl!" Gohan was pleading. "You know how my mom gets about my studies. After all that time spent trying to save the world from Buu, I missed a lot of school."

"Hmph! Nice try," grunted Satan's daughter. Her blue eyes ignited with a peculiar flash of lavender as she intensified her don't-mess-with-me-or-you'll-cease-to-exist glare. "We all know that the world was too busy being dead to keep school in session. We've missed absolutely nothing, so quit acting like you're behind in school, and listen up."

Whimpering like a puppy that understood the meaning of "neuter", Gohan scooted backwards in his chair until he thumped against his desk. A stack of textbooks promptly spilled across the floor, and although the silence was momentarily broken, the tension just seemed to increase tenfold as the girl continued her slow advancement.

Videl exploded, "First of all, where were you this morning when I was being chased down the street by a mob of fully armed, escaped prisoners? It makes no sense for Saiyaman Two to be out there without Saiyaman One! And what the heck were you doing when all those drunks downtown started shooting flaming arrows at my head?"

"Videl, I—"

"Furthermore, what happened to you meeting me for lunch? I'll have you know that I waited fifteen minutes outside in the freezing cold, thinking that you'd show up!"

"Yeah, and you promised that you'd take us to the park!" added two other voices.

Gohan looked past the angry Videl to see none other than Trunks and Goten scowling at him from his bed.

"Geez, not you guys too," groaned Gohan miserably. "Look everyone, I'm really sorry. I guess I've gotten carried away with all my studies. Tomorrow, I'll put them aside and really make this up to you guys somehow."

"We want ice cream and candy and doughnuts and cake!" demanded Goten.

Trunks crossed his arms and nodded in agreement. "And you have to take us to the park for the entire day!"

Food and supervision, huh? Well that's simple enough. Looks like I'm in luck! thought Gohan to himself, chuckling in relief. He then glanced at Videl who was tapping her foot furiously against the wooden flooring. Heh, well so much for luck.

"So erm, Videl, what is it that you'd like?"

"I want you to suffer."

Gohan blinked. "H-huh?"

"You. Will. Suffer."

A very audible squeak escaped Gohan's throat as he asked again, "B-but…huh?"

"SHE WANTS YOU TO SUFFER!" yelled Trunks, coming to his friend's aid.

"Yeah, I got that!" shouted back Gohan, clearly flustered. Then, more as a desperate plea than a command, he yelled, "Now you two, get out of here and quit barging in on us!"

"Barging in is better than spying, isn't it?" questioned Trunks in a smart-aleck tone.

"Uh-huh!" said Goten. He pouted and crinkled his nose as he continued, "You guys are always kissy-kissy and gross when you don't know we're here."

"Not always," corrected Trunks. "Remember how sometimes they just sit there and do nothing like a bunch of logs? That, or Videl yells at Gohan like she is now. She gets angry a lot. My dad said that's what women are biologically designed to do though, so I guess she can't really help it."

Goten quickly defended, "She's not always mad at Gohan! They train together and have fun, too!"

"True. After they're done sparring, she mostly ends up yelling at him anyway though. Remember that one time when Gohan accidentally sent a ki blast with too much force and gave her a bruised cheek? She got so mad that even I was scared I was gonna die, and we were hiding in a bush almost half a mile away!"

"Oh yeah. That was pretty scary."

Like heat evaporates water, Videl's sudden humiliation had caused her prior rage to vanish. "H-hey! You guys can't just go spying on us!"

"Exactly how many times have you guys spied on us?" asked Gohan. Although his blush was no match for Videl's, his face was still alarmingly red.

The two boys, having forgotten the presence of the very individuals who they were gossiping about, turned to face the two teens and gulped. Sweat beaded from their foreheads as they stammered reassuring words in an unintelligible order and waved their hands before them as if to ward off an incoming onslaught. Sure enough, Gohan lunged forward and lashed out with a firm hand outstretched.

"Run!" yelled Trunks, springing off the bed.

Unfortunately, the command had come too late for Goten who was struggling to escape from his brother's powerful bear hug. Having too much dignity to leave a friend behind, Trunks hurled a ki blast straight at their attacker's head. Instinctively, Gohan dodged the energy sphere and then immediately regretted his act of stupidity as he heard the shattering of a pot where his plant was now thoroughly destroyed.

During his brother's momentary distraction, Goten squirmed away, tripped on a pillow, tumbled off the bed while dragging down the sheets, and then struck his head against the end table with a profound konk! The table quaked, and just as Trunks thought it was going to tip over, it collapsed upon itself completely with a crash.

"Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!" yelped the miniature Goku as a lamp, an alarm clock, and splinters of wood fell upon his face.

Seeing that Gohan was now coming for him, Trunks did the first thing his brilliant mind could think of. He sidestepped towards the speechless Videl, grabbed her by the wrist, and flung her towards Gohan as if she was a weapon. Then, he dashed towards Goten, grabbed him by the feet, and dragged him hurriedly out of the room.


More silence.

Then a scream.

"All right! What's going on here?" screeched Chi-Chi, standing in the doorway with her hands on her hips.

Gohan, flat on his back on the floor, opened his eyes. It was dark. Warm. And soft? It was only as Videl rolled off of him that he realized she had fallen onto him. Her chest had been pressed against his face. He blushed. "M-mom! We were just…uh…"

"Don't give me any of your lies, mister! I'm not mad, all right? Just close the door next time. And lock it. There's kids in the house, after all!"

"Wait, no! It's not what it looks like!" burst Videl. "Goten and Trunks were just—"

Before the two teens could defend themselves, to prove to the mother that she was all wrong, the woman marched away, humming away happily at the thought of having a grandchild in nine months.

At last, Gohan leapt back to his feet and helped Videl up. "You okay?"

"I'm so humiliated I could die. Does that sound okay to you?"

"N-no…but c'mon, I'm really sorry…"

Videl gave a sly smirk and began walking out the door. "Don't worry about it. For now, enjoy your books. But be ready for tomorrow."

The demi-saiyan scratched the nape of his neck and tried his best to make light of the situation. He laughed nervously, "Ha, what's happening tomorrow? I'm not going to wake up dead, am I? Heh-heh…"

Videl merely shrugged and left the room.

Gohan gulped.