Summary: Kagome is a full blooded Inu youkai. Her family were close friends with Inutaisho, Sesshomaru's father, and when he died, Kagome's father took his two sons in. But, Sesshomaru and Inuyasha, being as strong as they were, made their home a target, putting the young Kagome in danger. Not wanting it to be found out how powerful Kagome really was, her father sent her to the future to live with a friend of her mother's. Now, Kagome is 15, and old enough to defend herself, so she returns through the well, back to her own time. What happens when she meets a handsome Inu Youkai, but doesn't discover who he really is just long enough to fall for him?

SkyeSyren: Hey all! Hope you like my new story! Please review!

Disclaimer: Unfortunately, I do not own Inuyasha.


I lay in my bed, unable to sleep. Tomorrow was my fifteenth birthday and I was sure my "mother" had something special planned. She had been out all day doing errands. When I asked her if she needed any help, she just shook her head no and kept her lips tightly sealed, not telling me anything of her doings.

Suddenly, a thought came to me. What if I was allowed to go back home for a visit? I would get to see my parents again! Not to mention my childhood friends, Sesshomaru and Inuyasha, would be fully grown too! It would be so wonderful to see them again. I missed them terribly. I giggled, trying to imagine what they would look like. They had surely grown to be very handsome, if they had inherited any of their father's looks. Their mothers too, had both been very beautiful.

I soon drifted off to sleep, thoughts of the brothers in my head.

Opening my eyes, I found myself in a beautiful clearing. It was quite big, the surrounding trees forming a perfect circle around it. There were thousands of beautiful wildflowers, of all different shapes and sizes, all of them so beautifully coloured. The fragrances of the different flowers blended together into a harmonious perfume, the smell of it making me a bit lightheaded.

Looking down, I found that I was sitting among a cluster of bright red flowers for which I had no name and in my lap were flowers of different kinds, picked from the clearing. Picking some up, I started deftly weaving them together in an intricate pattern.

"Kagome-nee!" I suddenly heard a high-pitched voice call from behind me.

Turning around, I smiled at Inuyasha, saying softly, "Careful not to hurt the flowers."

Being careful of the flowers, he came up and hid behind me, his ears flat against his silky white hair. "Help me!" he squeaked. "Aniki's chasing me!"

I laughed softly, then looked up as I heard the soft pad of bare feet on the grass.

As a seven year old Sesshomaru came running into the clearing, his hair streaming behind him, I again said, "Careful."

Picking up his feet, he took four powerful bounds, and was across the clearing and in front of us within seconds.

Sesshomaru started yelling something about his sword being stolen and how he suspected it was Inuyasha, while his brother kept forcefully denying it.

Finally, not able to take it anymore, I stood up and faced Sesshomaru. Immediately, they both fell silent. Looking up at Sesshomaru, I smiled, gesturing for him to lower his head a bit. Although we were the same age, he was about half a head taller than me.

Looking confused, he tilted his head towards me, and I took the flower crown I had been weaving, and placed it on his head.

I giggled as he raised his head to look at me, putting his hand up to feel it.

"So pretty," I said, and he immediately blushed.

"I want one too!" demanded Inuyasha, and I laughed, giving him the other one I had made.

"You two shouldn't be fighting all the time because you never know when you might see each other again. You wouldn't want to part with such bad blood, would you?" They both shook their heads no. "Then hurry up and apologize!" I said to them.

I smiled as the two of them apologized and made up.


I was cut off by my alarm clock breaking me from my peaceful sleep. Getting out of bed, I quickly took a shower, brushed my hair, got dressed, and dashed out the door to meet my friends. We went to a paintball arena, stayed there for a few hours, had lunch at a pizza place, then went to a movie. I had lots of fun, but the whole day, that dream was at the back of my mind, filling me with a powerful sense of homesickness. By the time my friends and I arrived at my home, I was well and truly on the path to depression.

Opening the door, we walked into the living room and-

"Surprise!" shouted my foster family and friends, jumping out from behind the furniture.

Surprised though I was, I could barely muster up a smile.

When I saw the worried look on my foster mother's face, I tried my best and pushed my homesickness to the back of my mind. I smiled through the dinner and the pictures. I smiled as we were cutting the cake, and I smiled as I blew out the candles, and before I knew it, it was time to open my presents.

From my friends, I got new clothes, books, hair accessories, and the like, but when it came time to open my foster parents' gift, they just stood there, their grins stretching from ear to ear.

"Before we give you our present, sweetie, there's someone special who wants to see you," said my foster mother.

Just as she finished saying it, the doorbell rang and my foster father went to go get it, saying, "Looks like she's here now."

In the time it took him to come back, the mood in the room dropped considerably. I looked over at my friends, concerned. They just smiled and diverted my attention to my foster father, who had just returned with the guest.

Looking over at her, I immediately knew who she was, even with the human appearance she was wearing. She hadn't changed much in the past seven years. Her eyes were still the same golden colour, and her silky hair, I knew was still beautiful silver underneath all that black. Her face was gentle, and her every movement seemed to radiate love. I was frozen to the spot.

"Kagome," she said sweetly, and that one word freed me.

Breaking down, I ran into her arms, uttering a tear-choked, "Mom."

It felt like I stayed there for hours, in the safety of her arms, and yet, at the same time it seemed like it was over in a heartbeat.

Pulling away, she kissed me on the forehead, and said, "It's good to see you again, sweetheart. You've become so beautiful!"

I smiled through my tears. "Not as beautiful as you, though."

It was quiet for a second, then we both started giggling. Suddenly, a thought came to me.

"Mom, why are you here, anyway?"

"To take you home, of course!"

I was quiet for a second, then let out a scream.

"No way!" I shouted. "Really?"

She just nodded, smiling happily.

"I can't believe it!" I squealed. "When?"

"I was hoping to leave tonight."

I giggled happily, overcome with excitement. Then, I remembered that leaving meant I would also have to leave my friends and family over here.

Turning around, I saw my friend Yuka crying. Looking at me, she tried to smile, stuttering out, "I-I'm really h-happy for you, K-Kagome, but I-I don't want you to leave!"

Going over, I hugged her and the other two, who also looked upset. "I'm really going to miss you guys! But I promise I'll try to visit you as much as I can, so please don't be too sad."

She just sniffled once more then looked up at me and smiled, seeming reassured. "Thanks, Kagome."

I hugged them all once more, then turned to my foster parents. Smiling, I bowed low and said, "Thank you so much for taking me into your home and taking care of me for so long."

Coming out of my bow, I saw my foster mother about to start crying, but she just smiled through her tears and came over to hug me.

"There's no need to thank me, sweetheart. We did it because we wanted. You're like a daughter to us and we'll miss you so much now that you'll be leaving."

After she let go, my foster father came up and hugged me too.

"Remember to be a good girl. And don't forget to come and visit us once in a while."

I nodded and smiled at everyone once more before turning to follow my mother out the front door. I trailed after her, letting her lead the way to the shed housing the well that would take us home.

Standing in front of it, I looked down into its depths, not quite able to believe that I would finally be going down there again. I felt a hand on my arm and looked over at my mother. She smiled warmly at me for one second, then turned back to the well and jumped in. Taking a deep breath, I followed after her.