AN Wow I haven't done one of these in a while. I was reading the reviews on this story so now I have the goal of finishing it. I haven't updated in a long long long time sorry... I hope you like it and remember to REVIEW. :D
Disclaimer: I do not own anything of the PJATO series.
Annabeth POV
I woke up with Percy next to me and a blanket from Thalia's room which she must've put over us last night which meant that she also came in here, damn. I just sat there for a couple of minutes knowing it was probably around 12 o'clock, but I didn't feel like getting up and going down stairs. I looked at the ceiling for awhile before turning to face Percy. His face was half smashed into his pillow, and he was drooling a bit onto it. He had his arm wrapped around me still from sleeping and he was breathing quietly.
It was like I met him again him last night because you can't really know someone without knowing there past. Because it's the thing that makes then what they are, like how he lost his mother probably caused him to be independent at a young age which explains why he stays in his father house over the summer without anyone else, but his friend. He had a tragic side to him that he hides all of the time he could. But right now looking at him while he was sleeping he looked so calm and innocent. He is calm most of the time, but he already told me about his past 'conquests' or girlfriends that just wanted him to be with him.
He did have the twinkle in his eyes when you looked at him sometimes that told you this kid was a total player so innocent was not a word you would use to describe him. I focused on him again and was startled to find his eyes open starring at me kindly, "Good afternoon Annabeth." He smiled and looked at the closed curtains that where making the room so dark. He got up slowly and I noticed he slept in jeans which must've not been so comfortable. He threw the curtains open and let the light from them seep into the room for a second making me wake up more.
"Annabeth is your family going to have a funeral for your mother?" He asked gently not wanting to offend me or depress me like I was yesterday. I rubbed my eyes for a second to remember what I had talked to my father about on the phone yesterday morning. My mother during the time she was sick had planned her own funeral wanting it to be perfect, and they where going to do it quickly because the Chases are known for not letting something go. Her father thought the faster the better.
"Yeah it should be next week actually, my fathers going to call me and give me a 2 day notice." I said getting up and stretching during a pleasant silence made by Percy because he knew I was going to continue talking once I was done. "Percy will you come with me?" I said staring at the back of his head because he was looking at the window at the bright daytime. He turned around so quickly it would've given anyone normal whiplash.
"Annabeth I've never even met your father I don't know if it's the best idea it seems like a family thing.." He said slowly inching towards me till he was in front of me and towering over me. I rolled my eyes slightly and went up on my toes to kiss him quickly before saying, "Well, that's settled your coming." I walked out of the room quickly and went down the stairs. Strangely enough I wanted breakfast even though I felt like I would be depressed for the rest of my lifetime. Percy admittedly helped a lot I guess, but I was scared about going the the funeral alone. Mostly because I haven't talked to my mothers side of the family in years and truth be told they kind of scared me.
But I just stopped going to all of the 'events' on that side of the family so haven't even seen them in years. I walked into the kitchen to find that Thalia must have ransacked it for food. I hadn't actually gone shopping recently and I wanted to hide my cereal from her because she always eats all of it. Regardless she opened up every single cabinet and I guess felt the need to leave every single one open. The contents was on the counter, everything was open and then I saw my precious cereal open with a bowl next to it half eaten. That bastard...
"Obviously someone was hungry?"Percy said following me into the damaged zone. "How does Thalia pull this stuff off when she is on crutches?"
I shrugged looking into the freezer to see if we had any breakfast foods in there. Lucky for me we did, I took out the box of eggo french toast and placed it next tot he toaster and turned it on to heat it up while I got out the powder sugar. Percy dragged a chair to the toaster so he could sit in front of it for some strange reason. "Percy what in the world are you doing?" I looked at him, rolled my eyes and laughed a bit. He looked at me for a second and the let out a weird small half laugh.
"Well, if were eating french toast we need to watch it as it cooks because one second these things look perfect and the next there like sticks of charcoal." He said simply loading the toaster up with the french toast. The front door slammed open with two people arguing walking through it.
