A/N: And here's Hayner and Seifer's story! I had a lot of fun writing this, but I also had a hard time with it as they are such a complex couple... O.o

Based on the fairy tale: Aladdin - very lightly of course. Their story begins somewhere in the middle of "Beautifully mean" Chapter two of Turning Points one. I hope you enjoy! Please read and review :)


I'd instantly disliked Cid when social services had put me in his care after my mother had died. Did I have a different choice than him though? Not really, so I had to deal. Nobody really knew he was my uncle. Nobody was aware that we shared a healthy amount of family drama as closest connection to one another. Except Pence and Olette. Because I'd chosen to tell them. Which is how we'd ended up talking for an entire night, spilling all our secrets out onto the ground. It's how we found out about our shared love for Queen, Futurama and Pizza.

Before that happened though... When Cid realized I wasn't ready to jump in his arms and hug the love out of him, he'd sent me to an all boy boarding school. Of course, his peace couldn't last forever and when high school was over and I loudly announced there was no way in hell he would pay for my college, Cid had reluctantly given me a job at his buddy's Xigbar in the Pizza Parlor next to his Garage and forced Cloud to let me have the extra room Tifa had vacated not long before.

I'd met Roxas and Sora in that boarding school - back then though, Demyx had been the only one working so he couldn't cover the expense of the boarding part in the title. Roxas was in my class and I soon developed an undying sort of love for him. It was ridiculous, mainly because my young and naive fragile heart soon realized Roxas was not available in that sense of the term, relationship. To get my revenge, I took his brother's virginity. Roxas wasn't at all affected by my stunt and Sora knew what he had gotten himself into the moment I put the flirt magic on him.

Ah, high school. Such drama... I do miss that.

Olette and Pence came into my life the moment I moved in with Cloud. Cloud frightened me a bit, he was very detached from what would categorize as normal human behavior, and I didn't know how to deal with that. I stayed out of his way when I could manage and if I was forced to be in the same room as him, we just didn't talk. Over the years we created a special roommate bond though. I still stayed out of his way but now I at least knew he appreciated it. It's called bonding...

Since Cloud wasn't going to be my new best friend, I'd poked my neighbors. They worked in the Pizza Parlor as well and they at least did know that normal human behavior was a yes. Considering how lost I felt at that point, I loved them quite instantly.

Everything was taking it's course rather willy nilly. I got up, ate breakfast, avoided Cloud, went to the skatepark, hung there for a while and then go back to the apartment complex to eat lunch with Olette and Pence. After lunch was eaten, we'd all go to work and wait patiently till our shifts were over. I ate so much pizza in my life, I was surprised I wasn't sick of it yet. I either watched television over at Pence and Olette's or on my own couch when I felt Cloud was somewhat ok with a person being present in his personal space. Shower and then bed. And then I did all of that all over again.

Since Roxas and Sora had dropped out of high school, I'd lost contact with them for a couple of years and the undying love I'd had for Roxas had started to fade without my realizing it. I hadn't thought of the brothers since life just went on after they'd dropped out.

It's when Sora came to work for the Pizza Parlor and effectively bringing contact back in order, that I realized a boyfriend wouldn't be such a bad idea. What I didn't know was that Roxas still hadn't sorted out his commitment issues and all he had been looking for was a one night stand. I'd felt cheated, but I'd kept my mouth shut. From what I understood, Roxas was willing to extend the one night stand to a couple of one night stands and... Yeah, I'd hoped at some point or another that he'd realize I was a good guy and treated my boyfriend's right. That the one night stands would show him he might care for me.

Of course it didn't work out that way, I needed to get my head out of the clouds, seriously. Fairy tales are wack.

So, I'd put my gooey heart on a silver plater, only so he could shove the platter back into my face, ending the friends with benefits deal - minus the friends part really - quite instantly. I'd been upset. I didn't want to show Roxas that though. God no. He'd just sensed I wanted more and freaked out. It's not like I actually told him I had feelings for him. I wasn't subtle about it, but subtle enough to keep my mouth shut.

Since I hadn't said anything, I thought whining to Sora would be my best option. Of course, by then? Sora had quit his job because he'd found a much better paying one at some guy's house. Riku was his name, Sora mentioned it more than once and if I didn't know any better, I could clearly see something pretty blooming in the back of Sora's head. The guy was practically glowing. Granted, the glowing was accompanied by a lot of swearing and irritation... But nobody was really capable of pissing Sora off. Riku apparently was though, so I figured - He's probably the love of Sora's life.

In any case. Every time Roxas waltzed into my life, I strongly believed I felt something that resembled something similar to love. I felt light, happy, bouncy and I constantly wanted to see him. Of course then he'd throw a cold bucket of water over me to wake me up from the dream. I'd end up heart broken and a month later I'd realize my pride was hurt more than anything else. And it was true. My pride took a hit, not my heart. I just had a hard time separating those two feelings from each other. It's how I'd let Roxas walk all over me again when he'd knocked on my bedroom door, looking completely messed up.

From the look on his face? I could instantly tell he was depressed. Depressed over another guy. If he was here to see me it was not because he wanted to see me, but he wanted to use me in order to remove the guy that actually did occupy his mind. This guy would later be introduced as the savior of Roxas' heart and to me, the annoying pain in the backside - Axel.

I'd let him walk all over me in the sense of, I didn't throw the door shut in his face and tell him to jump up his own ass and die in the process of doing so. He really deserved it. The difference this time though... I knew what I was getting myself into. I didn't give him the pleasure he sought out of me because I believed to be in love. I gave him the pleasure he sought out in order for him to return the damned fucking favor. Because sexual frustration? My godforsaken best friend.

Roxas would soon abandon my dick and let me wallow in sadness over the fact that I'd have to go back to regular masturbation. But then... God took pity on me. At least, that's what I believed when I'd first realized this guy had truly winked at me in a suggestive manner. At that point the idea and possibility of a boyfriend had become a large no in my favor and when I decided to let the guy who'd winked have a go at me, it hadn't even entered my mind that God may just have lost at monopoly against the Devil and handed my soul over to hell.

Because if one thing was certain, it was the fact that Seifer... (Hit the dramabutton ladies and gents) is THE recipe for disaster.

The first meeting. (This takes place right after "Beautifully Mean" - Chapter 2 - Turning Points.)

"Hey! What's the big idea?" I grinned at Olette's high pitched singing voice as she closed the pizza box Pence was about to deliver somewhere in Area number two.

"Yo Mika! Said, sucking to hard on your lollipop!" Ok, so Pence definitely couldn't pull off Mika, but he did his best and he did wiggle his hips for good measure. Olette seemed to be satisfied as she placed the pizza box in his hands with a beautiful bow, kissed his cheek and then he was out of the door. She returned her attention to counting up last nights "Buy one and you'll get a second one free!" coupons, to see if the offer was actually worth keeping up. Considering there wasn't a frown knitting it's way between her eyebrows, I assumed the coupon idea was working.

Sighing, because boredom was ever present at this time a day in the Pizza Parlor, I stared intently at the phone, willing it to ring so I could get out of here and start driving around town on the scooter already. Xigbar was in a mood today and I knew hanging around the Parlor wouldn't do me any good with my big mouth as I'd set him off at some point or another. Cloud was always in a mood so nothing different there. Olette was too busy to entertain me... So yeah. Bored.

"Oh Billy Brown had lived an ordinary life. Two kids, a dog and a precautionary wife. While it was all going accordingly to plan... Then, Billy Brown fell in love with another man." I muttered along with the next Mika song that played out from the Parlor's stereo. I grinned even though I was trying to look bored, this song was fun. Olette snorted at me - her eyes never leaving the coupons - knowing full well the song amused me.

"Skip the song, Hayner..." Cloud muttered from the kitchen. Oh he strongly believed I wasn't aware and that he was making a simple comment on a simple song he happened to not like. I knew better though. The song made him think of Leon. I snickered and skipped the song. Shit, Cloud really was blind as a bat. I hoped Leon would spill his guts out at one point or another. I didn't want to get into the middle of things, but I knew as a fact, that Leon is most certainly gay. I'd seen Leon feel up a random guy in a club a couple of months ago. He hadn't seen me and I didn't think of telling him because I was pretty sure he wouldn't be pleased. I hoped that if they ever got together one day, Leon and Cloud... That they'd never find out I was aware of everything.

Before I could elaborate on thoughts of them torturing me as a punishment for keeping things from them they should really just figure out by themselves... The little bell at the door binged, telling me we had a customer.

Ungluing my eyes from the phone, I looked up to see who had walked in. I tilted my head to the side, my lips shaping themselves into a small "o" as I stared quite shamelessly at the pretty boy that had walked in. Well... Boy didn't really work as a description since he was most likely taller than myself and he wasn't lacking in muscle either. I just thought boy sounded cuter than guy. I liked boy as a term much better than guy or man. Boy felt more intimate, personal. Or something...

He wasn't looking in my direction, his eyes were everywhere though, taking in the Parlor as he slowly stepped another step forward, releasing the door and letting it swoop closed behind him.

His blond hair was flattened down beside his ears because of the black beanie he had pulled down tightly over his head, small drips coming of the blond locks and then traveling down his neck. Shit... I'm noticing details... That's never good. That means a crush was about to develop.

Detaching my eyes from his face I let them gaze slowly downwards, appreciating his fit physique quite splendidly. I scolded myself internally as I'd licked my bottom lip in reaction to... well him, really. I did frown when I saw his baggy pants were camouflage printed, and they didn't look fashionably well printed, I could tell they were actual true army pants mainly because they were quickly shoved into a pair of military combat boots - Which I had seen on soldiers before, hence my knowledge on knowing the outfit was real and not fashionably fake. He wore a tight, long sleeved, fitted black turtleneck as a top and he had a short sleeved, but long down to his ankles, black trench coat. He seemed to have ripped the sleeves off himself as the edges around his shoulders ruffled a little with fabric strings.

As I let my eyes fix onto his face again, I heard the song "Dream on" by Aerosmith playing in a loop in my head. Just the "Dream on" part of the song as that is what I was telling myself. Dream on, no chance, totally not going to happen, utterly out of your league.

I pursed my lips in disappointment and returned my attention to the Parlor's phone instead. I made sure to keep on staring as Olette asked the pretty boy how she could help him and I blinked in surprise at the fact that I would actually be talking to this guy directly when he asked in return...

"I'm looking for Riku. About my own height, long silver hair?" He chuckled a little in amusement that wasn't made clear to us and then he did make clear what was so funny as he pulled an empty pizza box from behind his back, "Called the Sergeant and he told me that Riku was living in Traverse Town now. Went to the place, was empty but for these boxes, figured... considering the amount, you guys may know where I can find him?"

I remember Sora describing Riku to me, and although I didn't know any other Riku in this area, I wanted to make sure, "Extremely irritated, annoyed and grumps all the livelong day?" I asked carefully.

Pretty boy turned his eyes on me, smirking broadly as he nodded, "Yeah, that's Riku alright." I smiled back, "He's moved to Twilight Town a couple of months ago. If I remember the conversation right, Sora told me he started college." I added. Olette had gone back to counting her coupons but popped out a "Jup." in confirmation, helping me make sure I wasn't blabbering out nonsense. If I knew Olette, and I did... She was very aware I was interested in Pretty boy and that was the only reason she'd backed off on a customer since this was technically her job as I did delivery, not the counter.

Pretty boy didn't seem to mind the change in personal - as he startled me just a little bit by walking slowly - very nearly seductively - over to my side of the counter, leaning his elbows beside the phone so he could bend forward, making me blink in surprise at the sudden close proximity between his face and my own.

Ok... apparently he didn't seem to care that he was out of my league. Or... He wasn't aware. Good. I wasn't going to correct him.

Olette cleared her throat a little and then neatly placed her stack of coupons down on the counter before she silently signed she was going to go out for a cigarette break. She didn't smoke. I loved this girl...

Although Xigbar and Cloud could definitely see what was going on, they were supposed to be paying attention to the pizza making. Not me. They wouldn't be interested anyway. I wasn't that interesting.

"What more can you tell me about Riku? And this... Sora?" Pretty boy asked huskily, his blue eyes piercing intently into my own. Well damn. He was putting the whammy on me.

I sat back a little in my chair, "No need to put on the flirt magic in order to get information out of me. As far as I know, none is secret." I clipped out, not liking the fact that he'd only been interested in me to get more information. Which was strange, why would he think it was necessary in the first place? How'd he know I'm gay anyway? I didn't think I was that obvious... Not that I cared if I was.

Pretty boy lifted a delicate eyebrow, "It bites." I glared at him and he only seemed more amused, "What? You don't believe I could actually be interested in you? Maybe I was trying to get information out of you while putting on the, as you put it, flirt magic - to kill two birds with one stone. I don't like to waste time, you get me?" So he expected a fuck while I explained Sora's relationship with Riku to safe time? I frowned as I didn't really know how to feel about that.

I shook my head, "You're much too arrogant to actually be interested in me." I muttered. The arrogance spoke for itself really, it showed in the air around him.

Pretty boy smirked, "You're not going to start crying are you? Because that counts as a waste of time in my book." He stood back from the counter, crossing his arms over his chest, smirk still in place.

"No..." I mumbled, still glaring. I didn't like him anymore. He was annoying and I felt a little bit confused.

Before I could come up with some sort of witty line to retaliate with, the phone rang. I lifted a finger, silently asking him to give me a moment, "Xiggy's Pizza Parlor - Hayner speaking, how may I help you?" I managed to bring out my cheerful voice. Xigbar wanted us to sound pleasant and approachable for the customers. Pretty boy was mouthing my name, trying it out on his lips.

The customer ordered two pizza's, informing me clearly that he had a coupon and was going to use it on the second pizza he'd ordered. I told him no problem, that it would take about thirty minutes to prepare and then once he'd given me his address, I told him to count for forty minutes max as it would take me about ten minutes to get there.

I hung up the phone, never detaching my eyes from Pretty boy as I shouted out, "Xig! One Cloud's topping and a Xigbar special for a second!" I couldn't help but snicker when Cloud groaned at the mention of the pizza titled "Cloud's topping". He'd come up with the topping, so it was quite innocent as a title as it described exactly what it was. When you're perverted and aware of gay vocabulary on the other hand... Of course, I'd invented the title... Annoying the fuck out of Cloud was one of my most treasured hobbies.

"Hey!" Pretty boy slammed his hand on the counter in front of me, making me frown at him in annoyance.

"Your attention, please." He clipped out. I pried his hand off the counter, shoving it back at him, "Hey yourself! I'm working here!" I practically growled.

Pretty boy's eyebrows lifted in surprise and then his mouth quirked up into a satisfied looking smile, "Oh, you'll definitely do..." He murmured, leaning forward onto the counter again, reaching out with a hand to grab the back of my neck. I squeaked out in surprise as his nose was suddenly touching mine. His hand was hot on the nape of my neck and I suddenly didn't really know how to breathe anymore as his blue eyes were so very very close.

"I'm going to kiss you now, Princess..." He whispered, sounding amused. I couldn't help but grin at his tone of voice, it sounded completely pleased with itself and the wiggle of his eyebrows just added to it. Before I could really let the nickname sink in and protest, his lips were carefully placing themselves onto my own. I blinked in surprise at the tenderness of it, and moaned very very softly as I let my eyes droop closed and kissed him tentatively back.

When he slowly asked for entrance by licking my lip, I suddenly realized something, leaning back a little so our embrace was halted to and end, "This is going way fast." I pointed out, not understanding how I'd gone from giving a stranger dreamy eyes to swapping spit with same said stranger a couple of minutes later.

Pretty boy's previous amused look transformed into an annoyed one, his hand on the back of my neck tightening in grip, "First you think I'm too good for you and now you say things are going too fast. Do you want to get laid or not? Because right now I'm thinking that's a no." I nearly wanted to grin at the obvious sexual frustration showing in his facial features and voice. Instead though, "Can I at least have a name?" If I was going to let him get his way, and I knew I was because his way was very close to my own way, I needed a name. Just because I wanted to know his name.

Of course I didn't tell him that it was for sentimental shit, "So I know what to shout out when we get to the getting laid part?" I smiled slowly as the irritation faded off his face. I'd expected him to start kissing me again, but instead he removed any physical contact we'd been sharing, standing back up straight, arms crossed over his chest.

"That's something you'll have to earn. I'll be back when your shift ends." He gave me a quick salute before spinning on his heel and marching out of the Parlor, leaving me staring in confusion behind him. If he was trying to leave me and want more, then he was succeeding quite successfully. I hadn't gone back to liking him just yet.

Before my wits had come back entirely, Olette quickly made her way back into the Parlor, looking behind her, her eyes fixed on Pretty boy's retreating figure. Then she turned her eyes on me, smiling broadly. She skipped over to my side of the counter, "Man, that seemed to be hot! What happened?" She asked excitedly, expectantly looking at me to give her details.

I pursed my lips at her, shrugging, "One minute he's putting the whammy on me, next we're arguing and then suddenly he's kissing me. I didn't realize it was going to be the last one, otherwise I wouldn't have ended it quite that fast..." I muttered, frowning as I did know that would be the last kiss I'd receive on his part. It had been such a soft kiss, so sweet... Nobody had kissed me like that.

Roxas had always been rough and needy, kissing me only because it was part of the whole sex ordeal, not because he really got a kick out of it. Sora had been naive, innocent and clumsy. When I made out with someone at the club it was always sticky and sweaty in the "I've danced all night, now I'm sweating like a pig and my breath stinks of alcohol" kind of way.

Pretty boy had kissed me like no other. And I was sad to know he'd never kiss me again.

Olette was frowning at me in confusion, "It seemed like you guys were going to meet up again though..." She murmured, squeezing my hand in sympathy as she saw I was a bit confused myself.

I blinked out of my stupor, looking properly at Olette, "Oh. Yeah, he's coming by tonight after my shift."

"Then how?" She asked.

I shrugged, "Just a feeling."

"Hayner! Pizzas ready!" Xigbar shouted, pushing the pizza boxes my way. I could go ride around on my scooter now. That was familiar and nice. I liked that.

The second meeting.

I was exhausted. Although I'd been bored earlier today, the phone had started ringing like mad once I got back from my first delivery. I only got of the scooter to pick up the pizzas in the Parlor and to hand them over to their respective customers. I liked my job... I liked this end of the day exhausted feeling. I felt useful and I knew I would sleep like a baby after my Futurama plus dinner ritual. I would need a shower too. But that was alright since those only helped to relax my muscles.

Familiar things made me happy, which is why I was not pleased when I saw Pretty boy sitting at the kitchen table, shoveling what I assumed to be my pasta, into his mouth. My pasta.

"Cloud?" I said, sounding alarmed and irritated all at once as I grabbed the plate from underneath Pretty boy's nose.

"Hey! That's mine!" He growled, pulling the plate back to him. I glared, "No it's not. Cloud's pasta is to be savored. You are incapable of doing so as you are practically inhaling it!" I pulled the plate back to myself again.

