I don't own anything but my OC Jayda Campbell (:

"Where da hell do you plan on going Granddad?"

"On vacation boy now shut up and let me pack!"

16 year old Huey watched as his Granddad packed his things for his trip to Hawaii. 14 year old Riley began to pull on the back of his grandfather's shirt, whining like the baby he is.

After Granddad went on his 2 week trip to Costa Rica 6 years ago, Huey and Riley didn't want Granddad to leave on another vacation.

"Granddad! Don't leave! If you put Huey in charge, he's gonna torture me! I'm gonna starve Granddad!"

"Grow up boy! I'll only be gone for 2 weeks! And who said I'm putting Huey in charge?"

Huey and Riley sighed in relief while Granddad put on his shoes.

"So whoz gonna be charge den?"

Right when Riley asked the question, the door bell rang. Granddad walked over to the door and opened it. Huey's smile grew while Riley's smile dropped into a frown. Jayda Campbell. Also known as

Huey's current girlfriend.


"Don't cuss boy! And why not make Jayda your babysitter? She's the most responsible girl I know and if she can handle Huey, then she can handle you too."

Everyone heard the cab beep outside the Freeman house. Granddad picked up his suitcase and walked out of the house, leaving the 3 teens in charge of the big home.

Jayda wrapped her arms around Huey's neck and gave him a sweet kiss on the lips.

"Hey there baby."

Huey wrapped his arms around his precious girl's waist and kissed back.


Jayda and Huey have been dating for 2 years and they loved each other dearly. Jayda had the same skintone as Jazmine which meant she's a halfer. She has long black hair that went past her cup D

chest,hazelnut eyes, a perky ass and an hour glass figure.

Jayda released herself from the hug and walked over to the kitchen.

"What do you boys want to eat for breakfast?"

Riley walked over and sat down in the dining room and looked over at Jayda, who was putting on an apron.

"How 'bout you give me a lap dance gurl"

Huey sat down across from Riley and glared at him.

"Shut your mouth."

Huey looked over at his girlfriend and gave a small smile

"How about some pancakes?"

Jayda smiled over at the two and nodded.

"Pancakes coming up"

Riley leaned back in his seat and crossed his arms.

"Dose pancakes betta be gud! Like REALLY gud!"

Jayda smiled and replied.

"Don't worry they will b-"

"No gurl! I ain't talkin' about IHOP pancakes! I'm talkin' 'bout orgasm spectacular pancakes! Pancakes that make me feel like I'm on crack! You know what I'm sayin gurl? THOSE kind of pancakes!"

Jayda looked up from stirring the batter and gave Riley an unusual look. Huey sighed at his idiotic brother.

"Shut your dumbass up Riley" Huey said as her turned the page on his newspaper.

"Whaaat? What'd chu say? You ain't the boss of me OR this house! Jayda is and she don't care if I talk like diz! Right homegurl?"

Jayda began to pour the batter on the hot, buttered pan and didn't turn around to answer Riley.

"Don't worry Riley. My pancakes are really good."

"Damn they betta be cause if they aren't, imma freak the fuck out!"

"Dat was sum guuuud pancakes gurl!"

Riley leaned back in his seat and rubbed his huge belly. Huey took the napkin and whipped his mouth. Jayda took the plates and began to wash them while Riley went to the living room to watch TV.

Huey walked over to Jayda and wrapped his arms around her waist. He rested his chin on her right shoulder and watched her wash the dishes.

"Want me to help?"

"No it's fine. Go watch TV with your brother."

Huey released his girlfriend and followed her orders. Huey walked into the living room to find his brother trashing everything in the living room. Huey dodged the flying objects and walked to his keen


"What da hell are you doing Riley? You're making a mess!"

"I know Granddad hid a jar of money somewhere 'round here! Help me search!"

"Hell no now clean up before Jay-"

The brothers heard a gasp and turned around to find a shocked Jayda. Jayda slowly stepped into the living room and looked around at the mess.


'Wherez the money gurl? I know you know where it iz! Tell me and no one gets hurt!"

"Your grandfather has put me in charge of the money. I'm not going to tell you!"


Huey held back his insane brother from attacking Jayda while Jayda began to clean up.

"Bring Riley to his room then help me clean up." Jayda ordered Huey.


Huey put Riley's hands behind his back and made him walk like a prisoner to the room. Huey pushed him in and glared down at him.

"Stay here while we clean up."


"I'm gonna ground you..again"

Huey slammed the door so he didn't have to hear Riley's protest. As he was walking down the stairs, the horrible memories from 6 years ago came flooding back.

"This is going to be a long 2 weeks".

I hope you enjoyed that :)
Please send reviews so I can improve on my writing. Thanks!