A/N: Continuum of Turning Points number one. I suggest you read that before you read this (You can find it on my profile!) - if you haven't already. The story could stand on it's own, but a lot concerning the three brothers and their partners won't make sense. Also, geographically speaking when it comes to work and living place description + location isn't described in detail as it has been explained in the chapters of Turning Points number one.

Now that I mentioned that! Yeah, I don't know what happened. I didn't think I would write Leon and Cloud's story, but apparently I couldn't help myself :D I have a small idea for Hayner and Seifer, but I'm not sure when I'll be ready to tackle that yet, so I can't really tell you when the second chapter to Turning Points 2 will pop up.

As the other three stories, this one is very lightly based on a fairy tale - It being Cinderella. There won't be any evil step sisters and mother, although Cloud would beg to differ at certain points.

Remember? "Cloud has a crush on Leon. Leon works in Cid's shop. Leon also lives in the top apartment of the building that contains Xiggy's Pizza Parlor and Cid's Garage. Cloud shares and apartment with Hayner one floor below Leon's. Leon does not know Cloud has a crush on him. And Cloud has no intention of revealing this fact. I had tried pushing Cloud to his senses once. I will never try again." Sora - Chapter two of Turning Points, Beautifully Mean.

Cloud - Takes place about six months after the brothers moved to Hollow Bastion.

I blinked my eyes open slowly, Sighing deeply as I threw my legs over the side of the bed. Once my feet hit the ground, I sat up with a groan, stretching my arms over my head to try and remove the muscle knot by my lower back. The only downside about working in a kitchen was the fact that you had to stand all day long.

Not many people would be able to tell by my facial expressions, but I loved to cook. Even in Xiggy's Pizza Parlor. It's not exactly what I'd had in mind when I finished my degree in cooking, but it was better than nothing, it paid the rent and Xiggy allowed me a certain free range when it came to the menu. When I felt ready to get out of my comfort zone, I'd try and aim for a position that was slightly more complex when it came to the menu.

Yawning, I plucked the wedgie my boxers had formed throughout the night out of my ass and slowly shuffled my way over to my door. Peeking only my head out, I scanned my eyes out over the living room, making sure Hayner and his newly acquired boyfriend weren't doing the nasty on the couch. Why the couch? He has a perfectly fine bed... With doors that enclosed them and kept me from seeing things I didn't want to be privy too.

Luckily they seemed to be staying at Seifer's place today and the apartment was sex free.

Our apartment was shaped in a rectangle. The two bedrooms were in the complete back, placed side by side with a bathroom shoved in the middle. It was a narrow bathroom, but it had what it needed so... eh. Those three rooms led straight into the living room and there was a small kitchen area shoved in the right corner by the front door to the apartment. We had neighbors on the right, so there were no windows aligning the wall that started with the kitchen, but the opposite wall had four rather big windows that managed to light the apartment up no problem. I had the bedroom with the fifth window, and Hayner used the excuse of having no windows as a reasoning for him using the couch with his boyfriend instead of his bedroom.

As if you needed light while having sex... I certainly didn't. And you know, he could turn on the light.

Making my way by the couch and into the kitchen, I pressed the on button on the coffee machine and then stepped into my fluffy slippers by the front door. Hayner had gotten me the slippers as a nasty joke for my birthday. I quite liked them. They were soft. Hayner wasn't pleased with how well I was taking his prank. Probably why I suddenly liked them so much.

They're pink too.

I walked out of the apartment, making my way to the stairs that led down the building. The apartment was on the second floor, so I only had two rows to go down. Once down there, I made my way over to the wall that held the mail boxes and opened the mail box that I owned with Hayner. A bunch of publicity with one letter.

Picking up the stack of mail, I turned around to make my way up again, but was startled by a pjama clad Olette at the foot of the stairs. Probably getting mail like I was.

She lived next door with Pence. And the only reason I managed to remember their names was because they both worked at the Pizza Parlor as well.

"Morning Olette." I muttered, kicking myself back in gear to get to my coffee. Olette was a funny girl. Very loud, usually. At least, she was when she ordered us around at work. The moment working hours were over though, she became extremely shy. Which is what the case was right now. She just stood there, not stepping aside so I could go back up, instead staring quite intently at me.

Looking down, I realized I was wearing only boxers and a pair of pink slippers. I looked back up at her and then shrugged. I got my mail like this every morning. She knew that. I know she knows because she did this little stunt every morning as well.

"Do you want me to get a man boob complex or something?" I muttered, quite irritably because I didn't know how to speak otherwise.

She swallowed deeply and then finally stepped aside, by the time I was walking up the second and last row of stairs I heard a loud and squeaky, "Morning Cloud!" in return.

I rolled my eyes and stepped back into the apartment, shutting the door quite loudly. Once Inside, I kicked the slippers off since our apartment had carpet on the floor. I poured myself a mug of coffee and sat down at the small square kitchen table that pretty much served as dining room as well and as an evident separation between the living room and kitchen.

Tossing the publicity on the table, I took the letter and smiled when I saw Tifa had been the one to write me a letter. Before I opened it though, I noticed that our voicemail had caught a message. Seeing as the phone was right there on the kitchen counter, I didn't mind getting up and pressing the play button.

"Hey guys!" It was Sora. I did not miss Sora. I was glad the annoying and loud little brat was gone. He was the only one who'd realized my... something on Leon.

"We hope you're all doing great. We certainly are. Roxas mentioned he'd send Hayner the new Phone number, so here it is..."

I located my cellphone on the kitchen table and quickly registered the new number into my phone so I could pass it on to Hayner at some point later today.

Sora's voice continued to talk, "Anyway, just for that and also to invite you both to a house warming somewhere later this month. Seifer can come too. We can't seem to decide on a date yet..."

I grinned as Roxas intervened, "You and Demyx can't decide on a date yet. You don't hear me and Zexion thinking such piss poor details over."

"You're nicer when Axel is around..." Sora muttered.

"Yes, well. Axel isn't here right now is he? So deal!" Roxas sounded extremely frustrated and I was beyond amused when I could hear the clear sound of a door slamming shut.

"Axel is visiting his parents but thought it wouldn't be wise to bring Roxas right away, so-" That was the end of the voicemail. Before I could shrug and return to my letter, a second voicemail started up.

"Sorry! The machine cut me off. Anyway, Axel believes it's better if he talks about Roxas to his parents first and then invites Roxas over the next time he goes see them. I agree with him. So did Roxas, but he just misses Axel. He's kind of mushy at heart..." I rolled my eyes at Sora. Only he would call an answering machine back.

"Oh! Cloud? If you're listening, Zexion may know an opening for you in this fancy restaurant in Hollow Bastion. Don't expect Zexion to call you, call him. He's a bit shy. As for the dates for the house-" I frowned as I couldn't place the new voice that had invaded my poor answering machine and cut Sora off in the middle of his sentence.

"Are you talking to your secret boyfriend?" The voice didn't sound so much upset and jealous as he did amused and... turned on.

"Riku!" Sora squealed and then after a loud growl which I assumed to come from Riku and a giggle from Sora, the line went dead.

I knew the three brothers a little bit. They'd always just been around at certain points in my life. I'd worked with Sora, I'd slept with Roxas and I'd gone to high school with Demyx.

I knew they'd moved recently and was somewhat neutrally happy about hearing that they'd settled in alright.

Now that that was over and done with, I could finally read the letter Tifa had sent me. Sitting back down at the kitchen table, I sipped my coffee and grimaced as it had gone cold, blaming Sora for it with no shame whatsoever. Opening the letter, I unfolded it quickly.

Dear Cloud,

Is all I could read before a loud knock was produced onto my front door. Grumbling under my breathe, I shoved the letter back onto the kitchen table and then marched over to the front door, "Will nobody let me wake up at my own speed?" I shouted at whoever was standing behind the door.

Opening it, I wrinkled my nose as I realized it was Leon. Of course he assumed the wrinkle of the nose was me being annoyed at him. What he didn't know was that I'd wrinkled my nose because I didn't think it fair for him to see me so underdressed when I'd never seen him without a shirt. I was very sad about that.

"Morning Cloud!" He said, smiling rather simply my way before he gave me one of those classic awkward man hugs and then walked into the apartment like he owned it. My skin tingled just a little where his hand had touched me and I rolled my eyes at myself for being so utterly patethic.

He sat himself down on the chair I'd been sitting in and sipped the coffee I'd been drinking, "It's cold." He stated smartly and I just stared at him as I made my way over to the opposite chair.

"What's up, Leon?" I knew my voice sounded annoyed and although I wished I could not do that, it just wasn't possible.

"You're really not a morning person, are you?" He grinned before he took another sip of the cold coffee, remembered it was cold, grimaced and pushed the cup far away from him.

I shrugged.

"Right. You aren't a day person in it's entire. You'd think I'd remember that. I wonder what you are like during the night..." He joked. During the night I sleep because I don't have a boyfriend to entertain me. And the lack of boyfriend is because I am so hopelessly in love with none other than you, my dear Leon.

I shrugged at him again instead of telling him my thoughts.

"What's up, Leon?" I repeated, trying to sound less annoyed so he wouldn't point out one of the many flaws in my personality again.

"I finally met someone. She's perfect man. I want you to meet her." He announced, looking bright and sunny and happy. And now I wanted to vomit.

When Sora had figured out my crush, he hadn't thought of the fact that Leon isn't gay. Sure, I could announce my feelings to Leon, but to what end? Just so he can tell me he isn't gay and likes pussy and then get uncomfortable around me? No thank you.

"When?" I asked, swallowing the nauseating feeling that was coursing through my stomach.

Leon shrugged, "Tonight, Tomorrow, the day after. You're call. Her schedule is pretty flexible considering she works from her home. So it really depends on your schedule and mine. I worked some extra the past week though, so I can easily take off earlier if necessary." And with that, Leon stood back up and walked out of the apartment with a, "See you on our break!"

We had our break. When I started working for Xigbar, Leon had been working for Cid for just little over a month. With the job, came the apartment. Xigbar had told me that he didn't have time to show me around but that Cid, his friend might. Cid didn't have time either so he told me to ask Leon. Leon did have time. We'd been friends ever since, scheduling our breaks throughout work together so we could keep each other company. This was five years ago, I'd been twenty-one at the time and Leon had been twenty-three at the time. My crush on him shaped itself soon after we announced to be close to being best friends. We didn't really say it though, what with my lack of emotion in everything I said and did and the fact that Leon just wasn't very touchy feely with guys in general. Both physically and emotionally. It worked for him, it killed me slowly and painfully.

Sighing deeply, I sat back in the chair and decided to not concentrate on Leon, but on Tifa instead.

Dear Cloud,

Where the fuck are my phone calls? Since when do I have to resort to writing to get in touch with you? Why haven't you bought a computer yet so I can save up on freaking stamps and send you an email like every other normal goddamned person out here?

You know what. I wanted to write this and then patiently wait for you to reply to me, but I figure. I'll write this and not wait patiently for you to reply. I'll write this and warn you that I'll be coming around next weekend. See you then!


PS: How's Leon?

I crumbled the paper in my hand, glaring at nothing in particular. I love Tifa, I really do. We'd been friends since childhood and removing oneself from Tifa was simply not possible. Not because she was just that lovable, but because she simply wouldn't allow it.

Tifa had been my roommate before Hayner. She'd then moved out to start a teaching job somewhere in a godforsaken small town beyond Hollow Bastion. Everything that went beyond Hollow Bastion was categorized as godforsaken.

I'd been glad she'd moved out because she was just as in love with Leon as I was. And as Tifa's best friend and as she'd declared her love for him to me before I had, it was my duty to back off. And of course, she had female bits, so more of a shot with him to begin with. But hearing her talk of Leon every day like she did when she lived here? Painful. Seeing Leon flirt back with her? Killer.

Then they'd slept together. I'm not sure how I felt at that point. I don't want to figure out the feelings I felt at that point. Tifa was ecstatic of course, giving me all the details I didn't want to hear.

It hadn't worked out though. Shortly afterwards Tifa had taken on the job as a gym coach for girls somewhere beyond Hollow Bastion.

I'd never forgiven her for sleeping with Leon. I'd never forgiven him for sleeping with Tifa. They didn't know that of course, so I had to pretend to be ok with everything.

I could forgive them when they weren't in the same room together. Seeing them together after that episode was just too much. So I preferred to visit Tifa out where she lived and keep Leon to myself over here in Traverse Town.

And now she was coming to visit and she was asking how he was doing.

Feeling a headache forming itself and pounding its way into my brain, I gritted my teeth and threw the letter into the trash-can on my way through the living room and towards the bathroom.

I seriously needed to check the warranty on my friends and see if I still had time to exchange them.

I'd decided that if things were going to be unpleasant, I might as well do it all in one go. So during my lunch break I'd quickly walked into Cid's garage, informing Leon that tomorrow night would be fine for Dinner. I also told him that Tifa was coming. He didn't seem nearly as bothered by that as I was.

He did asked me why and I told him we had no choice. When he asked why again, I reminded him I was talking about Tifa, and thats where he'd relented and said it didn't bother him if she'd come along as well.

Things had ended in great terms between Tifa and Leon. Between the two of them, they just had no idea they'd crushed their best friend's heart in the process. Of course I should just stop pussy footing around and tell them what I was going through. But I didn't want to make Leon uncomfortable and while Tifa wasn't in love with Leon anymore and the best friend code wasn't in place, I'd just gotten so used to hiding it from her, I was too lazy to change the situation.

That is how right now I was sitting next to Tifa and Leon's girlfriend's daughter at a cozy dinning room in the middle of a living room I didn't know.

Poking the tuna steak in my plate, I carefully cut off a piece and resumed eating slowly. Nobody was really talking, things were slightly uncomfortable.

I'd gone to pick Tifa up early afternoon at the train station in Traverse Town. And soon after I'd explained our plans to Tifa, I'd received a text from Leon with the address of the home of his newly found love of his life. Tifa had managed to drive the edge I'd silently been building up by bringing me for a walk in the park. I didn't particularly like walks nor the park, but Tifa made things always more amusing.

She chatted a mile per minute and I was surprised I still managed to keep up with her without having to get into the habit of it all first. She'd told me about the girls in her class and how well they were doing. She was preparing them for sectionals. I had no idea what that meant, and when I asked, Tifa said that there was a trophy to be won at the end of the game and that that was all I needed to really understand. Her girls were excited and motivated and quite determined to win. Considering Tifa was their coach, I had this vision of fifteen little Tifa's running around, just as excited and bossy as she is.

It's like a nightmare come true...

She coached them gymnastics and when she went into detail, I stopped her and told her that I honestly just pictured a bunch of chinese contortionists. She'd tried to explain the purpose and beauty of the sport to me many a time, but I told her that she'd just have to invite me to one of her classes one of these days and give up the verbal description already. She was quite reluctant.

Of course I knew what she coached since I'd seen her do the sport for years on end, but this felt different considering she was the one putting the routines together for the girls.

Whatever. The talk was fun as was the walk and after some lunch at the Pizza Parlor, we went up to the apartment so she could try and convince Hayner to give up his bedroom for the weekend so she could crash there. Seifer is the one that told her to just take it and that he would take care of Hayner in return.

Tifa liked Seifer. Seifer liked Tifa. They promised to become good friends one day. For some reason I just didn't want to allow it to happen.

Tifa had then begged and pleaded and as always, she'd won and I'd taken out the bike. I rarely took my bike out these days. I'm not sure why. Mainly because I had no need too. Everything was in walking distance and ever since I started crushing on Leon, I didn't need to impress any boys anymore. Nowadays I just wanted quick fucks, and those I wanted very rarely. I'd been with two boys ever since I'd met Leon. One of them being Roxas and the other I didn't remember the name off.

The only reason I remembered Roxas' name was because he happened to be related to Sora. And the only reason I remembered Sora's name, was because he'd worked with me.

And... they do leave a certain impression...

But, I'd taken out my bike because I knew it made Tifa happy and we'd driven that way to the address that would lead us to the house of pure evil.

Pure Evil, with a capital E, because Rinoa was absolutely lovely. Of course Leon had to fall for someone lovely. She couldn't be horrible or mean or anything. She had to be great and sweet. The only true surprising thing in the situation was Yuffie. Rinoa's sixteen year old daughter. I hadn't thought Leon capable of dating someone with as much baggage as Rinoa, but apparently I'd been wrong. He too was a lot sweeter than I had made him out to be. Which made me want to sob.

Apparently they'd been dating a while now, and the reason Leon had kept it from me was because Rinoa had wanted Yuffie to get used to Leon before making anything official. I'd be angry, but Yuffie made sure I couldn't get angry. She truly seemed to adore Leon and she joked about the fact on how irritating and emo she'd been the first time she'd met him.

Rinoa was thirty-two, she'd been sixteen when she'd given birth to Yuffie. The dad was out of the picture. Neither Rinoa or Yuffie liked to talk about it, so that subject had been ended quite abruptly by Leon. Which had led his two women to look at him gooey eyed in appreciation. Tifa had found it marvelously cute and although I pretended to agree, I'd never felt quite this sick in my life before.

Rinoa of course had noticed the slight fail in my smile and asked me if I'd been alright. Leon had cut in with a laugh, saying, "Don't worry about him, Honey. Cloud's a sour pout all the livelong day." Leon had winked at me in good humor and I'd died inside.

After that, Rinoa had served dinner and I'd frowned in surprise since I knew Leon absolutely hated fish and when I was about to make a mention of it, Leon had shaken his head quite vividly behind his Honey's back, basically telling me to shut it.

Damnit. He was willing to fake liking fish for this women? Whatever small shot I thought I had left with him was completely gone. Straight out of the window.

And now we were all sitting, and eating the yummie steak tuna and nicely prepared rice Rinoa had prepared with her loving hands. A silence was hanging quite awkwardly in the air, but I never broke those, so I wasn't about to start now.