Cloud cleared his throat delicately, making his presence clear, "I overheard you in the Parlor, among other more visual things..." I pointed my glare at Cloud instead when he very nearly smiled innocently back up at me from his own kitchen chair.

"He made extra." Pretty boy finished before continuing on his food. I frowned at Cloud in worry and he simply shrugged, returning his attention to a cook book.

I shook my head at the two and then I walked over to the stove and smiled as I saw my very own plate at the ready. Taking it with me, I went to sit down on the couch, turning on the television and making sure the dvd player was still running where I'd left it the last time. Ah Phillip J. Fry... He was my most faithful. Never disappointed and was always there for me to cheer me up.

While going through my evening ritual, I tried staying focused on it without letting Pretty boy distract me. After he'd finished eating, he'd silently walked over to the couch, plopping down beside me. I pretended to ignore him, fixing my eyes sternly onto the screen as I continued to savor Cloud's pasta dish. I didn't understand how he still wanted to cook after having cooked all day in the Parlor, but he always just said he liked the fact that he didn't have to make pizzas here. I didn't really care about the details, my stomach was happy.

"I'm going to bed..." Cloud muttered on his way to his bedroom, leaving me and the unwanted guest alone.

Pretty boy stretched his arms unsubtly out over his head, reaching behind him so he could settle his left arm onto the back of the couch behind myself. His fingers were carefully touching my shoulder. I willed my mouth not to smile at that and then stood from the couch so I could bring my plate back to the sink. I took my time washing it, drying it, putting it back and before I went back to the couch, I walked off to the bathroom to take a piss. Leaving the door open because I always did and I certainly wasn't going to change my habits because he'd decided to invade my personal space.

I was kind of glad he couldn't see anything though... He could hear, sure... But that was the extend of it.

Of course he didn't know about my shyness when it came to that, so when I walked out of the bathroom I made sure to be extra vulgar in hopes it would... I'm not sure what, but I wanted to push his buttons and for some reason a loud burp was my only ammunition at this point.

He looked at me sideways, not turning his head, his lips pursed. He didn't say anything, and he hadn't moved a muscle. His arm was still there and I wasn't sitting against it any longer. Shit. He'd known I would move... He knew that if he'd place it there before I'd brought my plate back, that I'd move to bring my plate back. Now I was standing here and if I wanted to continue watching Futurama, I had to willingly sit against his arm.

I could just kick him out...

I pursed my lips at the thought and decided against it. Although I seemed annoyed and I guess I kind of was because he was one annoying prick to deal with... I was curious too. My curiosity was my biggest flaw. It got me in so much trouble, it was rarely fun. We shall not dwell on that matter.

I could see a smile forming on his lips as I was still standing there and the clock was now ticking because what with all my over-thinking up to this point, I'd been openly pondering my options. Now he knew I had been thinking this all through and now he'd won whatever little game he'd been playing.

I do not like him. I sat down anyway though...

I swallowed roughly as his hand wrapped around my shoulders more firmly this time around, the tip of his index finger trailing a circling pattern on my neck below my ear. Oh shit, my skin is burning in that extremely delicious kind of way and... Damn it, now he's smirking because he can feel the goosebumps covering my flesh.

And then suddenly he laughed at something that had been going on in Futurama. The smile looked good on him, his eyes were twinkling a little thanks to the soft light my living room offered and as he now seemed decided to look comfortable, he reached for his beanie with his free hand, pulling it off and then shaking the blond locks free.

It was like sunlight...

I blinked. Hair that produces sunlight? Really, Hayner, what the fuck is the matter with you?

I swallowed a hitch of a breath when he gently squeezed my shoulder and subtly sat closer next to me. What was going on? I closed my eyes, trying to will down the butterflies trying to burst their way out of my stomach. I barely knew him, I shouldn't feel this way... We didn't even get along properly!

My eyes unglued themselves from the television so I could peek a glance at him, and I wasn't even surprised to find out he wasn't watching the tv anymore but me instead. The blue of his eyes was darkening a little and I couldn't help but gulp a little in anticipation. I'm not sure for what, but I knew my couch wouldn't stay a virgin very long if he kept up the closeness. I suppose that's where the anticipation came from.

I couldn't stop my eyes from shutting halfway, my head tilting back just a tiny bit in hope. My godforsaken best friend was named sexual frustration. I was very ready to abandon said best friend at the moment.

Pretty boy smirked knowingly at me, but I could see he was just as affected as I saw his lips parted a little, his tongue running over his bottom lip slowly. Oh, just kill me with the wait why don't you?

He tilted his head a little and then ducked it down, his lips slowly closing over my Adam's apple. Although it felt extremely pleasant and I couldn't help the fact that my hands grabbed onto his shoulders... at the same time I had a little bit of disappointment settling in as it was now clear he really wouldn't kiss me again.

I smiled sadly over the top of his head as his lips traveled their way over my neck in open mouthed kisses. It felt amazing and my stomach was about to explode. Yet again though, the boyfriend I wouldn't be. Just another random fuck.

Sighing a little, I pushed the hope away and concentrated on what was going on now. I could pout later. I had a specific order from down below that told me to ruin the bond I had with my godforsaken best friend.

"Lay down, Princess..." Pretty boy whispered against my cheek, pushing me onto my back on the couch, not really giving me a much of a choice. Not that I minded... Which is the only reason why I didn't retaliate.

His breath was hot on my neck as he carefully lay himself down on top of me, his knee nudging my legs apart gently. As my arms wrapped around his waist, my head falling backwards as he nipped my skin below my ear, I thought... How is it that his touch is so soft when he obviously isn't in behavior...

The gentleness in the way he treated me was killing me. I didn't know what to do with it. He obviously didn't want to get to know me, which left the boyfriend option out of the loop. All he wanted was a quick lay, yet the way he handled me was contradicting it. It made my breathing quicken a lot and I was feeling hot all over and I didn't know what to do with myself, or him for that matter. It felt so good... But painful at the same time because this wasn't supposed to mean anything!

Gritting my teeth, I dug my nails into his hips, pushing them down harshly so the teasing friction he'd settled in turned into a rough one. His head popped out from where he'd been busy lavishing my neck with extreme care, his eyes narrowed a little as he silently questioned my methods.

I glared up at him, pressing my hips harshly upwards to make my message clear. He didn't want to make this personal? Fine. Then I would make sure it staid as close to a quick "I need to get off and that's all" session.

I pulled on the edge of his pants, not even bothering with his shirt. This startled him though and he quickly sat back on his heels, "What do you think you're doing?" I didn't even feel remotely bothered by the situation, so I simply leaned back into the couch, arms behind my head to keep my posture lazy in view.

"Can't have it all..." I murmured in a sing song, smiling as he glared. He then shrugged, his hands softly making their way up over my legs, teasing again, slow again, attentive to my needs... again. I kicked my leg off the couch, effectively stopping his touch. Sitting up I pushed a finger harshly into his chest, our faces only inches apart, "A fuck I can give you. I could even try and deal with your horrible person and see if this..." I gestured back and forth between me and him, "Could go any further than just a one night stand. But. You don't want it? Fine. I can deal with that too. Now hear me..." I clipped out, "A fuck I can give you. No less, no more. Don't try and take more than that because I may just pound you for it!" I added in a growl.

His nose was slightly wrinkled while his eyes were narrowed onto my own. Then he sighed in an annoyed fashion, "Ugh. You're too complicated. I'm outta here." He muttered, getting off the couch to get out of here like he'd stated.

I shook my head, jumping off the couch and sprinting after him. Once I reached him somewhere near the kitchen, I grabbed his shoulder roughly, spinning around, "No fucking way are you walking out on me again. The only way you are leaving this apartment is when I am kicking you out. You do not take the lead here!" I shouted in his face. His lip curled up slightly in disgust, and I'm pretty sure I had an identical look on my own face.

"Don't push me." He whispered threateningly.

I arched an eyebrow sarcastically, "Or what? I may not look it, but I know how to hold my own." Something flashed dangerously in his eyes, but I didn't let it scare me.

I looked down to his hands and I saw his fingers clenching into a fist. Oh no he won't...

I slapped him across the face, like Olette had taught me how, leaving him looking dumbfounded back at me. I nodded sternly at him, "Now get out and come back when you've cleared things up in your head." I pointed to the door behind him. When he didn't move and just kept on staring at me in shock, I rolled my eyes and proceeded in pushing him out.

Once he was standing out in the hall and I was standing in my apartment, and the door opening was all that was separating us, he seemed to snap out of it. A slow smile spread over his lips and his eyes twinkled with mirth as they looked at me, "It's Seifer. My name." He announced, very nearly sounding cheerful.

I shook my head in disbelief, "Nooow he tells me his name!" I groaned out, slamming the door shut in his face. I had to wipe an amused grin off my face as I could hear him leaving down the stairs, his chuckle clear in my ears.

Disaster I tell you. I'd told him to get out, followed by an invitation back into my life. When he didn't show the following week, I'd been upset at first. But then I figured, why? Why would I be upset over something so little? Because it was little. Nothing spectacular had happened. I'd met a guy, we nearly but then didn't. We obviously weren't compatible when it came to personality. He brought my inner bitch to the surface and I'm pretty sure I didn't like it. Especially because the jackass got a kick out of it too.

He made no sense at all. I hadn't even bothered to wonder where the hell he'd come from in the first place. It's after I'd slammed the door in his face and had gone to bed that my ceiling told me I had been an extremely bad boy. I'd over-thought feelings but not situation.

He knew Riku from the military, that's all I knew. That and that his name is Seifer. He knew my name, my working shifts and place, he knew where I lived... which. How did he know? Olette. Most likely. I figured. Probably. Certainly. Yeah...

He knew I had a strange sort of friendship with Cloud. He knows my routine! I don't even know whether he's wearing the army pants because he's still in the military or if it's because he just likes to wear them. I don't even know what kind of relationship he has with Riku. So many unanswered fucking questions, it was blowing my mind. I knew asking him the questions wouldn't work. He wouldn't answer. I would have to earn it, like his name. On that note, what the fuck?

Did I have to slap him around in order to get to know him? I certainly hoped not, because I wasn't digging that kinda shit. Of course, not that it mattered what I was into because he wouldn't come around anymore. He had entered my life, left an impression and then vanished. After the initial upset and pouty feeling, I'd pushed it aside and decided that it was probably for the best. At the end of the week I was certain it was for the best.

Did I still think of him on occasion though? Probably... certainly, most likely... definitely. Sure.

The third meeting.

I yawned widely as I strolled around the apartment complex, jumping off my skateboard with a fancy jump once I reached the entrance. Kicking one end of it, I grabbed the other end of the board with my hand, lifting it under my arm and using my free hand to open the door.

It was quite early still, I hadn't slept at the apartment as last night I'd gone out to the club and ended up going home with a guy. It hadn't been spectacular, and I wouldn't be keeping his number. Which is why I was up this early in the first place. I'd done the infamous sneak out after a one night stand stunt. It gave a certain rush... I'm not sure I would do it often though, I just didn't like this kind of thing.

What I was looking forward to right now, was my plan of crashing on Pence and Olette's couch. They would most likely be up as Pence had another job down at the docks before his shift at the Parlor started. I might be able to catch him before he leaves. Olette on the other hand, she was up this early because Cloud was up this early. Cloud was up this early because he was just insane. Any person who got up at this hour on their own free will without actual true purpose for it, was insane.

But yes, Olette. She was very well aware Cloud was gay, and that even if she wasn't, they would definitely not be each others soul mates. She didn't care though, she said that so long she couldn't find herself a boyfriend, she would keep on ogling the hell out of her neighbor, my roommate, and use him as her eye candy.

Which she did practically every morning, right around the time Cloud went to get the mail. He got it in his boxers and those pink slippers I got him for his birthday. He was supposed to get annoyed by them, not like them and actually wear them. My roommate was a tough crowd to annoy. My pranks had to be detailed, precise and well thought out. Obviously I hadn't done my homework properly when I'd figured pink slippers would do the trick to irritate him on his birthday.

Back to the matter at hand though... As I walked into the apartment building, I walked in on Olette and Cloud's intimate morning session. Cloud was standing with the newspaper under his arm, his left foot tapping slightly impatiently on the floor as he waited for Olette to move out of the way so he could get back up.

Olette was staring at my roommates naked chest. Granted, it was a nice chest, but...

"Do you wish to give me a man boob complex?" Cloud grumbled out, sounding irritated. He asked her that every morning he bumped into her. It had become their routine of sorts. I saw Olette blink and then she stepped out of the way. She did that every time too.

I smirked as Cloud walked up the stairs and then I waited patiently for Olette to say her line...

"Morning Cloud!" She shouted nervously and then like, like it always did, the sound of a door slamming was her reply.

I held in the laughter as Olette's muscles seemed to relax marginally and then she sighed heavily before she smiled happily my way, "Hey Hayner!" She bounded my way, giving me a quick hug. Pulling back she wrinkled her nose, "You reek of alcohol and sex." She scolded.

I grinned, "By Hugo Boss." I fluttered my eyelashes at her and she wacked me over the head. She shook her head, "Don't insult labels. It's not nice." I shrugged. I didn't have anything against Hugo Boss. I'm sure it smelled very nice. It's just the first label I could think off to use as a witty reply. I liked giving witty replies. They made me happy.

"Getting any closer with Cloud?" I asked as I made my way up the stairs. She followed, "Yes! If I counted right, it took three more seconds than usual for him to slam the door in reply!" I stopped in my tracks, turning around to give her the worried eye.

She looked innocently my way. I frowned, "Please tell me that was sarcastic?" She narrowed her eyes, wacking me over the head again, "Yes it was! You seriously believe I could become that much of a stalker?" I kept silent, not wanting to answer that. She wrinkled her nose again, "Don't answer that." She muttered, walking passed me so she could hide in her apartment. I followed her quickly, straight through her living room and right onto her couch. Their apartment was the same as mine and Cloud's. Just more girly because Olette lived here. Pence didn't mind the flowers on the table and the art on the wall and the soft cushions decorating the couch.

"Is Pence around?" I asked. Olette was busy in her bathroom, so she shouted through a closed door, "Nope, he left already. Go away Hayner, I don't get the apartment to myself all that often!" She said simply. I smiled at the door. This is what made me love Pence and Olette so much. They were honest all the way through. If they didn't want me here, they'd tell me straight out without so much as an excuse too make me feel better. No shit. I liked that.

"See you at work!" I told her, giving her the apartment to herself. Shaking my head in amusement, I closed the door behind me and then turned right to find my own apartment door not five feet away. When I looked up though, my eyes caught something I wasn't sure I was happy to see.

"Seifer." I said shortly. He arched an eyebrow my way.

"Hayner." He replied just as shortly, I could hear the sarcasm though. Sighing heavily, I made my way around him and then walked into my apartment, not even bothering to stop him from entering, because I knew he'd find a way in one way or another.

"Hayner." Cloud said shortly. He always did though, so I wasn't bothered. Cloud looked up from his newspaper, giving Seifer the once over, "Piss my roommate off again and I'll kick you out myself without a return invitation whatsoever." Cloud muttered, sounding less bored than he usually did.

Oh, would you look at that! We're bonding I tell you. I knew better than to smile at him though, so I gave Cloud a thankful nod of the head. He returned to his newspaper. Yes, bonding.

"I'll behave." Seifer announced, not sounding all that convincing though considering the small smirk playing on his lips. Delectable lips... Damned lips. I shook my head, "So, what's up Seifer?" I asked, letting myself fall backwards onto the couch, taking up all the space so he wouldn't be able to sit down.

His smirk was still in place as his knees touched my feet, his arms crossed over his chest, "You didn't tell me Sora was Riku's boyfriend..." I blinked. Whut? Oh.

"I didn't leave it out on purpose if that's what you're getting at." I shrugged, poking his knee with my foot because I just couldn't help myself. Seifer looked down at my foot, grinning at me as he pushed back with his knee. Oh joy, we're playing tag. We're such grown ups... Sarcasm hooray.

So I grinned back.

"Yeah, I figured. They seem to work well together." Seifer continued. Are we going for a real conversation here? My, my, my, progress.

"Yeah. The moment Sora started whining about Riku being mean constantly, I just knew they were meant for each other. Nobody can piss Sora off, it's something that was believed to be impossible before Riku came into the picture." I explained cheerfully. Seifer seemed to be thinking my words over.

Cloud made his presence known with an annoyed grunt as he walked passed the couch and going for the bathroom, "I'm glad he's gone." Cloud muttered before slamming the bathroom door shut. I snickered a little at the ridiculous anger Cloud harbored towards Sora. I knew what the problem was. Sora had talked to Cloud about his feelings for Leon. Cloud didn't like being in the spotlight. Sora had then made sure to come straight to me and tell me to shut my yap and never tell Cloud I knew about his feelings for Leon. Sora was sure I'd loose my spot in the apartment and my balls in the process. So I shut my yap.

"Why does Cloud dislike Sora?" Seifer asked, making me detach my eyes from the bathroom door to return my attention to Pretty boy.

I shrugged, "Sora is bubbly and happy and jolly and all about rainbows. I'm sure you've figured out by now that Cloud isn't. I guess they aren't compatible."

Seifer frowned, "Riku is a lot like Cloud though... How did things work out with Sora then?" I snorted, "Nobody is like Cloud." I reasoned.

Seifer thought that over before he shrugged and let himself drop on top of me, shocking the hell out of me, "What are you doing?" I very nearly shrieked. Seifer smirked, "I came to give you a good morning kiss." He explained right before he dipped his head down, his lips attaching themselves to my neck. Before I could so much as realize what was happening, Seifer knelt above me (mouth never leaving my neck), his hand quickly making its way over my clothed chest and then he firmly gripped my goods over my jeans.

I didn't do it on purpose. I just couldn't help myself. I moaned. He squeezed his hand a little as he suddenly added some teeth in the kiss he was placing on my neck and I realized he was leaving me a big fat hickey - but couldn't really scold him for doing it yet because then he started rubbing his hand roughly over my pants, making me arch my hips off the couch. At that point I wanted to tell him "moar..." but I wasn't sure if he'd get the right idea. I wanted "moar" of the hand, not the hickey. That would leave a mark... Olette would never let it go!

I was finally ready to make him stop, quite reluctantly cause it all felt very nice, when he stopped all by himself. He sat back on his heels, pressing down my shirt so he could look at his handy work, "Very pretty." He announced with a happy nod. I glared up at him, "You wanna tell me why you marked me?" A hickey screamed possessiveness in my opinion and considering Seifer was the one doing the screaming in this case, it didn't make much sense.

"I had no intention of doing any of this up until I could smell the alcohol and sex on you." He said all of this with a smile on his face. He didn't seem all that bothered to find out I'd slept with someone last night. I hadn't cheated, obviously. He shouldn't even care. I couldn't really tell if he did. From his facial expression he obviously didn't. The hickey action told me the opposite though.

