This set of drabbles are just Clark & Bruce in their everyday lives. It's about the inevitability of how a relationship can bring about change in a person.

Disclaimer: I DON'T own Superman and Batman, that is the privilege of DC comics.

Warnings: Fluff.


Cuddle- to lie close and snug; to nestle.

Most people, lovers, enjoyed cuddling every now and again and Bruce could accept that. Cuddling was a common occurrence between partners after all. He had, however, long realized that Clark Kent LOVED to cuddle as if it were a national past time. He was quite demonstrative around the manor or at his apartment, but when they got under the covers the Kryptonian did not fail to impersonate adhesive. The first time Bruce had gruffly commanded to be released and Clark had done so rather promptly. He'd growled out that he loathed being cuddled like some stuffed toy. Clark had pouted but had listened and Bruce thought that was the end of it. Boy had he been deceived.

All the subsequent nights were spent the same. He would fall asleep Clark-free and waken to the Kryptonian draped around him like a living breathing blanket. He would then elbow him and wriggle only to wince when the grip tightened and his Kryptonian blanket would whine in his sleep. Irritated and put out, he would rudely rouse the other man. Still halfway asleep Clark would stare at him as if he had no idea of what was happening and, after excessive nuzzling, would release him. It was the same every night they spent together.

Bruce wakened in his large bed, instantly noticing that he wasn't swathed in Kryptonian. He smiled triumphantly. After countless disagreements about Clark's nerve-grating affinity for cuddling he finally had his way. He'd won. His self-satisfied smirk grew. He loved winning.

He snuggled his head into his pillow, looking forward to falling asleep without fighting his way out of Clark's bear hug. He closed his eyes, ready to drift into a much-deserved rest. Sleep would not come. His brow knitted. After counting sheep, working advanced math problems in his head, and fluffing his pillow, he still remained awake fifteen minutes later. It was like the Sandman (not that he believed in such childish nonsense) had decided to amuse himself by giving him a bad case of insomnia when his body was exhausted.

The covers rustled when Clark moved in his sleep.

Bruce looked over his shoulder at the sleeping Kryptonian. A twinge of longing, which he promptly squashed with extreme prejudice, pricked him. No fucking way. He knew why he couldn't sleep but he refused to acknowledge it because the reason was ridiculously absurd. The reason he couldn't go back to sleep was because he was so used to being in the other's embrace, feeling Clark's breath tickling the crown of his head. No. No. No. He was not going to cuddle up to Clark like a two-year-old. He was Batman dammit, he could fall asleep on his own. He did not, repeat, did NOT need Clark to fall asleep.

He looked over at the Kryptonian's back, able to discern the muscle definition in the moonlight. Clark did look enticing and warm. The reporter was always warm, considering that his Kryptonian physiology made it so that his core temperature was a few degrees higher than a human's was (and it was three below zero outside). He tore his gaze away, chiding himself for such traitorous thoughts. He could and would fall asleep on his own.

An hour later, Bruce was still wide-awake, listening to the howling wind outside of the window. Great, it was probably blowing in a blizzard. His exhausted body begged for sleep even though it eluded him. He was frustrated. After all the instances he had scolded Clark for cuddling him he actually missed it. It was both ridiculous and understandable at the same time. After all, when two people had been lovers for about a year it was common to become accustomed to their partner's idiosyncrasies to the point of dependence.

His frown turned into a tired yawn and he blinked, turning to his side to face Clark's back. Goddammit. Clark had gotten under his skin and now he couldn't even sleep without being nearly smothered every night. Ridiculous. God he'd fallen far, but he considered it of little consequence. His face brightened. Clark needed, thrived off contact much more than him. Initiating a cuddle session, though uncomfortable, would prove beneficial to his lover. Therefore, he would do this for Clark's sake no matter how uncomfortable it made him (he convinced himself with this reasoning although another part of him staunchly begged to differ).

He frowned deeply, staring at the easy rise and fall of Clark's broad shoulders. Figuring he might as well cross the Rubicon, Bruce stealthily wormed his way to his lover. He snuggled up to the slumbering Kryptonian, body sighing at the all too familiar skin glancing against his chest. Despite misconceptions, Clark's skin was amazingly soft and smooth.

Clark shifted and mumbled incoherently before turning to face him. God he hoped Clark didn't wake up. His hopes were dashed to pieces when Clark jerked slightly and his eyes fluttered open.

"Wha-?" He mumbled, drowsily.

Shit, he was caught.

It took a sleepy Clark all of two seconds to realize Bruce had initiated their present cuddle-fest.

Bruce looked directly into those azure eyes twinkling in the moonlight and growled, "Don't say a word."

"Wasn't gonna."

The chuckle in the reporter's voice infuriated him. He snuggled close, nestling his head under his lover's chin, and nuzzled the other's neck. His heavy eyelids gradually began to close as sleep beckoned him.

"Bruce," Clark said quietly. He enfolded his lover in his arms, caressing his back gently.

"Huh?" He slurred drowsily, eyes now closed.

"You are a stubborn teddy bat."

Bruce scowled tiredly. He would kill Clark in the morning for that statement. Right now, he was going to sleep. However, as he drifted into sleep he couldn't help but think about how after a year of being together that it was inevitable that some of Clark's penchant for cuddling would rub off on him.

Chapter End.

-Teehee- For some reason this chapter thoroughly amused me. Read and Review please and if you did THANK YOU!

Ciao ^_*