Tifa hated them though, so, "So, Yuffie? Do you do any sports? You have the physique for it." I leaned back a little in my chair so the two could look at each other while speaking.

Yuffie shook her head, "I draw. You know how it goes in high school, can't be part of two groups at once." Tifa smiled knowingly as Yuffie shrugged pleasantly.

"What do you draw?" I asked, my voice soft because... It always was. The fact that I'd initiated a conversation was a shocker though. And I knew it was because Tifa and Leon looked rather surprised. I frowned uncomfortably at them and then pointed my attention at Yuffie instead.

Yuffie shrugged pleasantly again as she swallowed her rice, "Just... stuff. Random really. I'm not all that good." Rinoa scoffed right before she quickly wiped her mouth on her napkin and exited the table. I blinked at her sudden exit and then again when Yuffie groaned and let her head drop to the table.

Leon chuckled, "She's probably getting her sketchbook. And shut up, Yuffie. You're great." Yuffie tilted her head up rather quickly in my opinion and before I could worry about a head rush on her part, she was grinning ear to ear while trying to look shocked.

"Mum told you to not use those words around me. You know how prim and proper she is!" I assumed it was Leon's easy use of 'shut up' that started the following funny banter between my best friend and his soon to be stepdaughter at this rate.

My life was a disaster...

Before I could elaborate on the excruciatingly painful details on that revelation, Rinoa walked back in, smiling proudly as she handed me her daughter's sketchbook.

Wiping my hands on my pants instead of the napkin out of pure habit, I took delicate hold of the black book and gently started paging through Yuffie's sketches while Leon, Rinoa and Tifa started up a conversation about work in general.

She'd lied. She was brilliant.

From what I could see she preferred realism over anything else. The portraits she'd done of her classmates were extremely detailed and although it was done with a regular grey pencil, they looked alive.

I stopped at one particular girl and asked, "Your best friend?" at Yuffie. She arched an eyebrow in surprise and nodded, "How'd you know?"

I shrugged, "You seem to use color only on the people that matter to you. Like the one of your mum right here, then Leon on this page. I'm guessing these are your grandparents..."

And then, because even my gloomy self couldn't help it, I smirked when I located the boy she probably had a crush on. The colors were even more vivid then in the others. I noticed her blush though when she realized I knew and I quickly shut the book, handing it back to her carefully before anyone could realize my discovery.

"He's cute." I murmured in approval.

"Thanks." She whispered back, clearly thankful I hadn't rated her out.

Then she went back to being her not so shy self and cut into the grown ups conversation, "He's alright, Leon. He can come over more often. I may even let him play the ps2 with us." Yuffie announced cheerfully. And then Leon beamed at me. That beautiful smile he didn't let grace his face all that often.

I'd made him happy by making friends with Yuffie. My heart twisted painfully.

The next day.

I groaned loudly as the most evil headache came crashing down the moment my brain decided it was time to wake up. Which was quickly pushed to the back of my mind when I couldn't feel my legs. Why couldn't I feel my legs?

Frowning in concentration, I pressed up onto my hands, lifting my belly from the mattress below me. I'd forgotten to close the drapes last night as the sunlight was piercing through my eyes painfully. Ignoring the fact that I never forgot anything, I turned my head around and then blasted a second round of head pounding needles into my temples when my eyes nearly burst out of my eye sockets. This was definitely not something I wanted to see.

This was worse than fifteen little Tifa's bossing everybody around. This wasn't a nightmare, this was hell.

Hayner groaned loudly as I managed to move him by trying to get my legs out from underneath him. What the fuck was my roommate doing in my bed? Why was he naked? I sobbed loudly when I realized I was naked too. And then, to all my shame, I shrieked in fear when I stood by the side of the bed and realized Seifer was sprawled out butt naked on the other side of the bed.

"WAKE UP!" I shouted. This was one of those rare moments where I displayed a healthy amount of emotion. Not many people had seen this side of me, and whoever had, had been so shocked by it that they couldn't manage to explain the situation as a tale afterwards.

Which is most likely why the loudness of my voice was all that was necessary to wake up the highly alcohol induced and still naked, couple in my bed. Alcohol had to be involved. I wouldn't have done this while sober. I knew even Hayner and Seifer wouldn't have done this while sober.

"What? What, what?" Hayner was standing on the bed, quite alert, right up until the moment he realized he was sporting a head ache. He grabbed his head and then fell back down on the bed. Seifer woke up more slowly, probably not as easily frightened as Hayner. Seifer's story was twisted...

"Why is Cloud naked? No offense, you're pretty as a picture, but..." I frowned down at my nakedness while Seifer turned his attention to his boyfriend, "I thought we were into monogamy..." Seifer muttered, seemingly beyond confused as he tried to produce an explanation out of Hayner with only a stare.

Hayner stared back. And I lost it, throwing my hands up in the air and letting my fingers grip my hair in frustration. Feeling extremely hung over, confused and of course the fact that I didn't remembering anything didn't help bettering the two other feelings, I muttered unintelligibly in a somewhat high pitched tone as I decided to exit my room.

Still Naked. Tifa, who was sitting comfortably on one of the kitchen chairs, feet propped up onto the square kitchen table, one of the publicity magazines in one hand while she was sipping her coffee with the other, gave me a once over. She didn't look surprised or remotely uncomfortable by the lack of clothes.

"Tifa!" I shouted and the fact that my voice was an octave higher, made her feet fall off the table and she was up on her feet in worry in the following two seconds.

Her hands framed my face and she stared worriedly up at me, "What's wrong, Cloud? Tell me..." She murmured.

I sobbed, "I got so drunk, I slept with the two biggest morons on earth..." Tifa frowned which had me frowning.

"You slept with Hayner and Seifer?" Apparently it was universal fact that they were indeed the two biggest morons on earth.

I nodded patethically back at her. She blinked and then returned to her seat, not giving me one second of sympathy whatsoever.

"Tifa!" I shouted and this time it didn't surprise her.

"But some boxers on and then I'll explain." She murmured with the edge of the mug between her lips.

Growling in irritation, I re-entered my bedroom and wasn't even surprised to see that Seifer and Hayner had gone back to sleep. Moving over to my closet, I grabbed a pair of clean boxers and then jumped clumsily into them as I made my way back into the living room again, closing the door behind me to give them some sleeping privacy. I could be considered. If I'd slept with them, then I had to categorize them as one night stands. I treated my one night stands right. Even when I couldn't remember whether or not it had been a good lay.

As I sat down, Tifa put the magazine away, "You didn't have sex with them." She announced softly. I praised the lord and this was the very first time I used the word hallelujah. Ever.

Shoulders relaxing, I leaned my elbows onto the table and let my head drop weakly into my hands. With this newfound knowledge, my head ache seemed to be slightly less horrible.

"What happened?" I asked wearily. Feeling tired all of a sudden, but I wanted to know. All I could remember clearly was sitting at Rinoa's dinner table and having strong urgencies to kill myself because for the millionth time I realized Leon was not going to be one of the lays I had the opportunity of treating right.

Tifa didn't seem gleeful or happy about knowing more than I did myself. Which was really strange because she was the master at torture when it came to forgetful hangovers in my case. There hadn't been many, and the main reason for it was Tifa. Tifa the next day during the recovery Tifa. She teased relentlessly and so profoundly, you almost wanted to say screw it to aspirin and start drinking again - because when drunk, you could tune Tifa out a lot faster.

Whether or not she teased, she did give you the full overview at some point or another. Which I was always extremely grateful for, because I hated not knowing what had happened.

Tifa gently took my hands in hers, "You remember the dinner?" I nodded and she nodded back, "You remember Yuffie said you could come by anytime since she thought you were alright? Leon really liked that..." She murmured carefully. I winced at the memory, hoping the wince could pass off as an after effect head ache of some sort.

Tifa smiled sadly, gently. And that's how I knew she knew.

"Why'd you never tell me?" Her voice had a slight quaver in it. I preferred it when she yelled at me. I could deal her yelling at me. She should be yelling. Asking me why the fuck I'd never told her about my feelings for Leon. She should be angry at me for having kept such a secret from her.

Instead, I got the pout and the sympathy. I didn't know how to deal with those.

I shook my head at her, having no true explanation.

"How long have you felt this way about him?" Oh... she didn't know. That may be why she didn't yell. Lets remedy that.

I wrinkled my nose, "Remember the night you told me you had a crush on him? That you'd been crushing on him for a week or something?" She nodded her head cautiously.

I pursed my lips, "I crushed on him months before that."

Her eyes widened and her mouth thinned, "Five fucking years?" Thank god she's screaming again!

She noticed the small joy in my eyes though and toned herself down, "No. You're more comfortable when I scream. Which, Cloud? Makes you a little weird. But no, I won't give you that satisfaction, even though I strongly believe your ears should be bleeding right now what with the volume of my anger." She said this all in the most composed voice she could muster. And damn it, she did it really well.

I grumbled under my breathe and listened to her reluctantly.

"I noticed it right at that instance, the moment Leon beamed fucking rainbows at you and it hurt you. Ok, maybe I didn't understand right away, it's kind of strange when someone isn't happy when another is happy. But I figured it out shortly afterwards. I'm kind of upset at myself for not figuring it out sooner." She sighed, moving her chair over next to mine.

And then came worse then reasonable talk.

Hugging. Comforting...

I grimaced as she pulled my head onto her shoulder, her fingers lightly running through my blond locks as she continued, "We left real quick after that and you didn't tell me what was wrong. So I decided to bring you to a bar and buy you drinks until you loosened up enough to finally spit it out. You cost me a lot of money, sweetie..." It wasn't so much an accusation as it was a statement.

"Then you told me, or you whined more like it. I know at what degree your love for Leon is at. I didn't get details such as when it started and how exactly you deal with those feelings every single day. But whiney Cloud is extremely informative when it comes to feelings all of a sudden." She sighed deeply, the top of her breast pressing against my chin and making me glare furiously at the chair opposite from the table. I wanted to. be. on. that. chair.

Then she surprised me, "I wish he was gay... I wish you could openly show him how much you love him. I'm sorry he's missing out on you..." she whispered, her voice sad and actually managing to touch something emotional inside me.

"Did I cry?" I asked softly.

"No. I brought you home and then you suddenly decided that you'd feel better by dancing butt naked on Doris Day's Daisies song." My eye twitched. Alcohol is my enemy...

Tifa suddenly let out a giggle, which startled her and gave me my moment to swoop out of her comforting hug. She blinked at me and then shrugged it off, "Hayner and Seifer had gone to a club last night and came home very nearly as drunk as you. They decided to join in on the dance." She had an extremely hard time keeping a straight face.

Three gay men dancing around naked to 'Please, please, don't eat the daisies!' ...? Tifa was the bravest woman I had the privilege of knowing.

"You were all pretty beat after the exercise and your couch is pretty small while your bed is pretty huge, so I put you all to bed in your room." Tifa gave me a small smile and I cleared my throat uncomfortably before silently going to the bathroom. Speaking wouldn't be wise at this moment. Tifa was brave, but whatever comment I'd make wouldn't be right and would set her off in a fit of giggles. It would both be unpleasant for her and for myself.

Deciding that I needed to restore my gloomy self, I let Marilyn Manson's Ka-boom Ka-boom resonate loudly out of the wall stereo in the bathroom while I soaked myself in scalding water in the shower. My music taste was quite vast. Considering drunk Doris Day episodes... I just didn't want anybody to know it and let everyone believe I only enjoyed the groups that used vocabulary coming straight out of the dictionary of morbid and that guitars had to make more noise than a fifteen year old pick up.

Tifa had known me since I was a small kid, so this piece of information had never been unknown to her. Hayner and Seifer wouldn't remember, and whoever else had caught a glimpse of that side of me, had been just as drunk as Hayner and Seifer had been. Resulting to zero memory whatsoever.

I only knew of that side in me when Tifa reminded me of it. I didn't always love her.

I deemed my head cleared and my ego somewhat restored once Marmalade by System of a Down had woken my two partners in crime, pissing them off royally in the process. I got out of the shower, back into my boxers and then without looking at my roommate or his boyfriend or my best friend, back into my bedroom. Tifa was explaining the situation to them and although I wanted to strangle her for mentioning Doris Day, I knew neither Hayner or Seifer would speak a word to anyone about it as they were as guilty as I was.

Perfect. Everything is right in the world again. I can go back to being pissed off an angry.

Changing the sheets of my bed because I was just a little bit paranoid, I crawled into it quickly, feeling tired. Today I was in that strange state of mind that rarely occurred. The 'Leon can go fuck himself for all I care' state of mind. I loved that state of mind. It made me happy and I wish I could marry it.

With a smile on my face, I fell asleep.

A week later.

Being sixteen, Yuffie had despicable taste in music. The worse part was, that she put that one particular song she liked at the moment on repeat and then to top it of with horrible, she would sing at the top of her lungs. The door to her bedroom was closed of course. She'd never sing at the top of her lungs in front of the adults. The fact that she'd sing the same song over and over wasn't nearly as bad as the fact that she was beyond off-key.

She was supposed to be doing her homework. I knew this because Rinoa kept apologizing with a small smile on her lips when the chorus would pop up every two minutes, effectively making the noise louder.

I was sitting in their living room, drinking coffee with Rinoa. I had a hard time understanding how exactly I'd ended up here without Leon. Tifa had gone back home since then, so she couldn't be my reinforcement.

Yuffie had come by a day earlier during my working hours and those of Leon, apparently Leon had left his toothbrush at their place and Rinoa had asked if Yuffie could drop it off on her way back from school. It was on her way, so Yuffie didn't mind. Plus, she was curious to see where Leon worked and apparently she wanted to see me work as well.

So, while I'd been preparing pizza dough, flour flying everywhere and settling itself comfortably in my hair, Yuffie had waltzed in like she owned the place and surprised the freaking bejesus out of everyone as she'd hugged me tightly, placing a loud smacking kiss on my cheek. I'd been too shocked to push her away or tell her that you just didn't do that kind of stuff to me.

So now of course she believed she could do this every time she'd see me.

She'd asked Xigbar if she could borrow me for a minute, and as he was as bewildered as me, he'd answered with a, "Sure..." His eye twitching just slightly. And that's what Yuffie did, grabbing my hand and dragging me out of my comfort zone and into the scary outdoor open. She plopped herself down on one of the little chairs behind the little tables in front of the Pizza Parlor, gesturing for me to sit down as well.

And then, she'd found the tool to make my brain implode.

"Is it painful to loose your virginity?" She asked. Usually when I was in an uncomfortable situation, I'd blink, shrug it off and then mutter a grumpy reply. She'd gone beyond uncomfortable, freezing my eyes wide open and I think my mouth dropped open when I realized her question was serious.

"Ask your mother!" I replied, my voice shrieking up an octave.

Yuffie rolled her eyes, her shoulders slouching a little in what seemed to be defeat, "I'm asking you because my mother doesn't want to talk to me about these things. She had me when she was sixteen, the last thing she'll openly talk to me about is sex. If she can get her way, I'm staying a virgin forever." The teenage whine settling in her voice would have been amusing if it weren't for the fact that I was still cell shocked.

Clearing my throat, I managed to bring my voice back to normal when I said, "Then talk to Leon." I hoped she'd just go with that, but she rolled her eyes at me.

"Sure, Leon might talk openly to me, but he'll just talk to my mother afterwards." She reasoned. And she probably wasn't wrong.

I wrinkled my nose, seeing why'd she'd believe I was her best option. Sighing heavily, I scratched my head, "Yuffie, you do know I'm gay, right? Contrary to popular situations, I actually realized I was early on. I've never even so much as kissed a woman..." Except Tifa. She'd been drunk and needy and then she'd thrown herself at me. The kiss had been brief and it would most definitely never happen again. No tongue. Thank god. It didn't count. In my book, I'd never kissed a woman.

Her eyebrows knitted together and her thoughts seemed to be reeling quite harshly as she staid silent for the following few minutes. Letting her think it over, I stood up and went back into the Pizza Parlor to get us two cokes. Once I got back, I placed the coke in front of her and sat back down, sipping my own.

Yuffie licked her lips, giving me a curious once over, "I didn't know that. It's ok though, I don't mind." She smiled uncertainly, and I nodded my head at her.

"That's good." I murmured.

Now she nodded and then she nearly made me choke on my coke bottle, "If you bottom you still might be able to help me though." Coughing loudly, I tried retrieving my ability to breathe as Yuffie quickly jumped onto her feet, circling the table so she could rub my back.

"I didn't mean to startle you..." She said, grinning nonetheless.

"Where did you learn that term?" I asked, staring up at her in slight fear.

She shrugged, "I'm a fangirl at heart, Yaoi is like my lullaby." I wrinkled my nose up at her, not exactly pleased with that piece of information. Fangirls were scary... Yaoi fangirls? An entire different species altogether.

Yuffie realized I wasn't going to snap out of my grimace so she walked back to her seat and sighed heavily, "Look, Cloud, I'm not trying to purposely make you uncomfortable. It's just... girl meets boy, girl likes boy, boy likes girl too and I know that sometime soon, I'm going to want more then just a make out session. Although my mother is conservative in that area, and hopes I'll wait until I am at least twenty... It's not going to happen. She won't tell me the details, and I'm too shy to ask one of my teachers at school. I..." She seemed slightly desperate and very vulnerable. That had me snapping out of my uncomfortable shock slash grimace, making me lean forward and placing a gentle gaze on her.

"Alright, I get it. You need to talk to someone you feel comfortable talking too. Just, understand that I'm surprised you chose me." I smiled carefully at her. I was truly surprised she'd trust me in this situation.

She smiled back at me, "You got my artwork without having me explain anything..." She said, making me realize that was her reason for trusting me.

After that I'd shown the way into Cid's Garage, leading the way to Leon's working space so she could hand him back his toothbrush. He'd given me a funny look, probably wondering why Yuffie had gone to see me before she'd gone to see him. Maybe wondering why she'd gone to see me at all. I shrugged it off, pretending I didn't know why and that she hadn't explained why either.