"That doesn't explain why you did it." I pointed out.

Seifer shrugged, jumping off the couch, "Call it spur of the moment!" He shouted over his shoulder, exiting the apartment.

I dropped back down onto my back, groaning in utter frustration at the ceiling.

First lovers spat.

I shook my head at Olette's posture, "No, no. Not like that, you wanna bend down properly at the hips and then swing your upper body forward. I know it's called 'head banging' but believe me, it takes the entire bust to pull it off properly." Olette's lips were pursed as she overviewed my instructions.

"Like this?" She asked and then proceeded in swinging her head up and down, hair flying every which way. I took a step back when I realized the hair was whipping my arms.

"Much better. Why are you asking me help with this anyway? You know Pence is a lot better at this shit then I am." I pointed out. Olette blushed a little, surprising me.

"He's taking me out on a date... To that bar he always goes to with his other friends we don't know the ID off." She always whined about those, not liking the fact that Pence actually had other friends to begin with. No matter. That wasn't the focal point at this moment.

"You guys are dating?" I asked, surprised because I hadn't seen this coming.

Olette's blush deepened, "Well... We've tried to date before but we never really tried properly. We've talked about it... or he mumbled and I was too shy to respond. That's the extend of it. Apparently he's decided to really try as he didn't mumble this time and asked me out properly."

"You and Pence?" I was dumbfounded. I just couldn't process the idea. Olette smacked my arm, "Shut up and focus! I need to know how to bang my head in order to fit in with those people!" Her hands were propped up sternly onto her hips, her eyes narrowed on me.

I grinned, "Alright, alright. So..." I moved behind her, prying her hands off her hips so I could place my own hand on her left hip, my other hand flat on the small of her back, "Now... I know you're trying to impress some people here, but stop when you feel dizzy or something. Here we go..." I murmured, pushing against the small of her back to guide her forward.

This is the moment Seifer decided to walk into the Parlor, interrupting my little head banging session with Olette. My hands were still holding her steady and guiding her, and when I realized Seifer had his eyebrows shot upwards, looking at a specific certain thing, I looked down and saw Olette's ass shoved neatly into my lap.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd believe you were cheating on me again." Seifer said cheerfully, walking over to the counter and jumping up on it so he could sit down. He nearly crushed the phone in the process, yet still managed to look graceful doing so.

I released Olette, taking a step back as she straightened herself, "You cheated on him?" She shouted at me, making me blink in surprise.

"What? No I didn't, I'm not even in a relationship with this guy!" I shouted back, pointing a finger at Seifer.

Olette didn't hear it though, "And here you were, whining about how he gave you a hickey. Considering your bad behavior, I would have marked you too. I would have dumped your ass if I was him!" She turned to Seifer, "Why aren't you dumping him?" Why didn't she ever listen to things I had to say? Seifer was beyond amused. Jackass...

Knowing Olette wouldn't listen to reason, I turned to him instead, "What's wrong with you? You can't just walk in here and make accusations that aren't true to begin with! I didn't cheat on you and you very well know it!" I'd walked up to him, shoving my finger against his chest, glaring up at him. I seemed to be doing that a lot when he was around.

"You were the one who said I didn't want a relationship, I neither agreed to that!" He shouted back, making me blink.

I then shook my head, "No, no, no! Don't you turn this on me. You didn't want to get to know me, neither did you want me to get to know you. That clearly states you don't want a relationship with me because in order to have a relationship, you have to share information on each other. And!-" Xigbar walked into the counter area of the Parlor, leaving his precious kitchen as he cleared his throat for my attention.

"Take it outside, would you?" He suggested, waving a hand towards the door. Seifer jumped off the counter, grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the Parlor with him.

I pulled my hand out of his, "Hey! You can't just do that. You can't do this! You can't. You can't! You!" I frowned at myself and sudden lack of vocabulary and then threw my hands up in frustration, "Stop it! Whatever game you're playing, stop it! I can't follow! It annoys the hell out of me, I'm not having fun! Stop it!" I blurted out loudly, all the while trying to tone down the tension in my muscles. I was shaking.

I'd have expected Seifer to toss another line at me, piss me off some more. Maybe even smack me around a little since he did seem to like the occasional fight. Basically, I expected an explosion of arguments and violent physical retaliation.

Not a hug. I did not expect a hug.

My breathing hitched in surprise as he took a step forward, placing a hand on my arm so he could pull me too him the rest of the way. His arms wrapped around me, one hand holding the back of my head gently as he nestled my face into the crook of his neck, his own lips touching the side of my face.

"Hey... Shhh..." He murmured so softly, so sweetly, so gently... I didn't cry, but a tearless sob did escape my lips as I didn't understand what was going on and now he was comforting me, and although I knew I shouldn't, I accepted the comforting touch anyway.

I wrapped my arms around his waist, nuzzling my nose softly into his neck as I slowly let him shush me, effectively calming down my rapid breathing from before. I was whispering a mantra of, "I don't understand you..." over and over and right now he was only answering with a soft shush, his fingers softly caressing my hair while the other hand rubbed my back soothingly.

When he deemed my breathing corrected, he slowly detached himself, but didn't move away completely. His hand was still on my hip and the other was pushing my hair back a little, "You think your boss will allow you to take a little break right now?" I shrugged at him, not as nonchalant as I would have wished the shrug to be, but I was still coming down the high of frustration.

"He wouldn't have kicked me out if it wasn't my lunch break right now. You got an hour." I told him, untangling myself from his hold as I still didn't know what he expected of me and now, I felt embarrassed because I hated it when I reacted so strongly to something.

Before I could lead the way to the apartment though, he noticed my blush. As I nearly turned to leave, he grabbed my chin. Not harshly, which is what was so strange about Seifer. Every time he touched me, it was gentle, and caring. His words never fit his actions...

Anyway, he turned my face to him, smiling just a little bit, "It's alright." He murmured. And I blushed even more because now his words did fit his current action.

"You better start explaining yourself..." I muttered out, walking off to the apartment complex. Once inside, I looked over my shoulder to make sure he was following me and he smirked as he knew I was checking. Rolling my eyes, I bounded up the stairs and then walked into the apartment, leaving the door open for him to close.

I sat down at the kitchen table. The couch obviously just didn't initiated things that would lead to conversation. Seifer grinned as he realized exactly what I was thinking, and sat down opposite of me.

"So?" I pressed, making sure I put some annoyance in my voice because I didn't want him to think I was truly interested.

Seifer shrugged, "You're quite cute, but not exactly what I'm looking for." He started out. I looked dully back at him, oh. Nice. Like I hadn't heard this a million times over already. I gestured for him to continue with my hand, making clear that that wasn't anything new for me to hear.

Seifer frowned at my easy acceptance, "You have serious self-esteem issues..." He muttered, shaking his head a little at me in bewilderment, "But I know you don't want to talk about you right now... so." He sighed, "Riku and I went to the army together. I was in the military as my father had and his father before him, etc etc. Family tradition. Riku joined because his father wished to straighten him out. As in literally, straighten the gay out of him." I winced at that and Seifer nodded in confirmation.

"Unfortunately, when I joined the military, Zanarkand suddenly decided they needed reinforcements and called upon the base I was training at. So..." Seifer wrinkled his nose, "We stayed a little long in the army than either Riku or me had planned on. Long enough for our other team members to figure out we are in fact gay." I grimaced. So he had been with Riku in that sense.

"Why are you trying to get into my pants if what you really want, is Riku?" I asked.

Seifer laughed humorlessly, "Riku is great, we had fun." I winced at that, but he ignored it, "He's in a relationship with Sora now though. Obviously whatever I had in mind for Riku, isn't going to work out and I really do think that you..." He leaned forward, smiling slowly, "Are indeed cute." He added softly.

I shook my head at him, "Nuh uh, buddy. Not going to work. You flirted with me before you were actually sure Sora was indeed dating Riku." Seifer grimaced, sitting back in his chair with a slight undignified pout plastered on his lips as he realized I hadn't fallen for his trick.

"Would it make you feel better if I honestly told you that I wish I could have a relationship with you?" He blurted out, sounding annoyed and uncomfortable. I blinked in surprise, "Why can't you?" I asked curiously.

He shook his head, "I shared. Now you share." He was going to leave me hanging on that? Ah man...

"The owner of the garage beside the Pizza Parlor is my uncle. Cid is his name. We aren't very close." I offered. Seifer nodded at that, "Look at this, we can talk like normal human beings..." He said, amusement lacing his voice.

I rolled my eyes, "Both my parents are dead. Cid is my father's older brother. I went to an all boys boarding school, and figured out I was gay there. It was jolly." I added. I know I was short in my answers, but I really just didn't want to elaborate. I didn't like talking about myself. I just wasn't used to it. Nobody asked me for my information, so I never got used to having to share it.

Seifer surprised me by suddenly giving me more information on himself, He didn't answer my question to his earlier statement of course... But still, "I figured out I liked boys over girls early on. I kept it too myself for a long long time because I thought my parents would never, ever understand." He chuckled a little.

"But they do? How'd they find out?" I asked. Seifer blinked at my curiosity, clearing his throat a little, "High school prom. Corsages were still 'hip' back then. I didn't need one because my boyfriend would have most likely decked me if I'd shown up with one of those." He grinned and I grinned back.

"My mother kept pushing me to explain why I didn't need the corsage. She does that. It's like her trick, she knows that if she just keeps throwing questions into my face I will snap at some point or another," My eyebrows lifted slightly in surprise. I locked that knowledge away for later use. Seifer didn't notice that he'd given away a bit of information that came from the 'How to operate Seifer manual'. I returned my attention to his words, "Willing me to answer them and then finally I did of course, shouting at her that her son is gay and that a corsage would most definitely not help said son to get laid tonight." I winced at the idea, and Seifer nodded, laughing amusedly.

"Yeah, it was an interesting scene..." He shook his head, smiling still. I could tell he appreciated his parents a lot. His mother at least since I hadn't heard him talk about his dad. Yet.

"So they didn't disown you or anything?" I asked jokingly, getting off my chair to get us some drinks. Seifer remained silent for a moment, making me stop in my tracks, turning around to face him so I could see what was wrong.

"They didn't." He clipped out before adding, "You shouldn't joke about that subject so lightly." He wrinkled his nose, looking at the wall behind me quite intently, "It's not funny..." He muttered.

My eyes had widened a little because he just looked so different all of a sudden, "Sorry..." I mumbled, returning to the fridge.

Seifer snapped out of his little la la land, looking at me with a smirk, "I can't believe you didn't recognize my name... And..." He lifted his feet off the ground, plopping them down onto my kitchen table, "I can't believe you didn't google me yet."

I returned with a coke for him and one for me, "Can you see a computer here?" I waved my arm backwards, gesturing for the apartment in it's entire, "Cloud is weirdly reluctant to get one. I'm not sure why..." I shook my head, "Either way, how can you be so sure I didn't google you in the library or something?" I arched an eyebrow expectantly his way, and he just looked me over lazily, "You in a library?" I staid silent for a moment and then shrugged. He was right...

Seifer grinned at my easy acceptance, "I know you didn't because otherwise you would have mentioned it."

I breathed out, cracking my knuckles a little in a theatrical manner, "Are you a criminal?" I started out for the guessing game that was to come around the corner in a second.

Seifer grimaced, "Why do people always ask that one first?"

I grinned, "I'm surprised I didn't ask you sooner. Anyway, Are you..." I couldn't think of anything, but then suddenly I could, "Oh!" I shouted excitedly, making Seifer snort in amusement at the eagerness I was showing, "Are you a war hero?"

Seifer winced, "Nah, none of that I'm afraid. I left the military because my team made me. Forcefully and quite physically. Riku was kicked out, and I literally mean kicked out, as well." That didn't surprise me all that much. Over the years I'd met quite a few guys that had gotten beaten up by some noobs that believed their sexuality wasn't acceptable and needed to be punched out.

I rolled my eyes at the patethic-ness of certain kinds of people, "You made it out alive, obviously." I said, and I new I sounded pleased with that. Seifer could tell I was pleased he'd made it out alive. And now there was an awkward sort of pause hanging in the air between us...

Ok, so in the next moment, I moved so fast, I believed I was superman for a split second. Seifer was batman, because he moved just as fast and two supermans wasn't possible so he'd just have to do with the batman description.

He stood from his chair quickly, grabbing my waist so he could pull me off the table and onto my feet in front. I'd literally jumped out of my chair, making my way over the table to get to him faster. I'm surprised I hadn't broken my neck in the process. I suppose Seifer's reaction in steading me had helped in that sense.

That didn't matter though. What mattered is that in one moment we were sitting comfortable facing each other and the next I was in his arms, my lips leaving a trail of wetness on his neck as I kissed every inch of skin I could reach, with exception of his mouth as I had clearly figured out by now that he didn't want that. I'd tried for just a second, but he'd placed a gently hand on my cheek, silently shaking his head. Instead of pouting, I'd continued my assault by licking his throat.

So far he'd always been the one to take the lead, and right now I was extremely satisfied that I'd managed to take over. He dropped his head backwards, a small moan escaping his lips as my hands found their way beneath his shirt, fingers trailing softly over his tight stomach.

Moaning a little at the sight of him, I let my fingers find their way to his nipples, pinching just a bit as I pulled his earlobe between my teeth. His hands tightened on my shirt, his breathing quickening.

"What are you doing to me..." He whispered so soft, I nearly didn't hear it. I knew he knew what I was doing to him, so I supposed he was wondering about the things he was feeling. That's right, jackass! Now you know how I've felt these last couple of encounters!

I grinned against his neck, latching my teeth onto his skin as I let one of my hands slide down over his stomach, quickly finding it's way into his pants so I could squeeze him softly over his boxers. His head snapped back upright, his eyes wide in surprise for just a moment, right before they closed and he groaned loudly, his hands relaxing in their hold on my shirt as he melted against my touch.

Seeing him let go of whatever tightness he was always carrying around him, the utter content that was displayed on his face... my... "You're gorgeous..." I blurted out, not managing to keep that in.

Seifer didn't so much as open his eyes, "I know..." He muttered through a moan, his hips moving against my hand.

I smacked his arm with my free hand. I was smiling because god... "Arrogant prick." I announced. His eyes still closed, he smirked and then his hand trailed down my back, steadily cupping my bottom as he continued to work his erection against my palm.

"You're getting distracted by my awesomeness, stop it. Concentrate, Princess..." He whispered, his other hand pulling me flush against him, his lips open and pressing against my forehead. I'd forgotten he was this tall...

My breathing was heavy and ragged against his throat, as was his against my forehead. My eyes were now closing as well, his hand pressing firmly against my ass, creating friction. We were now buddy bumping my palm and although I would have found that amusing, I was too distracted by the feelings coursing through me.

I mimicked him by placing my free hand onto his own ass, squeezing it gently as I pressed against it, making sure I followed his pace so we wouldn't get out of sync. The friction became more rough, our breathing quickened.

I could hear him swallowing and then he moaned, licking his lips, "That's it... That's what I was talking about..." He murmured, his head tilting so his lips trailed openly over my forehead, making their way to my ear. He sucked the skin below my ear, and I knew he was making sure the hickey would stay as bright as it had been this morning. I didn't care at this point.

He suddenly bit me quite roughly, and I moaned loudly in surprise. Surprise because I actually liked it. Which was... well, surprising. He chuckled, letting go gently of the skin he'd marked twice by now.

"Couch." I said shortly, sliding my fingers into his belt loops so I could pull him with me as I walked backwards through the living room, making my way to the couch.

He nodded frantically my way, agreeing without issue. I grinned, "Lookit. We're compatible all of a sudden." I murmured, and he smirked in return, unhooking my fingers from his belt loops so he could push me back on the couch. My eyes widened as he let himself drop on top of me, no resistance on the way whatsoever. I squeaked as he nearly knocked the breathe out of me and he popped his head up with eyebrows arched skywards, "Did you just make that noise? It was really high pitched..." He pointed out, liking it a little too much in my opinion.

I glared, "Don't test me, Pretty boy. I can handle a case of blue balls - I'm not opposed to the idea of finding out if you can handle it yourself."

He just smiled, starting to unbutton my pants. I lay back on the couch, rolling my eyes, "Oh but of course, help yourself..." I muttered out sarcastically as I waved a nonchalant hand at my goods.

Seifer nodded in agreement, choosing to ignore the sarcasm as he started pulling off my pants, boxers in tow. I squeaked at the sudden fresh air and the fact that I'd gotten no warning whatsoever. I quickly covered my erection, glaring at him, "Hey-" I started, but he just laughed in return, kneeling over me as he kissed my cheek, "There it was..." I growled in frustration at the mention of my squeak, but then decided to let go as his hand pried my own hand away and then he gripped me firmly, my lips parting on a moan that didn't make noise, my eyes trying to summersault backwards.

I pouted in disappointment when he suddenly let go, but then I stared at him in complete and foolish... adoration - as he lifted his hand, spit in his palm and then with a grin returned his attention to my nether regions. I whimpered in delight at the feeling of his make shift lotion, gripping his hips tightly as I enjoyed the ride.

"Don't leave me hanging, Princess..." He moaned against my forehead, and then waiting patiently for me to undo his pants. Ok. I liked him a little better now. At least he told me what he wanted and didn't just expect me to think it up by myself.

He released me for a moment in order to shove his pants down to his ankles, much like he'd done with myself, and then knelt back over me, returning his attention to me. And this time I returned the favor, licking the palm of my hand before wrapping my hand around him and giving it a quick rub before I stilled my hand at the top, squeezed, and then settled into a rhythm.

I moaned because he moaned, he moaned because I moaned. He was brilliant, I was brilliant, everything was brilliant, "Fuck..." I whimpered and he nodded his head in confirmation, his eyes squeezed shut, his lips parted, his face looking beyond content.

As I was rather busy, I didn't hear the front door opening, neither did I hear anybody walk in. And even if I had, I'd probably ignored it and expected the person to leave upon viewing the scene that was taking place on my couch. Instead though, Seifer stilled his movements, his eyes opening so he could look at me, "Who has full view on my ass?" He asked in a whisper.

I ended the moan throughout the middle off it, blinking in surprise at the interruption. Groaning in frustration, I leaned up onto my elbow, looking over Seifer's shoulder. I frowned, "Roxas?"

It took us a moment to realize that the guest still had splendid view on Seifer's ass, and when Roxas announced a sheepish, "Hi." with a little wave of the hand to accompany it, Seifer and I suddenly snapped out of it, scrambling up onto our feet.

I looked around for my pants and then realized they were still stuck around my ankles. Pulling them up, Seifer mimicked my actions. Roxas chuckled, I'm not sure why.

I narrowed my eyes on the unwanted guest, "What the fuck are you doing here?" Sure... it was rude. Roxas knew me well enough to realize I couldn't possibly sound cheerful at this point as he'd stopped something quite incredible. Of course he couldn't expect me to be happy to see him.