"THALIA UNICORNS CHEER EVERYBODY UP!" Shouted a voice that I didn't really know. It sounded familiar, but I couldn't quiet place it on who it was. "Obliviously not someone who is grieving over a death you idiot!" Thalia said loudly, I'm guessing she threw her keys at the wall because I heard a clang. "Well, I guess we won't know because YOU WOULDN'T LET ME GET IT!"
"Grover!" Percy shouted bolting up from his seat and running to the front hallway. And that explained who is was to me. Of course I didn't know who was because it was Thalia's and Percy old friend from school. Thalia though must have waked past Percy because before I knew it she was staring right at me with one of her creepy smiles like shes about to tell someone a secret. But she didn't she just stood there and she kept on standing there till I yelled, "What!"
"You and Percy are so cute-" I cut her off quickly knowing she would talk about that and I didn't really care, "Thalia that is not the issue right now, has my dad called at all when I was sleeping?" I asked quickly and quietly hoping Percy and Grover wouldn't hear. Thalia rolled her eye's at the secrecy because she didn't see the point in hiding it.
"Yeah, yeah he did." She said getting out a little piece of paper with her chicken scratch writing on it. "He said 'Annabeth I am really sorry for not informing you of your mothers death like I should've. I'm sorry ,but this effects everyone the funeral is this weekend to which you will hopefully be able to attend. If not you can write a heartfelt note to be read at it. E-mail me, ' what a di-"
"I'm just glad he called Thalia." I looked at her for a second not caring that my dad signed a letter . Because I didn't care not now, not ever and I never will again at this rate. "I'm going to call him act like a nice daughter and give a damn speech at the dammed funeral because THAT'S what I'm supposed to do!" I could feel my eye's getting wetter by the second. But I couldn't cry, not in front of Thalia because I wasn't supposed to care. Me Annabeth Chase wasn't supposed to give a damn and it scared me that I could almost feel the tears escaping my eyes.
I turned quickly snatching the phone from the dock and sprinted up to my room running past Percy who was to busy talking to Grover to notice me. I leaned on my door after I slammed it shut sliding to the ground. One lone tear escaped my eyes that I wiped away quicker then anymore could've came. I dialed my fathers number praying for an answering machine, but no such luck,
" speaking?"
"Hi Dad..."
Percy's POV
She's been up there for two hours. And in those two hours she's gotten into at least 5 screaming fights with her father. I guess that's understandable, but I don't really talk to my dad so I wouldn't really know how to react either. "I wonder when she'll come down?" Thalia said sliding next Grover who was watching the TV so intently that he literally couldn't hear us.
"Just give her some time I guess, you know her better then me so you must know what her father was like." I said to her as she winced slightly and looked at the TV.
"What the hell is this? Meerkat Manor? Really Grover, not acceptable." She fumed stealing the remote and switching it immediately as I chuckled having sudden de javu. We sat there for about 30 minutes before I got frustrated and got up to go to Annabeth's room to ask if she was okay. As I walked up the stairs I started to hear her discussing things with her father.
"Yes I will speak thank you! Wha- No I won't freeze, Dad you don't even know me anymore." She paused for a second before starting up again. "You know what, no dad I'll be there just, don't tell Aunt Will I don't feel like talking to her at all. Yeah you to, Bye." I heard her click the phone and fall back onto her bed like she'd been at a tough day of work.
I slowly opened the door and looked at her surprised for a second as I saw items of clothing being thrown at her bed in a hurry from her closet. "Hello?" She called out from in here sticking her head out to see who it was. "Percy so you know when we agreed you'd be coming with me to the funeral?"
"Um, I don't exactly remember on agreeing with you on that ,but-" She cut me off and continued talking.
"Anyways I told my Dad and he didn't care so were going. Normally we wouldn't need a hotel or anything because we came stay at my old house because it has guestrooms, but my mom's side of the family will be staying there so I decided were not." She was talking so quickly that I could barley understand her. So when she paused she took a deep breath, "So I'm renting us a suite with two beds okay?"
I nodded my head looking at her like she was crazy, "I'll pay for it." I said looking at her because she shouldn't really have to do that. And without me she could've probably stayed at someone else's house. She rolled her eye's like that wasn't necessary , but she expected it.
"Percy you don't have to do that.." She threw some more clothes from inside her closet on to her bed. I noticed went he clothes landed that they were more like office clothing then funeral clothing, but I decided not to question it and just remember that for later when I apparently have to pack.