Yuffie was grateful. And before I'd shown her the way to Leon, I told her that I needed to get back to work and that she could come by again tomorrow if she wanted to talk. She'd agreed.

Instead though, apparently she'd forgotten her schoolbag in the Pizza Parlor and although I'd asked Leon to just give it back to her, he couldn't as it wasn't his day off like it was mine. So that is how I'd ended up on the couch, drinking coffee with Rinoa while Yuffie sang off-key in the background too, Bad-Romance.

I had nothing against Lady Ga-Ga. Honestly. Well... No, it's a lie. I hated that song. It was like the perfect theme song to play in the back while making small talk with the girlfriend of the guy that I considered to be the love of my life. To make things worse, the song was butchered by the love of my life's soon to be stepdaughter.

"Thank you for bringing her bag back. I appreciate you coming all the way out here." Rinoa said softly, sipping her coffee. It wasn't all that far, but it wasn't walking distance either. Yuffie's bus stop was close to the Pizza Parlor and garage, which is how it had been on her way back home from school.

I smiled tightly, "No problem, I don't mind." I cleared my throat, "Could I maybe go up to see Yuffie? Yesterday she came by while I was working, hoping she could show me more of her art. I didn't have time then but told her she could come by some other time... Since I'm here?" It was the best excuse I could find to go see her daughter upstairs. I figured, why not just kill two birds with one stone. If I was here, sitting uncomfortably on Rinoa's couch - making painful small talk, I might as well attack the issue of female virginity too.

Rinoa's eyes narrowed a little though. I frowned at the protective momma bear that was shaping itself in front of me, and when I realized the source of this, I actually chuckled, "God no, Rinoa. First of all, she's not exactly in my age range. Second, if I had happened to like her in that way, I would probably not do anything about it, or at least talk to you about it first and then third... I'm gay." Rinoa relaxed instantly. I nearly wanted to sneer a "You may wanna watch out for your boyfriend though!" But... eh. It's not like she had to worry about anything there either.

Smiling a little, Rinoa stood from the couch, gesturing to the stairs behind her, "Then by all means. I'll be in my office right there around the corner if you need me." I nodded at her and then made my way upstairs, following the tune of Bad-romance to locate Yuffie's bedroom.

I couldn't help but grin as I stood in front of her door, knowing full well that she was most likely dancing around wildly considering her voice sounded out of breath.

Licking my lips in anticipation, I knocked loudly on her door and I smirked as in the following two seconds, her off-key singing had died out abruptly and after a loud crash, the music died out completely.

"Come in!" She shouted. Opening the door, I swallowed the laughter that threatened to bubble up when Yuffie had formed the picture of a perfect teenager. She was sitting behind her desk, pretending to be extremely concentrated on her homework.

She honestly believed her walls were soundproof...

"Hey girl." I greeted softly. She snapped her head sideways and then smiled brightly as she realized I was Cloud and not Rinoa.

"Hey Cloudy!" She greeted happily back, bouncing off her desk chair to land into my open arms instead. They'd only been open because I'd been afraid she may fall or something... I did not welcome the hug. I didn't.

I was going to ignore the nickname.

Patting her on the head a little awkwardly, I slowly detached myself so I could look around her room a little. The wall on my right was plastered with hundreds of drawings she'd made over what I assumed to be a long period of time as the progress in her pencil sketches showed quite flagrantly. A large window took up the space on the wall in front and the wall on my left was filled partly with shelves that contained rows and rows of manga novels and the other side of the wall was covered with group posters.

There was a one person bed beneath the window, numerous pink cushions decorating the neatly made sheets, a desk beneath the group posters and another desk by the sketch covered wall. That desk was probably for sketching purpose only as it could be tilted upwards.

Having looked around, I returned my attention to Yuffie, who was sitting on the bed, waiting for me to be done looking around before she gestured for me to take a seat beside her.

"I think it might be better for my macho scale if I sit on your chair instead..." I smirked a little as I pointed at the heart shaped pillows that were rainbow colored.

She stared dully at her pillows and then giggled when she got it, nodding in understanding my way.

"You left your back pack at the Pizza Parlor yesterday, so I came to give it back to you. Maybe we can have that talk now?" I suggested.

She had the decency to blush just a little bit at the mention of her virginity and then nodded shyly my way.

"Ok, although I'm guessing I'm just as uncomfortable as you are, I'm thinking I should just... tell you everything I can tell you and then if you have questions, you can ask me those when I'm done. I'll try and answer them as best I can." I instructed. She mimed that she was zipping her mouth shut, and then nodded at me, silently telling me that I could start explaining now.

Inhaling deeply, I gripped the chair's arms tightly and then launched myself, "Alright well, to make this clear from the beginning, I have no idea what a woman goes through when she looses her virginity. I'm assuming that although the human parts aren't exactly the same, the process is pretty similar." I swallowed tightly, trying to fix my eyes on her forehead and not her eyes.

I could see her head bob in understanding.

Pursing my lips, I decided I would just blurt it all out, "First of all, I think that if you emotionally feel ready to take that step, you first need to make sure you'll take the step with someone you completely trust and love. Some people think it isn't a big deal, and for some people it isn't, but those people are rare and to most people this step is a big deal. Once you've found the person you wish to take that step with, there's no shame in talking to them about it first. It's better to be prepared rather than clueless." I sighed sharply and then moved on to the technical stuff, "You need to be properly prepared physically as well. Foreplay is a yes. With guys... Lubrication is a very important detail. Women don't actually need it if their partner takes the time to prepare them properly, but I think it's save to say that if you can get your hands on lubricant, then you can use it as well to make sure the penetration will be the least uncomfortable for you." I paused, frowning a little to see if I missed anything.

"Condoms!" I shouted, "Always use protection. I don't care if you're on the pill, use condoms until you are in a serious commitment and both you and your partner decide to go without. If it comes to that point, visit me again and I'll help you figure out the tests you need to take." I let out a loud exhale.

I was blushing rather furiously at this point. This was hard... I never expected to be assigned the role of responsible uncle. This sucked...

I cleared my throat, "He has to be careful with you. Take things slow. Make sure to tell him when you are feeling uncomfortable so he can adjust to you. I am sorry though, the first time will most likely be a bit weird and you may get a little sore the next day." I murmured.

I had done my good deed of the day. I was a good person and my karma had taken a major hit. Now, I could leave...

Swallowing nervously, I was about to stand up but then she spoke, "What was your first time like?" I sat back down because I needed to steady myself.

Finally looking at her eyes instead of her forehead, I smiled sadly her way, "It wasn't very good, Yuffie. Take your time. It fits when you take your time. Don't force things..." I mumbled.

Thankfully, she didn't ask more question. Unfortunately, she walked over to me and hugged me tight in sympathy at my revelation.

"Thanks Cloud. I really appreciate you talking to me about this." She murmured against my hair. I patted her shoulder a little.

"Can I go now?" I whispered. She giggled a little, nodding her head.

As I walked out of her bedroom, she said, "I'll make sure the next time we spend time together, we'll only do something fun and nothing quite this serious." I smiled her way and then went back downstairs.

I was about to go to Rinoa's office, telling her that I was gonna take off, but instead I bumped into Leon.

He was smirking. The bastard had heard. I groaned.

"Why were you explaining sex to Yuffie?" He asked, sounding amused.

I rolled my eyes, "Because she asked me too." I told him honestly.

I frowned when he frowned. Why was he frowning?

"But you barely know her." He whispered. I gulped a little, aware that he was standing extremely close by and that if I took a step forward, my chest would be touching his.

I nervously tucked a blond lock behind my ear as I stared at the ground rather intently, "She's important to you. That makes her important to me." I whispered back, licking my lips quickly before I sidestepped him and made my way out of the door. He didn't follow me. He just stood there, frowning in concentration at the stairs.

As I started up my bike, driving off slowly, I had the urge to just sit in my bed and watch my favorite movie a million times over while stuffing my face with chocolate, in hopes that that would make everything better again.

This situation was getting more painful with every day that passed and I had no idea how long I was going to manage to hold out as the best friend any longer.

I liked Yuffie, she was a lot of fun and reminded me of Tifa in certain ways. She didn't care how gloomily I reacted, it didn't stop her from happily going about with her things while in my presence. She took me for who I am, and was absolutely fine with who I am. That's how she reminded me of Tifa.

But getting attached to Yuffie wouldn't do me any good. Was it really that clever of me to hide how I felt about Leon and let me suffer in the shadows? I knew it was far from clever, but before I always seemed to have managed to take a hold of it and just deal. Managing to stay the best friend Leon wanted me to be.

It was because Yuffie was placed in the mix that things became more serious. Leon had had relationships before Rinoa, of course. But I always knew they would end at some point or another. This relationship? It would last...

Rinoa wasn't looking for a handsome fuck buddy. She was looking for a handsome daddy that could play the father figure for her sixteen year old daughter. She was in it for the long run. Apparently Leon was too...

Another week later.

I hadn't gone back to the apartment so I could drown in my own pity behind a movie along with chocolate as my best friend. I'd driven by the apartment complex and driven straight out of Traverse Town, Passed Twilight Town, through Hollow Bastion and beyond - into the godforsaken.

Once I arrived at Tifa's, I'd sat on her front step for a while, waiting for her to get back. I just needed to wait thirty minutes before she'd get back from work. The nice thing about living beyond Hollow Bastion was the low rent. Tifa had gotten the hold of a small and cute house with two bedrooms for the same amount of rent as my much smaller apartment in the city center of Traverse Town. She even had a front and back garden and a garage.

The kitchen was separated from the living room and she had actual space to turn around in her bathroom. Toilet separated as well.

As I'd expected, She'd arrived thirty minutes later, surprised to see me the first second, but understanding instantly a second later. She didn't scold, she didn't scream, she didn't talk. I gratefully accepted her comforting touches and let her coddle me as she prepared my favorite dish and settled me onto the couch afterwards for my favorite movie. We shared the chocolate as she settled herself against my side and for once I wrapped an arm around her shoulders and held on tight.

She knew I wouldn't want to talk, and that's why she didn't speak once the entire evening. She was an amazing friend, and I loved her for it. After the movie she showed me to her guest bedroom, kissed my cheek and then left to go to bed herself.

The next morning while we both drank our coffee at her garden table, I told her I was feeling blue and that I couldn't do this anymore. I didn't have to go into detail, and she didn't press for them either. She was smart enough to guess what had happened and I'm pretty sure she had figured it out before I myself had figured it out.

So instead she'd said, "You can't go on like this, Cloud." I'd nodded in agreement and we resumed the comfortable silence, eating our breakfast and afterwards she'd asked me if I wished to go with her to her work today. I liked the idea as I was curious to find out what exactly she did for work, so I called in sick, telling Xigbar that I would be back next week, most likely. He understood and although he wasn't too happy about the short notice, he said he'd manage.

Xigbar knew more then he led on, and that made me realize I wasn't as good at acting as I thought I was. He'd passed the phone on to Hayner and Hayner had told me he understood and that his understanding went as far as being willing to take care of the bills all by himself. I told him to get Seifer to help him, and he'd laughed in good humor at my doubt in his capabilities of doing grown up stuff.

I spent the remaining week at Tifa's, either cooking luxuriously detailed dinners for when she got home from work, or I went with her, watching her teach her classes and appreciating the way the girls respected her.

The girls in her class found me an amusing figure and had decided to cheer me up. Tifa allowed it and I'm not sure I was too happy with it. It's how I ended up, a week later, right now, in Tifa's living room, surrounded by fifteen teenage girls and Tifa, singing karaoke.

I don't know how my life had taken such an extreme turn.

I'd never admit it out loud, but they did manage to cheer me up after a couple of the girls had started singing YMCA at the top of their lungs into the microphone, giving me sweet and funny looks, dedicating the song to none other than me. It was cliché, but I didn't mind cliché from time to time.

I couldn't remember all the songs that were sung, the girls didn't take any breaks, just passed the microphone along so there wasn't a moment of silence. I sung with them, I sang alone and I'd sung a duet with Tifa, giving the girls a kick out of it.

It's when I was singing 'Dancing with myself' that I was smiling again, feeling light and happy as the girls were dancing in the living room around me. Tifa was refilling our drinks in the kitchen, and I could hear her laugh from time to time when I couldn't get a key completely right.

Everything that had been eating me alive the previous couple of days, had faded away. And the heaviness I'd been carrying out for years now, was starting to disappear as well. I was aware in the back of my mind that I'd never been away this long from Leon before. I'd never been gone longer than two days. I didn't think it possible.

I was happy to find out that I was wrong and that being away from him was possible and that it did make me feel better.

When the song ended, I was chuckling when I passed the microphone on to the team leader of the girls. She quickly pushed some buttons on the ps2 controller and a second later, she was singing that she wanted to be a billionaire. I could understand that.

Leaving the girls to fend for themselves for a moment, I decided to join Tifa in the kitchen. As I approached the door, I frowned when I could hear her talking. It was very low considering the loudness of the singing here in the living room, but now that I was so close, I could hear she wasn't happy.

I could feel my stomach knotting itself up and I quickly spun around, counting up the girls. Fifteen.

I felt my happy mood sink and I cringed as I could hear the door open rather loudly behind me.

"What the FUCK, Cloud?" Maybe I should have called Leon and told him I wouldn't be around...

"You could have called!" He agreed with my thoughts.

Sighing, I shook my head at the girls, telling them to continue. They were a bit hesitant at first, but Tifa joined them, telling them all was good. Turning around reluctantly, I wrinkled my nose in pure habit as my gaze landed on Leon. He was furious. And worried. I could tell he was worried. Before, I would have soaked that up as a good sign, something that may lead to something more. The fact that he cared about me. Of course I'd known it was only because we were friends and nothing more, but at least now I could hold onto that thought and not fool myself deliriously.

Shaking my head, I walked passed him and then grabbed his elbow on the way, pulling him with me into the kitchen. I closed the door behind us and then gestured for him to go outside. The kitchen held the door that led to the back garden.

Once there, Leon crossed his arms impatiently, waiting for me to explain.

I scratched my head, "I'm sick." I muttered, lying. To a certain extend anyway, because I had felt sick. Just not the conventional, 'I have a cold' kind of way.

Leon scoffed, "Yes. I can see that. You're singing to happy tunes surrounded by a bunch of high school girls. It's definitely a shocker!" His arms fell to his sides and I could see the anger fading away, leaving more place for worry instead.

When I staid silent, he took a step forward, placing one of his hand on my shoulder and the other on my neck, "Why didn't you just call me?" He asked softly. I sucked in a sharp breath, startled by the close proximity. He never came this close and he'd never actually touched me in this fashion. He did the awkward man hug, the smack on the back and during sports, he'd even give me a playful slap on the bottom. But that was the extend of physical contact when it came to Leon and myself.

This? This soft touch that held a lot of worry? Leon doesn't do this. With women? Sure. With men in general? No. With me? Completely and definitely not. It was out of the question.

Swallowing and feeling extremely nervous at the newfound proximity, I didn't speak because I simply couldn't. Leon suddenly seemed to realize what had me so startled and quickly took a step back, placing his hands behind his back.

While the silence hang dreadfully in the air, I realized something. Something so strange it had me frowning quite intently at Leon, who seemed a bit uncomfortable under my gaze.

"This is the first time you came looking for me without some sort of motif..." I murmured, completely surprised. I'd probably been aware subconsciously before, but now that it was shoved into my face, it was a bit startling.

Whenever he came to see me, call me, email me, anything really, it was always with an extra reason. "How are you, Cloud? By the way, if you could do this..." or "Hey man! I've been invited to this party, wanna come?" or "I'm gonna go grocery shopping, do you need too?" And as of recent, "My girlfriend wishes to meet you."

It isn't bad or anything. It didn't make him less of a friend, it was just strange that he always needed a reason to initiate a conversation with me. He never had randomly popped in just to see how I was doing and nothing more. Or just to hang out with me. Even during our lunch breaks, one of our co-workers wasn't far away.

Leon cleared his throat uncomfortably, "I was worried about you..." He whispered. And I nodded at him, "Yes, I can see that. But you've never been worried about me before. It's just surprising since I never actually expected you to be. Don't get me wrong, man. I appreciate it, it's just strange..." And it was strange.

Leon dragged his eyes off my shoes and looked at me without blinking or hesitation, "Because you never give me reason too." He pointed out without falter.

I faltered though, realizing that what he was saying was true.

Leon spoke before I could, "You're always there when I need you. I never have to look for you because I always know exactly where to find you. When I couldn't find you I... Dude, I'm sounding like a sentimental moron right now but, It scared me. I... I didn't like it when I couldn't find you." My heart was beating a mile a minute and I was scared it may just jump out of my throat. Leon was being all kinds of weird tonight. Comforting touches and emotional confessions?

"Are you drunk?" I asked softly.

He rolled his eyes, "Shut up, Cloud. That wasn't easy for me alright?" He grumbled a little, crossing his arms again.

I smiled tightly, "I'm sorry I put a rock in your rock free life. It's Friday, your weekend is starting, why aren't you at Rinoa's?" I couldn't help but sneer her name just a little. I was better at being on the defensive.

Leon opened his mouth to say something, but then closed it and frowned.

I blinked. He'd forgotten about Rinoa? What...?

"Leon?" I asked carefully, gently. That set him off though. He narrowed his eyes, shaking his head at me as he walked passed me, back into the kitchen and right through it. After a moment of "huh?" I followed him quickly, kitchen, living room, hallway and then out into the front garden where he was already getting in his car.

"Leon, wait a minute." I said as I approached his car. He shook his head.

"I have to go. I'm sorry I worried, I won't bother again. Rinoa is probably waiting for me." He growled, about to close the door to his car. I stopped it though, catching it in a tight grip.

