Revenge of the Buttcream

This takes place after the WOTR.

"AHHHHHHHHH!" Screamed Legolas as he ran out of his bathroom. Gimli was poking around the palace of Mirkwood and thought Legolas was mad at him. "I WASN'T TOUCHING ANYTHING! ESPECIALLY NOT YOUR FATHER'S AWESOME GOLD ELVEN CROWN!" Gimli yelled before Legolas could get after him. Legolas gave him a blank stare. "Uh, never mind. What is the matter with you?" Gimli said before Legolas could get suspicious. "Well….."

12 year old (Or 12 in human maturity) Legolas strutted into his bathroom one breezy Tuesday morning to brush his teeth. "I will have such nice, nice, teeeeeth…" He sang as he came in. "Psst." Legolas heard a voice from the shelf say. "Hey you, kid!" Legolas looked closer and noticed it was a bottle of a strange substance. "What are you?" Legolas whispered. "What does it look like? It's your favorite bottle of BUTTCREAM!" said the bottle. "Besides, why are you whispering?" Legolas thought for a moment. "I don't know… WAIT, BUTTCREAM? I HATE THAT! IT'S FOR SISSIES!" He screeched. (A.N: Yes, screeched.) The bottle was not too happy at being called 'for sissies', although, who wouldn't? "Take it back!" Buttcream growled. "NEVER!" Shouted Legolas, and thrust the ugly bottle into a drawer and ran out quickly. Buttcream muttered angrily under his breath, "I'll get revenge….."

Thousands-of-years old Legolas walked into his bathroom after having a nice nap; after all, you can't keep your grand Elvish sharp-shooting archery skills sharp without beauty rest. "Hello my handsome manly hair!" Legolas said happily, and pulled out a comb to brush his hair. Suddenly, out of the blue, a drawer shot open and flung Legolas into his bathtub. "OOF!" A dust covered object soon emerged. "Here's BUTTCREAM!" Legolas screamed. "I thought you were GONE!" The bottle cackled, "You can't get rid of me!" Legolas thought quickly, and then unexpectedly threw the Buttcream into his toilet. "FLUSH YOUUUUUU!" He yelled, manly of course, and then ran out screaming.

"On second thought, never mind…" Legolas said to Gimli, feeling slightly embarrassed. Gimli just shrugged, while Legolas ran off. Gimli noticed Legolas didn't have a crown. "Hmm, maybe the he left it in the bathroom…" Gimli thought slyly, and then snuck into the bathroom. As he walked in, the toilet water started gurgling. Gimli peered in. "Here I am!" Buttcream said as he plopped out triumphantly. Gimli stared. "AHHHHH!" The bottle sighed, and Gimli ran. "LEGOLAS!" The Buttcream sniffled, "I'm not that ugly! WAAAAAAHHHHHH."

The End