He scratched his head, "I came to apologize for how careless I was with you in... previous encounters." He murmured, his eyes scanning over Seifer. Was that an appreciative glance? Oh hell no! Not going to happen, buddy.

I wrapped a possessive arm around Seifer's shoulder, who only snorted in return at my little jealous stunt, patting me on the head. I was surprised he didn't push me away.

"Nice ass..." Roxas said, using it as form of introduction. Seifer grinned, sticking his hand out towards Roxas. In the meantime, I glared as fiercely as I could manage in Roxas' direction.

"I'm Seifer." Seifer said, shaking hands with Roxas. I looked up at Seifer, frowning. He didn't have to earn it? The fuck...

Roxas frowned, "Riku's ex, Seifer?" He asked curiously.

Seifer wrinkled his nose, "I wouldn't exactly categorize me as an ex, but sure. We fooled around once or twice. I actually came down here after I... Recovered. Wanted to see how he was doing. Ended up meeting Hayner instead though, got..." Seifer smirked delightfully as he wiggled his eyebrows at me, "Distracted..." He finished huskily, making me blush furiously cause I had no idea what to do with myself.

"You told him he's dating my brother now, right?" Roxas cut into the moment. I pursed my lips at him, nodding. Ok, so Seifer hadn't heard it from me, but it had just slipped my mind really. It's not like Seifer wasn't aware now...

"Hey, I'm not here to start things up with Riku again. Like I said, we weren't much more then a fling. Military ya know? Being gay in there doesn't exactly make you the receiving end of the highest praise. But we understood each other, he was a good friend of mine and from what I heard he got as badly beaten up as I did. Just wanted to make sure he was alright." Roxas smiled at Seifer.

He's not interested in Riku my ass! Of course, at this point? Nobody cared what was happening in my head.

"He's doing good. Real good. Sora makes him happy and Sora keeps telling me how much brighter his days are now that Riku is in his life." We all three frowned at that.

"Riku making someone brighter?" Seifer asked, not entirely buying it. Roxas shrugged, not knowing what to tell him.

"Can Sora be possible any brighter anyway?" I asked in confusion. Roxas snorted.

"Jup!" He popped the p before looking back at the door and then back at me and Seifer, "I'm sorry I interrupted. I did knock and Cloud said you were home... so. Anyway, I won't be in your way much longer. I just came to tell you that I am sorry for how I treated you, it wasn't right... And I apologize for it. Also, we're moving." I blinked at the whole of it.

Clearing my throat, I said, "Yeah man, It's ok. Don't worry about it. I mean, sure I was a bit bummed about the whole situation for a while, but things got a lot clearer when Seifer decided to knock it out of me." I grinned toothily Roxas' way, knowing full well he'd think I was talking about sex. Of course that hadn't been the tool Seifer had used to knock Roxas out of my mind.

Roxas' eye twitched, which told me my aim had been perfect.

"Sex is an awesome remedy." Seifer said, nodding wisely Roxas' way. I couldn't help but smile up at Seifer, silently thanking him for playing along.

Roxas' eye twitched again. And then he shook himself out of it, "Anyway. You want the new address or should we just leave things as they are? Oh, I can give you Riku's number if you want it?" He directed the last bit at Seifer, and I wanted to kill Roxas for the suggestion.

I took the address so I knew where Roxas lived and I could plan out his murder later tonight too ease my nerves while Seifer of course took Riku's number and all I could do was glare. Once address and number had been written down, I shooed Roxas away. He left without issue, probably believing we'd pick up were we left off.

Instead though, the moment the door closed, "You're still going after Riku, aren't you?" I shouted at Seifer, groaning in irritation as my pants slid down my hips. I bend down, pulled them up and then made sure to tighten the belt.

He'd been grinning at my lack of grace in my attack and when he opened his mouth to reply, I held up a hand to stop him, "You know what? I don't want to hear it. The moment has passed, you should just leave." I clipped out.

Seifer shrugged, silently walking over to me and stopping by my side. He cupped my cheek and then leaned down so he could place a soft kiss on my cheek, "I really do wish things were different..." He murmured against my skin, and before I could ask what stopped him from making it real, he slid his hand off my cheek and walked out of the door.

A couple of months later. (Around the same time Cloud announces his life is a disaster.)

I sobbed in a fake yet dramatic manner at Olette and Pence's ceiling, my fingers pulling on my hair in frustration, "I can't help it! It's like my common sense just leaves the building the moment he enters my personal space. He pisses me off but turns me on at the same time, we argue so harshly that I end up shaking all over and then suddenly he's all tender and sweet. He shares info about himself whenever it damn well pleases him, and I can't do anything but take what he gives me! And then, to top it off with pure irritation, he pops in only once every two weeks or so for the following couple of months, without actually trying to piss me off or start anything! He just comes by, orders a pizza, sometimes he asks me how I'm doing..." I shook my head, "Every once in a while he'll catch me before I go into the apartment, nails me against the nearest wall, ravishes me beyond point of recognition and then takes off without a word! Worse! Sometimes he's in the apartment waiting to just tackle me down onto the couch! Aaaargh!" My teeth were gritted as I pointed my angry gaze at the couple. Olette and Pence were a couple now. They were taking it very slow, but they were together nonetheless.

Pence was sitting in the armchair on the left side of the couch, Olette propped up onto the arm of said armchair, her finders playing with Pence's hair as he was smoothing his thumb back and forth over her knee. They were disgustingly cute together. It was ridiculous. I smiled at them though, not being able to help myself.

"It does sound like he's got an agenda..." Pence murmured pensively.

"No I don't hate you! Don't wanna fight you - Know I'll always love you, but right now I just don't like you!" She sang, making Pence smile up at her while I just looked dully back at her.

She shrugged, "Song by Relient K. Thought it was fitting." She explained simply. I grimaced, returning my attention to the ceiling, sighing as deeply as I could. I'd be bald by the end of the month at this rate, I'd never pulled on the hair as much until Seifer waltzed into my life.

Pence sighed and I suddenly felt his hand closing over my knee, asking for my attention. I pouted at him and he just squeezed my knee in form of sympathy, "Just... Go out with him. See what he wants. This is the first time he actually called you and warned you he was going to come over right? Maybe he wishes to play by the rules now... The..." Pence thought it over and Olette finished for him instead, "The regular dating rules. He asked you if you wanted to go. Actually asked your permission. Tell him yes and go with him on the date. You might actually have fun..." Olette smiled my way.

I rubbed my eyes, feeling somewhat defeated, "Alright. But if everything goes wrong, I'll be back on this couch and I'll whine... You hear me? I'll whine so loudly you'll want to kill yourselves just to end the suffering faster!" I threatened, smiling all the while. Olette and Pence shooed me away, telling me all was going to be fine.

Once I was back in the apartment, I pulled my cellphone out of my pocket, dialing Seifer's number. He'd given it too me on one of his impromptu visits. My life was so fucked up...

He picked up on the third ring, "Hayner?" I smiled at the surprise in his voice, but then frowned as I realized something. Pursing my lips, I hung up the phone. I couldn't believe I hadn't done this before. Actually, I could. I didn't think it wasn't right. That it was rude. That's why I hadn't done it before. He didn't leave me much of a choice at this point though.

I turned around, walking out of the apartment, through the hallway, and then back into Pence and Olette's apartment - A heavy make out session was taking place on the same armchair I'd left them at a minute ago. I grabbed Olette's laptop on the coffee table and made my way out of the apartment again.

They didn't even notice I was there.

Once back in my own apartment, I started the browser and then waited a moment for google god to load. Once there, I typed out Seifer's name, clicked enter and waited.

While it loaded, my phone rang and I quickly picked up, "Kinda rude, don't you think?" Seifer sneered. I rolled my eyes, "I wanted to tell you that I agree on going out with you, but then I realized I needed to google you first. Give me a moment. I'll call you to agree or decline in a moment."

He chuckled, "Sure thing, Princess." And then the line went dead, and I could now start digging.

What I found out, was the following... Seifer was in fact, Seifer Cahlahan Mead the third. His grandfather - Seifer Cahlahan Mead the first - was one rich motherfucker and had donated plenty to the charities Hollow Bastion had installed for numerous purposes. He became slightly famous within the circle of what we title "Higher Society", and was soon invited to many balls and events that took place every week or so within that circle. Seifer's father - Seifer Cahlahan Mean the second - married the girl that was standing in the spotlight, high school cheerleader, prom queen, eye candy among the debutants and then once that was settled, he became Mayor of Hallow Bastion. He retired the same year Seifer - Seifer Cahlahan Mead the third - entered the military and on his retirement speech (youtube - for the win) he stated clearly that he had high expectations for his son's future.

Why he hadn't told me about all of this himself, I couldn't really get. My most reasonable explanation was that he was known as the son of, and that when he realized I had no idea he was the son of, that he could maybe be himself a little and not just be the son of...

Of course, that was probably much too romantic of an explanation to fit to Seifer, but at this point, it's all I had.

I stared blankly at the laptop's screen, reaching for my cellphone beside me on the couch and dialing Seifer's number. He picked up on the second ring, "What's the verdict?" Why hello, Hayner, it's nice to hear from you again.

"I'm no gold digger, I'll have you know." Hi to you too Seifer.

He chuckled, "I know." And I could hear the honesty in his voice, making me smile.

"That's one impressive resume you got hanging over you head." I pointed out.

He laughed again, "I know..." He murmured, obviously knowing that already.

I shrugged even if he couldn't see, "I like to point out the obvious." I reasoned.

"So? Am I taking you out or what?" He pressed.

I hummed, pretending to think it over, making him sigh in exasperation in return. I rolled my eyes, "Yes, fine. You're not a criminal, so I suppose I can go out with you." I thought it over for a second and then decided to add, "No more games, alright?" I said sternly, "These last couple of months have been torture. Stop. It." I clipped out. I sincerely hoped he would listen this time.

"Very well, Princess. I'll pick you up at eleven tomorrow evening." So we were going to go clubbing. Alright then... "I don't dance!" I said quickly.

"Then I'll dance for the both of us." And he hung up.

So. While everyone assumed myself and Seifer to be a couple, you can now see how far off the grid everyone actually was. When I didn't sleep at the apartment, Cloud believed I was at Seifer's. Wrong. I was at Olette and Pence's like I always was before meeting Seifer and putting ideas in everyones minds.

I had no idea where Seifer lived. Maybe he lived at his parents, maybe he didn't. Did he live in Hollow Bastion or in Traverse Town? Maybe even Twilight Town? I wouldn't know because the man doesn't talk!

His visits weren't frequent, but they were regular, just often enough in order for me to be unable to forget him. Of course that was his purpose, I just knew it. He annoyed the hell out of me. I'd never liked mystery. I liked the familiar. Seifer was royally throwing my life around and was happy while doing it. I wanted to just... Tell him to leave me the fuck alone. Get out of my life! I couldn't though. I don't know how he did it, but he had this... I wouldn't go as far as saying that he had a power over me, but for lack of a better description... He just managed to stick around and push my buttons whenever it damn well pleased him.

I wanted to hate him for not giving me something real, I'm sure I did hate him for it, but at this point I wasn't quite ready to admit that I had any type of feelings for him. So far he was just the annoying, arrogant, egotistical pain in the backside that made sure I didn't get sexually frustrated. You'd think that would make me happy. Which it sort of did... Not the point! So not the point. The point was. I was sick of being toyed with. Tired of being used...

A couple of hours before the date.

I swallowed nervously, walking shyly into the shop titled, 'Cid's Garage'. I never came in this place, I avoided it like the plague. I avoided Cid all the time. We never actually talked. We never saw each other either... Except. When I would go out, pizza boxes at the ready, preparing my scooter to go do my delivery round, Cid would stand by his shop's window, watching me leave. He didn't wave, he didn't move, he didn't say anything, just looked. A forlorn expression on his face. I knew I had the same expression on my own face... but never did I find the courage to remove the hatred my mother had installed within me the moment I could understand what hatred was...

Now though... Before Pence and Olette would make me feel better, cheer me up... They were a couple now, I sometimes felt like I was intruding. So although I still popped around their place regularly, whining about Seifer in the process, that's all that really happened. By the time I was done explaining my annoyance over my newfound lover that I couldn't exactly call a lover since he wouldn't allow it, they'd show that air a couple has... the one that tells you they wish to be alone and share a moment with each other.

Which I had no problem with, it's just that I felt very alone.

Maybe Cid wasn't as bad as mom made him out to be... He did take care of me after she was gone. He didn't have too... He could have dumped me in social services and be done with it. Sure, he kicked me off to boarding school, but I was starting to realize that it had been fair considering how annoying and irritating I was with him the first month I'd started living with him...

I knew our situation bothered him. I had heard him talk about it to Xigbar on numerous occasions. Xigbar always told him to give me time. That I'd realize things on my own at one point or another.

I breathed in deeply, steadying myself as I stood in the shop, looking around. They were most likely in the back, working on whatever in the actual garage.

The door had ringed though, that way they would know a customer was present.

So I wasn't surprised to see Cid coming out from the door that led to the Garage in the back, wiping his hands off on a nasty and greasy looking towel, only adding to it as his hands were beyond saving, grease wise, as well.

He had the welcoming smile plastered on his face and it faltered when he saw it was me. I saw his Adam's apple bob and then he scratched his head, looking uncomfortable.

"Hey kid." He said, his voice rough and low, like it had always been. I smoked on occasion, not often. Cid smoked like a chimney, it was ever-present in his booming voice.

I blinked at him, not really remembering what I was doing here, "Hey." I answered dumbly.

He pursed his lips. I did that. It was a family quirk or something, the pursing of the lips, "What can I do for you?" He asked.

I exhaled, not out of relief, but because I couldn't... I couldn't do this, "Nevermind." I told him quickly, turning around and practically running out of the shop.

The date.

Things were not going according to plan. He was supposed to make me have fun, not piss me off. Was I pissed off? I'm not really sure at this point. I felt drained... He was constantly testing me and I didn't know how to react anymore. Nothing even surprised me anymore.

Which is why I was currently sulking over a vodka-coke, sitting in a small round boot, in the club Seifer had brought me at for the date. Seifer wasn't with me. Sora was. He of course wasn't sulking. He was as bright as ever, bouncing his head left and right on the rhythm of the music that was blaring through the club, smiling as he was looking over my shoulder.

Things were supposed to be about me and Seifer. Not Riku. Not even Sora. They weren't even supposed to be here...

I was trying to make my hair look somewhat decent as I heard a knock on the door. Fingers still sticky with gel, I grimaced and opened the tap with my elbows as I shouted, "It's open!" Seifer let himself in as I dried of my hands and walked out of the bathroom to greet him. Which was me walking by him, saying hi and continuing on to the kitchen so I could get myself a glass of water.

That had been the plan anyway, Seifer stopped me, taking a hold of my elbow so he could pull me against him, "No proper hello? Must I remind you that this is an actual date and not one of our usual impromptu encounters?" I rolled my eyes at him.

"Surprise for me each time, not for you because you know everything that is happening, while I... Do not." I smiled tightly his way and he just patted my cheek in return.

"Don't start pouting now, Princess. We're supposed to have fun tonight. Do things by the rules..." He murmured, arching an eyebrow my way.

I grimaced, "You bumped into Olette on your way up here, didn't you?" He grinned, nodding, "She has claws, I tell you." He informed.

Before I could tell him I was very well aware Olette owned a pair of claws and teeth too for that matter, Seifer stopped me from doing so by framing my face gently, humming appreciatively as he gave me a slow once over, "Pretty..." He whispered, placing a long and soft kiss against my temple.

"You're not very subtle when you wish me to shut up..." I murmured in return, not feeling all that offended that that had been most likely why he'd done that. He'd done it on numerous occasions over the last couple of months. I'd be angry, but it felt really nice...

"We have to go, We're meeting up with Riku and Sora at the Club's Entrance." He said and then added quickly, "Calm down. Yes I kept it from you because I wanted to see how you'd react... Probably not exactly for the right reasons... But I'm telling you now, aren't I? No more games... At least... I'll make you aware of what games I'm playing before I play them." He explained, reasoned... whatever. I was tired. I didn't want to fight him. I didn't want to argue. I just wanted to get the date over and done with and then start thinking on the following two options... Do I break up with Seifer or do I tell him I might be developing some sort of feelings for him?

When he'd told me to calm down, I hadn't even been upset to begin with.

"Alright, let's go then." I said with a smile, making my way out of the apartment, Seifer on my heels.

"That's all? You're not mad?" He pressed and I just shook my head at him.

"A date by the regular rules, right? I'm doing it, I'm playing by the rules." I explained.

I shook my head. I should have gotten angry and told him the date was off. I shouldn't have gone with him. I should just leave Sora to fend for himself.

On that note, "Aren't you worried? They had a thing together..." I asked Sora, who turned his head to give me his attention.

He shrugged, "Not at all. I trust Riku. He can dance all dances with Seifer tonight if he wants too, I don't care because I know he'll come home with me, not with Seifer." Sora grinned slowly, sipping his coke. Alright, so obviously he'd gotten a whole lot more secure about his abilities to keep a man satisfied.

Sora snorted, "I'm just surprised Riku dances at all!" He shouted happily over the music, returning his eyes onto the dance floor where Riku and Seifer were now dancing among a ton of other gay couples.

It was a view of half naked bodies, everywhere. Because so many people were dancing on a relatively small dancing space, a lot of the boys had started removing their shirts. That wasn't so unusual, it happened every time I went here. I actually participated in the near orgy striptease. I actually enjoyed it. I didn't tonight though, since although Riku and Seifer were still wearing their clothes, they were pressed up against each other quite closely since they didn't have enough space to actually put space between them. Not that Seifer would allow space between himself and Riku even if there had been space on the dance floor to do so.

I was jealous. But too tired to do anything about it. Seifer obviously didn't want a relationship with me and whatever he wanted to get out of me... I didn't understand. I was confused and now that I felt quite a good amount of jealousy, I could now admit in my mind that I felt more for Seifer than I wanted. Normally it would have made me angry to be used once again... I always had felt angry when Roxas dumped me over and over. Now though... I just wanted Seifer to leave me alone. And for real this time too.

I sighed heavily, sulking, depressed, everything negative and then downed my drink quickly, standing up to go back to the bar and get me another drink, "I have every intention of drinking myself silly tonight." I informed Sora and he quirked an eyebrow in slight worry at my lack of enthusiasm. I left before he could ask about it though.

I ordered another vodka-coke from the nice bartender behind the bar and then waited patiently as he resumed pouring drinks every which way. Plenty people, so it would most likely take a moment.

I got out of Seifer's car, waiting for him to get out as well before crossing the street and meeting up with Sora and Riku who were standing in front of the club already, waiting for us before going in.