"Will you just stop for one fucking second? Tell me what's going on? There's obviously something else bothering you." I shouted, startling him just a little with the volume of my voice.

"Bothering me? Something is definitely bothering you as well and it's been bothering you for a long time now. Did you ever think of explaining that to me?" He shouted back, giving up on closing his car door as I wouldn't let go.

I wrinkled my nose, "You were definitely not supposed to notice it." I muttered.

He rolled his eyes, "I'm not some dumb idiot, contrary to popular belief I do get emotions. I'm not dumb, Cloud..." He implored. I frowned at him, trying to see what he was getting at.

I could see he was gritting his teeth, "I know, Cloud. I know how you feel about me..." He forced out.

I swallowed nervously, feeling my breathing quicken. It's like my air pipes were closing up. It was extremely unpleasant and completely uncalled for. Why did he have to make things complicated? Things were going fine. Not perfect, but fine.

My throat felt very dry and it's like my entire friendship with him just flew away right in front of my nose. He didn't say our friendship was over, I knew that. But it felt like it was the end or something. I could feel it prickling it's way over the edge. It hurt and nothing had happened yet.

Ashamed of the small tears forming themselves in the corner of my eyes, I licked my lips in nervous habit, "What?" I murmured. My hold on his car door loosened but he didn't try to take off anymore.

"I know, Cloud. Tifa told me..." He whispered. My eyes widened and I think my heart skipped a beat in pure anger.

"What?" I shouted, my shoulders stiffening as I took a step away from the car. Leon got out, probably feeling a lot more secure and stable now that the attention wasn't pointed at him anymore.

"Don't get angry, it's ok." He said. No, it wasn't. Things weren't ok. Tifa shouldn't have told and he wasn't supposed to be ok with it. I didn't want him to be ok with how I felt about him. If he was ok with me feeling the things I felt for him it meant that he'd still want to be friends and he'd be willing to help me work through the feelings I have for him.

Does nobody get it? I would never, ever get over Leon. Leon was it for me. He was the one I craved and the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I needed him like I needed air and nobody was allowing me to breathe because nobody agreed that I could possibly be the one for Leon as well. Rinoa could never feel the way I felt about him... Nobody could... I was so sure of it... And yet I had to stand by and pretend to smile while he declared the love I wanted to bask in, to another person!

"I hate you, Leon!" I shouted, the tears finally falling over the edge, slowly trailing their way down over my cheeks. I was trembling because I was feeling too many things at once and it was all too much and Leon was still just standing there, telling me all was going to be ok.

"Nothing is ok! I hate you. I hate you for being so completely blind! I hate Tifa for not being the friend I thought she was and I hate the fact that Rinoa gets what I've wanted for years!" My hands were clenched in fists and my upper body slightly tilted forward as I was screaming at him. Leon took a step back, probably shocked by the revelation of me having wanted him for years now.

"Remember how I used to smile and how I don't anymore?" I asked bitterly, somewhat more calmly. Leon carefully nodded.

I smiled angrily his way, "Yeah, you and Tifa really used your brains when you decided on a one night stand together!" I know it was a little bit childish of me to throw that in his face, but I couldn't help myself. We'd established that I had feelings for him and I'd made clear I wasn't happy about the situation he was in with Rinoa. Since I'd put myself out there to the max already, I may as well just throw everything at him. Even old grudges such as him and Tifa once upon a long long time.

He didn't say anything, just kept silent as he dropped his gaze.

Sighing deeply, I dug my hands into my pockets and was glad my bike keys were still there, "Thank you for worrying, Leon. You're a great friend. As is Tifa, minus the part where she rated me out. I just can't handle this anymore though. I don't know how to be around you and I know I won't be able to forgive Tifa anytime soon either. If you care, you won't come looking for me." I muttered, quickly walking towards my bike and hoping I could drive off before he realized he needed to stop me.

I was fast enough. I managed to get away. I'd completely forgotten by then that the reason we fought in the first place, was because he'd been bothered about something. Not me.

Ok so my dramatic exit apparently needed some thought as well. I hadn't figured out that I would need to stay away from my apartment since Leon lived a floor above and we both worked on the level below. It's right at that instance that I realized everything I did in my life, revolved around Leon. I was a pathetic loser and I felt really pitiful for only finding out about it now.

The next decisions I made had been a bit shocking, and I didn't feel shocked up until I'd already taken the decisions. I couldn't back track my way though, so I'd been a bit of a mess.

The moment I'd gotten in Traverse Town after telling Leon he wouldn't be seeing me anymore and that he could pass along the message to Tifa, I'd walked into my apartment and interrupted a fuck session between Hayner and Seifer, not even bothering to give them time to get dressed again.

"Seifer? You have an apartment?" He shook his head.

"Congratulations, you live here now. Any good at making pizza's? Because I'm quitting in..." I looked at my watch and then nodded, "In about two minutes if you guys answer fast enough."

Hayner grabbed the blanket from the side of the couch, covering his goods, "Cloud. You wanna tell me what's up or are you just going to up and leave and let me figure it out on my own?" I stared at him.

"On our own then." Seifer muttered.

I'd shared an apartment with Hayner for at least two years now. Arlright, I owned him something, "Call me on my cellphone in a week and see if I wish to explain then. I'm sorry to leave you hanging like this, but... I can't. I can't do this anymore." I said quickly and nervously, willing my hands down so they wouldn't pull on my hair in frustration.

Hayner nodded quickly, "It's cool, man. I can handle rent on my own for a month or two, take your time. If by then you don't wanna come back, we'll figure it out." He offered and I loved him for it.

I turned around to leave but then back tracked, "I don't know, Hayner. I don't know what's going on with me and I won't know for a couple more days at least. Give me some time. Call me in a week or something and I may be able to talk somewhat reasonably to you." I nodded at his understanding stare and then thanked him quickly before leaving the apartment.

Xigbar didn't take the news all that well and unlike Hayner, told me I could go screw myself if I did come back to my senses. I gave him the finger and left Traverse Town. If Seifer took over my job, I didn't know.

That had been my dramatic exit. It's when I was on the road again that I realized I didn't have anywhere to go. I didn't want to go to my parents, they'd been a bit weird after I came out. They hadn't kicked me out or disowned me or anything. But our relationship definitely closed up a whole lot after that revelation. I was closer to Tifa's parents. They'd been there for me when I'd come out, which is how I'd gotten even closer to Tifa.

I couldn't go to her parents though. I didn't want to see Tifa right now and she'd definitely try and find me and would most likely check by her parents first if she couldn't find me at my apartment.

I realized that if I wanted Tifa out of the way for a while, I had to go somewhere she wouldn't expect me to be.

That's when something hit me. Sora. Nobody would think of Sora when trying to find me. I still had their new number registered in my cell phone after that ridiculously long voice mail. So I had called once I could find a tank station along the road to stop at.

I nervously bit my lip as I heard the phone ringing once, twice, "Hello?" I frowned as I didn't recognize the voice as either Sora, Roxas or even Demyx.

"Hi, this is Cloud. Is Sora there? Or Roxas. Or even Demyx?" I asked.

There was a pause and I could hear some mumbling in the background, "They are all here. Which one would you prefer to speak too?" The voice was soft and a little bit shaky on the edged. This must be Zexion then, I figured.

I frowned a little, trying to pick one of the brothers, "I suppose Demyx then considering he's the oldest." There was some fumbling and then I heard a throat clearing itself.

"Cloud?" I sighed in relief as I heard Demyx' voice.

"Yeah, it's me." I muttered.

"You've got some balls to call here after nailing my little brother." Demyx deadpanned. I winced, internally cursing Roxas' big mouth. He had to tell Demyx, hadn't he?

Before I could start apologizing there was a loud "Hey!" from Demyx and then suddenly I heard, "Hey Cloud!" It was Sora. I'd never been so happy to hear Sora's voice. Why hadn't I asked for him instantly?

"What's wrong, Cloud? Something has got to be wrong, you'd never call either one of us in any situation." He didn't sound accusing, just genuinely surprised and slightly worried, maybe.

I winced again, "Something went down with Leon..." I told him honestly. I knew I wouldn't be able to lie my way out of this because Sora would poke the truth out of me at some point or another. And also, when I decided that Sora would be the place to go to hide, I knew full well what I was getting myself into.

Sora didn't so much as skip a beat, "Here's the address..."

I'd been in Hollow Bastion already, so it had taken me only fifteen more minutes before arriving in their neighborhood. I'd been surprised to see the size of their house as I'd been so used to the brothers being... well, broke.

Sora had quickly bounded his way out of the front door, pulling me along with him inside the house. There was no real hallway, it simply led straight into the living room which had a curve on the right, leading into a large kitchen. Staircase on the opposite side leading to the second floor. The windows were beautiful and large, giving view on a flowery garden in the back.

Once I'd entered and Sora helped me out of my coat, my eyes landed on the living room area. Demyx was sitting on a large armchair - the blue haired guy curled on his lap I assumed to be Zexion. Their eyes were pointed at the large television set.

Another couple was placed on the right end of a large couch. Roxas, who had his back pressed up against the side arm of the couch, his legs open so a guy - lanky and tall in shape with fiery red hair, was able to sit there. His back pressed against Roxas' chest. Roxas' fingers were playing with said fiery red hair, while his boyfriend's hands were wrapped around Roxas' knees. Axel. Both their eyes were fixed on the television as well.

On the left end of the couch, closest to me, I assumed the guy with long silver hair sitting there, was the turned on and growling Riku from my answering machine as Sora quickly placed a kiss on his lips on his way over to the kitchen, gesturing for me to follow him.

Sora had grabbed a curtain which I'd thought was to drape the kitchen window, but instead it closed the space off from the living room, giving the people in the living room some privacy from the talk me and Sora were bound to have in his kitchen.

And we did have the talk. I told him everything that had happened once he'd pushed a mug of hot chocolate with wiped cream my way. Only Sora... Only he would do that. He'd listened without interrupting, he didn't give me any comforting hugs or pitiful stares, and I appreciated him for it. Once I was done explaining, he'd nodded and said, "I get it. You need to hide for a while. You're welcome to stay here if you want. You'll sleep in the game room slash office slash guest bedroom if that's ok with you?"

I'd sighed in so much relief, Sora smiled knowingly and then bobbed his head in direction of the living room. Following him there, I let him settle himself against his boyfriend again before Axel scooted his legs away a little to make some space for me in the middle of the couch.

Although I was most likely a bit numb, I did feel very secure and warm while surrounded by these people.

A couple of days later.

I woke up, feeling a bit groggy yet well rested at the same time. Throwing my legs over the side of the bed, I stretched my arms over my head once my feet hit the ground. Sighing a little, I scratched my tummy comfortably as I removed the wedgie my boxers had settled into during the night.

I'd pretty much staid in bed the last couple of days, and none of my hosts had seemed to mind. Sora had popped in from time to time, telling me dinner was ready or forcing me to eat some breakfast. Roxas sometimes sat down on the bed next to me and played a game, saying nothing just tossing a controller my way so I would race him in one of the games.

Demyx had come by once, telling me that I was indeed allowed to take showers. I'd glared and he'd grinned, gesturing for me to follow him to the bathroom. Once there, before I could close the door he'd said, "Take your time working through things. If you believe another week in that bed will help you, then we'll support you. We've been through our own love trials as of late... and..." He smiled his carefree Demyx smile and added, "We get it, Cloud." He'd patted my shoulder and then left me to fend for myself in the bathroom.

I'd needed another day apparently, but today, I was ready to get up. I didn't know what for, but I just didn't want to lie in that bed anymore. I wanted to at least help out around the house a little since it's owners had been kind enough to welcome me.

I frowned as I heard a groan beside me and when I turned around to see what it was, I yelped in fright and plastered my back against the wall, staring wide eyed at the red porky pine sticking out from underneath the covers.

"People have got to stop doing this to me..." I murmured, grabbing my heart and mind willing it to slow down.

Axel popped his head out and yawned, "Sorry buddy. Roxas is easily offended and has no issue kicking me out from time to time. I was too tired to go back to my apartment and didn't want to sleep on the couch so..." I rolled my eyes at him and waved the apology away.

"Just... Warn me, next time, alright?" I muttered. He nodded, grinning from ear to ear as he happily jumped out of bed. He was way to bright for his own good in the morning. I was glad to find out that he was wearing pants and a shirt.

"Blondie has probably forgiven me by now. I'll give creeping into his bed another shot, see ya!" He didn't seem bothered at all by the fact that Roxas had kicked him out. I shrugged, assuming this happened regularly. I wasn't all that surprised, Roxas was somewhat of a hothead.

Making my way out of the bedroom, I located the stairs and started making my way down as I heard voices down stairs.

"You can do it, Zex. Just knock on his door and ask him if you can talk to him..." Demyx said gently to Zexion. I took another few steps down and looked into the kitchen area, seeing Zexion pace back and forth in front of the fridge while Demyx was sitting on a barstool behind a large bar where I'd drunk my hot mug of chocolate the other night.

Zexion was breathing in and out deeply, "I want to do it. I know I can. I... I'm doing so much better!" He shouted at Demyx and Demyx nodded with a large smile on his face.

"Yeah you are baby, you're doing great. I promise, Cloud won't bite. Just walk up the stairs, knock on his door..." Zexion nodded at Demyx, not looking remotely capable of doing it.

Zexion grimaced and then with defeated looking shoulders, slumped his way over to Demyx, letting his head drop onto Demyx' shoulder, "He gives me the same vibe Riku and Roxas gave me months back. It's a little bit harder than it was with Sora or Axel..."

Demyx framed his face, kissing him gently on the lips, "I know. Cloud's very broody and gloomy. Contrary to Riku and Roxas, he doesn't snap at people. He's broody and gloomy by nature, not because something pissed him off..." I smiled at the picture they made and although a bit weird, I didn't mind the way Demyx described me.

"I won't offend him right? He'll understand that I just want to help him move forward, right?" Zexion asked worriedly, grabbing a tight hold on his boyfriend's wrist and pressing his nose against that of Demyx.

Demyx chuckled, "He'll understand your intention are pure, honest and good. Stop worrying, Zex..." Zexion hung his head, groaning loudly as he searched a hug from his boyfriend and Demyx just laughed, giving him the hug he was looking for while patting his head.

Looking down at myself, I went back upstairs, put on some clothes and then returned back down the stairs, slowly making my way in the kitchen. Zexion was still muttering that he sucked and that he couldn't do this while Demyx comforted him gently.

"Morning..." I murmured. Zexion's head snapped up, and although he didn't yelp in fear, he did detach himself from Demyx and decided that standing behind the bar was a lot saver than standing right next to me. Demyx grinned my way and then returned to his cereal.

I let the silence run for a couple of seconds, seeing if maybe Zexion would find the courage he'd been looking for the last couple of minutes, and when I realized he wouldn't since he was just staring at me, Demyx chuckling in the background, I cleared my throat and took a step towards Zexion.

Offering him my hand I said, "Don't think we've been introduced properly, I'm Cloud. Thanks for letting me stay here..." I mumbled somewhat awkwardly and hoping he'd shake my hand already.

He did so, after staring at my hand for a moment, "Zexion." He returned and I nodded.

Demyx patted the barstool beside him and Zexion placed a bowl in front of me once I was sitting down. The silence continued to drag on, and as I peeked a glance at Demyx, I saw that he was trying to convince Zexion silently to just talk to me already.

Deciding that this was going much too slow for my taste, I hoped I wouldn't make things worse, "I know I'm a bit rough around the edges, but I'm willing to adapt a little to make you feel more comfortable. Might take some time, but I can try and sound a little more cheerful when I talk..." I offered. Zexion blinked at me and then chuckled delightfully.

I guess I'd broken the ice.

Shoving a spoon full of cereal into my mouth, I smiled a little at him. He seemed a lot less tense and Demyx said, "That's all it takes. A moment. Once the moment has passed, Zexion does fine." hoping that that would explain the situation to me. It didn't, I didn't get why Zexion was such a frightened little bird to begin with, but if a moment was all it took to make him comfortable, than I was glad. I didn't usually go out of my way to make people feel comfortable around me. But Zexion had seemed a little too frightened too me and slightly too uncomfortable for me to handle. Plus, I was staying in the guy's house...

Zexion smiled my way as he sipped his coffee, "I'm doing a lot better ever since I met Demyx. I grew up in a secluded house with a pair of OCD aunts and an OCD mother. They were homophobic too!" I blinked at the cheerfulness and Demyx shook his head in amusement at his boyfriend.

Zexion shrugged, "I got over the situation, I just have some issues handling social situations." Ah, socially awkward in an extreme way. Now it made sense. I nodded at him.

Zexion cleared his throat, "I'm pretty sure Sora mentioned this already when he called to invite you, Hayner and Seifer to the house warming, but I just wanted to tell you that that job in the restaurant still stands if you wish to have it?" I'd completely forgotten about that...

"I... Well, I really want it, actually..." I said, sounding surprised to myself. Zexion grinned.

But I frowned, "I live in Traverse Town though... It would be a bit far away..." Although, it's not like I really wanted to go back there. I wouldn't be able to get my job back at the Pizza Parlor. Actually, I probably could if I had a good talk with Xigbar, but I didn't want the job back. I didn't want to go back to my apartment either because Leon lived right above me. Everything I owned there was somehow in relation to Leon...

I winced, "Maybe you guys can help me find a place before I apply for the job?" I edged carefully.

Zexion nodded, "You have some time left. The chef there is going on retirement, he's still working now, just waiting for the right person to take over his job. He's very picky, I must warn you. He hasn't found anybody yet though, so you still have a shot at it." I smiled his way, silently thanking him.

Demyx shrugged as he inhaled the last of his cereal, "You can stay here until you find a place. Might as well apply for the job right away, avoid getting it taken away from under your nose. Sora and Roxas don't have a say in the matter, and I'm pretty sure they won't mind having you around anyway. Zexion? Would it make you uncomfortable?" I think he only asked out of care, not so much to hear the answer. I'm pretty sure he knew the answer already since he didn't even look up from his bowl to check if Zexion was indeed ok with the offer.

