Love is love
Ask this what do it mean to love
What if you love no more

What if there was no more love
Everyone will died
No life
No love
No friends
No family
Your friends will hurt you,make you hate
Your family will break you,in the worse of ways

Love no more
Hate more
Die more
Kill more
Don't care no more
What is the point to live
You did bad things,evil things

The angels are crying
The demons are celebrating
God lost
Devil won

You killed your child,your children
No hope
No faith
You killed your family and friends
No more love ones
Just more died ones

Say good-bye to love
Say hello hate

Just hope you can have love
Be strong

Stay away from hate
Belong to love
Bye suicide
Hey hope

You evil saint
Love is love
Love is no more
Love is faith
Love is hope
Love is peace

Ask this question

What will happen if there was no love?

Really what will happen

Do you know

God knows so think about it

What do think will happen if there was no love?

Robin: I think everyone will die and I will revenge my death for whats i'm sane not insane.

Dominica: I think you will die and you want be happy,no peace,no love,no friends,no family.

Montana: I think peace will will die and so will I.

Nikko: I think no sun,just love,just about the angel,you will go to hell just a big hole of hate and evil saints.

Luke: I think you crazy evil,you evil demon.

Da'shona: I think you will go Farther in heaven,hollow be your name ,your kingdom come,your be done on earth as it is in us today our daily us our debts,as we also forgiven our us are sins,for we also forgive everyone who sins against lead us not into temptation,but deliver us from the evil.

Robin: Aman

Dominica: Aman

Montana: Aman

Nikko: Aman

Luke: Aman

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