Sora met me somewhat halfway, giving me half a hug for a greeting. He looked as bright as he always did, and more so because his hand was still in Riku's, who was... I blinked. Well damn.

"Nice catch." I grinned at Sora who pretended to swoon, making Riku shuffle uncomfortably on his feet. Sora kicked himself out of the fake swoon, smirking at Riku as he cuddled up against his side, "Oh come on, Riku. You know you're gorgeous!" Sora kissed his boyfriend soundly after the statement, and Riku suddenly seemed less reluctant to agree.

"Hey Soldier!" Seifer shouted, making Riku grin in return as he quickly kissed Sora's temple before detaching himself and meeting Seifer halfway like Sora had done with me. They hugged it out and although I felt a little jealous at their particular closeness at this point, I knew they had only seen each other once after having both been beaten up. I was mature enough to know that this was just a friendly greeting... I think.

"The cane is gone!" Seifer said, kicking Riku's leg gently, who then jumped once on spot, showing that his leg was fine, "Yeah, all healed." Riku confirmed.

Seifer chuckled, "Good! Then you dance with me because Princess over there doesn't dance." He smirked my way and I knew my mouth hung open. I quickly closed it so Riku and Sora wouldn't wonder why I was reacting this strongly. I didn't want to get into it.

It was a blow to the stomach though. A harsh one. Obviously he'd known I didn't dance... Now he could dance all his dances with Riku instead, having a great excuse to explain why he wasn't dancing with me at all...

I blinked out of my staring contest with the empty glass in front of me, looking up as a pair of fingers had snapped in front of my face, trying to get my attention. The music was loud, and it was way to hot in here. I was now passing beyond the stage we call "Tipsy".

I didn't know the guy and I knew he was trying to put the moves on me considering the slow slow smile and well... His hand on my hips probably gave me a pretty clear picture as well. He was about my own height, his hair pitch black and he had a pretty face to go with the nicely shaped body that was visible beneath his tight pair of pants and shirt. I preferred looser clothes on guys, but... tight was always very handy to get a good look before making any decisions. Had I not been on a date, I would have definitely given him a test drive.

"Sorry, I came here with a date." I told him honestly, wondering why I was even bothering considering Seifer wasn't exactly treating me like a date to begin with.

The guy lifted an eyebrow, cocking his head to the dance floor, "Tall blond, dry humping the Silverette?" He asked for confirmation, and I winced because now he knew I not only came with a date, but that my date was a jackass.

While I tried to figure out a way to tell him that, 'yes that was my date, I know he's evil but that's apparently how I like em - Goodnight...' He'd given me a gently smile, pulling me with him. He led me onto the dance floor and when he found a spot that pleased him, he turned towards me, placing his hands on my hips to pull me closer.

One dance couldn't hurt, right?

Gulping, I placed my hands on his shoulders, moving along with the rhythm he placed in our steps. He bend closer, his head beside mine, his lips brushing my ear, "Relax..." He whispered. I nodded, trying to do as he asked. The first song passed by quickly, but he didn't let go of me - simple kept on dancing and changing the pace of our steps to fit the next song. We basically just stepped every once in a while, while holding on to each other. Well hey! I can dance!

We kept dancing throughout the next four songs, and with each song I relaxed a little more. His hands slid upwards over my back, his hands closing gently onto my shoulder blades, hugging me closer to him so our bodies molded together, "Much better. Can I get you a drink without having you run off on me?" He asked, grinning a little. I... I was having fun.

I nodded at him and he grasped my hand, pulling me along with him over to the bar. After he placed his order, he leaned sideways against the bar so he could face me, reaching forward with a hand so he could toy with one of the spiky bangs that had fallen in my face, "You're a pretty one, aren't you... What's your name?" He asked.

"Hayner. Yours?" He smirked ever so slightly as I waited for his reply. Instead of answering my question, he stepped forward - closing all distance between us. His hand that had previously been toying with my hair, cupped my cheek - tilting my face upwards. His other arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me against him firmly. I was breathing fast, knowing full well what was about to happen. I didn't really want too. I didn't think so anyway. I was feeling a bit blurry at the moment. How many drinks did I drink again?

Could I do this? Did I want too? I pursed my lips a little. Not like Seifer was going to give me anything...

"Relax..." He whispered again, his lips inches from my own. Taking a deep breath, I nodded - closing my eyes. I heard him chuckle right before I felt his lips press against my own. My breathing hitched a little, the feeling that ran through me was surprisingly pleasant. I wasn't sure, I was feeling both happy and upset.

Finally someone was kissing me, making sure to show me they were pleased they were kissing me. Unfortunately, Seifer had played his game long enough for me to get trapped in it. Although the kiss was pleasant, what I really wanted was for Seifer to kiss me. He wasn't going to give me anything I wanted though. Seifer was out of my reach...

Resolved, I let my hands travel their way up over his arms, wrapping them around his neck. I could feel his lips forming into a smile at my action. Tilting my head up a little more, I moved my lips in sync with his. I was exploring the unknown yet so familiar, testing.

Soon after, he ended the kiss but still kept a hold of me. Smiling, he took one of my hands and led me through the club. I frowned a little but followed him a little hesitantly. Looking back I tried to see the others, but this club was formed in an angle so they weren't in my line of vision at all, and neither was I in theirs. My frown deepened when he led me into the bathroom. My ears ringing a little as the music wasn't quite as loud in here. The bright light and lack of sound made me realize I was a lot more drunk than I thought I'd been.

"What are you doing?" I asked. He smiled instead of answering me. Again. I tugged onto his hand, wanting him to let go off me.

"Relax..." He repeated once more. I shook my head, tugging onto his hold again.

"No, I will not relax! Let go off me." I ground out. He still hadn't let go off me and his hold was tight enough that I couldn't manage to force him to let go. My eyes widened a little, and I stepped backwards as he tried closing the distance between us. I gulped as my back hit the wall, his hands placing themselves on either side of my head, trapping me there.

"I don't want this. Leave me alone." I tried to reason calmly, hoping that may work better.

"You didn't seem so reluctant earlier.." He pointed out. I scowled, "Although that is true, we'd only been kissing then. I'm not going to be your quickie in the club's bathroom so you can get off and be happy until you find your next prey!' I spat out. He laughed softly, toying with my hair again.

"I don't take no for an answer..." He whispered. I cringed, "That's illegal you know?" I stated, nervously, trying to wriggle my way out of his make shift cage. I will not resort to violence. I will not do it. We can still work this out with words...

"What will you do about it? I know you want this, don't deny it." He pressed his chest against me, and that was it. I flattened my hands on his pecks, pushing him away roughly so he was forced to take a couple of steps away from me.

"I am not denying anything! A kiss? Sure. A hand job or more in a dirty bathroom? No thank you! I've had enough of your kind!" I shouted, suddenly more frustrated with my situation revolving around Seifer than the guy trying to force a quickie out of me.

"Feisty. I like it." He answered. I rolled my eyes, "Will you get the hint, Jackass? Get off!' I sneered. I yelped in surprise as the idiot was suddenly pulled violently away from me. My eyes widening when I saw it was Seifer who had done so.

"As he said. Get off of him. He said no, and you will respect that. Now please leave and nothing too horrible will happen." Seifer's voice was calm but firm.

The idiot grinned, "You didn't seem all that attentive to Hayner earlier this evening. If you had paid a little more attention to him, maybe he wouldn't have strayed..." The mocking in this guy's voice was very heavy and I didn't like it.

Seifer shoved him towards the door, letting him go as he stepped towards me. I figured he was going to get angry at me now, but instead he pulled me against his side, "How I treat my dates doesn't concern you, asshole. What does concern you is that I am a very jealous person by nature. If I were you I wouldn't want to push me and find out what the consequences are..." Seifer suggested.

The guy laughed, "You might like to know that he was kissing me rather enthusiastically before." He winked at me and I grimaced.

Seifer chuckled, gently tilting my head up, kissing the corner of my mouth. My heart jumped in my chest and I suddenly couldn't breathe... Although he hadn't kissed me on the lips, this was the closest he'd gotten too ever since that very first and last kiss we'd shared in the Pizza Parlor.

Seifer turned his gaze over to the guy, "Hmm, yeah I saw that. I pissed Hayner off before by flirting with another guy... You probably saw that otherwise you wouldn't have put the moves on my Princess in the first place. Hayner was trying to get back at me. Now that you have served your purpose, you may go."

The guy muttered out a sarcastic "Princess" below his breathe and then before he turned around and left, he gave me a narrowed look.

Once he was gone, I exhaled in relief, "Thanks." I told Seifer who was currently glaring at me...

"What the hell were you thinking? If I hadn't seen him take you into the bathroom, God only knows what would have happened! Don't you fear for your behind at all?" He shouted, taking a step away from me.

I stared dully back at him, "I can take care of myself, thank you. If it had come to that, I would have fought him off. I'm not a complete Princess, I'll have you know." I crossed my arms over my chest and started walking out of the bathroom, "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go get stupidly drunk, more so than I already am, and sulk over the fact that my date!" I shouted at him, smacking his chest because I was just that frustrated, "Doesn't give a damn about me!" I shook my head, grimacing at the slight stab poking my heart area, "You didn't come in here because you were jealous... You came in here because you figured I couldn't take care of myself. Thanks Seifer, you..." I gritted my teeth, turning around to face him again so I could smack his shoulder, "You make me feel worse than any guy has ever made me feel. And considering nobody has cared to figure out what an awesome boyfriend I'd make, that's pretty impressive." I shrugged and then walked through the short and small hallway that would bring me back to the bar and dance floor, "Congratulations!" I shouted angrily over my shoulder.

Whatever happened next, I couldn't remember because alcohol had become my new lover.

The aftermath.

"WAKE UP!" Someone shouted. And when I realized it was Cloud, I did wake up quite instantly. He never shouted. He never was upset and right now he sounded upset. I popped my eyes open, wondering what the hell was going on and when I saw Cloud was butt naked, I shot up, sitting quite instantly.

The groan beside me had me looking over and I realized Seifer was butt naked and... present. Too. What the fuck?

I jumped onto my feet and then regretted it instantly, "What? What, what?" I shouted at the monstrous headache making itself present. Grabbing my head, I fell back down on the bed. Seifer was starting to wake up now, his eyes were open anyway.

"Why is Cloud naked? No offense, you're pretty as a picture, but..." While Cloud frowned down at his own nakedness, Seifer looked at me, seemingly confused, "I thought we were into monogamy..." He muttered. And now I wanted to kill him. He was still capable of being sarcastic while hungover? Well, shit.

Cloud suddenly lost it, throwing his hands up in the air and gripping his hair in frustration as he quickly marched his bare ass out of his bedroom. I glared at Seifer, laying back down on the bed, pulling the cover over my head as I pretended to go back to sleep. I hoped he would just leave without actually trying to talk to me.

"Princess?" He asked. I growled, "Fuck you, Seifer." I muttered, pushing my head underneath a pillow. I could feel him moving around the bed beside me, and as I nearly did an internal happy dance because I figured he was leaving, he obviously decided to do the opposite, his naked self now pressed up against my own naked self.

I inhaled sharply as his hand softly held onto my hip, his erection nestled comfortably against my bottom. I squeezed my eyes shut firmly as I could feel his breath on my neck, "Hayner...?" He tried and I wanted to kick myself for nearly falling for it. But I didn't! So I held on tightly to the pillow, hoping he'd get the hint and leave without me having to do anything.

Because if he made me do anything, I wouldn't kick him out...

I didn't like him, not at all. He pissed me off, he hurt me over and over, he was secretive and beyond aloof. So yeah, I didn't like him. I couldn't hate him though... For some stupid reason, I couldn't hate him. Not only did I not hate him, I was pretty sure at this point that I loved the Jackass. Capital J.

So no, I couldn't make him leave because what I really wanted was for him to stay and open up to me, to care about me. For him to let me care about him. The undying love I'd felt for Roxas had actually just been my dick wishing for attention. With Seifer? We hadn't even had sex yet. The occasional hand job had occurred, but that was about it... I wasn't sticking around and letting him play with me because of sex. There was no sex. Which is how I'd come to realize I was sticking around and letting him play with me because I had actual feelings for him.

I knew he was about to say something, but he didn't because Cloud walked back into the room, going for his closet. I staid still and so did Seifer. I still wanted Seifer to believe I had gone back to sleep and Seifer probably just... whatever.

Once Cloud was back out of the bedroom, closing the door behind him, Seifer spoke, "Talk to me..." He murmured and I gritted my teeth, willing myself not to react as I could hear the genuine apology hanging in Seifer's tone of voice.

No more talking. I'd talked enough. He wasn't getting anything out of me anymore.

He kissed my shoulder, "I wish I could be with you... I just. My situation doesn't allow it." Ok... That was a little more information than I usually got. Now I was curious and I wanted to know what the situation was that stopped him from making his wish come true. I scoffed. Like I could be his wish...

And because I'd scoffed, obviously my act of sleep, was no longer. Seifer chuckled, "I knew you weren't sleeping." He sounded cheerful and that just wouldn't do. Untangling myself from him, I moved over to the edge of the bed, sitting up so I could look down at him sternly, "What the fuck, Seifer? You can't just funny your way out of this. You screwed up, bad. Why are you even bothering to talk to me. I gave you a clean break last night. Take it, damn you! Leave me alone!" I whisper shouted at him, not wanting Cloud or Tifa to hear.

Oh hey... Tifa was here. I'd forgotten completely. I glared at Seifer, "You make me forget things!" I accused him.

He blinked and then shook himself as he then sat up as well, "You're not the only one who's screwed up!" He whisper shouted back, and the sudden pain writing itself all over his face shocked me. He looked so fragile all of a sudden, I couldn't move or react or anything...

"Certain things are expected of me. If I don't do those things, I don't get what I need and I'll disappoint. I've disappointed before and I'm very set on the idea of not repeating that mistake..." He grimaced at the bed sheets, his expression pained, still, "I... If things were different than maybe... But they aren't!" He shouted. I'm not sure I understood what he was saying. He didn't give details, just talked about something in particular without describing it to me. It was severely annoying.

"I wish they would allow it. They won't though, I know this." He wasn't shouting anymore, he just sounded sad now. And like the patethic loser I am, I wanted to hug the sadness out of him. I didn't though, thank you very much.

He swallowed a little and then turned to look at me, "When I saw you with that guy last night? I've never felt anything quite that painful before... I came to the bathroom because I was jealous... Don't you think otherwise." He muttered and then he got off the bed, starting to reassemble his clothes.

System of a down's Marmalade was playing loudly in the background, coming from the bathroom next door. I knew Seifer was leaving. I didn't really know what to do at this point. This was the first time he was actually going to do what I asked him to do. I'm not sure how I knew it, but I knew.

So, while feeling a bit numb, I got up as well, put my clothes back on and followed Seifer out into the living room. Cloud passed us on the way, returning to his bedroom and slamming the door behind him.

Tifa quickly explained what happened when we got back from the club. I would have been amused at the fact that we'd all danced around naked on Doris Day's daisies song... but I still felt numb. I showed Seifer out of the door and once he was gone, I mutely returned to my bedroom and crashed down onto my bed to sleep things off.

You'd think I'd be able to move on after that. He'd finally given me what I'd wanted from the very beginning. To leave me alone and be gone. I wasn't though, the numbness I'd felt when he'd made clear he was going to leave, had stuck. I kept on feeling it for the next couple of weeks. Although my life had gone back to it's familiar routine, I was on auto-pilote and not aware of anything that happened around me.

Seifer only showed up once. The same day Cloud announced he was moving out.

I knew someone had come into the apartment without knocking. I knew it wasn't Cloud. I figured it was Seifer, but I didn't look away from the television screen as I ate my pizza slowly.

He stood by the side of the couch for a while, waiting for me to look at him, but I didn't.

"Hayner." He asked, and I didn't respond.

I breathed in sharply as he suddenly crouched down in front of me, his hands framing my face. His eyebrows were pulled down in form of worry and he looked just as exhausted and horribly depressing as I felt.

"Seifer..." I protested lamely, but he didn't listen, just pushed me back onto the couch, lying down on top of me.

I sobbed, whimpered, moaned... I'm not exactly sure, I made a startled noise that edged on the sound of pain because what Seifer did next not only shocked me, but pleased me while it hurt me all at once.

His hands were still framing my face and I'd made that noise because suddenly he'd placed his lips over my own. I'm pretty sure I cried because of the gentleness, the softness and the tenderness. He was being so careful and attentive... I wanted more but it just hurt.

"Kiss me back..." He pleaded and I didn't... I couldn't. I wanted too, more than anything, but he hadn't come here to make his wish come true. He'd come here in hopes things could go back to the way they were. And they couldn't... I couldn't put myself in that position anymore. I was done being used.

I'm not sure how it happened, I was dazed... but a moment later we were suddenly naked and Seifer was lying back down on top of me, surprising me yet again with another kiss. He brushed his lips back and forth over my own, licking my bottom lip before he gently sucked it into his mouth, "I miss you..." He murmured so soft, and he still sounded sad because never did I kiss him back.

I wasn't sure what he was hoping to achieve with this either. What I did know is that he was in as much pain as I was and that just made me wonder whether he was stupid or not. Whatever was keeping him from making his wish become a reality, must be extremely important to him because otherwise he wouldn't let himself bask in the glory of misery.

I wanted to ask him, but Cloud interrupted. He walked in, not caring that we were obviously busy and stood by the side of the couch until both Seifer and I had covered ourselves with the blanket after having sat up on the couch to give Cloud the attention he obviously was seeking.

"Seifer? You have an apartment?" Seifer, completely dumbfounded with the whole situation, shook his head. And now I knew that he lived with his parents.

"Congratulations, you live here now." Whut? "Any good at making Pizza's? Because I'm quitting in..." Cloud looked at his watch and then nodded, "In about two minutes if you guys answer fast enough..."

Seifer didn't come to live with me. He didn't stay long after Cloud had left again. Whatever had made him show up in my apartment that evening, I figured I would never find out.

The next day, I'd gone to Cid's apartment across town. He'd been surprised to find be behind his front door but stepped aside and let me in nonetheless. I didn't say anything... I just walked over to his couch, sat down, opened the pizza box I'd brought with me and started eating said pizza while watching whatever he was watching on the television. It took him a couple of minutes, but he soon sat down beside me, resuming his dinner and movie, not asking me any questions and just letting me be. I liked him a lot for that.

While I still continued to visit Pence and Olette regularly, I spend my evenings at Cid the following weeks. We avoided the subject of my parents masterfully, knowing full well I wasn't ready to talk about that yet. I was ready to meet Cid and see who he really was, I was willing to let him in and I was very willing to let go of the hatred my mother had installed within me against my father which I'd then reflected upon Cid when I couldn't take it out on my father.