Zexion didn't have to think very hard, "I don't mind. He doesn't get in my way." He turned his gaze on me, "Once you got a job you'll just have to chip in food wise from time to time." I frowned, "What about rent?" I asked. Demyx laughed, "I only work because my pride demands it. The house is paid for because I happen to have a stinking rich boyfriend." Zexion smiled sheepishly. Demyx looked up at his boyfriend, smirking, "The only reason he's asking you to chip in when it comes to food is most likely because he believes you have the same pride issue I got." Zexion rolled his eyes - not denying it, leaning over the bar to plant a kiss on Demyx' smirking lips before he waved me goodbye and shot up the stairs to go do whatever.

I looked at Demyx, "Where'd you find him?" I asked with a grin, basically stating that he was a lucky man and should hang on.

Demyx jumped off the barstool, shrugging, "He's always just been there. Took him a while to figure out I was interested though." He laughed and then followed his boyfriend up to the second floor.

Sighing somewhat contently, I ate the rest of my cereal slowly and once I was done I cleaned up my mess, that of Demyx and Zexion's as well before I went out in the garden and just walked around a bit, enjoying the fresh air I hadn't gotten these last couple of days.

I was still upset about what had happened with Leon. I would be upset for a long while still. I hadn't lied when I'd said I'd never get over Leon. I knew I never would... But he knew that now and he hadn't so much as lifted a finger to stop me from going or returning my feelings. I should have expected that. I had expected it, but it was still harsh to be actually faced with it.

Now that it had been shoved into my face though... I couldn't stay on that still point like I had these last couple of years. I needed to at least try and move on. I obviously wasn't Leon's fitting shoe.

A month later.

"And how do you feel about that?" Axel murmured somewhat absentmindedly as he tried to shoot my guy dead on the television set, pressing the button on his controller violently. Axel did this quite regularly, walking into my room and starting a game so he could make me feel somewhat comfortable while he'd ask me a series of questions to make sure I wasn't becoming completely depressed.

"I'm fine, Axel. Yeah, I miss him. Yeah, I still want him. Do I wish things were different? Of course I do. Obviously that's not going to happen though, so I'm dealing." I murdered his guy on the game somewhat violently, then dropped the controller and turned my head towards him, "By the way, I'm really not comfortable being your guinea pig."

Axel grinned, "I have to test my therapist skills on someone and you truly are an amazing test round." I did not feel flattered.

Rolling my eyes, I got up and then dragged Axel along with me, guiding him back to Roxas' bedroom. Opening the door, I pushed Axel in, "Here's your boyfriend back." I muttered at the blond, who grinned at me before squealing happily as Axel pushed him back onto the bed before climbing on top of him.

"Axel! I have homework to do!" I heard Roxas shout, not sounding all that mad at him.

Axel laughed huskily, "Do your live drawings first, I'll model for you, in da nude and everything..." I wrinkled my nose at that and decided to close the door and leave.

Those two were so weird. They argued regularly, but made up just as fast. They were very nearly perfect for each other though. As far as perfection could go anyway.

I wasn't exactly moving on when it came to my love life. I hadn't been with anybody, which was somewhat regular since I hadn't been with anybody for a long while before the fight with Leon had occurred. The difference now though, Leon wasn't in my every day life. I couldn't torture myself with his presence and I was thinking about myself for once.

I didn't know if I would move on love life wise anytime soon, but I felt a bit more optimistic in that area now that I was living my life the way I wanted without adapting it too Leon's.

Not that they did their homework in the room before, but now it was official that the guest bedroom was only a guest bedroom I was currently occupying and I didn't mind that they all just came and went to play their games. I found out that waking up with Axel beside me wasn't that much of a regular occurrence, it only happened once more after that first time and this time I wasn't surprised by it since he'd made sure to warn me before falling asleep beside me.

Either Roxas wasn't the jealous type at all, or he just knew he had nothing to worry about. I'm guessing it was the later. Even if I were interested in Axel in that sense, Axel was beyond in love with Roxas and the idea to cheat on him probably couldn't even form in his mind.

I was cozy here, I ate dinner with all of them, breakfast depended on who was up, really. Axel did his regular check ups on me, Sora and Zexion had taken interest in my cooking and I was slowly learning them some recipes here and there. Demyx and I often reminisced about high school together, and Zexion was always very interested in hearing the adventures.

I was getting to know Riku a little more slowly, Although Roxas always had had that grumpy air about him, he was rather social. Riku wasn't though, except with Sora. Since I wasn't one to start a friendship either, Riku and I were taking each other in slowly.

I had gotten the job at the restaurant. It was called "Eskimo Kiss". The man who'd hired me and owner of the place had named it in honor of his late wife. Apparently there was a particular memory with eskimo kissing. He said I could change the title if I wished too, but I said I liked it just fine as it was.

It had taken a lot of convincing on my part and I'd never talked that much in my life in over just one expanse of an hour. I talked a mile a minute and it reminded me of Tifa. I missed her, but wasn't ready to talk to her yet. I knew I would go see her soon, and I knew how it would go as we'd had fights before. She knew not to approach me if she couldn't find me after an initial search. Since she hadn't found me, she knew I didn't want to be found and was now probably patiently waiting for me to decide whenever I was ready to talk to her again.

I had absolutely no idea how things were going with Leon. And I stopped myself from wanting to know.

I'd officially moved out of the apartment and Seifer had officially moved in. I wasn't exactly sure how their relationship worked, but I was glad Hayner wasn't left alone. I would have felt bad if he had.

He'd been nice enough to pack up my clothes and books and cd's and drive them over to three brothers. I could see things were still slightly tense between him and Roxas, but they were getting over it and moving on. Hayner was still fast friends with Sora.

I didn't want to know the deal between Seifer and Riku. It looked weird and I didn't want to know the details.

Whatever. My working schedule had changed quite a bit. Since it was a rather classy restaurant, it opened at a specific hour in the evening and people had to call in and see if a table was available for them. You couldn't actually come in and just eat, everything was by appointment. So, I would come in at around six, go over the menu with the people that worked for me. Worked for me... I was the head chef. I'd studied for this and I was finally doing it. It was extremely scary, I was still scared after having worked there for two weeks. Luckily the owner and now previous chef of the restaurant had stuck around for a while to show me the ropes.

I fit myself in quickly, and build up a routine instantly. The people that worked there seemed to like me fine. I didn't have many conversations with them, but I never had many conversations with anybody, so nothing new there. If they had suggestions I listened though, and if the suggestions were good, I'd work them into the menu. They seemed to appreciate me for that. And I appreciated the fact that they hadn't tested me when I started working there. The boss had told them they could trust me, and they did. With that, I managed to trust them in return.

It was a whirlwind of crazy starting seven in the evening until often as far as two in the morning. I'm not exactly sure I could explain how everything happened in the kitchen as I just threw myself in there and would only relax when I was cleaning up the kitchen with the others. I was happy though. So happy when I was there.

I'd invited the brothers plus their respective boyfriends to the restaurant personally, so they had been received in flourish and their dishes were presented to them by me personally, which happened to be a big deal.

The clients were happy with the food, nobody had complained so far and to my utter surprise, even Xigbar had passed by one evening, asking to speak to the chef privately. I'd been afraid it had been an unhappy customer, but instead he'd walked into the kitchen with a big grin, announcing he was pleased to finally see me doing something I knew I could do and was meant to do. Cid had been with him, and although Mc Donalds worked fine for him, he did mumble something about the food being yummie. That was a big compliment coming from Cid, and from then on I started feeling less scared and more secure.

So, with a smile on my face, I ruffled Sora's hair on my way out of the door, stepped on my bike and drove to work.

A week later.

I was sweating like a pig because of the constant hot fire working it's magic before me. I was currently roasting some specially ordered potatoes because someone didn't want vegetables. My vegetables were good. My vegetables were brilliant! Who wouldn't want my vegetables?

Grumping over the stove, I carefully laid the potatoes out beside the bloody steak and then turned to my sauce chef to my left, asking him to top it off with pepper sauce. Once that done, I growled at the waitress and told her I wanted to see the face of the person who'd decline my vegetables. Waitress grinned, stepping aside and letting me enter the clientele area.

"Please don't scare them away!" My sous-chef announced with a chuckle. I grumbled in reply and then scanned my eyes over the room where all the happy people were eating, but one. Once my eyes landed on the table, I faltered in my steps and nearly turned around to hide in my kitchen. I couldn't though, because she'd already seen me.

Yuffie. Of course she'd have the guts to decline my vegetables.

Shoving the irritation away, I slowly made my way to the table and placed the plate in front of her, "I hope this is more to your liking." I clipped out. She blinked up at me, surprised to see me and that's when I realized she'd had no idea I worked here.

Looking to her side, I saw Rinoa and she on the other hand did seem to know as she was glaring without surprise at seeing me whatsoever on first view. On Rinoa's side, sat a man that was definitely not Leon.

"Where's Leon?" I asked, bewildered as Rinoa was holding the unidentified man's hand.

Rinoa smothered her glare a little and then smiled at her companion, "This is my... husband." She murmured. I blinked in surprise. When had she gotten married?

Yuffie poked my side, "He's my dad. He finally realized women weren't scary and decided it may be time to get to know me and apologize to mum." She seemed a little uncomfortable with the situation, but I could tell she really wished to get to know her dad a little better.

I shook my head, "What about Leon?" I had a one track mind, really...

"Cloud! We need you in the kitchen!" My sous-chef shouted out through the restaurant, making me glare back at him, "In a minute!" I shouted back. The guy shrugged and returned into the kitchen. They could survive without me for a couple of minutes.

Rinoa shrugged, "At one moment things were going absolutely fine and the next thing I know he comes over for the weekend, completely messed up. It took me a week to force it out of him." Then she glared at me again, making me frown because if I remember things right, I was the one that got messed up by him, not the other way around.

"You really did a number on him, Cloud. I'm not sure what the details are, mainly because I really don't want to know as it ended whatever kind of relationship I had with him. But he helped me get passed a lot of grudges, he helped Yuffie feel more comfortable with the idea of patching things up with her father. What I do know is, you need to talk to him. And actually stick around and listen to what he has to say." She sounded so much like a mother, she was scolding me.

I arched an eyebrow, "The only time he seemed to have things to tell me is when he turned things around and started poking at my own skeleton in the closet. I'm sorry if I wasn't exactly in the right state of mind to stick around and listen to what burdens he was going through." I muttered out, going on the defensive as I crossed my arms.

"These potatoes are brilliant, Cloud!" Yuffie announced happily. I smiled down at her, patting her head. Whatever had happened between Leon and Rinoa, had thankfully not really affected Yuffie. I was glad for that, otherwise I might have a small reason to start guilt tripping myself again. I was good at that.

Rinoa pointed an intense stare at me and I sighed, "I'll think about it, alright? Is that why you guys came to eat here?" I asked curiously.

Rinoa shrugged delicately, "That, and you're restaurant has great reviews. I wanted a special place to celebrate the fact that Auron finally decided to get his act together." I peeked a glance at the husband slash dad.

He seemed quite tall, reserved and slightly mysterious. Short spiky brown hair, and his eyes a very bright blue. A small scar decorated his left eye and although he held Rinoa's hand somewhat possessively, informing me he cared for her, the smiles he directed at Yuffie and none other then her. He was definitely older then Rinoa, probably in his late thirties. That gave me an inkling of an idea of how things had gone when Yuffie had been created. If Rinoa had been sixteen at the time, Auron must have been in his late twenties. That was probably one fucked up story. A story I didn't know the details off, and I'm pretty sure I wouldn't find out unless I patched things up with Leon.

"You're married?" I asked in confirmation.

Yuffie giggled, "They eloped about a week ago. I was lucky I was allowed to tag along. Dad isn't too fond on the idea of marriage, but Mum said it was that or nothing." Auron gave me a pointed look. And then he shrugged, smiling at Yuffie who laughed in return. Yuffie called him dad. I relaxed a little, feeling better and better by the minute as Yuffie truly seemed to be doing alright.

Rinoa pouted at her husband and he glared at her for it, but I could see it was only in good humor as Rinoa placed a small kiss on the corner of his mouth. Apparently the man didn't speak much. They seemed to be a rather pretty family picture now, but I knew for certain that things must have been wild in their house the last couple of weeks. Meaning that Leon had gone through some stuff that probably hurt him. I wanted to go to him right now and find out how he was doing. I wanted to know the details of everything hat had happened, up until the moment where Yuffie, Rinoa and Husband named Auron, were sitting happily in a restaurant, celebrating a family matter.

There was a big blank in between, and I didn't really like it when I didn't know how things had gone down. Of course I couldn't really ask Rinoa for details when it came to her family situation and I didn't think I was in the right place anymore to take Yuffie aside and ask her about these things.

And although I could go to Leon's right now and get it all cleared up, along with the fact that he was apparently miserable at the moment, which tore at my heart. I'd decided to start thinking more about myself. This job was important to me and I loved it. Leon had never stopped doing anything he did for his own pleasure to make sure things were doing good with me, and for the first time, I decided that I wasn't going to stop what I was doing, just to see how Leon was doing.

With that in mind, I squeezed Yuffie's shoulder gently, smiling down at her and telling her that I was glad to have bumped into her. I wished Rinoa and Auron a pleasant evening and then returned to my kitchen, pushing Leon to the far back of my mind and throwing myself into the working routine again. I'd figure things out about Leon, later.

Later that evening - Around three in the morning.

I closed the front door softly behind me, turning the lock. Kicking off my shoes and hanging up my coat, I quickly walked over to the kitchen and then rummaged around the fridge to find me some coke. Once I found the bottle Riku had hidden somewhere in the back behind some beer from Sora as Sora didn't handle sugar all that brilliantly, I served myself a glass and then downed it quickly.

On the second floor, instead of going to my room and crashing onto my bed to sleep like I normally did every evening, except Monday evenings - as those were my nights off, I walked on through the hallway and knocked carefully on Roxas' door. I waited a while and then knocked again right before Axel opened the door, his hair in disarray, his eyes slightly on the wide side, tiredness visible there.

Riku and Axel pretty much lived here. I didn't understand why they kept their apartment, they rarely went there. Riku, like Zexion, had a ton of money though, so I guess they didn't much care about rent.

"What's up, Cloud?" Axel murmured sleepily, making his way into the hallway, closing the bedroom door behind him so we wouldn't wake Roxas.

I smiled apologetically his way, "I think I need your therapy skills..." I murmured somewhat sheepishly. Axel blinked and then without joking around, nodded and followed me back to my bedroom.

He sat himself on my bed, taking my blanket and wrapping it around him as he suddenly realized he was only wearing boxers and my room was definitely not as hot as that of Roxas. Roxas liked the heater to burst to flames or something... Axel had gotten used to it since, or so he told me.

I could have talked to any of them, but although I pretended to be bothered and didn't exactly praise him on his people skills, Axel really did get my situation and had a rather clear view on things when it came to it. It shouldn't surprise me considering the guy was studying to become a therapist, psychologist, people person... whatever.

After he was comfortably settled onto my bed, I sat down on one of the chairs lining the wall by the television and started explaining my encounter with Rinoa. Axel had nodded, a slight frown between his eyebrows and then had asked me to tell him about my fight with Leon again.

Axel's eyebrows shot up, "I had a small idea of the possibility, but I didn't think it was true considering the way you describe Leon yourself..." He murmured. I frowned in confusion, "What do you mean?" I asked.

Axel shrugged, "Well, when Leon did something that might have been similar to a gesture of affection, it freaked you out so much every single time, all you manage to think of is how much it affected you in a negative sense. Which makes complete sense and is exactly what Leon wanted, truly." He said this as if it made complete sense. Which it didn't... Not to me anyway.

"Talk to me like I'm dumb." I pressed. Not getting what the redhead was getting at.

Axel smirked, "Leon is gay. Or bi, at least." I blinked.

"No he's not." I shook my head.

Axel nodded, "Yeah he is. Remember when I asked you to describe Leon in detail to me? His personality?" I nodded and Axel's smirk widened, "You said that he was very macho, that male contact seemed to be the last thing he wanted to happen. And then the thing that poked my brain was the fact that you said he especially disliked contact with you, yet he seemed to force himself to give you those awkward man hugs."

"And that tells you Leon is gay maybe bi, why?" I asked. All it told me was that he wasn't exactly comfortable with me being gay.

Axel disagreed, obviously, "Have you ever seen him in a relationship with a girl? Aside from him mentioning it? Aside from his moment with Rinoa?" I thought about it and then shook my head. I only heard, never saw. Even with Rinoa, they'd been together, as in the endearments were there but they rarely touched. Actually...

"I never saw him touch Rinoa affectionately. Not in a couple manner anyway..." I muttered. I shook my head again though, "Tifa told me every single detail of how their one night stand happened. From the torture I went through then, I remember clearly that there was no indication Leon is gay." I reminded Axel. Yes, I'd told him everything. The guy had a knack at making you open up. He was sneaky. He'd make a great therapist one day.

Axel shrugged, "She probably lied. Would you tell your best friend your major crush couldn't get it up for you?" I wrinkled my nose at the idea and Axel laughed, "Yeah, me neither. I'd keep it a secret or I'd lie. Especially if the other person would lie about it too."

I stared blankly at Axel, and then, "Leon is a closet case?" I shrieked, jumping of my seat and grabbing my hair in frustration.

Axel got off the bed, probably assuming this talk was over, "It is a big possibility. Especially considering he was so bothered by the fact that he'd forgotten about Rinoa entirely when he was too busy worrying over you. That must have hit him hard." Axel muttered as he was on his way out.

"Hit him hard? What about me?" I couldn't process any of this properly. This was too big. This was too much.

