Disclaimer: I do not own Chronicles of Narnia or C.S. Lewis! Only my OC's. I hope you enjoy my story, REVIEW! :) Meghan out :P

I used to wish and dream, but that was all taken away from me when I was 16. That was when my mother made me eat the apple of immortality. She was never like a mother to me, she treated me like a piece of dirt. The only reason she wanted me to eat the apple was because she wanted me to be her little minion forever, I refuse to do so. Today is my 80th birthday, I'm an 80 year old woman trapped in a 16 year old's body. Of course, I can die, but only if I fall in battle, which is highly unlikely. I'm the best warrior in Narnia, well according to my mother I am. My mother is Jadis or as she calls herself "Queen of Narnia" but she is far from it. Everyone calls her the White Witch, I do as well. She turns everyone to stone with her evil wand, that is her only source of power, without it, she is nothing. I've tried several times to break the wand but failed miserably.

My name is Evelyn. No one knows that I'm the White Witch's daughter, only mother's secret police know. I've been trapped in my dark room for weeks now, waiting for my mother to give me a mission. It's the only time I'm allowed out of the palace, I'm a prisoner in my own home. Fantastic, right? So as of right now, I'm practicing my magic. Did I mention that I have magical powers too? Mine are different though, I use them for good, not evil. I don't need a wand unlike my mother. I can control the elements, mainly ice though thanks to mother dearest.

"Evelyn!" Mother's shrill voice rang throughout the castle. I have a new mission.

I raced to my door and bolted down the icy staircase. "Yes mother?" I asked timidly.

"I have a new mission for you. There are humans in our midst," My breath got caught in my throat. Humans? I thought Impossible, the prophecy must be coming true. My heart swelled with joy, I concealed my happiness from my mother. "I want you to bring then to me," She paused. "alive."

"As you wish, mother." I bowed and went to my room to prepare for the journey. I changed into some black leggings and a white tunic along with my black boots. My sword laid in the corner of my room, it looked like pure evil. I despised it, but alas, it was my only weapon. Slowly, I put the sword on my back and walked out of my room. Before I left I took one last look at my room, this would be the last time I would see it, I was sure of it. My mother's angry voice came to my ears. Another creature is about to be turned to stone. A couple days ago, a faun names Tumnus arrived. I tried to help him as much as I could, but it's not looking so good for him. I rushed down the staircase to see the creature before his fate. It wasn't a creature, but a human, he was a Son of Adam. I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Ah, Evelyn there you are." I paid no attention to mother, my focus was on the boy. "This is Edmund, a Son of Adam."

"I think I figured that out, mother." I said harshly.

"What did you say to me?" Her voice raised an octave.

"Nothing, bye mother!" I quickly ran out of the palace. It felt so good to be in the fresh air and not cooped up in a room. Snow fell down from the sky, it was so peaceful. I looked over to my right and saw the beaver's house. The Beaver's! They would help me, hopefully. I took off at full speed to the beaver's. The lights were on and I saw more than two figures in the house, one was in the shape of a man. It was the humans. I knocked on the door excitedly, I could hardly contain my excitement. The door opened to see Mrs. Beaver. She gasped and quickly closed the door. I put my foot out and stopped the door.

"I'm no harm to you Mrs. Beaver. You have to trust me." I said truthfully.

"Who is it dear? We have to go!" Mr. Beaver's voice said.

"It's the White Witch's assassin!" She yelled.

"I'm not an assassin, you have to believe me!" I yelled.

"Why should we believe you!" A man with blond hair and blue eyes said, he was very handsome. Wolves were heard off in the distance.

"Your life now depends on it. I'll try and distract them, go!" I said frantically.

"Princess! What are you doing here?" The chief of mother's secret police asked me.

"I'm following mother's orders. There is no one here." I said in a monotone.

"We shall see for ourselves." He tried to move past me but I moved in front of him.

"Don't you trust my judgment?" He looked at me suspiciously. He pushed me to the ground and the wolves ran into the dam, I hoped they were out. Once they were all in I ran to the back of the dam, all of them were there. "Thank goodness you all made it out safe." I let out a sigh of relief.

"Who are you?" A little girl with auburn hair and bright blue eyes asked.

"I'm Evelyn," I closed my eyes before saying, "daughter of Jadis."

They all gasped and backed away in fear.

"Please I mean you no harm, I'm here to help."

"She is right." A voice said, it was a fox.

"Get out of here you traitor." Mr. Beaver spoke up.

"I'm one of the good guys, it an unfortunate family resemblance but we can talk genetics later, right now we have to hide you."

"What do you have in mind?" The male asked.

Now here we all were, stuck up in a tree all thanks to a fox. My body stiffened as I heard the wolves come closer. This plan better work or else that fox is going to pay.

"Good evening gents." the fox said.

"Don't patronize me, I know where your allegiance stands. Where are the humans?" The Chief asked.

"Humans in Narnia? Now that's a useful piece of information." A wolf came up and bit into the fox's back.

"Now tell me, where did they go?"

"They went north." The wolf dropped the fox and the ran off. I jumped out of the tree and went to the fox, I examined him.

"Is he going to be alright?" The little girl asked me, I gave her a small smile.

"He's going to be fine, just need a little clean up and he'll be good to go."

"Thank you so much daughter of Jadis." The fox said.

"It's no problem." I gave him a smile and let Mrs. Beaver clean him up.

"Stop fidgeting, you're worse than Beaver on bath day." She said.

"Worst day of the year." Mr. Beaver told of us. I let out a small laugh. I looked at the second Daughter of Eve, I have to admit she is beautiful, with her dark brown hair and blue eyes, she was absolutely stunning. It was nothing compared to my chin length brown hair and brown eyes. I looked nothing like my mother.

"I'm sorry but that will have to be all the time for healing." The fox said getting up.

"Why? Where are you going?" The little girl asked.

"To see Aslan."

"Aslan? How is he?" Mrs. Beaver questioned.

"He's everything we thought he would be." The Fox replied. I smiled, Aslan is back.

The Fox soon left.

"If we want to get to the Stone table we have to go across the river." Mr. Beaver said.

"River?" The boy asked.

"The river's been frozen solid for a hundred years." I replied. "It's perfectly safe."

The boy just stared at me.

"I'm sorry, but I believe I never got your names." I said.

"I'm Lucy Pevensie." The little girl said she held her hand out and I took it.

"It's nice to meet you Lucy." I smiled.

"Oh and that's my sister Susan and my brother Peter. My other brother is with the White Witch."

"I know, I saw him before I came here."

"Really is he okay?" Peter asked.

"I'm not sure, but when I left it didn't look too good. My mother is ruthless woman, she will do anything until she gets what she wants. I was sent on a mission by her."

"And what was that?" Susan asked.

"To come get you three." I whispered quietly.