We did simple things, Cid made us dinner, I'd pick a movie. I'd make him dinner and then he'd pick a movie. It moved on quickly to sharing movie interests and we'd joke about the fact that he only liked old movies and that I only liked the movies that had come out recently. "Nowadays kids don't like to watch anything that doesn't have 3D in it. It's ridiculous." That was Cid's claim.

We talked about how his shop was growing in number of clients lately and that he was going to start looking for more employees since he and Leon could barely handle the shop on their own what with all the commissions. He asked me what I had planned for college, if I had any plans for it. I'd then made clear that I should have started college two years ago already and that I didn't feel like I missed out on anything now that I didn't go. I just didn't want to go to college. I didn't feel the need too. I was happy with my job at the Pizza Parlor, and if for some reason that didn't work out one day, I'd just get another job that was in the likes of those.

And then one evening, the light and fun topics were pushed aside for something completely different...

"You gonna tell me why you showed up here that first evening? Don't get me wrong, kid. I'm pleased we seem to be getting along, it means a lot to me, alright? I just wish to find out what set you off and made you decide." Cid asked this while he shoveled some rice into his mouth, followed by grilled bits of chicken dripping with a yummie curry sauce. His eyes were on me and he'd turned the television off so I was obliged to return the gaze.

I grimaced his way, eating some more chicken before answering, "Shit. Well, you probably figured I'm gay by now. You sure you wanna talk boy issues with me?" I grinned as Cid did frown a little bit at that. I knew he had no issue with my sexuality, with anyones for that matter. I just also knew he hadn't done this kind of talk before.

"Start out by telling me his name, tell me how you met and then tell me what the problem is now." Cid instructed, more rice in his mouth.

I sighed heavily, "Yeah, that's the thing. It's not just one boy..." I murmured. Cid's eye twitched and I chuckled, shaking my head, "No! No. I don't have more than one boy... I just mean that the problems I have with this particular boy, are problems that have taken place with the boys before I met him. Apparently I'm not boyfriend material..." I murmured, feeling uncomfortable and a little fragile because I was still hurting.

"Well that's just ridiculous! Anyone would be lucky to have you!" Cid protested, putting his plate on the coffee table beside him.

I smiled at him, "Yeah, but you're supposed to say that. You're my uncle." I pointed out and then faltered slightly because I hadn't actually acknowledge that he was... ever.

Cid grinned, "It's alright. The title won't swallow you hole and spit you into oblivion. It aint gonna hurt. I'm your uncle, kid. Whether you like it or not."

I put my plate beside his, "I know you are. And I now know as well that none of the issues between mom and dad were your fault. Mom just had a really hard time dealing with the fact that dad skipped out on her. It was wrong of him to leave her when she was pregnant. I know that, you know that, she knew that... I'm sure even dad knew this." I mumbled, finally letting this subject fall out of my mouth.

Cid grumbled a little, sitting back on the couch to rub his belly, "Your father was what was called a "scoundrel" back in the day. He was my little brother, so I loved him. But right in his mind? I don't think so. I agree, he shouldn't have left your mother as he did and I tried to reason with him over the following few years, it just wouldn't get in. He hadn't been in love with your mother and he had some severe commitment issues. The moment he saw a way out, he took it and never looked back. I'm sorry you had to go through all of this. I really am. Your mother though... I tried giving her child support for years, sending it to her by mail and hoping she'd take it because I knew she needed it for you. She always send it back though. I know it wasn't my place, but since your father wouldn't do it, I believed I had to step up. Which is also why I took you in when your mother died." Cid patted my shoulder, letting me sink it all in. Mom had died because of a tumor. They didn't get it on time and she was just gone one day... I didn't like to think much about it, I missed her a lot, but I'd managed to slowly accept the fact that she was now gone and continue with my life. I'd always miss her.

As for my father... He died in a motorcycle accident. I didn't know. Not until Cid took me in after my mother had died. Dad had died a couple of years before my mother and when Cid got me...

"It was like getting back a piece of him, you know? I couldn't just let social services take you." Cid murmured, finishing my thoughts.

We continued to talk about them the rest of the evening. Cid introduced me to my father through childhood stories. Apparently my dad was a master at pranks and put Cid through hell when it came to their parents.

"Are they still alive? My grandparents?" I asked carefully.

Cid smiled, "Your grandmother is. Tough little lady, she'll love you if you let her."

I told Cid about my mother's many boyfriends, I'd never been bothered by them - so I talked of them with a grin on my face as most of the tales were quite adventurous.

"Are you serious? Shit. What did you say?" Cid was obviously amused.

I grinned, "I told him he didn't need to play father figure and be nice with me in order to get into my mother's pants. Adding that she seemed pretty willing if he just stopped trying to be my new dad. Mom preferred one night stands really." I grimaced at that and Cid did too.

I was still hurting. I missed Seifer and I wished things could just work out. Since they couldn't though... I just tried to deal with it. I was better now. This was nice. I didn't think I had, but I'd missed Cid.

A couple of more weeks later - The housewarming.

"He's hurting, you know." Tifa whispered in my ear, distracting me from my staring contest with the brothers living room window. I was a little detached from everything, and I hadn't exactly felt like coming to the housewarming, but I'd promised Sora and you can't break a promise made to Sora. He just didn't accept it and he'd made sure to call me an hour before the housewarming started so he could make sure I'd be there.

Sighing, I turned around to face my ex-roommate's best friend, "Who? Not Cloud. He seems to be doing pretty great now that he's confessed his love for Leon and that Leon seems very happy returning those feelings." I muttered out. I was happy for them, I really was. They were good together, I could see it in the way Leon handled Cloud, very gently and slowly, I think Cloud appreciated that. And Cloud managed to knock sense into the thick skull that is Leon.

Tifa shook her head at me, "I meant Seifer." Ah, so they had become friends like they'd promised to each other that afternoon she'd decided to take over my room.

"You see him often?" I asked nonchalantly. Tifa grinned, knowing I was trying to be nonchalant, and obviously, I was failing, "Well, yeah. He's crashing at my place at the moment until he finds his own place." My eyes widened. What the hell did I miss?

Tifa patted me on the head, "Yeah, some things went down over the last couple of weeks. Seifer has been... reforming, or whatever you want to call it." I sighed heavily, grimacing a little.

"Don't tell me. I don't want to hear it..." I walked away from hear, wanting to find a bathroom in order to be able to stick my head under cold water to ease myself the fuck down, "I'll just end up hurting again." I threw over my shoulder at her, leaving the living room and finding that bathroom.

Two weeks later.

Cid had decided to show me how things worked in his shop. I'd asked him why and he'd told me that Leon and Cloud were going to get themselves a nice little niche of their own in the city and that Leon would have to find a job there at some point or another to avoid having to travel this far back and forth. That was the reason, Leon was leaving and Cid hoped I had an interest in mechanics so I could quit my delivery boy job and work for Cid instead. So now I worked in the garage from nine in the morning until three in the afternoon, had a two hour break and then did an evening shift at the Parlor to finish off my day.

When I'd told Cid I wasn't sure I was interested in working in the garage, he reminded me that I didn't really care what kind of job I did. He needed a new employee, and the pay was better then at the Pizza Parlor. It was win win for both of us. So I agreed and he'd been showing me the ropes over the last couple of days. I wouldn't be able to do what Leon did for a while, but he definitely needed someone behind the counter and although Cloud wouldn't believe it, I was pretty good with paperwork...

Cid was pleased when I'd taken the initiative to find him another employee who would actually be able to do what Leon did, and I knew Leon felt a lot better about leaving the place now that Cid was taken good care off. Zell was an alright guy, a bit funny on some borders. His taste in music was questionable. I'd caught him shaking his ass on barbie girl one afternoon and instead of being embarrassed he'd claimed that it was a classic that couldn't be ignored. I'd shrugged, because I really didn't know what to tell him.

Cid seemed to get along with him fine, they bantered and joked a lot in the garage and Cid liked that Zell liked me fine as well. Cid had suggested I ask him out, but one thing was certain, Zell wasn't gay. And he reminded me a bit of Seifer... It made me feel a bit weird so I tended to just avoid him if I could. If I couldn't though, I managed.

I was working on some receipts when Tifa walked into the shop, waving with a bright smile my way.

"Hey squirt! How you doing?" She asked, ruffling my hair. I dropped the receipts, patted my hair back in place while giving her a minor glare. She could do worse so she didn't get the major glare.

"How can I help you?" I asked in my working voice.

She wiggled her eyebrows, "I'm bored." Shit, that's never a good sign. Tifa continued, "Now that Leon and Cloud are a happy, bright in the sky, out and proud, rainbows everywhere, gay is awesome, couple... I don't have anymore projects... So..." I grimaced as she leaned onto the counter, giving me a pointed look, "You'll be my new project!" She announced cheerfully. This wasn't good. Houston! We have a problem!

"Don't do it Tifa... I don't like you all that much to begin with!" She scoffed, obviously not believing a word I said.

"Come on. It won't do you any harm. I just feel bad for making you feel bad at the housewarming. I shouldn't have brought him up, you've moved on and now I accept that. I'm sorry..." She apologized. I gave her a tight smile, "It's alright." I murmured.

She grinned, "Great! Now on that moving on subject... I know this really cute guy from work, he's new and doesn't really know anybody. I thought maybe I could set you guys up on a date?" She looked so annoyingly hopeful...

"I don't know, Tifa... A blind date?" I cringed a little at the idea.

Tifa shrugged, "What's the worse that can happen? I mean, if you guys don't hit it off boyfriend wise, you may just make a new friend. He needs both, really. New in town, remember?"

I frowned, "What about Seifer?" I edged carefully, wondering if he was still crashing at her place.

"He solved his issues, found himself a place. He's not on my couch anymore, Hayner. You have nothing to worry about." She reassured.

I sighed heavily, "Fine. But only because you helped me figure out how rent works a month ago!" She'd told me I owed her. I was paying her back with this.

"Awesome!" She agreed, turning a little as the door leading to the garage opened. Cid smiled broadly as he saw Tifa, "Hey sweetheart! Long time no see. What have you been up too?" And that's where I spaced out and continued to work on my receipts since I didn't want to know the details of Tifa's life.

I was interrupted by Zell though, bumping me in the shoulder, "Who's she...?" He asked, sounding wonderfully amazed as his eyes raked over Tifa's fine body shape. I didn't need to be straight to know Tifa was a catch.

"She isn't seeing anybody. Go for it." I mumbled absentmindedly. And going for it he did. I only looked up from my receipts once to see that Tifa had smacked Zell across the face. Zell had been grinning, murmuring that she was feisty and that he liked it. Tifa had hugged me goodbye on her way out, whispering in my ear that I should give the idiot her number.

Weird, weird people.

The date.

I was pulling on my hair in frustration, trying to calm down the nerves. Fuck. Shit. Double fuck and shit! I grabbed the pot of gel and smeared another healthy amount of it into my hair, trying to righten it. Why did it have to be uncontrollably annoying today? Why not tomorrow? I couldn't go on a date with bed hair. I knew some people thought it sexy, but I wanted to look presentable, nice. I was done being used I'd told myself, no more wacky relationships that weren't relationships to begin with. If I was going on a date sporting bed hair that looked like I'd recently been fucked all the way to next Sunday, it wouldn't give the right impressions.

I didn't really know what to expect of this guy, I'd called Tifa to tell me where she wished me to meet him, his name was Brad Willis and he worked as the new coach in the high school she worked at. She'd given me the address of a small cafe in Hollow Bastion. We'd both meet halfway that way and the date wouldn't be too official if neither of us when to pick up the other. Meaning that this was more of a friendly meeting that could possibly turn into a date later if things went well. But it didn't have too. I liked that, gave me options. I liked options.

I changed my pants for the hundredth time, wondering what a high school coach would like for a look on his date. High school coach that was gay? Man... the drama. I wonder if he had a hard time making the football team respect him... Oh fuck, what if he was a closet case? I didn't want to date a closet case. Right. Friend. If something didn't please me, I could just call it quits and be his friend instead. I could tell Tifa her new project could be getting her new boy in town friend - out of the closet.

I inhaled deeply, breathing out slowly to ease myself down before I nodded at myself in the mirror. Cloud had left his closet here and it had a large mirror where I could see myself in completely. I'm not sure why I hadn't moved my stuff into this bedroom yet, it had a window and was much bigger. Maybe I could get Brad to help me figure out what to do with the room.

Cid knew about the date and told me I could borrow one of his cars parked behind Garage, once I'd picked one out that looked not too expensive but not too poor either, I drove off - off to Hollow Bastion.

The cafe was easy to find, it was right across from the hospital - and I'd been in the hospital before to get my stomach pumped after my twenty-first birthday because of alcohol poisoning. That had not been a good birthday. And of course, Demyx worked here and Zexion worked in the cafe I was supposed to meet Brad. I was glad Zexion wasn't working a shift while I was on my date, I didn't need people starting gossip. I doubted Zexion would be the type to start gossip, but if he saw, he'd most likely tell Demyx and Demyx was the kind to gossip.

I parked the car on the hospital parking and then made my way over to the cafe. There was a little bell in the corner, informing the people who worked here that there was a customer coming in. It was nicely warm in here and I started taking off my coat as I looked around the cafe to see if I could recognize Brad. Tifa said he was tall and blond. Not much to go on, but I could also just say his name out loud and see who'd react.

As I scanned my eyes over the area, I nearly died of a heart attack when my eyes landed on Seifer. What was he doing here? Why was he here? He couldn't be here? I was on a date! I was starting to move on! Things were going good again!

Angry and logical completely thrown out of the window, I marched over to him, pointing my finger at his chest, "What the fuck are you doing here?" I whisper shouted and I quickly took a step back when I realized he was just as surprised to see me.

Oh fuck. I gritted my teeth, crossing my arms over my chest. He mimicked my actions.

"Brad Willis?" I asked and Seifer grimaced, "Yeah, that was supposed to be my blind date." He muttered.

I rolled my eyes, "No kidding. Mine as well! Either Tifa has planned a threesome or she's got a lot more balls then I thought her able to carry. And while I'm on balls, why the hell are you dating? Aren't you supposed to be running after Riku?" I was sitting down in the boot and Seifer followed my lead, glaring at me.

"If you hadn't ignored my calls and made very clear that you didn't wish to speak to me any longer, I might have been able to explain!" He shouted at me and I blinked looking around the cafe. People were looking and Seifer and I both nodded, simultaneously deciding to tone ourselves down.

I had ignored his phone calls. I just didn't like to talk about it. I'd kept it too myself this entire time, "You screwed up bad!" I reminded him.

Seifer scoffed, "Because kissing a random guy in a club isn't just as bad? I'm not saying what I did was good, I'm just saying we screwed up just as bad as the other." He smiled slowly as I didn't know what to tell him there. I still believed I didn't nearly treat him as badly as he did me, but he did kind of have a point there.

"Instead of arguing with me all the time, why didn't you just tell me how you truly felt?" He asked softly. Shit. Of course he knew. Tifa must have told him. If not she, Olette. Women had their fucking ways.

"I shouldn't have had too. It's not like it would have changed your plans." I muttered.

Seifer closed his eyes, looking pained, "You're right. I was a Jackass, with a capital J. And I can't take back what I put you through. I get that you don't want to be with me that way anymore. I get it alright? I don't deserve it after what I did. I just wish you'd let me explain. Not because I want you to change your mind about moving on, but because I just... I need to explain to you that although I was a Jackass, maybe the Capital J in that title isn't absolutely necessary..." He murmured, looking down at the table.

"Have you decided on your order?" A cheerful voice interrupted. I looked dully up at the girl, recognizing her. I frowned, "Do I know you from somewhere?" I asked. She smiled brightly, framing her name tag between her fingers, "Yuffie is the name. Can't know me from here, this is only my second day. Too old to be in the same school... Hmmm. Where do you work?" She asked. Her smile was contagious, "Pizza Parlor in Traverse Town." She grinned in return, "Ah! I was acquainted with Cloud and Leon at some point a couple of months back. Now, may I take your order? Boss is watching me." I nodded at her and then looked at Seifer who was staring at me, pained expression on his face.

"Coffee?" I asked him. Seifer nodded, looking a little more relaxed now that he knew I wasn't going to run.

I looked up at Yuffie, "Two coffees please. Bring plenty of sugar." I ordered.

Yuffie nodded, giving me a small salute, "Coming right up honey bee!" She winked and then turned on her heel to walk back behind the counter to get us those coffees. That girl was full of cheer.

Blinking a little out of the Yuffie cheer bubble, I returned my attention to Seifer, who was staring at the table between us still. I didn't like it that he looked so vulnerable. He was supposed to be the ever confident Seifer. I liked him when he was the arrogant prick he truly was. Wait? Whut? No way...

We staid silent until Yuffie had come back with our coffees, placing the bill in the middle of the table, "Make sure to pay at the counter, Thanks! Have a great day!" And when she was gone, we both leaned forward so we could sit up and drink or coffees. Still silent.

Grimacing, I added a second round of sugar and Seifer's eye twitched at the amount, "Why do you drink it if you don't like it?" He asked.

"I like it fine. With sugar." I corrected.

"That's a cup of sugar with a bit of coffee tossed into it, Hayner. Not the other way around... Aren't you afraid for your teeth?" He asked worriedly, still staring as I was twirling the spoon in my cup.

"We're not here to worry about my teeth, aren't we? We are here so I can listen to what you have to explain to me. I'm listening, so spill." I clipped out, grimacing again as it still lacked sugar for my taste. I didn't want to add more though, Seifer would just poke me again about it.

"Hey. Keep in mind that you weren't exactly all that friendly with me either in that club. Yes, I was an ass, but you were half an ass, so back off a little, would you?" He retorted, looking more comfortable.

"Oh there he is! Arrogant prick a la best. I was nearly worried were you'd gone. I guess I shouldn't have!" I whisper shouted back, leaning closer into him to make more of an angry impression.

He seemed to be thinking along the same lines, leaning closer as well, or foreheads practically touching, "And the Princess still fucking bites." He ground out.

We both glared at each other for a moment, and then, remembering we were in public, we pulled back, crossing our arms and leaning back in our small boot couches, narrowing our eyes less evilly at each other instead.

"Shit. I missed that." I muttered, not too pleased with the new discovery.

Seifer grinned, "Yes. Our arguments don't bore me." He agreed.

I rolled my eyes and then remembered clearly that I was still mad at him, so gestured with my hand for him to start explaining himself. Seifer took the hint, sighing a little as he relaxed his position a little, "Where to start... You know who my parents are and you know what my last name is to the higher and fancier society roaming in Hollow Bastion. My parents love appearances and they wish to keep their appearance quite perfect. It's why I believed they would freak when they'd figure out I was gay. It's why I didn't tell them and why I was surprised they accepted it quite easily when they found out. They aren't bad people, Hayner. They just live in their own little world and unfortunately what they think is best for me, doesn't always work in my way..." He muttered, detaching his gaze from me so he could stare at the wall on his right.