Axel smiled gently my way, "I suggest you talk things out with Tifa first. I'm pretty sure she told Leon about your feelings for him for a good reason." And with that, he exited the room and returned to slumber land in his boyfriend's arms. Leaving me standing there in confusion, amazement, shock and fright.

About an hour later, Beyond Hollow Bastion - Into the godforsaken.

I slammed my fist repeatedly and loudly onto Tifa's door, hoping the twit would wake up already. She'd kept a lot of things from me the evil bitch and she was going to start explaining things, RIGHT NOW. I rested my left hand and continued to slam on the door with my right as I glared.

After a moment I could hear some noise behind the door and then Tifa opened up, looking wide eyed up at me. Her hand covered her mouth and then she was suddenly in my arms, hugging me tight and I grimaced as I could hear she was crying.

"My god, Cloud. I've been so worried. I know you're doing alright because I know you're working at that restaurant. The food is absolutely amazing by the way, but still... Not being able to just walk into the kitchen and say hi..." She was blubbering and I pushed my anger aside for the moment, hugging her back, patting her hair gently as I shushed her softly.

"I'm here now. Everything is alright. We're good again..." I whispered and I could heard the heavy sigh of relief. I smiled sadly, feeling bad about putting her through this. I knew I had needed to be away from her, and what she'd done hadn't been right. I realized my sudden take off wasn't right either, but when we fought, we always just disappeared for a while. She did the same when I angered her.

It didn't happen often and now that I was holding her, I didn't want it to happen again.

"I'm glad you're back..." She whispered, her lips placing a kiss on my cheek. I smiled a little, patting her on the head, "I'm glad I'm back too. Now lets go inside and talk a bit. Because you have a lot to tell me..." I gave her a pointed look and she shrugged, not denying it.

I settled onto her couch and she soon came to sit beside me after having gotten us each a glass of water.

"Leon is a closet case." She whispered.

I nodded at her, "I know." I said, somewhat tightly as I sipped some water.

She blinked at me, "How do you know? Since when?" I shrugged at her.

"With some help, I figured it out tonight. You confirmed it though, since we only thought he might be. You know though. I know you do for certain." I explained.

She sighed deeply, leaning back in the couch, "The one night stand? I lied to you. It wasn't the great lay I made it out to be, it was the lousiest one night stand I ever had." She wrinkled her nose, and I couldn't help but grin.

She rolled her eyes, punching my shoulder playfully, "Figures it would make you happy..."

I shrugged and then looked at her seriously, "What's going on, Tifa? What don't I know?"

She sighed heavily and then launched herself into explaining. She started out with the one night stand, telling me that she never thought he'd be interested and I nodded at her when I remember her feeling that way. She then explained that she was the first one to be surprised by his approach and that without much afterthought, she'd happily agreed on the date with him.

They'd gone out to Hollow Bastion and he'd been a perfect gentleman, when they got back to his place, he'd been somewhat nervous and didn't seem to know what to do next. Tifa had taken the lead and it went pretty well up until she placed her hand on what she assumed to be an erection and then it hadn't been an erection. Leon hadn't been excited whatsoever and the moment Tifa knew, he had blamed it on her, saying it was her own damn fault for being such a hussy and pretty much attacking him.

I growled at that point. Love of my life or not, the bastard had no right to call my Tifa a hussy.

She'd smiled at the possessiveness, patting me on the shoulder before she continued to explain the rest. She'd then gotten back home and lied to me, telling me in detail how perfect the date had gone, but that they both agreed it wouldn't work out. I remember that I'd been confused by the conclusion and that I'd always been confused by it. Now it made sense, it had been a lie, it wasn't supposed to make sense, it was just supposed to cover up a truth.

I stared at Tifa for a moment, "Did he tell you he is though?" I asked carefully.

Tifa nodded, "I went to see him a couple of days after the date, to tell him that I wasn't going to rat him out and also to tell him that I'd lied to you about it. That's when he got upset again, telling me that that was the most stupid thing I could have ever done." I frowned and she told me that she'd frowned at him as well.

Tifa chuckled, "Apparently he's been crushing on you ever since he met you, so I'm guessing around the same time you started crushing on him. You thought he was straight and didn't tell him and Leon didn't tell you because he'd never admitted to being gay. He was trying to get out of the closet so he could tell you, but then my lie just pushed him straight back in there..." She had the decency to look somewhat sorry for that one.

She rolled her eyes at me when I glared at her, "How the fuck was I supposed to know he was trying to get out of there? I didn't even think he was gay when he didn't get excited. I just figured I wasn't doing it for him. How do you think that made me feel, huh?" I cast my eyes downwards and then patted her hand in a silent apology.

She grumbled a little, "Eh, it's ok. I got over it a long time ago." I smiled a little at her and she smiled back.

I pursed my lips then, "Why didn't he just tell me all of this? I know he wasn't out, but I'm gay, he should have felt some sort of connection or whatever... At least it should have made it easier to tell me."

She rolled her eyes, smacking me over the head, "Don't you throw that in his face. Don't you dare do it! You've been pinning over him for years and haven't told him, have you? I don't care that you weren't aware he is in fact gay. That doesn't matter. He was your friend, you should have told him. As he should have told you. It certainly would have made things a lot easier on the both of you..." I looked sheepishly away as I realized we indeed had been pretty stupid considering the fact we both felt something for each other and the only reason nothing had happened, is because neither of us had been honest.

"Anyway..." Tifa continued, "He swore me not to tell you. Also, Since I had no idea you felt about him that way, I didn't have that little push to break the promise I made to him. I will tell you everything I know now because this is ridiculous and needs to be solved once and for all. Not like he's going to tell you any off this. Took me years to force it out of him and I strongly believe that another five years won't do either of you any good..." She gave me a pointed look, "From what I understand you're stupid little act of 'I'm not interested in Leon' really worked on him. He's actually been doubting your friendship's stability for years. He always thinks he needs a reason to contact you because he's afraid you'll blow him off if he just comes by without any particular reason." My mouth had started to open slowly in shock when I realized that all the things that had made me believe he was homophobic, were actually signs of him being gay and interested.

I'd always pushed those to the far back of my mind, not even wanting to fully realize that Leon might have been against my being gay. I just figured, if we didn't talk about it, everything would be alright.

Apparently I'd made him believe in return that I was a closed book and didn't wish for him to open up to me.

"We're such idiots..." I whispered at Tifa, who nodded her head in agreement energetically, "I had no idea you felt about Leon the way you did until that moment at Rinoa's dinner table. When I had an inkling of an idea and finally pushed it out of you while getting you drunk... I swear... I didn't know what to do with myself for a while. Kind of like you right now." She pointed at my open mouth and I quickly closed it.

Tifa shrugged, "While you became so used to hiding your feelings for him and decided that the best solution was to never tell, he got so used to being not gay, that he persuaded himself it was for the best if he didn't continue to explore that subject. It's how he ended up with Rinoa. If it makes you feel any better, they never had sex. Rinoa wanted a father figure for her daughter and Leon needed a girlfriend and a regular family sort of picture to see if this is what he truly wanted before deciding that out of the closet he needed to get." I blinked. That's what Rinoa had meant when she'd said 'Whatever kind of relationship it was'. Not relationship, but whatever kind.

Then I frowned, "What do you mean, he explored that subject? Are you telling me Leon has been with men?" I was extremely proud that I managed to keep my voice even. My thoughts were reeling and I couldn't just focus on one.

Tifa shrugged, "That, is not something I should tell you. What I can tell you is that something bad happened with his parents in relation to his sexuality. He closed up rather tightly afterwards and when he strongly believed you weren't interested in him, he carefully started exploring being gay secretly. He was very afraid that if he admitted his feelings to you and you happened to return things, that it might have gone to fast for him to handle and that he would have screwed things up. By the time he realized being gay isn't a crime, he was with Rinoa and then he acted out and that led you to take off and vanish."

I couldn't do anything. I couldn't really move and my thoughts were a little bit blank at this point. Tifa didn't seem to move much either, in fright I may just freak out even more.

"Oh my fuck." I muttered. And she nodded.

After having slept in Tifa's quest bedroom, and waking up at around two in the afternoon.

Although I was happy things were ok again between me and Tifa, I didn't stick around to enjoy the friendship as I usually did after one of these fights. She understood and told me to get on with it, a smile on her face. Hugging her, initiating the touch myself, I left on my bike and went straight to Traverse Town.

I hoped I could make it on time for his break so I didn't have to fish him out of Cid's Garage. I really didn't want to see anybody but him. They'd ask questions about how I'd been doing lately, and although I would happily catch up with everyone at the Pizza Parlor, it would just have to happen some other time.

I parked in the back and used the back entrance of the apartment building to sneak my way up to the third floor. I'd made sure to check he wasn't on the Pizza Parlor's terrace like we usually did on our breaks.

I stopped in my tracks when I saw an unidentified man coming out of his apartment. Leon closed the door quickly behind him and as the man walked passed me he greeted me pleasantly on his way out.

I swallowed the dry lump that had shaped in my throat. They didn't kiss. You can't be sure that's what the man was there for. And even if he was there for that, you aren't in a relationship with Leon. It's not like he's cheating on you. He's perfectly allowed to fuck anybody he wants.

Even if I'd become somewhat of a celibate ever since I'd met him. Breaking the vow only twice... I think. Didn't matter though. No relationship, no cheating.

As I walked the last steps up I figured, if he did sleep with the guy, at least you could be certain that he didn't mind being gay. That should be a good thing. Aside from the fact that I had a great urge to run back down the stairs, catch up with the guy and beat the truth out of him. And when he did, I'd rip his head off and then... and then... I would do something. I'm not sure what. But I would do something!

So we've established I'm jealous.

Trying to calm myself a little, I placed a hesitant knock on his front door. The anticipation rushing through me nearly keeled me over. I hadn't seen him in a month... I'd never gone this long without seeing him. I'd dealt with the matter, but now that I knew it could all have been avoided...

I wanted to touch him in the way I've been wanting to touch him for years but never allowed myself. I wanted to talk to him about things I thought I'd never talk to him about. I wanted him. I wanted him so bad and the door that was blocking my way to him was becoming increasingly more irritating.

But then it opened, and Leon looked startled seeing me standing there. I'm pretty sure my face matched his because even though I had known I'd see him behind that door, I was still surprised to see him after all this time. With all the newfound information Tifa had supplied me with... I looked at him completely different. I'd never looked at him with the idea in my mind of things actually working out between the two of us. Now it was there, screaming loudly in my head to grab him and never let go. It was exhilarating, startling, frightening and so good all at once.

He'd been unattainable to me for years on end, something I believed I could never have. When Rinoa and Yuffie came into the picture, whatever dreams I had, had gone. And now...

I knew I was breathing fast and I knew he was expecting me to say something. He was waiting, quite patiently and looking rather miserable truly. He looked sorry and worried and oh so sorry...

Oh god, He had suffered. Rinoa had every right to glare at me as she had. Granted, I couldn't have known he'd been going through this, and it's not like I could really put the blame on myself. I understood that. I wasn't guilt tripping. Rinoa couldn't have known though.

I knew now though. I could stop the miserable feeling he was feeling at the moment.

He frowned just a little bit, "Cloud?" He asked softly. I'm not sure what the question was, I didn't really seem to care though.

Letting out an breath I hadn't been aware I was holding, I stepped forward and then did something I've been wanting to do for years. I kissed him.

I left my hands by my sides so he had the opportunity to step away if he felt like it. He didn't though, he staid right where he was standing, leaving his lips at my disposal.

Shivering a little in delight, I tilted my head up as he was slightly taller and pressed my mouth more firmly against his. He shivered in return and it led me to smile a bit before I started moving my lips softly over his, gently asking him to do the same. I opened my eyes to see how he was taking all of this, and when my gaze locked with his, he moaned a little, melting into the kiss as he closed his eyes and his arms slowly wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

Our bodies touched completely for the first time ever. I knew we were technically still separated by the fabric of our clothes, but... My skin felt like it was on fire and I couldn't keep up with the speed of my heart as it tried to bounce it's way out of my chest. My tummy was doing summersaults and my head was spinning just a little bit. In the best way.

I closed my eyes, bringing my arms up so I could reach around his shoulders and wrap them around his neck. I was a little bit surprised when I could feel his tongue pressing gently against my bottom lip, asking silently for entrance. Shoving the surprise aside for the moment, I parted my mouth and he darted his tongue inside, slowly lavishing my own tongue with a soft caress. I moaned quite loudly, and then I blushed because of it, biting my own lip nervously as I dropped my head down. He chuckled softly at my shyness, his fingers slowly making their way into my hair so he could tug gently on the locks, silently telling me he wanted to look at me.

When I did, my eyes widened at the sight. His head was slightly tilted to the side, his brown eyes bright as they looked intently back at me. His mouth was curved into a slightly crooked smile I'd never seen before, I loved it though... I wanted to see it more often. Every day if I could get my way.

His hands slowly moved over my neck and then smoothly moved over to my cheeks so he was framing my face. He kissed the tip of my nose, making my eyes even more wide in surprise. Things seemed to be going a lot better than I thought they may have gone. Then again, things had gone so brilliantly horrible these last years, I just expected everything to fuck up. I wasn't used to things going good... This was going good...

Leon laughed softly, "You should see your face..." I blinked up at him, still not knowing how to think properly. Things are going so good...

I licked my lips, "Things are going so good..." I muttered out, repeating my thoughts so he knew what the hell I was thinking and what had put that expression on my face in the first place.

He smiled a little, nodding, "Yeah. It's weird, I know. But maybe we deserve some sort of a break, right?" He murmured.

At that I smiled, agreeing with him that way. He blinked at my beam and then his fingers tightened it's hold a little in my hair right before he lowered his lips on mine again, surprising me with the roughness of the kiss. Not that I minded, I could definitely keep up with this.

I returned the passion in kind, letting my hands travel their way down his back and then after a small moment of hesitation, I let them move their way over his bottom. Squeezing just a little, I sighed in content. Ah. I was home.

Leon broke the kiss with a laugh at my content sigh, telling me I was silly, which then made me glare up at him and he just smiled back. He managed to get away with the comment quite beautifully.

After another glare on my part he rolled his eyes and then closed his front door behind me, guiding me towards his couch. His apartment was the same as mine had been with Hayner. The couch was actually nearly in the same spot as mine and Hayner's had been.

Once we were sitting, we both turned a little so we could face each other. We automatically put some distance between ourselves and then we both looked at each other with a frown.

"We don't have to do that anymore..." Leon muttered out the obvious.

I nodded, "May take some getting used too."

We both silently agreed to move a little closer, but not too close because I'm pretty sure like me, now that we both were aware distance wasn't necessary anymore, we wouldn't be able to keep our hands off each other. And unfortunately, we did still need to talk. Touchy feely hands wouldn't help in that department.

We staid silent for a moment and I pursed my lips a little to keep me busy while staring at him.

"I'm guessing Tifa told you everything..." He said softly, and I nodded.

"What happened with your parents?" I asked, remembering Tifa hadn't explained that in detail. I'd get to the exploring later.

Leon's lips thinned a little, "Nothing out of the ordinary really. I figured out my sexuality wasn't exactly what I thought it was and I got a little worried. Being worried, I went and talked to my dad. You could say I was a little naive, but you know what? I figured, who better to talk to than my dad right? If I could get straight and clear answers out of someone, it should be him. He always told me that if something confused me, I could talk to him about it. I didn't think he'd take it wrong and then tell me I was no son of his." He grimaced a little, but I could see he wasn't as affected by it anymore as he probably had been years ago.

Still, I took his hand in mine and although it startled him a little at first, he smiled and squeezed my hand in return.

"My mother wasn't all that supportive either. They bullied me out of the house and it took me a while to get back up onto my feet. I slept at friends places, or anywhere really. Luckily I found the job at Cid's shortly afterwards. He knows what happened with my parents, so he won't be that surprised when he finds out about us." My breathing hitched a little as he seemed utterly comfortable with the mention of us and making it clear he wasn't gonna keep me in the closet with him.

He smiled knowingly before he continued, "He gave me the job and told me to move into this apartment. And well, you know the rest if Tifa told you everything." He grinned and I shrugged, not feeling remotely embarrassed about dragging his story out of Tifa instead of asking him about it. I was confused and desperate.

"I'm glad she told you, I'm not sure I could have..." He said softly. See, I'd done great.

Narrowing my eyes on him, I attacked my next question, "What's this about you exploring being gay. Have you..." I wrinkled my nose out of pure habit and was startled when his hand reached up to smooth the wrinkle away.

"Been wanting to do that for years. Anyway. Have I slept with men? Yes, I have. I'd say I'm sorry I kept it from you, but I just wasn't ready to reveal any of this to you yet. I was afraid that if I told you everything and you happened to return the feelings that things would go to fast and that I'd freak out and ruin everything." I nodded at him.

"So Tifa said. I get that part. Not like we can change it anyway. I was just curious... I..." I frowned, "I've believed you to be straight for years, Leon. It's kind of hard getting used to the idea that you pretty much never were and that you are experienced in the gay department already." I told him honestly.

He shrugged, "Can't tell you much other than get used to it." I tilted my head at him but then nodded in agreement. Many things could have gone differently if we'd just confessed. Obviously we hadn't, so we'd just have to deal with the fact that what could have been, wouldn't be. What was now though... was happening now.

I smiled happily his way and as he arched an eyebrow, I realized he wasn't a mind reader. Leaning forward, I crawled my way over to him on the couch, pushing him back so he was lying down and I could settle myself on top of him.

He breathed in deeply, "Forward, aren't you?" He murmured softly, his lips parting as I inched my mouth closer to him. Placing either leg beside his own, I settled my hips on top of his own, pressing down. I nodded in reply to his question, not wanting to waste anymore time on waiting.

