Be ready for some intense confusion.
Duncan's POV
We just had a huge fight; one of our worst yet. There were heavy objects and words that her mother wouldn't approve of flying in the air. I kept convincing myself that I didn't care what happened from that point on, but I knew I couldn't hide from the truth.
As I was looking out my window, I saw a little girl about seven or eight years old walking down the street eating a lollipop, and, wanting to get the previous moments out of my head, I let the random and obvious questions start rolling through my mind.
How old is the girl. Why is she alone. What's her favorite flavor. How fast is the girl walking. What is her name. Is she homeless. Are her parents alive. If so, do they love her. Where did she get the lollipop from. Who in the right mind would give a little girl a lollipop then just let her leave the house all alone. Why did she continuously stare at her shoes. Does she have siblings. Does she have a dog, or perhaps a cat or hamster. Why is her hair blond and her eyes brown. When is she supposed to be home. Why is her dress purple. How did she get here. Where is she going. Where is she from. What is her favorite color. Who is she looking for. What is she looking for. Is she on a treasure hunt. Why am I asking so many questions. Am I supposed to answer them. Why would it matter. How many questions about this little girl eating a lollipop are there. Is she lost. If she was in fact lost, how come she wasn't asking any of the people walking by where she was. Is she an alien. Has she ever cussed. Has she ever pretended she were a pirate or a girl from a fairytale. How many lollipops has she ever eaten. Did she give the lollipop a name. What size is her shoe. Has she ever dreamed of being swept away by a night in shining armor. Does she believe in magic. How many times has she said the word 'uhm.' Can she hear. Does she have any disabilities. Can she sing. What is her favorite type of flower. Can she feel the weight of my eyes on her. Who is she.
As all these weird scenarios and stupid and pointless questions flew in and out of my mind, I knew only one truth. All of these stories I could make about the little girl would have been sad, unless you were behind the window with me looking out at her.
Uhm...yeahhh..this was definitely..different. Haha. But if anybody can tell me where I got this idea from, you get cookies. Lots and lots of cookies.[; And apparently pieces of writing like this have actually a name, it's called "flash fiction." Ya know, plot less, and more based on character and theme (fluff). :P It's the same with deal 'Gravity.' I was so excited when I found that out.:3 Haha. So I hope you didn't get too confused or creeped out while reading my pointless little one shot.(: And if you did..sorry.^^; *hugs* Did you enjoy? Or do you just want to punch me in the face right now? Tell me in a review.(: Love, xXduncanxloverXx