"There's this... tradition in my family. The parents choose a set of girls that would fit the family best. It's not completely an arranged marriage since I would have had to choose from the set they had..." He rolled his eyes and then air quoted, "Pre-approved..." I grimaced and he nodded before he continued, "Anyway. Yeah it sounds really weird, especially because arranged marriages just aren't common at all anymore nowadays. But my family kept up the tradition and so did many other families in that same circle. So it just... worked. My mother was one of those girls that was pre-approved by my grandfather and grandmother for my father to marry. When they found out I was gay..." He rubbed his temples uncomfortably, obviously not liking this subject, at all.

I relaxed a little, sighing as I reached forward and patted his forearm, "I'm listening, not judging. Keep going." I told him gently.

He smiled nervously my way and then picked up where he left off, "I figured they'd disown me. They didn't. Instead they told me that they'd throw out the list of girls and find me a list of boys to pick from instead." He looked miserably my way as I gaped at him.

"I know." He muttered, arching an eyebrow at me, daring me to speak right this instant. I shook my head at him. I was not going to respond. I knew exactly what he was going to say next though.

"Riku fit my parents standards. I was in the military, Zanarkand was a complete mess to be at. Riku and I hit it off and when I say we were a fling, I mean it. It would have never worked out. It still wouldn't. But I preferred to pick a guy all by myself and not from some stupid list, all the while making sure he would meet those standards my parents had set." He sighed heavily, gesturing for me to say something since he could tell I wanted too.

And I wanted too, "You're telling me you couldn't have a relationship with me because I don't meet your parents standards? What the fuck Seifer, way to hurt my feelings a little more." Seifer rolled his eyes and I squawked as he didn't seem to agree.

"Look. I'm sorry, Princess. But you don't. It doesn't make you any less lovely to me" His voice was very gently as he said this, "But you just do not fit the image my parents are aiming for. Unless you come from a rich family with a last name that is written in the Mayor's personal phone book. A family that attends social gatherings and holds a charity ball regularly to impress society. As far as I'm aware, that's not what your family is about."

I opened my mouth to protest, but he quickly took my hands in his, shaking his head, "It's who they are. I was brought up in that line of thought. Although I retaliated by trying to find a guy of my own that didn't come off some list, I still tried to please them. Look, Hayner. I've never been in love. I never thought I would be because to me, marriage wasn't about love. My parents are not in love. They are best friends, but that's it. When I met Riku, there was enough compatibility for me to say, this is the guy I need at my side. Not only do I get along with him relatively well, but my parents would like him too." I pulled my hands out of his and leaned back, frowning at him. Seifer sighed heavily, seemingly pained, "My father used to say, 'you were born to privilege and with that comes specific obligations...'"

"When I went back home to recover from the beating they'd given me in the military, my mother staid by my side all day, hoping she could make me feel better. She encouraged me to talk about all the good things that went on in the military so I could maybe forget the bad and then the memories later on wouldn't be too harsh to look back upon. She helped greatly in that. She also thought Riku was perfect, saying I had her blessing to go for it with him. When I got back up on my feet, that's what I went out to do. See if Riku was alright, see if things could work out. Because my mother... She painted one very pretty picture for me. I was hiding my true self for years in the army, Hayner. I wasn't just physically broken when I got back, mentally I wasn't all that stable either. I hung on to the pretty picture and hoped I could get my hands on it..." He trailed off, giving me a pointed look.

"And then you met me." I murmured.

He smiled, surprising me, "Yeah. Then I met you. You wormed your way under my skin instantly. The way you just bite back when I annoy you? I love it... Nobody has ever done that. You could care less about my arrogance."

I rolled my eyes, "Worse. I like it." I smiled very small and very sheepishly. I didn't know yet if I was going to forgive him... I did understand everything a lot better though. And... "I always knew you weren't interested in Riku that way." I muttered.

Seifer tilted his head curiously, "How?" He wasn't denying it.

"You aren't denying it." I grinned as he frowned.

"Fine. You had me there. No, I was never interested in Riku that way. Like I said, it was a pretty picture my mother had painted and I was determined to get my hands on it. Fortunately... I met you and it gave me a lot to think about. Unfortunately... I didn't think fast enough and I hurt you along the way." He shook his head, "After I left you that last time... It took me a couple of weeks to realize I didn't want what my parents offered. I grew up with the idea that I was going to be my father someday. It's what they expected of me, carry on the brilliant family name with the pots of money that went along with it." Seifer shrugged, "They made very clear that my being gay put some complications in their plan and that when I didn't pick a guy from the list, things were definitely not going according to said plan. They accepted it though, and didn't make me feel too bad about it. They did warn me if I messed up again, I'd get disowned." He paused there, grimacing at the ceiling as he probably thought things over.

My eyebrows had jumped upwards to my hairline, "That's why you snapped at me when I joked about disowning a long long time ago? I had no idea you were actually being threatened with it..." I murmured, feeling bad.

Seifer detached his eyes from the ceiling, gazing at me softly, which made me blush because I don't think he ever looked this nicely at me, "You couldn't have known, and I shouldn't have snapped. I'm sorry about a lot of things, Hayner. I'll list them out if you want me too." He offered, frowning a little as he did, not seeming too pleased with the suggestion.

I smirked, "That's alright, thanks though." I muttered out sarcastically. Then I leaned forward, looking at him curiously, "You want to tell me why you crashed at Tifa's until you could find your own place?" I asked softly.

Seifer arched an eyebrow, "I told my parents I didn't want anyone from their list and neither did I want Riku. They weren't pleased." He clipped this out, obviously still sensitive about the fight that had most likely occurred with his parents.

That wasn't the point though. The point was... He'd gotten disowned.

"Are you insane?" I shrieked at him, making him jump back at the sudden reaction I'd thrown in his face. I shook my head at him, "You went and told your parents they should disown you because you have a thing for a pizza delivery boy? You weren't even sure I was going to take you back!" I pointed out in disbelieve.

Seifer narrowed his eyes on me, reaching forward, his fingers gripping my chin gently, "I know I'm a prick and sometimes I don't take the most smartest decisions. But one thing I know for sure is that what I decided then, was because I truly wanted it. It was my first real decision on my own ever. My parents weren't involved in any way, and for that... That, I cannot thank you enough for. I'm poor as hell, but I'm freakishly happy. Now that I pointed that out," He gave my cheek a soft slap, "I'd hit you harder, but I don't want too. So take it as it is and now hear me out and listen clearly, ready?" I blinked at him, but then nodded.

"You have got to stop thinking you're not worthy. This low self-esteem crap you have going on, I don't know where you got it from, but you have got to loose it. It pisses me off. You are so..." Seifer rolled his eyes, sighing a little, "I don't like this sappy shit. I prefer to argue." He muttered, looking uncomfortable.

I pursed my lips, "I'm not worthy..." I murmured.

Seifer glared at me, "I know you did that on purpose to keep me talking, fine. Have it your way. You've been warned though..." He threatened, "You remember how you were staring at me quite shamelessly the first time I walked into the Pizza Parlor?" I nodded and he smiled, "I was staring just as shamelessly back, I'm just a lot more subtle then you are." He shook his head in amusement at my scowl. His gaze softened a lot then, "That kiss... I've never felt that way with any kiss I've had before. I was so torn between wanting to please my parents and feeling those feelings again... I just decided not to kiss you anymore. I was afraid it would do something to me." He grinned, wiggling his eyebrows, "Course it already had at that point, I just needed a couple of months, pranks included, to figure that out." He frowned, "I'm sorry about the pranks..." He wrinkled his nose apologetically my way.

I think my face split in half while listening to him. My jaw hurt from smiling. Shit.

"Yeah. Sappy is nice, but arguing I prefer." I told him quickly, trying to push the smile off my face with my fingers. Seifer chuckled in amusement.

I sighed, feeling very very light all of a sudden. I did remember something though, "Was Brad Willis completely made up, or is the football coach in high school for real?" I asked.

Seifer blinked, "Yeah. I'm a bit blind sighted by that still. I don't really like teenagers. They get on my nerves. The boys on the team are alright though. And I always did like a good game of football." He shrugged and I stared.

"It's so... suburban..." I whispered, adding a fake shake. He stared dully at me, "Oh, because being a pizza delivery boy is definitely a lot more adventurous." He pointed out. I frowned, "Hey! I get annoying clients sometimes..." I offered and then I added, "And I'm not just a delivery boy anymore. I'm a mechanic in training and work the Garage's counter now too." I wiggled my eyebrows, "See. I'm multi talented now." And then I grinned.

"You made up with Cid?" He asked curiously. I nodded with a smile on my face and I couldn't have been more happy about the genuine interest on Seifer's part.

The date with Brad Willis went well on both parts. We ended up talking for the next two hours. I caught him up on how depressed I'd been while he wasn't around, and he told me how miserable his life was while he wasn't in my reach. I also told him about my situation with Cid, and he explained, quite cheerfully, how he'd made clear to the boys on his team that him being gay doesn't make him any less competent to knock their teeth out if they had a problem with it. Apparently they'd gotten the message loud and clear, since then no issues with the coach being into boys. He also told me that working made him tired and the first couple of weeks, it had surprised him. I'd laughed, he'd rolled his eyes. Good times really.

He sighed contently, giving me a small smile, "You need a little more time, don't you?" He asked softly and I nodded. I did need a bit more time before being able to do... whatever this was going to be.

Seifer smiled, getting up as he took the bill from the table, "I get it, Princess. I have to go now, early day tomorrow." He placed a hand on my shoulder and I looked up at him, "Call me when you figure things out, alright?" He said softly. I nodded at him and as he leaned down, I turned my cheek to him. He stopped halfway, frowning and then reaching out to grip my chin. I blinked in surprise as he turned my head gently, and then placed a very soft, but quick, kiss on my mouth. It didn't last longer that two seconds... but it felt...

"I'll call." I told him, giving him a smile as he walked off to the counter to pay for the bill. I closed my eyes, sighing heavily as Seifer disappeared from the cafe, leaving me all the time I wanted to think.

I think it was about fifteen minutes later when I opened my eyes, and I nearly screamed like a girl when Yuffie's face was right in front of me, "Hi!" she said cheerfully, sitting down on the couch boot Seifer had been sitting at previously.

"Isn't your boss watching?" I asked, willing my heart to stop beating so fast from fright.

Yuffie smiled broadly, "My shift ended ten minutes ago. I saw you sitting here and I thought I'd ask you if you're stupid." She placed her elbows onto the table, cupping her face into her hands as she smirked, "So... Are you?" I frowned, "What the?" Yuffie rolled her eyes, "Stupid? Are you?" she pressed.

I lifted an eyebrow, "I believe not." I clipped out, not getting what her angle was here.

Yuffie laughed delightfully, "Wrong!" She sing songed, and then she glared at me, making me blink in surprise at the sudden mood swing. Yuffie waved a stern finger at me, "You're goddamned out of your mind if you just let Pretty boy walk out of here all alone!" I'd be angry at her for nosing into business that was obviously none of her concern. I could be angry at her for calling me stupid as well. I wasn't angry at her though. I just smiled, "I called him that too first time I saw him." I told her happily. It was so much easier to be sappy with girls. Girls didn't care if you were being sappy. It could make them relate or something... I'm not sure. Olette had tried to explain it once upon a long time ago...

Yuffie rolled her eyes, "Don't leave him hanging." She warned before she got up and walked out of the cafe.

Three days later.

Yuffie had been right. I shouldn't leave him hanging. So. I'd scheduled out a thinking plan. First day I would think it all through by myself.

Now that one had been hard because all I really wanted was Seifer. Even while I was setting myself on moving on after things seemed like they weren't going to work out, I still wanted him. Ever since I'd met the guy, all I wanted was him. A guy had kissed me in the club, although I'd hurt Seifer's feelings in the process, it hadn't been cheating, we obviously hadn't been a couple back then. Ok, that was certainty. He was right to call me half an ass though.

I'd known Seifer liked me. I just couldn't really believe it. Or I didn't want too. I'm not sure. Either way, I'd know that by kissing that guy, I'd hurt Seifer. And to be really quite honest, I'd wanted to hurt him. I still think he deserved my little stunt, but I could admit that it hadn't been exactly graceful on my part.

During that kiss I'd realized I didn't want him to kiss me, but for Seifer to kiss me.

Yes, he had hurt me. He'd been an ass in many ways... I wanted to forgive him though. His explanation probably helped there, but the main thing that kept my mind reeling is that he'd known the consequences. He'd known what would happen if he told his parents what he really wished for. By voicing the wish that is I out loud, he'd gotten disowned, and he knew full well he would if he voiced it out loud. The idiot had actually done it...

Second day I decided to talk to Olette and Pence.

"He gave up everything he thought he would have, because... well because he wishes to be with me." I ended the explanation that was Seifer, and looked expectantly at the couple.

Olette sniffled a little, "That is so sweet..." She whispered, patting Pence's hair.

"Dude. He totally loves you." Pence announced.

I rolled my eyes, "Yes it was sweet, and I know it does look like he loves me. I want to forgive him. I'm not sure my mind is working logically right now." I gave them pointed looks before I continued, "That's why I went to see my friends to seek out their advice. I'm asking you to think logically in my stead. I cannot figure out if forgiving him is the right way for me to go." I growled, "Help me out here please! Don't tell me things I'm already aware off!"

Olette sniffled again, "It was so sweet..." I groaned, giving up.

Third day I decided I needed a back up from a parental figure. Which is where I was at now. Cid's Garage.

"You still didn't tell me his name. Start by giving me his name then explain what went wrong and then ask me again if you should forgive him." Cid instructed, returning his head underneath the hood of a car.

I pursed my lips, sitting down on the floor crossed legged so I could get comfortable.

"That much to explain, huh?" Cid chuckled from under the hood, looking at my position worriedly.

I nodded at him, "Shut up and listen. You asked for it, now you're getting it." I gave him a stern nod and he laughed, nodding as he returned his eyes to the motor displayed before him and his ears were at the ready for my use to abuse.

"His name is Seifer. Seifer Cahlahan Mead the third, to be completely precise." Cid whistled low and I nodded, "A mouthful, I know. Anyway, His parents wanted him to settle down with a specific type of person. That being a rich and well looked upon in society type of person. I'm not that person." Cid snorted and I couldn't help but glare at the lack of sympathy.

"Hey!" I kicked his leg and he shrugged, "Oh come on, kid. We are most likely the least blue blooded family in a hundred mile radius. I'd even go as far as saying that we're white trash." I squawked and he laughed, "Not everybody can pull it off." He offered.

I rolled my eyes, "Anyway... Seifer used to be with a guy that met his parents standards so he came to Traverse Town to find that guy since they lost track of each other after the military. He found me instead and he liked me a lot but he knew I didn't meet his parents standards, so he always told me he wished for a relationship, but that it could never happen. I found out a couple of days ago that if he told his parents he wasn't going for the type of person they wanted for him, that they'd disown him. And..." I sighed, "Anyway. A whole lot happened in between, I got hurt. He got hurt... It doesn't really matter. We decided we wouldn't see each other again and in that time, he told his parents the truth and they disowned him... I really want to forgive him, Cid. I'm just a little bit careful. I want to make sure it's the right thing to do. If this relationship is going to work... then I need to be absolutely certain."

Cid popped his head out from under the hood, patting it affectionately before he wiped his hands on the nearest towel he could reach. Then he cleared his throat and looked at me, "Seems you're pretty certain already. When you speak of the hurting that took place, you don't elaborate. You say it doesn't matter. You don't sound all that angry at him anymore. And you admit that while he hurt you, you hurt him as well. Look... Whatever happened, happened. You need to find out if he's worth it to let all that shit go. If you can let it go, then you can forgive him. Although... It sounds like you already have forgiven him because you said 'If this relationship is going to work.' You didn't say 'If this relationship were to work.' To me it sounds like you're already pretty set on wanting to make things work with him."

I stared at him, surprised at how easily he'd untangled all the messiness in my head.

Cid grinned, "You don't need to be rich, or poor for that matter, to speak from the heart. Now you know I love ya, kid. But what the hell are you doing here talking things over with me, when you should be talking to him about this?" He crossed his arms, arching an eyebrow, daring me to argue.

I grinned, I had no intention of arguing, "Can I borrow your car?" Cid chuckled, tossing the keys my way, "Drive safely! And please call me if you decide to stay the night. Then I don't have to worry." He instructed. I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, yeah. I'll call." I shouted over my shoulder, running out of the Garage to go find the car and get myself out of Traverse Town, passed Hollow Bastion and into... what Cloud like to refer to as... the godforsaken.

It was afternoon so I'd gotten stuck in traffic on the highway around Hollow Bastion. I was in a hurry to begin with, I wanted to get there already. I was excited. I needed to talk to him. And people were in my way! I think I abused the horn on the car just a little bit...

I'd made it though and once I'd gotten in the town, I remembered that I had no idea where he lived. Luckily cellphones are directly connected to heroes and my hero at the moment, was Cloud.

"Cloud." Cloud answered.

"Where does Tifa work? I need the address."


"Because Seifer works there and I need to talk to him. Right now."

"I'm not sure I feel comfortable divulging such personal information." Ok so maybe "hero" was too big of a title for Cloud to handle...

"I swear to god, Cloud. If you do not give me that address right now, I will tell Leon about how you like to watch desperate housewives. That you bought the seasons on dvd." Being a roommate comes in handy sometimes.

"Jesus, Hayner. I was just playing with you. Alright already... Got something to write it down on?" He wasn't playing with me, I could hear that very small note of distress in his neutral sounding voice.

I wrote down the address once Cloud voiced it and hung up just as soon, typing the address in on the GPS. I muted the stupid thing because I was too hyped up to be able to handle the GPS lady at the moment.

It took me about fifteen minutes to find the building. It was quite far out into the grassy meadows, many cows I'd seen on my way. The occasional sheep too. And one school bus that drove the other way passed me, back into town. Once I got there and parked the car on the school's parking lot, I suddenly became nervous.

He'd said I should call him. He'd said he'd give me time. What if this was another one of his games? Couldn't be. He was working here when he's never worked before. He got disowned. He lives in the godforsaken now. Can't be a game... If it is, he's really taking things very far...

Swallowing nervously, I made my way into the school and grimaced at the high school memories that rushed into my mind. I had a pretty good time there, but I was also very glad it was over. I prayed to all the gods when the bell rang and suddenly the hallway was swarmed with teenage children running around, getting books out of their lockers, finding their way to their next class.

I didn't move, hoped it would just all be over soon and I could start finding my way to wherever Seifer coached football.

Unfortunately, three bright looking girls walked over to me, stopping right in front of me.

"Hi!" the obvious leader said, sticking her hand out. I took it, because... What else could I do?

"Hi." I murmured in return. The girls giggled and I wasn't exactly liking the spotlight.

"Are you look for something?" The shyer one of the three asked.

I nodded, "Or someone, more like it. Do you know where I can find Seifer?" I asked, figuring this would work fine as well.