While his fingers tried to find their way beneath my shirt to touch skin, and his hips lifted up to create friction, he asked, "Are we ready for this?" His eyes closed as he moaned slowly when the friction was settling itself into a steady rhythm. I didn't care if dry humping was viewed as a funny act. I thought it was brilliant.

Leaning down, I kissed his mouth, sucking his bottom lip between my teeth, "For this? I think we are. It's the going public part that'll be a bit harder..." I told him honestly.

Leon opened his eyes, shaking his head, "Unless you're going to make it complicated, I need you to know that I won't. I don't intend to keep us a secret. I may want to take things by steps first, but I won't make it hard." He said clearly, not blinking so I knew he meant it.

I nodded in understanding at him, moaning a bit when his hands slid into my jeans, covering my bottom. He pressed his hands down, guiding me to quicken the pace. I dipped my head down, placing open mouthed kisses against his neck and I was startled when he made a sound that was similar to a purr. I didn't mention it though, as he'd frozen, probably wondering what the hell I thought of that. I liked it a lot, that's what I thought. I knew he wouldn't like me mentioning it though.

Biting down on where his jugular was located, his hips jerked up slightly on the violent side and I yelped as it accidently threw me off of him and effectively of the couch. On my back on the floor, I blinked up and stared at Leon who was looking apologetically down at me.

"You startled me..." He reasoned.

"Good, or bad?" I edged carefully, touching his neck where I'd bitten him.

He rolled his eyes, "My hips jerked, Cloud. I'm thinking good if my cock has a say in it." My eye twitched at his easy use of 'cock'. It's words I'd never heard him use before. Such things weren't spoken off when we were still living in the land of oblivious.

He grinned at my surprised expression and then rolled off the couch to land on top of me, nearly knocking the breath out of me in the process. Before I could scold him for it, his hands gripped my hair and he pressed his hips roughly down on top of my own, making me moan loudly as my eyes rolled back to meet my brain.

As he settled the pace this time around, his hands traveled down and I soon nearly choked on my own shirt as he tried to push it clumsily over my head. It's ok though, I did the same thing to him a second after he'd managed to pull it off. I winced as his belt buckle nipped my skin and he quickly loosened it.

"Off. Take them off..." I pressed, needing him naked. He nodded his head quickly, "You too..." he replied huskily as he started working his pants off. Both sitting crouched in front of each other, we removed the remaining clothes we were wearing and before we went back to business, we stared a little.

I swallowed, so happy to finally see his chest. I'd never seen him without clothing before. Not even without a shirt. He was delicious... Working in a garage certainly kept him in shape. Frowning a little, I detached my eyes from his very nicely defined tummy muscles and looked down at my own stomach. I was definitely in shape, but I didn't have the six pack he was sporting.

Before I could start whining like a girl about my size, his hands reached out and he caught my nipples between his fingers, pinching just tight enough to make me feel, but not too tight in order to hurt me.

"I didn't know you had a piercing here..." He said curiously, tugging on the nipple ring, making me groan loudly in return. He smirked and then pushed me back onto the floor so he could continue where he'd left off.

"You're beautiful, Cloud..." He whispered against my ear, before taking the lobe between his teeth. I grabbed his hips, shivering slightly at the way he made me feel.

I kissed his lips softly, keeping up with the steady and slow pace he'd settled in, "And you're yummie..." I announced.

He grinned down at me, "Coming from the head chef at Eskimo Kiss, I take that as a grand compliment..." He murmured. I smiled, not even all that surprised he knew where I worked now.

We shut up after that, just drowning in the feelings we were giving each other silently instead. His hands were soft and gentle when he touched me, showing me such tenderness when he cupped my face, played with my hair, touched my shoulders. His lips were soft and oh so sweet tasting. His eyes shined and I knew mine did as well.

Our skins became sticky with sweat, but I really didn't care. My own hands never left his skin, I was always touching him somewhere. Our breathing was heavy and the moans were constant, I loved the sounds that escaped him and whenever I made a sound, it seemed to turn him on even more.

I was hyper aware of my heart. I'd never been this aware of my heart before. Leon managed to kick it to live ten times more vividly then it had been living, alive for the passed twenty-six years...

Taking his hand, I pressed it against it's location, and he smiled, returning the gesture by placing my hand over his heart so I could feel his was just as present as my own.

Pushing him over onto his back, I kneeled above him, kissing him slightly desperate as I reached down, continuing the previous rhythm with my hand instead of with my hips. A guttural groan rumbled up from his chest and I smiled in a satisfied manner. He chuckled a little when he managed to wipe the smirk of my face by returning the gesture, making me moan loudly against his neck.

"Oh god..." I moaned. He was good. Really good. Whether it was from experience with other boys or from brilliant masturbation on his own, I didn't know of course. I didn't really care at this point. I saw his Adam's apple bob as he nodded in agreement to my mention of god.

He gritted his teeth, his hips moving with my hand, his eyes closing shut, "Fuck... This is going too fast... You need too-" I let go, sitting up so I could look worriedly down at him.

He blinked in surprise, "Why'd you stop?" He sounded so disappointed.

"I thought you wanted me too..." I told him honestly.

He rolled his eyes, pulling me back down again so we could continue, "I just needed you to slow down. I wasn't sure if you were ready to cum yet. I'd feel bad if I did before you..." He muttered, sounding a little pissed off a the fact that I'd stopped entirely. I grinned a little and then kissed him.

He worked fast after that and shortly afterwards, I came hard, shouting out a loud "Fuck!" right before he followed me over the edge. The edge was awesome. I loved the edge.

Grunting a little, I ignored the sticky mess and let myself fall down on top of him. He laughed at the lack of muscle I seemed to have at the moment, and wrapped his arms around me.

I smiled against his neck as I moved around a little, until I felt all cuddly in his arms. I liked feeling cuddly in his arms. He did too, because he told me so.

After a moment of silence, I shivered a little and he kissed the tip of my nose right before he blindly started feeling up the couch. Before I could get up to see what he was looking for, I felt a blanket wrap over us and my heart went all gooey and shit. It was awesome.

Another moment of silence and then he broke it, "I received a call at work earlier today..." He murmured against my forehead. I hummed in return.

"A certain Axel? Said I was welcome to squat the house warming they are holding end of the week." I hummed again. Not surprised Axel had taken matters in hand either. Nothing really surprised me at this point anymore. My friends were kind of predictable. In a good way of course. As for the house warming, the date of that event had been pushed back constantly. None of them agreed with one another and when they tried to discuss a date, it always ended up in a loud argument where each couple would stomp of to their bedrooms and slam the door loudly. I usually remained sitting in the living room, wondering why the hell they all made such a big deal out of this. Which led me to believe that the end of this week would most likely not be the date of the house warming.

"I've been staying at the three brothers for the last month." I murmured.

Leon's fingers toyed with my hair, "They're all gay, right?" I nodded against his chest, feeling completely drained and satisfied.

"And they are all in loving relationships." I assured, "You'd like Zexion, he reads as much as you do." I grinned as he scoffed.

"You're not supposed to know that I read." He announced. I shrugged, "I know. You're manly macho Leon who thinks reading is for pussies." I'd caught him numerous times with a romance novel in his hands when I used to go up to his apartment to see him. He would toss them over his shoulder, pretend he'd been doing nothing instead.

"I thought you never noticed." He muttered, sounding a little sad. I chuckled, patting his shoulder affectionately, "I should have known you're gay, really..." I joked and he poked me in the side, making me yelp up.

He grinned up at me, obviously pleased with his form of retaliation, and I rolled my eyes at him, "Whatever. I need to get to work." I announced. His eyebrows knitted and then he looked upset, not sad or pouty, just generally upset. I tilted my head and then smacked him over the head, "If you think I made this out to be a one time deal, you are sorely mistaken. I just need to get to work, I like my job. I'm the boss, I need to boss people around in order for my restaurant to run. That's all. I'm not skipping out on you." I said clearly, hoping he got it.

He smiled that crooked smile and I melted. After a soft kiss he asked, "Can I come with you?" I smiled and nodded. He could glue himself to my side for all I cared. I never wanted to be without him ever again. I'd never told him that though...

Grabbing his shoulders, I gently pulled so he would sit up. My arms wrapped around his neck and my legs around his waist, I kissed his cheek, "I know things have gone completely wrong ever since we met, but now we know what's going on in our heads. What was happening in our heads. If you let me, I'll start telling you exactly how I feel from now on..." From the look on his face I knew that he knew that I implied a lasting relationship with him. That I wanted him completely. I didn't share my feelings much with anybody and I'd just told him he was allowed to read my like an open book. He got what I said clearly, and I loved him for getting me so easily.

"We'll be fine..." He whispered softly in return, smiling a little as he held me tightly.

A month later.

We'd worked up a plan. Some form of schedule to follow. Leon needed to work his way into being in a committed relationship with a man slowly, and I was willing to give him all the time it needed. The funny part was that I was slowing him down as I thought he wanted to take things too fast for his own good. That had been our first fight.

It had been interesting. He'd said he wanted me completely, that he'd been wanting me for years and now that he had me, I wouldn't let him have me completely because I was afraid he would freak out at one point or another. I disagreed, saying he owned me quite literally. I didn't like that term, but things were what they were.

He could do anything he wanted with me and I'd just go, "Yummie Leon..." It was ridiculous, but a very nice feeling all the same. Whatever. He said he wanted things to be complete right now and I explained in shouts, since it had been a fight, that, yes I wanted that as well, but that being out in public hadn't been something he'd done ever before in his life, with a man anyway, and that maybe he wanted to... I don't know. Slow down. The fight had been pointless, really.

We made out to make up, hand-jobs were involved and after we were both slowly coming of the high, lying sweaty in each others arms on his apartment floor, (We always ended up on the floor somehow...) he'd agreed to take things step by step, saying that if I felt more comfortable doing it that way to make sure he wouldn't freak out, then he would take things more slowly.

I know he was grateful for it later. He hadn't freaked out, neither had he shown he would at any moment, but I knew he didn't mind taking things step by step.

That's how our schedule had formed.

We'd informed the people closest to us that Leon was gay from now on. We hadn't announced our relationship, just the status on his sexuality and from there, the brothers more than anybody else, invited Leon over for dinner and sometimes breakfast. Leon had pointed out that nothing they did during dinner or breakfast was particularly gay, and then to my amusement, all three of the brothers had arched an eyebrow sarcastically, turned to their respective lovers, kissed them and then returned their stare at Leon. Leon shut his yap, returning his attention to his dinner.

He was right of course, a dinner with gay couples wasn't any different from a dinner with straight couples. I was glad he saw it that way. If he hadn't, then things would have been completely different. It showed me that he truly wasn't about to freak out at any given moment.

About a week later, he started to hold my hand in public and he'd greet me with a kiss on the mouth when I came by during his working hours. Since I didn't work during the day, I had time to spend lunch with him. We'd talked about this while in my bed. We rarely spend a night apart, we hadn't gone all the way yet, but that was alright. Just being able to sleep in his arms was amazing for now. Two weeks into our relationship, Leon had started to join me in my showers. And during that same time we moved on from hand-jobs to blow-jobs...

"Weren't the brothers poor at some point?" Leon asked, sounding amused as he joined me in the shower. I blinked in surprise and because I didn't know what was wrong with me, my hands shot down, covering the goods. He grinned in amusement, gently prying my hands away as he moved closer to me so he could stand under the hot water as well.

He winced a little, reaching back so he could turn the heat down, "Doesn't that hurt?" He asked softly, his lips pressing against the corner of my mouth. I shook my head. I liked my showers hot.

Seeing my discomfort, he frowned a little in worry, framing my face in his hands, "Hey... I didn't mean to scare you. Would you like me to get out?" He asked. I shook my head. I liked having him here, I did. I just didn't think he'd do this so soon. We'd seen each other naked already, sure. But this was a bit different. Here the lights were completely on. No dimmed lights or not lights at all. Just complete full on lights... If he paid attention he'd be able to count my pubic hairs. Not good. I disliked light.

His hands trailed softly down my sides, "Is this ok then? Are you ok?" He murmured, taking my lips between his, sucking softly on them.

I nodded my head, finally shaking myself out of my stupor and letting my hands wrap around his waist.

I parted my lips a little, my breathing speeding up as his kisses trailed down my jaw, my neck, down my collar bones and then his tongue trailed over my chest right before he took my nipple ring between his teeth, tugging a little before he detached his teeth from the metal and sucked my nipple gently between his soft lips. My hands shot up, fingers making their way into his hair as I leaned my head back against the wet tiles behind me.

As he made his way down my belly, I leaned my shoulder blades back, shamelessly making my hips stick out forward. It's when his tongue traced the V below my stomach that I realized I didn't think he'd actually go this far. He gripped my hips tightly as he knelt down, his tongue teasing my skin around my throbbing in anticipation erection. Never actually touching the hard on itself though.

"Tease..." I muttered, peeking one eye open to look down at him. He arched an eyebrow and then swallowed me in, making my upper body fly off the wall as I bend over him, groaning in delight.

My fingers tightened in his hair, "You don't have too..." I murmured, slowly leaning back against the wet wall behind me as the shock of his sudden move started to settle down. He was working his way down slowly, his head bobbing just a little bit. His tongue was giving birth to miracles right now. My toes were curled and my skin covered in goosebumps underneath warm water. Which was a little strange and surreal to me, but I didn't really care because it felt so damn gooood.

He paused though, squeezing my hips a little so I would open my eyes and give him my visual attention.

He smiled a little, "I'm not scared, I'm not doing this against my will. I want you and I wish to pleasure you. So far, I think I'm doing a bang up job. Now will you shut up, just once, and let me do what I know I want to do?" When I nodded at him, because I didn't really know how to reply otherwise, he patted my hip in a 'Good boy' sort of gesture and then returned his mouth onto my, "Cooock..." I muttered, finishing my thoughts out loud in surprise as his teeth grazed along the sides of my erection very subtly, making my level of horniness skyrocket.

Leon chuckled as he released me with a popping sound, "Yes, Cloud. This is a penis." He then wrapped his hand around the base of said penis and resumed with his mouth.

He had so many tricks, I was now certain he wasn't a man virgin. At least he wasn't in the blow job department. I'd known in the hand job category by now. I was finding stuff out bit by bit and every time he caught me by surprise with the lack of shyness he seemed to sport. It was good. So good...

I was extremely loud as he continued his ministrations, pushing me rapidly to the brink. He was very pleased with himself. I'm not sure Sora and Riku agreed next door, but I could care less at that point.

He'd moved on from just holding hands and the occasional kiss in public to proudly admitting he'd just given his boyfriend an amazing orgasm. He was cocky about it too. I was blushing more than he was, and it felt kind of roles reversed in that sense. Axel got a kick out of it, I'm sure the others did too, the redhead was just more vocal about it.

His boyfriend. I knew I was his boyfriend. We'd just never said it out loud yet. It's why I'd blushed. Not because he'd openly told everyone in the house that he'd just satisfied me something severe. It's the boyfriend title mention that had me blushing. And unlike everybody who got a kick out of the blush, Leon knew it was that that had made me blush. And it made me all kinds of happy to realize again for the hundredth time that Leon knew me so well.

Aside from the schedule, we'd also created a routine. While I came around during the afternoon to eat lunch with him, he'd come around the restaurant at some point or another to force me to eat some dinner as on my own? I'd forget. He wouldn't let me forget any longer, making sure I was keeping myself healthy. He wouldn't stick around till the end of my shift since I worked so late and he needed to get up in the mornings. We did always talk about where we'd sleep while eating dinner in my office at the restaurant. I had an office. With a window that had view on the kitchen. I had drapes too. I loved my life at the moment.

Once we'd decide on whether I'd go back to his place after work or if I'd find him in my bed at the brothers house, he'd take off and let me get back to work. My co-workers enjoyed Leon a lot. Although they respected me before and appreciated the care I showed for them, they now actually liked me as after Leon's visits I'd actually smile at them from time to time and use the word "Please" after having shouted out an order.

Leon had made friends with them easily. He actually remembered their names while I didn't. I sucked at that. And since the speed in this kitchen was high above the speed I'd been used to in the Pizza Parlor, I was too occupied keeping the kitchen afloat and the customers happy that it didn't really leave me time to ask for names and then remember them in the process.

Leon did though, and he was slowly helping me remember. While visiting me, he'd greet all of them and because they just loved him that much, they fed him bits and pieces, here and there, making him taste everything. Of course he loved it. The man loved food. He loved that he had a chef for a boyfriend. And although I grumbled when he'd tell me this with a great grin on his face. I secretly loved that he loved it. And he of course knew I did because I always made him something special for lunch. Spoiled brat is what he was. And he knew it. And I didn't mind. The brothers didn't mind either since I usually made some extra. My friendship with Riku grew through his stomach. Sora was pleased.

The way Leon handled the relationship and becoming gradually more open about it... Things were going great. Things were going amazing. It scared me... I felt like I needed to watch my back or something. I had the idea something was going to stab me in the back and blow things up in my face...

The house warming.

I'd managed to take the Friday off in order to attend the house warming the brothers were finally holding. I'd repeated the kitchen process to my sous-chef, who's name was Larry (Leon would ask me what their names were at least two times a day in order for me to remember them) at least three times. He'd told me to shut up with a smile at some point, saying he could handle this. I knew he could, I was just worried. The kitchen was my baby.

Of course I was just cooking food in the brothers kitchen instead. They'd subtly managed to push me in there, tossing the ingredients in my face and saying I needed to make that thing I had made the other day, with the other thingies, the stuff that tasted really good. They weren't exactly familiar with the cooking vocabulary. I had no idea what they meant, but Leon had showed up at some point, telling me they wanted the thai buffet. So I made that while Leon sat at the bar, watching me do my thing while he told me about his day. He was explaining something about car parts and I had no idea what he meant, but he seemed content with me just nodding my head along as he went.