"I know ,but I want to. And I don't care if you think I don't have to, I think I have to." I said sitting down. She turned around to look me in the eyes, her face softened and literally made me melt. Sorry, but shes beautiful so I might seem sappy, but I don't give a damn.
2 Day's Later Annabeth's POV
3 am Pacific time
"Whyy doo we have to bee here so early?" Percy moaned picking up our bags from baggage claim area and handing them to Ernesto the limo driver that our hotel threw into the deal with the presidential suite Percy insisted on getting. "We left at 2 am and now it's 3 am here even with a 5 hour plane ride. Do you know how tired I feel right now?"
I rolled my eyes he had slept through the whole entire plane ride and the turbulence. In truth I probably should be tired too, but I'd drank to many cups of coffee and tea to even think of going to sleep any time soon. Well that and my nerves are a bit on end ever since know. But that doesn't matter because for now I need to think of a short speech to say her her funeral . Hopefully I don't burst into tears thought I probably will. Screw it. I over analyze things too much.
"Annabeth," Percy sighed and looked at me slowly as we climbed into the car. "Believe it or not your not super woman and you need sleep too. I and noticed that for the last few days you haven't exactly-" And that's where I cut him off because if anything he shouldn't be worrying about my sleeping habits right now. "Percy! I slept last night don't worry. Besides I'll sleep at the hotel before we get ready for the wake tomorrow."
He gave me a slow look that made me know that he seriously doubted everything that I had even said. I just looked him in the eyes and shrugged which caused him to shake his head and give a small laugh. "Fine I'll make sure you sleep, but I swear to the gods that if you don't sleep I will not let you go sight seeing or whatever you do." I gave him a hug and put my head on his shoulder. "I'm not even tired.." I said yawning. And the thing that surprised me most is that even with all the caffeine coursing through my veins and the stress that I thought was going to make my hair fall out is that in about 4 seconds of sitting next to Percy I fell right asleep.
"Annabeth...Annabeth...ANNABETH!" I could hear someone shouting and I could hear it in their voice that they were frustrated. Slowly I tried to open my eyes and I realized that it was not Percy's voice that was waking me up. I was also in the bed room of a hotel room which means Percy must've carried me in sometime when I was sleeping. "Annabeth you need to wake up we have to discuss something!" A stern voice yelled at me and then shook me awake even more.
I opened my eyes and glanced at the clock that was on the side of my bed. Wahoo 8am. Then I turned to him and by him I mean my father. "What on earth could you want Dad? Hopefully everything for the wake is already organize." I said with a hard voice looking into my fathers blue eyes. or my father as I rarely called him was not too old. He was verging on 46 and had blonde hair like I did, but he had a nervous twitch unlike me that always told the people around him when he was nervous. And right now I could obviously tell that he was very very nervous.
"Annabeth obviously everything is set up, but I would like to tell you to dress appropriately for you mothers side of the family. Anything not black other then a shirt that goes under a jacket is un-" I interrupted his rant because I obviously already knew that due to the fact that I hated that side of the family. I had always been able to remember people I hate better then those that I liked.
"Dad I'm already packed and where is Percy?" He jerked his head to the door which meant that he must've been in the main room of the suite. "Well that's great, now would you please just go home." I said grabbing my stuff and stomping to the bathroom as I saw my father roll his eyes yet again. I didn't want to come off as rude, but with him it just happens all the time.
He looked at me for a second and gave the monotone reply that I was expecting from him, "Annabeth I have things to do at home. Do you think that I would be here if I didn't need to? No I wouldn't please think what you family is going through at the moment and try ,try to remember it's NOT just you!" He slammed the door on his way out.
"God I hate that man..." I mumbled to myself as I walked towards the bathroom. I was just about to open the door, but it flew open and Percy walked out with a towel around his waist. He shook his head and sent water flying everywhere. He stopped and his hair landed perfectly placed on his head. He smiled at me and said slowly, "Good morning Annabeth." I stumbled with my words mostly because he was half naked in front of me and he resembled a greek god. But also because he was awake before 9am.
