Dear 'gods'

Unclaimed. That's what they say I am. They don't understand that unclaimed is really just another word for unwanted. After all if our godly (Lower case g because god backwards is dog and that's just as appropriate) parent had wanted us surly we would be claimed, right? Are we really so disappointing that you can't bear to admit that we are your children? Are we so horrible that you can't stand the thought of us associating with your clamed ones? You have a lot to answer for you know, I mean if you don't want us fine, STOP SCREEWING MORTALS! It's that easy.

So when you find my body I want you to know this, I hate you, each and every one of you. And Mum? Sorry I was so horrid that you couldn't bear to clime me. At least now I die on my own terms.


She finished the letter with a smile, not paying attention to the tears that made their way down her face. Her timing was perfect as the horn had just sounded for dinner. No one would notice a kid missing from the Hermes cabin and the cabin itself would be empty. She stashed the note on her bed before making her way to the lake. The water was calm and she stood on the end of the wharf. Sure she could stab herself with something but that would be rather painful and besides, it would be an added insult if she died in a god's domain. Might even make them war amongst one another.

She stepped over the edge, taking a huge breath and filling her lung with water. All too soon she felt unconscious tugging at her she embraced it, at the last moment allowing a smile to grace her lips.

I f she had been alive Grace would have been surprised by the amount of people who noticed she was missing, in fact not five minutes after she died had her note been found. She would have been even more surprised to see the owl floating above where her body rested. Her coffin was decorated with one word, written in different ways but still one word: Clamed.

I always thought that being unclaimed was rather harsh, don't think it would be something to commit suicide over but then what do I know?