People were starting to fill up the living room. While Sora was bouncing around, filling drinks and Demyx was walking around with a silver plater that held some amuse bouche's. Axel, Zexion, Riku and Roxas were mingling among their friends. Cid, Xigbar, Olette, Pence and Hayner were there, of course. I was surprised to see the Seifer wasn't and when I asked Hayner about it, all I got in return was a glare. I let it go. It was none of my business.

Two girls who's names were Namine and Kairi were walking about as well and they'd given a ride to a woman named Larxene. She had a date, but I couldn't remember more names at this point. I think I was doing rather well so far and people shouldn't push my limits. I knew Zexion's father was present somewhere and the brothers parents friend, the Doc, was around as well.

Tifa had shown as well and she was getting along rather well with the woman named Larxene. Or I assumed they were getting along well because Tifa told me they were. I hadn't been so sure though because they kept insulting each other. When Larxene took a break from the constant arguing to go to the bathroom, Tifa had popped into the kitchen, giving me a kiss on the cheek on her way, stealing some food from underneath my nose, saying Larxene was absolutely awesome and then she walked back out of the kitchen to join her newly made friend. Eh... whatever.

When I'd told Leon I didn't understand women, he'd shrugged, saying that he didn't hold the answer either. He'd tried to understand them for years, with force even, and it had never managed to get in. I'd smiled at that.

Anyway, while everybody was drinking their drinks and having a regular good amount of fun, I was slaving away in the kitchen, constantly kicking people out as nothing was ready yet.

When I was finally done and couldn't let go and just relax, Leon jumped off the barstool, making his way into the kitchen, placing his hands gently on my shoulders, rubbing the tension out.

Kissing the top of my head, he placed his chin on my shoulder, turning his head a little, "What's up, Cloud? Something is wrong and it's not your food." He murmured. I swallowed nervously, darting my eyes across the room. No steps were to be taken anymore in our relationship, he was open about it and was obviously not bothered with public display. People were aware we were a couple and treated us as such. I was still nervous though, afraid something might set him off and freak.

So, I checked everyones reaction to how close he was too me, how he was paying attention to my shoulders, how sweetly he murmured into my ear. Nobody cared of course and when I looked over my shoulder, Leon had his eyes narrowed on me.

"Cloud. Stop it. I'm not going to freak and leave you." He clipped out. I opened my mouth to retaliate, but I couldn't. I shouldn't feel this way, he'd given nothing to make me doubt his commitment and yet I couldn't help but think he would run off at any given opportunity.

"Everything is just going so easy... I'm sorry..." I muttered, stepping towards him so I could plaster myself against him. He'd taken a step back, detaching himself from me so he could read my reaction.

He sighed a little, wrapping his arms around me again, "Are you done with the food?" He asked softly and I nodded that I was.

He kissed me quickly, "Good. Then we are getting out of here and we are going to talk this out. Once we talked it out, you will stop being so skittish about our situation and accept the fact that I'm going to be by your side, forever. I'm not going to run out on you. Nothing is going to set me off. I'm with you..." He said this softly, yet his voice was firm to make sure the message was passing over clearly.

It's not like I didn't know the house already...

Sighing, I nodded sheepishly his way, and he took my hand so he could guide me through the living room, telling Demyx on our way that we were leaving and where to find the food. Demyx took one look at Leon's face and mine and he didn't question our sudden departure - Simply nodding in understanding and assuring us he'd pass the message along.

Once that settled, Leon got on my bike, telling me to sit behind him. Nobody was allowed to ride my bike in my stead. I didn't have it in me to argue at this point though... And he did let me drive his previous car...

He drove us quickly out of Hollow Bastion and passed Twilight Town and back into Traverse Town. Once he'd parked the bike behind the apartment complex, he silently pulled me along with him up the stairs, leading me into his apartment without a word.

The moment the door clicked closed, I turned around quickly and jumped him. Pushing him roughly against the door, I kissed him quite desperately, pressing my body firmly against his. He moaned in what seemed to be a startled manner. He didn't push me off to ask what was going on though, just kissed me as passionately back, matching my pace with ease as his hands gripped my hair tightly.

Pulling my head back, his lips latched themselves onto my throat and I pressed my hands against the wall above his head to steady myself.

"I thought we needed to talk..." He said against my skin.

I shook my head feverishly, impatiently pulling on his shirt so his chest would be naked. The way I liked it to be, "You told me what I needed to hear. You told me you wouldn't freak. You said you wouldn't run. You said you want me... I needed to hear it... You said you are with me." I know my voice was generally soft tuned, but I just sounded completely horny, husky and whatever now. I would be embarrassed, but I don't think my brain managed to get there.

Leon pulled his shirt off and then tugged mine off as well before he returned to exploring my skin, "Then why did we need to leave if we aren't going to talk?" He asked. I'm pretty sure he had his answer what with my attacking him, but...

I framed his face, stilling our actions, "I need you, Leon. As in, I'm not going to put the brakes on us any longer. Screw the brakes. I hate the brakes. You say you're with me, well I'm with you too." He moaned loudly as I finished my statement off with a jerk of the hips and a love bite on his shoulder.

As we began to unbutton each others pants, we both froze for a moment, staring at each other, "Not the floor." We both muttered at the same time, agreeing that just wouldn't do. We quickly marched over to his bedroom and I swallowed a yelp of surprise as he pushed me onto his bed, falling on top of me shortly afterwards.

He lifted his hips, kicking off his pants and I mimicked his actions. He grimaced in annoyance as his shoes were getting in the way and after an irritated growl, he stood back up and quickly and clumsily started kicking the remaining clothes off and before I could so much as do anything to help him, he was swooping my own pants and socks off as well.

When he settled on top of me, he hummed in appreciation, "We should just stay naked all the time to avoid the hassle..." He was so pleased with this idea, I couldn't help but chuckle at his expression.

He smiled at the sound of my laugh, "You should do that more often..."

I smiled back up at him, kissing him gently, "I'm happy, Leon. Don't ever doubt it." He nodded at me, silently telling me he wouldn't doubt it.

Then I did yelp out loud as he suddenly grabbed my hips and turned me over onto my belly beneath him. The fright was quickly replaced with a load moan as he moved his hips against my bottom, his teeth settling roughly into my shoulder. Ok, I'd expected some sweet love making or something. Apparently I was wrong. That was alright though.

I swallowed deeply as I could feel his hand running over my spine, making it's way to my ass. Once he reached his destination, he carefully started the teasing and after he mumbled for me to reach for the bottle of lotion in his bedside drawer, he gently started preparing me.

"I won't force anything, I'll make sure you're ready and I will be gentle until you give me the green light to fuck you into oblivion..." I moaned softly at his words and then a bit louder when his fingers touched that particularly awesome spot. I heard what he'd said before the fucking me into oblivion part. He'd heard what I'd told Yuffie back when she'd asked me how my first time had gone down. My boyfriend back then had been extremely unexperienced, as had I been. When things started too hurt, he just told me to hold tight as he'd shoved himself inside of me. He was my ex the next day.

"I love you..." I told him, looking over my shoulder so I could see his reaction. He was about to enter me, but faltered at my words. And then he beamed, making me blink just a little.

"Love you too. Have ever since I met you." He knew I loved him as I knew he loved me. We'd never said it out loud before, but we'd been aware for a while now. It was just a statement, the words made us both feel more steady for what was about to happen. He caught my lips, kissing me softly and I broke the kiss only when he entered me carefully. I moaned loudly into his mouth and he returned the noise with gusto.

"Fuck, I'm in heaven..." I said. I was. I wanted him to know I was. He just grunted a happy sounding agreement to my words, right before he slowly started to move back out and then back in, settling into a slow pace. His arm circled around my chest, his right arm tightly wrapped around my right shoulder as his hand lay flat and steady against the left peck of my chest. His other hand crawled forward over the bed as he laced his fingers with my own, and his mouth was right next to my ear.

I was glad he was taking things slow as it had been a while since I'd been with anybody and I could sense a little bit of discomfort. I knew I was most likely going to be sore tomorrow. I wasn't in pain though. My body just needed to adjust, and then the fact that it was Leon... My Leon... It just made everything right.

He was kissing my cheek repeatedly, murmuring a mantra of, "It's ok, It's ok..." over and over. Of course it was ok, I was fine. It touched me that he worried so, though.

I tightened my hold on the hand he'd offered for me to hold, "Feels so good, Leon. A little harder..." I said, closing my eyes as he did as I asked. He whispered I was beautiful, I moaned in return. I liked that we were starting to sweat a little. Good sex should be sticky, and although I didn't need the sweat to tell me this was great sex, I liked the feeling of it nonetheless.

I didn't need to tell him when to speed up the pace afterwards, he could tell by the volume of my voice and he groaned loudly as he sat back on his heels, gripping my hips so he could pull me onto my knees along with him.

I cursed in delight as he finally started fucking me into oblivion. The love was there, it was ever present. We were making love, but saying that he was making love to me until I was in oblivion just sounded weird. Plus I wasn't offended by the term fuck in any way whatsoever.

I was lying on my belly, my right cheek pressing into a pillow. Leon mirrored my position and we just stared at each other for a long while, both our mouths quirked up into wide smiles.

He broke the staring contest as he lifted a hand, letting his fingers find their way into my blond locks, "I think we should look for a place together in Hollow Bastion." Whatever fear I had felt before, was completely gone. We weren't going too fast. We were going exactly at the right speed.

I crawled closer to him, moving him over onto his back so I could settle myself on top of him, my head on his chest, "I think we should too..." I murmured.

We found a place together close to the restaurant about a month later. The brothers were sad to see me move out, but happy things had gone right with Leon. I think they were more sad over the fact that food wasn't going to be as good than actually seeing me personally go. Tifa had decided to do our interior decorating and I just shrugged at Leon. Knowing better than to oppose Tifa, he let her do her thing too.

Leon unfortunately had to drive quite a bit in the mornings to get to work at Cid's Garage, but he was slowly trying to find a job somewhere in Hollow Bastion itself. I'd told him that if he wished to take some time off to figure out his next moves, he could. My pay could hold the apartment up without issue. Leon had declined though, saying he knew exactly what he wanted. He liked his job at Cid's Garage and he'd never actually wanted to aim higher, just because he didn't feel the need too. He hadn't gone to college, and he was absolutely fine with that. He just needed some time to figure out what Garage in Hollow Bastion would fit his personality best.

I continued to bring him lunch in the afternoons and he still came by at the Restaurant to eat dinner with me in the evening. Now though, we didn't have to decide where we would sleep. I got up in the mornings just so I could eat breakfast in his company and see him off to work before I'd go to bed and sleep a couple of more hours.

Our life was cozy and comfortable. Everything was easy, and now I was happy about it.

One evening though, when I came home from work, he startled me by still being awake.

"Tomorrow is Sunday, I don't have to work." He reminded me with a smile, pulling me into our bed with him. Once I settled against him with a content sigh, he decided that now was the right moment to shock the bejesus out of me.

"I think we should start thinking about kids. Considering adoption takes what, years? Before it all falls into place and the kid actually gets here, we have time to get used to the idea." He said reasonably. Sure. Reasonably.

I swallowed, "I'm not ready for kids yet, Leon..." I murmured.

I was surprised when he beamed at me, "But you do want them someday?" He asked excitedly. I grinned at the goofy expression he sported. Shaking my head in amusement, I then nodded, "Yes. Someday. Give me a couple of months though, I just need some more time with just you and me before we start thinking about adding a third person in the lot. Is that ok?"

Leon kissed me soundly, "More than ok."

It's a couple of weeks later, mulling the idea of kids over in my head that I realized I'd never asked Leon about Rinoa's ordeal with her husband. By now I was pretty sure I wouldn't see the little family again. At least, not for an invited cup of coffee or something. I could run into them, but I wouldn't be talking to Yuffie about uncomfortable stuff in her bedroom again.

While we were sipping our coffee and Leon was inhaling his cereal. I told him not to do that. It gave him the hiccups. Does he listen? Of course he doesn't.

Leon burped and I frowned at him. He shrugged but then I smiled when he excused himself, just to make me happy.

"My relationship with Rinoa was strange, to say the least." He started after having asked him the question gently.

He shrugged, "She needed a daddy for Yuffie and I wanted to see what it felt like to have the regular, stereo type image of a family. I never wanted to have sex with her, and she never seemed to want it from me either. We just didn't speak of it. We went on dates, we had a lot of fun, but I soon after realized we were friends more than anything else. When I finally told her I was gay, she told me she didn't mind." He grinned at my gaping.

"She didn't mind?" I shouted, bewildered.

Leon nodded, "Yeah, pretty much how I reacted. She said she was willing to have a relationship with me anyway, that she didn't expect that area of "expertise" from me..." He rolled his eyes, "I later on figured out she was still in contact with Yuffie's father and that she was still very much in love with him. The guy is from high society, his parents had arranged his marriage and it hadn't been to Rinoa. When she became pregnant with Yuffie, his parents paid her a lot of money to stay out of Auron's way, and Auron just figured Rinoa had taken off." I knew the story had been twisted...

Leon stood, carrying his bowl to the sink, placing a kiss on the top of my head on his way, "She contacted him a couple of years ago and they started talking again. He'd never married the girl he had been arranged to marry and Rinoa didn't tell him about Yuffie until I told her to tell him. That's also where I told her the relationship we had, wasn't real to begin with and needed to end now." Leon shrugged, looking around the kitchen counter for his car keys. I stood from my chair, walking to the coffee table in the living room, picking up his keys and giving them too him. He smiled my way, and kissed me.

"She was very scared about how he'd react, but I told her that it wasn't like his parents had given her much of a choice. She just needed to explain things to him. If the man grew up with those people, then he probably understood the position they'd put her in." He sighed, "She finally called the guy, told him the whole story and then together they explained the situation to Yuffie."

He took my hand once I'd put our coffee mugs in the sink, pulling me flush against him, "Yuffie obviously freaked out. She's sixteen, so it was to be expected. She ran away, and came to find refuge at my old place. I let her in, of course. We talked for a long while, I explained the situation between her mother and me. She wasn't happy, but when she realized the relationship I had with her mother was dancing on the limits of fake..." He smiled down at me, pushing the hair out of my face gently.

"Yuffie... She'll be ok." He murmured right before he kissed me softly.

For our six month anniversary Leon actually tried to cook dinner for me. It was disgusting and he was upset about having messed up, but I didn't care. I loved that he'd tried and I told him he should try again for our one year anniversary. He'd looked at me strangely, pointing out that I just told him I wanted ruined dinner as a tradition for our relationship celebrations. I nodded at him, knowing full well what I'd asked for.

Every last Sunday of the month he'd buy me flowers. I never figured I'd be a flower kind of guy, but apparently I was. He'd bought me a vase as an anniversary present so I could actually stop placing the flowers in one of the large drinking cups we had. And my present was the mention of me being ready to think about adoption seriously. Just thinking for now.

He made sweet love to me, and my heart nearly hurt with how happy and content I was.

"How's everything going so easy? Not that I'm complaining, but it's slightly confusing after the years of everything being so complicated. You get used to it. When things go easy, it's hard to sort of... get it." I muttered against his chest while his fingers played lazily with my hair. He loves my hair.

Leon chuckled, making my head bounce a little, "Alright, lets see... You know how when you go shoe shopping, and you found the pair you're looking for because they look good and in the store they feel good on you too? But then when you get home and start wearing them, they sometimes hurt? Then you always say it's just at the beginning, you need to wear them for a while so they can fit your foot before they become comfortable..." I didn't see the comparison, but I did get what he was talking about so I nodded.

He kissed the top of my head, "And then one day you find that pair of shoes that fits you right, looks good and don't hurt when you wear them once you get back home. It's the fitting shoe. You always end up buying the same ones afterwards because you know they'll fit you right away..."

I frowned at him a little, wondering why he'd stopped talking. I didn't get it, still.

"Leon, continue, would you?" I pressed.

He grinned down at me as I looked irritatingly up at him, "You're that shoe, Cloud. That shoe that fits right of the bat. I've been shopping in the wrong category for all these years and every time it didn't go right, I always just wrote it off as the beginning of a relationship. I believed that things had to be rocky at first in order for things to get better in the long run. I was wrong, you can find that person where things aren't rocky for it to work in the long run. It can just... fit."

Oh. I got it now. Man, he had a funny way of thinking, "You're a sentimental moron, you know that right?" I reminded him.

He scoffed, "Because dancing around butt naked on Doris Day's Daisies song to make your troubles go away doesn't make you one?" He wiggled his eyebrows knowingly at me. I grumbled loudly.

"I will kill Tifa! I swear I will." I was starting to detach myself from him, very much prepared to jump on my bike and drive out into the godforsaken to give Tifa a piece of my mind.

Leon laughed, pulling me down again, "I'll have you know that Tifa didn't tell me anything. You gave me the show all on your own a couple of years ago." I looked at him in fear and he just laughed a little louder.

"It was your birthday, about three years ago? I was very late and apparently you'd decided to start the party without me. Tifa was out of the country so we'd decided to celebrate it just the two of us. I thought you'd just gotten drunk because you wanted too, whether I was there or not. It's only now that I know you were actually upset I was so late. I don't remember exactly why, but I couldn't call to warn you, so I'm guessing you figured I'd stood you up or something. When I walked into my apartment, you were right there, dancing around naked to Doris Day's Daisies song. And when you saw me staring you just hugged me saying you were glad I was here."

How did I not remember? I pouted at him, "I'm sorry, I get whiney when I'm drunk." I mumbled.

He kissed my forehead, "It's alright. While I didn't know you missed me, you had no idea what you were doing to me standing there butt naked and all kinds of happy thanks to Doris Day..." He licked my bottom lip.

I chuckled, "You're weird. It's ok though, I love you anyway." He rolled his eyes, "Oh well, Thank you. I love you too..." Oh man... Life was so good.

The end!

A/N: This one was longer than the previous three chapters. Cloud needed a longer spotlight :) Please review! I like reviews.