"Good morning Percy." I whispered walking into the bathroom and shutting the door behind me. I took a shower quickly even though I didn't need to. I guess I took it quickly though because the thought of giving myself time to think scared me. I was the type of person that buried things deep and lived under so much stress that is stayed deep inside me. If I gave myself time to think at all I would probably start crying and that to me is scary. I got out of the shower and dried my hair quickly wondering what I would have for breakfast.
For the next few hours Percy and I just sat on the couch cuddling with the occasional chatting. We watched TV a bit, but there was really nothing I was interested in watching. Which is also why I'm really glad that Percy was with me. I really don't know of any other guy that would just sit with someone for hours and not get mad about it. But then again I don't know many good guys...
When 12:30 rolled around I decided to get dressed quickly and do my hair because the funeral/wake was starting at 1:30 and it took 30 minutes to get there. Once I was dressed I looking in the mirror for any slight imperfections that my family would pick and point out. You might think that is harsh, but every since I was little everyone in my family talked down to me like I was a 5 year old. At my 16th birthday an uncle of my gave me an hour long speech about how when he was 16 he was already in college. But luckily I've gotten used to it over the years.
I happily didn't find much wrong with me and I smiled to myself in the mirror. I saw Percy walk into the bedroom and slip his arms around my waist. He rested his head on my shoulder and whispered into my ear, "I don't know if I'm supposed to say this when were just about to go to a funeral , but you look beautiful." I smiled and turned to look at him. He had on black dress pants (I think that's what there called) And a black button down shirt.
I went on my toes and kissed him softly on the lips and smiled as we walked out of the door, "It's okay to say that." By the time we got to the lobby the car taking us to the church that it was now being held at was already waiting for us. Before we got into the car I looked at him thanking my lucky stars that I had him, "Please Percy whatever you do, please don't leave my side. Because if you do I have no idea who I'll talk to."
He gave me a weird look and seriously said, "Who else would I want to talk to?" He opened the car door for me and I slid into the seat. "Thank you for coming." I said quietly as we pulled out of the hotel parking lot.
Percy's POV
(Short, but necessary )
We sat in the pews of the church as the pastor talked about what was supposed to happen after you died. I wasn't really listening though because Annabeth was as stiff as a board. I on the other hand was confused and I felt worse then I ever had before.
Everyone in this church and everyone in Annabeth's family seemed like they hated each other. But they had this strange respect for each person and that is what confused me the most. I wondered what it would be like growing up with a family like that. "Athena requested that her daughter Annabeth say a few words in remembrance." The pastor suddenly said. I felt Annabeth's hand slip out of mine slowly. There was an eerie silence over the whole church as she walked up to the podium that the pastor was talking from. She stopped at a picture of her mom which were placed all around the church.
She slowly turned around and looked at everyone. Her eyes gazing out to everybody. Her eye's though they weren't moving quickly in a grey story like they usually seemed, they were...confused. Or so it seemed to look because she just looked lost for a second.
"My mother..." She started slowly, "was a good woman. She was smart and was a professor at one of the best college's in North America. She was also leader of the town knitting and weaving club. You might not think that is important, but I do because it shows what diversity she had in her at time. She was also a mother though when I was smaller I never considered her one. She never was impressed by me and she always expected more then I ever gave her. When I was little I thought it was because she hated me, but when she became sick I realized that it was her way of showing love."
"You see," She continued, "She wasn't one of those people that saw the best in everyone even if they were a murderer. No she wasn't even close to that, but what she did see was potential in everyone. And that's important because she would push to get to the level she thought you could be at. It made people and students hate her for a long time, but eventually everyone would realize what she had done for them. And she was respected for that because she had a lot of will. She had enough will to break someone and then build them up to be something better then before. And that's what is important. Everyone needs someone like that in their lives and I had her. She will be remembered as a strong respected woman that made people reach there potential."
She slowly walked down as people quietly applauded her. But I was to amazed to really move at first. When she sat down I slipped my hand into hers and squeezed it lightly. She looked at me as a tear slipped out of her eyes. She smiled at me sadly as she began to start crying.
AN I hope you liked it and remember if you review you get a sneak peak! So review and I know its not that long of a chapter, but it's an okay size. Any grammar corrections?