All three giggled again, and this time they gave me funny looks. Great.

The leader cleared her throat delicately, "You mean Coach Cahlahan?" She confirmed and I nodded.

And then the third girl that hadn't spoken yet, blurted, "Are you his boyfriend?" Her eyes were wide and she seemed genuinely curious. I don't think she was trying to make me feel uncomfortable. If that was her purpose though, she was succeeding.

I grimaced, "Uh, yeah. Ask me that again if you see me come around again, alright?" I offered. She blinked and then nodded with a shy smile. I smiled quickly back at her and then they decided they would just walk me over to where I could find "Coach Cahlahan", so I followed them.

It wasn't a very big school, just one main hall and apparently the football field was at the end of said hall. They could have just pointed me in the direction, but I guess they really just wanted to come.

"Thanks girls." I said, hoping that I'd clearly dismissed them, not rudely, just politely, as I started making my way out onto the football field ahead. I could see Seifer from afar and he was surrounded by a bunch of boys wearing not football uniforms but sweatpants and the same red t-shirts. A whistle blew, and I assumed Seifer had done it as the boys started running off in the same direction, following the circular track the football field was shaped in.

I didn't know whether to wait until he was done with his class and go talk to him, or interrupt him right now. I kinda just wanted to interrupt him, but this was his job and I knew he needed it so I didn't want to jeopardize that. So, being all polite and nice and shit, I sat down on the nearest bench I could find, and watched the boys run over the big field. The were following the oval shape and were currently coming closer and closer to passing where I was sitting.

I knew instantly it was the bully of the school that had stopped running to give me a funny look, "Can we help you?" He asked, not all that nicely. The others stopped running too, turning around to look at me.

I shrugged, "Not really. I figured I'd wait until the end of your training before greeting Coach Cahlahan, wouldn't want to interrupt." I told them honestly.

The bully crossed his arms, grimacing my way, "You his boyfriend?" I opened my mouth to speak, but he didn't let me so I closed my mouth gently, letting him rant at me all he wanted, "Because if you are, you're not welcome here. We respect the Coach because he's a good player, he knows what he's doing on the field and he's willing to help us bring this team back to it's former glory. What I won't respect is his boyfriend waltzing in whenever it damn well pleases his little faggot ass, and distract the Coach from doing his job!" He'd taken numerous steps towards me and... I'd been in high school, I knew how to play this game. So.

I blinked a little, reaching up to wipe the spit he'd managed to get on my face while shouting at me - off. It was a little childish, especially because I knew it would rile him up only more, but I couldn't help myself.

And of course, some of his teammates laughed because of the gesture, just making the bully even more angry.

He opened his mouth to shout more, but then Coach Cahlahan came to the rescue, "Jim! Back the fuck off." Seifer clipped out. Jim, the bully, looked at Seifer, "Or what? It's not like you can defend him! Defend him and I'll have my parents fire you for touching me."

Seifer nodded, "I had no intention of butting in and making you back off. You may want to know that Hayner has no issue knocking your teeth out like I do. And while I can't because I'd get fired and for some unfair reason the teacher handbook says I'm not actually allowed to do this, Hayner can. And I have no issue looking the other way while he does this so there is no witness." He sounded very calm as he said this, almost cheerful.

Jim squawked, "But Coach!"

Seifer lifted a hand, "I'm not saying he should beat you, I'm just saying he could. Call him a little faggot ass again and I will encourage him to do so! Now apologize to our very nice guest here and hit the fucking showers!" Seifer shouted and the team effectively stopped whatever little whispering had been going on.

Jim grumbled a little, but gave in, "Sorry, Man." He muttered.

I gave him a tight smile, "Sure thing." I replied as he turned around and went to find the showers like Seifer had told him to do.

As the boys left and Seifer watched them go, I walked over to him to stand by his side. I cleared my throat to get his attention, peeking sideways at him. He turned his head to look at me.

"You're hot when you're being all authoritative." I announced.

Seifer blinked and then frowned, "Because you don't think I'm hot all the time? Well that's disappointing." I smacked his shoulder, grinning widely at him. Smiling as well, he tilted his head at me curiously, "What are you doing here, Princess?" It was wrong on so many levels that I was starting to appreciate that nickname. I shouldn't like it. I did though.

I pursed my lips, "I came here to tell you that I forgive you, but I think I'm going to tell you that I love you instead. That ok?" I asked softly, looking intently down at the grass beneath me.

My breathing hitched as I felt his fingers slide into my own, giving it a reassuring squeeze. I looked quickly his way, trying to gauge his reaction. He was smiling happily, staring out before him, his eyes peeking sideways at me as he saw me staring.

"I think I'll tell you that I love you too as an answer. That ok?" He winked at me, tightening his hold on my hand as he started walking off the football field. I followed him without issue, "Where are we going?" I asked, because I couldn't help being curious.

Seifer smirked, "Well. I need to get some stuff out of the office but then I'm taking you out on a date. We want to do things by the rule, I'm assuming? So... There should be some kind of restaurant here in town where we can eat at." I smiled at him as he guided me through the school's hallway, taking a quick turn to the left to get us into his office. He let go off my hand and started getting what he needed to bring back with him.

"Then what?" I asked.

Seifer grinned, "Then, we'll go have ice cream at this little place I do know here in town. Good stuff really."

"And then?" I pressed, moving closed to him because now I could without any mental obstacle whatsoever.

Seifer looked at me, placing a hand on my cheek since I was in his reach. He leaned forward, placing a kiss on my forehead, "Then. You'll drive home because we're going at this by the regular dating rules. Can't bring you home on the first date." He said softly against my skin before he pulled back, smiling at my confused frown.

"Come on." He said, pulling me out of his office and walking me out into the parking lot. We decided I'd follow him with my car to his place, so we could leave one of the cars there and go on our date with my car so I could drop him off after the ice-cream and directly go home afterwards.

It was a twenty minute drive before Seifer finally seemed to stop. When I parked the car, I looked at the place. It was a tiny house squeezed in between two very big houses. It looked really cute. Small, but cozy.

Getting out of the car, I openly stared at it, "How'd you find this place?" Seifer came to stand next to me, looking at his small house with me, "Tifa knew the owner. They'd been trying to rent it out for years, but usually it's just families that move here and the house is just too small for an entire family. It works for one though." He murmured.

I swallowed nervously, "Do you need to change before we go?" I asked.

Seifer bit his lip, "Yeah, I kind of want to take a shower. I didn't run like them, but I smell like the boys being around them all day."

We stood there for a moment, waiting for either of us to step to the front door. Seifer finally did, unlocking his door and kicking off his shoes the moment he got in. I followed his lead and then walked after him into the living room that also had a kitchen in the right corner. It was very small, but yeah, cozy.

"Bathroom and bedroom are upstairs..." He said, turning to look at me.

"Ok." I returned, waiting for him to go.

"Ok." He repeated and kept on looking at me.

I swallowed nervously, licking my lips as he kept on staring.

I swear, I would be able to hear a fly pass by, that silent we were.

Or maybe not... Seifer reached out, grabbing the back of my neck so he could pull me against him. My hands flew up, gently grasping his face, tilting my head up so I could meet him halfway... And... He was kissing me. I moaned loudly into his mouth, having wanted this for months. I whimpered as he returned the moan, his one hand still on the back of my neck as the other circled my waist. I let my fingers slide into his hair, pushing the beanie off his head along the way.

"Bed?" He asked, out of breathe as he broke the kiss.

I shook my head, "Fucking couch." I instructed, walking backwards so I could fall onto said couch, pulling him along with me.

Seifer chuckled as he landed on top of me, framing my face as he looked down at me, "Right. Couch. It's like our signature." He murmured, inching down so he could kiss me softly, less desperately this time around. I closed my eyes, melting against him as I let my hands trail down his back. He licked my lip, sucking gently and this time I kissed back. I would always kiss him back. I would never not kiss him back ever again. I moaned against his lips, "Never ever stop kissing me..." I murmured, feeling internally slightly embarrassed by the pleading note. Seifer brushed his lips back and forth over my own, shaking his head in the process, "Don't intend too..." He murmured back. I smiled, and then killed the cuddly moment by grabbing his ass firmly in my palms.

I grinned up at him as he popped his head up, looking surprised down at me. I gave him an innocent look, "Been wanting to do that since a while now." Seifer smirked and then made me squawk in slight fear as he suddenly reversed our position, flipping me over so I was sitting on top of him instead. He wiggled his eyebrows, "Something I've been wanting to do for a while. Noticed I always ended up lying on top of you?"

I shrugged and then returned to kissing him because it was just that brilliant. I bit his lip softly, dragging a groan out of him as I added some hip work in the process. Then I moaned because I was feeling just as much friction as he was. His hands settled on my hips, guiding the rhythm with his hands as I steadied myself by placing my hands flat on his chest.

Then I stopped, "Why are we still dressed?" I asked. Seifer grinned, gently kicking me off him so we could stand and loose the fabric. Nothing graceful about it, and that was fine. Unfortunately I did nearly trip over my own boxers as I'd been a little too eager to get back to him on the couch. He caught me though and he didn't laugh... "Yeah, I love you." I muttered, lying down on top of him, breathing fast and moaning as no fabric was in the way anymore, letting me feel him entirely.

He nudged a leg between my knees, silently asking me to open up so we could continue were we'd left off, "That's good, Princess. Me too..." He whispered in my ear, grabbing my hair to pull my head back slightly on the rougher side, but I didn't mind. It felt good. He covered my neck with numerous kisses, and I couldn't help but giggle just a little bit when his fingers dug into my sides, tickling me by accident. He chuckled against my neck, loosening his hold and then he placed a flat hand on the small of my back, grounding my hips against his, making me moan as I rubbed against him. His hand slid over my bottom, a fingers slowly making it's way down to my entrance and I made a weird noise that could be described as purring or a stretched out whimper... I'm not sure. It was a good sound though and it was a sound I hadn't exactly made before so Seifer was a little surprised, his lips brushing over my own before he leaned back a little so he could look at me, "That is the sexiest sound..." He whispered, his head falling back, eyes hooded halfway closed. Bubbles of excitement were building up in my stomach at the heavy lust laced in his voice. I was happy I obviously had no issue getting him as hot and hard as he got me.

I guided him to turn over on his belly, and once he was comfortable, I started kissing his back entirely, taking my time while I explored his skin with my mouth, he was a bit ticklish underneath his ribs, but he had a spot right above his hips that when I kissed it, he let out a long moan. His skin broke out in goosebumps when I licked his spine, and he was panting by the time I was placing soft kisses on the edge of his ass, slowly trailing them lower. I rarely rimmed guys, I only did so if they really wanted it and then although I'd do it, I didn't do it often in a general sense. I just wasn't comfortable with it. So instead, I spread him gently, inched down to lick him once, and then pulled back, sucking a finger into my mouth to wet it before I prodded his entrance softly.

"Fucking tease." Seifer sounded breathless, and I grinned a little, hooking an arm around his waist as I pulled him up onto his knees, letting my finger enter him slowly as I wrapped my other hand around his erection. I loved the way his back arched and the groan he let escape was music to my ears. I placed an open mouthed kiss between his shoulder blades, carefully seeking his special spot with my finger while I rubbed his hard on in a steady pace. He was moaning loudly and I was beyond happy when my name fell off his lips.

He stopped me after a short while though, turning around so he could lie down on his back and pull me against him. He kissed me passionately and then broke the kiss while his fingers caressed my hair, "You wanna top or bottom?" He asked softly and I shrugged because I really didn't care. Seifer grinned, pushing me away gently so he could get off the couch, "Lube." he informed, walking off to the stairs to get what we needed.

When he came back a minute later, making me smirk as he was really comfortable just walking around naked, he was tossing a coin in the air, "Heads, I bottom. Tails, you bottom." He said, throwing the coin in the air again, and this time his open palm was waiting for the answer to our question. He smirked as he stared at the coin and I chuckled softly as I lay down onto my back on the couch, knowing the answer already.

He was quick to find his way on top of me, making me moan into his mouth as his slick fingers prepared me gently, his other hand playing with one of my nipples as his teeth latched gently onto my bottom lip, "We still need to go on an actual date..." He whispered against my cheek and as I nodded, he started entering me. I clutched his shoulders, throwing my head back as I panted harshly. He cupped my face with one hand, kissing my nose, "So good, Princess..." He murmured huskily, his eyes squeezed shut as he waited for me to give him the green light.

I licked my lips, wetting them, "Go..." I told him, wrapping my legs around his waist, lifting my hips a little so he could hook an arm around it, steading me as he settled into a slow pace. I let my hands trail over his back, my fingers following his spine, down his butt crack to tease him there in between. Both our lips parted as we breathed in and out deeply, soft noises of pleasure escaping the both of us. Our eyes locked on one another as he kept driving into me, picking up speed just a little bit every so often. This time we both moaned, my body trembling a little underneath his hands. Slipping my tongue out, I pushed his lips apart, seeking out his. I kissed him tenderly.

He pecked my lips repeatedly, his pace picking up in speed by the second and my entire body was tensing in anticipation. I held him tightly against me, both our moans filling the air. Instead of kneeling, he lay down directly on top of me, trapping my erection between our bellies, forming a friction there as he continued moving into me.

Aside from the obvious physical pleasure I was feeling, my head was swimming in a daze that was Seifer. Everything had somehow worked out... at this point I wasn't exactly coherent enough to figure out how it had all happened. All that mattered to me is that it had worked out. And he was kissing me... His kisses put my stomach in a feverish sort of state, the butterflies swimming there trying to find their way out. I could feel his rapid heartbeat as his chest was pressed against my own.

My muscles locked in place, and I inched my head up a little again, capturing his lips as I came hard, moaning against his mouth, his name falling off my lips shortly afterwards as he followed me in the orgasm not too long afterwards. And then, to make things even greater then they already were, we fell asleep, wrapped in each others arms, right there on his couch.

I still strongly believed Seifer had been a recipe for disaster. I was still very set on the idea that god had lost a game of monopoly against the devil and sold my soul to hell. The thing that was different now though, I was aware that in order to get a happy ending, you have to get to know the person first. Although Seifer hadn't told me all that many stories about him yet, I did know what he was like. Getting to know a person and opening up to them in a way to allow the happy ending to occur, wasn't easy. It could be a little hellish almost. I'd never get bored with Seifer. He'd made sure I knew that. And I loved him for it. It made me happy so I knew for certain my happy ending was finally poking it's head around the corner.

A year later.

I woke up, feeling extremely drowsy and a little disoriented. Why was I up? It's way too early. It's still dark outside... I frowned at the window. A couple of months ago I'd finally moved my bedroom into Cloud's former bedroom. Now the other room was empty, and I'm pretty sure I needed another year before figuring out what I'd do with that one.

Groaning a little, I turned over and pulled the blanket over my head, scolding myself for waking up for no reason and decided on going back to slumber land.

But then...

"I'm just a poooor boy! I need no sympathy!" That can't be right. I'm sitting right here. How am I singing in the living room? Frowning in confusion, I threw the blanket off me and then walked butt naked out of my bedroom, squinting at the dark shape sitting in front of my television.

"Seifer?" I asked, surprised he was here because it was only five in the fucking morning. And it was a week day. We spend every weekends together, either here or at his place. But because our working schedules were a bit tight, we rarely saw each other during the week. And if we did, certainly not at five in the morning.

"Babe, what are you doing here?" I asked again as Seifer wasn't reacting to my first call.

He pointed at the screen, never take his eyes off of it and then pressed a button on the remote, taking it off mute apparently because the next thing I heard... and sadly, the next thing I saw as well... was...

"Mamaaaa, just killed a man! Put a gun against his head, pulled my trigger, now he's dead..." My eyes widened in fear as I scrambled over the coffee table, jumping onto Seifer's back to try and grab the remote. He just held it far out in front of him, shaking his head at me, still staring at the screen intently.

The screen where I was playing on an invisible piano, singing Queen.

"You were never supposed to see this." I pointed out, sliding off his back to sit down behind him, wrapping my arms around his neck, legs around his waist. He kissed the back off my hand and wrapped his own hand around my ankle, giving it a small squeeze in sympathy. I smiled at how familiar we'd gotten around each other.

I was too happy to care that the television was showing one of my most private moments shared with Olette and Pence, who by now, were showing on the screen as well. We were doing our Galileo routine at this point and Seifer somehow managed not to make a sound over it.

He let the video play, but interrupted his intent stare on it so he could turn his head a little, giving me a smile, "I needed to tell you something a little... delicate. I wanted to make you comfortable by watching your favorite movie first, so I was looking for it in your stack of dvd's and cassettes. Wanting to prepare the couch and everything for you before pulling your fine ass out of bed. Of course I landed on this instead and I just couldn't help myself..." He had the decency to look sheepish, at least.

"Well, you fucked that up. So what's it you want to talk to me about?" I kissed his cheek and then stood up so I could go sit on the couch, pulling him along with me. I settled my back against the arm, opening my legs so he could sit in between, his back pressed against my chest, his hands wrapped around my knees as I slowly started rubbing his shoulders.

"I think my mother misses me. She wishes to come over to my place and she would like to meet you." He murmured.

I smiled a little, staring over his head, "I know you miss them, Seifer. If she wishes to try and make things right again, then maybe you should let her try. See where it goes. And yeah, I'll come with."

"Thanks Princess." He said, leaning his head back so I could place a kiss on... well not his lips because I couldn't bend that way, but I tried and it landed somewhere on his nose.

"Sure thing, Cuddles." I laughed quickly, scrambling off the couch as he growled in irritation, flipping himself over on the couch, "Don't call me that!" He sneered. I shrugged, jumping out of his reach, "But you are!" I announced happily. Seifer staid silent for a moment, and then walked off the couch, pointing at the screen, "And now I have true proof that you are in fact a Princess."

I marched over to him, smacking him in the chest, "Am not."

Seifer pursed his lips, "Are too."

I narrowed my eyes, "Not true!"

Seifer grinned, "Sure it is."

I glared, "I'm not going to let you win this one." I clipped out.

Seifer dipped his head down, kissing my lips roughly, so yummie... "I know you won't. I love you for it." And then he did win because I melted against him, letting him kiss me senseless.

The end!

A/N: When Seifer is explaining everything to Hayner in the cafe, he says a certain line, "My father used to say, 'you were born to privilege and with that comes specific obligations...'" Minus the "My father used to say" the rest of the line is from the movie "Ever After". The Queen says this to her son, the Prince, at some point during the movie. I was taking a break from writing and decided to watch the movie and when that line popped up I thought it would fit perfect with Seifer's situation. I thought it was quite a powerful line, so wished to add it :)

"Brad Willis" Inside joke with aliceupsidedown. She's awesome and has some great stories on her profile! You should check it out, specially if you're a Seiner fan :)

Thank you all for the favorites and alerts! I really appreciate it. I welcome reviews warmly and thanks again for reading! :)