This is a short story from mostly Annabeth's point of view it is set in the middle of the school year after The Battle of the Labyrinth. Percy is now captain of the swim team at Goode High School, Paul and Percy's mom are married. If you want a soundtrack listen to "Please Don't Leave Me" by P!nk, "If I Die Young" by the Band Perry, "Time for Miracles" by Adam Lambert, and/or "The Harold Song" by Ke$ha.
It was Percy's first swim meet as team captain. Later he would wish he hadn't gone at all. We all would. I was standing with his mom and Paul in the stands. Percy was winning by a landslide. The crowd was going crazy. But someone had just showed up. Poseidon, his father. He was standing in front of one the front row seats.
Seaweed Brain finished in first place, big surprise. He came out wet, so he must have willed himself to do so. His mother and I ran down to hug him as he held up his arms in victory.
"And the winner is..." blared the announcer into a megaphone, "Percy Jackson of Goode High School! Mr. Jackson has also set a school record!" A school reporter snapped a picture of all three of with huge smiles plastered on.
"Meet us in the car when you're done, Percy," his mom told him. He nodded and she walked away.
"You should probably put some clothes on," I told them when things had quieted down.
He laughed. "Don't pretend you don't love the Speedo!" he said.
"Too bad for you I'm not pretending." I quipped. He had a goofy smile on and was trying to suppress laughter.
"Whatever you say, Wise Girl. Everyone knows you enjoy it." I rolled my eyes at him and he ran into the locker room to change.
I looked towards the stands, but the sea god was gone. I would have to tell Percy that he had been watching if he hadn't already seen him.
"Well, well. If it isn't Annabeth Chase," said a familiar voice. A shiver went up my spine.
"Isn't that a little cliché, Kronos?" I asked. What an awkward time. Even if I was all alone at the pool now, it was never a good time to see the titan lord. I turned and gasped. It was more than a little weird seeing Luke's face- his scar- with golden eyes. And, of course, Percy chose then to walk in, still pulling his shirt on over his head.
"Hey, Annabeth, I was thinking we could..." he broke off when he saw Kronos. "Oh. Crap."
Understatement of the millennium. I stood there looking back and forth between them. "Annabeth," Percy said slowly, "Make sure everyone's out of the building, then leave."
"What? Why?"
Instead of answering he pulled out his pen, uncapped it, and with a two-handed grip, thrust Riptide into the tiled floor. A huge jet of saltwater shot out of the resulting fissure.
"What are you doing?" I practically shrieked.
"I'm flooding the school," he replied calmly and slowly as the water pipes burst. "Now go."
I decided to listen to him then, just because he looked serious and focused, neither of which attributes exactly screams "Percy Jackson." He pulled Riptide, still in the floor, towards himself, making the jet bigger. The pool was over flowing. We were now standing in three inches of water. I ran to the hallway.
"There's a gunman!" I screamed. "The pipes burst! Everybody get out!" I hoped that would spread the news fast enough. There was nobody in the hallway anyway, and they would probably get the hint by the water covering their feet. I raced out the front door and straight into Sally Blofis. Shit.
She was frantic as she grabbed me by the shoulders. "Where is Percy?" Tears were streaming down her face. I looked behind me at the double doors. "Oh, no," she whispered.
"Don't worry, he won't drown..." I told her.
"But what's in there with him?" she asked.
"What?" Paul butted in.
Maybe I shouldn't have pretended he didn't say anything, but I did. "Kronos," I choked out. Mrs. Blofis let out a little squeak.
"What are you two talking about? Does this have something to do with freshman orientation?" Paul sounded like he thought we were all going crazy, including himself.
"Yes, it does."