The women stood in silence as the dust began to settle. Their Christmas morning early lunch had been interrupted by an arrival that none of them had ever expected. The ground now had a fairly noticeable crater, and sitting in the midst of it was a circular metal object with a port hole on one side.

"What the Hell?" asked Dutch (not her true name, her real name was Molly but if anyone dare call her that they would find out why they called her Dutch), standing at a safe distance with a few of her fellow inmates.

"It isn't a bomb." commented Styx (another cell name, true name Linda) as she began to move closer despite some of her friends calling her back. "If it was it would have detonated on impact." she knew her ballistics, as she would since she was jailed for trying to blow up her ex-husband's office block.

"What if it's a remote detonator?" asked another woman with a shaved head, and a spider tattooed onto her neck. Her name, naturally, was Spider.

"Guys just shut up I think something's happening." Dutch said as the small object suddenly made a loud hissing noise and the door fell open.

When no explosion came the women moved closer to the device, all trying to see inside. What they saw astonished them. It was a baby, no older than a few months give or take and it was clutching a round ball which held a fish inside. The most striking thing, despite this baby having fallen from the skies, was its skin was blue as a clear sky in April. Wide, green eyes, stared out at them in wonder and the fish within the round orb simply glared with mistrust.

"A baby!" Styx squealed, unable to help herself and clapped her hands together.

"A baby?" Spider asked, as did many of the other women. Styx was the first to the capsule and reached in, and lifted out the baby.

"Check out the head on him!" said a lady as she walked closer as Styx held the baby in her arms. "Man I hope he was a C-section." she added with a grimace, to which many women agreed.

"Oh isn't he darling?" Styx asked as she smoothed her fingers over the baby's impressive cranium. The little fish still watched with mistrust, its tiny teeth bared at first but it seemed to understand that these beings weren't going to hurt the baby, and the teeth vanished and it simply smiled.

"So where'd he come from?" Dutch asked as she tapped the capsule with her foot, but withdrew quickly since it was surprisingly hot. "Space?"

The women glanced at one another before back to the baby, who was now sucking on a pacifier.

"That would explain the... well. Everything?" Styx asked, "But what do we do?"

"Warden'll be coming around soon, no doubt about that." Dutch said as she stroked her chin in thought. "We have to get him inside first, can't have him out here in this cold air unless we want him being sick." the women around her agreed, and despite the fact this would shorten their break outside a fair few of them went back into the prison.

They managed to smuggle the baby up into Dutch's room, but only after she had pulled down a risqué pin up she had of some male model posing on a kitchen table. No good subjecting a baby to something so disturbing. Styx sat on the lumpy, uncomfortable bed, the baby still secure in her arms. His eyes were so... vivid; none of them had ever seen eyes like this. They were bright green, the kind of color you only saw in paint, but even that failed to really describe the color they saw staring up at them.

Seeing so many people looking down at him the baby gurgled happily around his binky.

"Is he hungry?" asked Spider, "Christ, what can we feed him?"

"Does he need a new diaper?" asked another who had joined them, going by the name of Rory.

"Is it even a he?" Dutch asked.

They all paused in thought. "Good point. We better check." Styx said as she pried the fish in a ball out of the baby's hands. The fish began to swim round in little circles, and calmed once set on a pillow. "Ever seen a fish like that?" she asked as she searched to find the buttons on the one piece the baby wore.

"Looks like one of them bottom dwelling fish," Spider commented as she leaned closer to peer at the fish. "You know, angler? Look at the teeth on him. Little bit of piranha in there too I bet..."

"Yeah well don't go sticking your fingers in there to find out if he bites." Dutch said as she watched Styx work the blue one piece off the baby. She already had a suspicion it was a boy, why else dress it in blue?

"It's a boy all right." Styx announced a moment later, "And luckily no, he doesn't need a change. Yet." she buttoned back up the one piece and turned the baby around, so he was looking up at her. "Poor little guy. Your parents don't want you or something?" she asked softly, stroking the baby's large head as she spoke. "Well don't you worry, we'll take good care of you."

"Woah there." Dutch spoke up, "How can we keep a baby here? And a... a alien baby at that? I dunno about you but I don't think prison's the right place to raise a kid. Besides, how do we know the government isn't already on their way to collect him and wipe our memories of ever meeting him?"

"Then we should make sure we look after him good while he's here." Styx snapped back, holding the baby close now.

Dutch rolled her eyes, but softened softly. A lot of them were mothers, single or otherwise, and one couldn't deny the fact the little guy tugged on heart strings... especially when he looked at you and blinked those big green eyes innocently in a way only babies knew how. It would be nice, to have something around to distract them from the fact they were in jail. Sorry, women's correctional facility. Oh please, no matter how fancy they make it sound a prison was still a prison.

"Well he's got teeth." Styx said, "So he'll eat soft foods. Rory, go see if there's any bananas left from breakfast." Rory nodded and got to her feet and rushed off. They could mush the banana easily enough, and if the baby was hungry he'd eat. If not, he wouldn't.

"Are we going to name him?" Spider asked, "We can't just call him baby or babe. Kid'll develop a complex, and that's the last thing you want 'round here."

Those gathered fell silent in thought. To suddenly pull a name out of the air which would suit this little guy was... well. Pretty difficult. Styx watched him as he looked at Spider, probably quite taken by her bald head since it was just like his own. He giggled around the binky and clapped his hands together.

"How about just Blue?" Dutch asked. "Lil' Boy Blue."

"That's adorable." Spider snorted, "I hate it and love it."

"Blue." Styx echoed and held the baby up in front of her, and she eyed the little lightning bolt on the one piece. "From this day on your name is Blue. But none of us stuck with our real names so we won't blame you if you change it later down the track.

Blue simply giggled.