You know what? I've decided that I extremely dislike random story plots. (my mom said that 'hate' is a strong word). Especially when they take me away from my other stories that I've tried (and failed) at working on over break.

Disclaimer: I don't own Jericho or Kole. Or Teen Titans. Or this computer. I don't even own Microsoft Word, so I guess technically, I don't even own this story.

But the idea is MINE MINE MINE!

Misty Cobalt Eyes

If she'd told them once, she'd told them a million times.

"We. Are. Just. Friends."

"Sure. That's why I'm the only other person you practically talk to."

"That's just because you have pink hair."

"So, we have a Pink Hair Pact or something where we can only talk to each other?"

"Hey! I'm not a loner. I talk to Jericho."

"And back to the original point. You liiikkeee him."

"NO. I. DON'T."

"Alright, cool. I'll see you later. PINK HAIRED PEOPLE UNITE!"

"Shut up, Jinx."

Jinx walked away, laughing. Kole sighed. Sometimes, she wished that he was the only other person in the world.

But NOT because she liked him.

He sat on his mountaintop, playing his guitar.

He loved nights like this. The ones where everything was quiet, where only the crickets made any noise at all.

They reminded him of her.

"Jericho." Herald materialized out from one of his portals. Jericho turned toward him, his fingers on his guitar, his feet in Indian position. "There's someone here for you."

Herald stepped aside, and in stepped the girl he was thinking about moments before.

She waved shyly, until Herald had disappeared back into his own dimension, when she sprinted towards him, knocking him onto the ground with her hug.

"Jericho!" Kole's large cobalt blue eyes stared into his green ones. He could read every emotion in them. Being mute was helpful that way. He could see relief echoing through them, and one other feeling too. He couldn't quite name it.

Jericho smiled at her, and hugged her back. He moved over to a tree, lied against it, and began to play again, watching Kole. She started to skip and leap across the meadow on the mountain, as graceful as a butterfly.

It was a nightly thing of theirs. She'd come here, every Saturday night, to hear him play, and dance to it. It relieved them both, of things on their hearts and minds.

And Jericho loved it more than anything in the world.

Watching her dance through the silver flowers in the moonlight. Her motions delicate and light. Her toes barely touching the ground as she spun.

Yes. She was beautiful.

Jericho stopped playing his guitar for a minute. Grabbing a blue flower that matched her eyes, he walked over to Kole, and kneeled. He held the flower out to her, his face blushing ever so slightly.

Her eyes teared up.

"Oh Jericho," Flinging her arms around him, she kissed him right on the lips.

So maybe Jinx was right.

Maybe she did like him.

But not a lot.

No. Friends give each other flowers all the time.

But kissing…

Okay. Maybe, just maybe, she might kinda...sorta…maybe like him…a lot.

When she pulled away, Jericho stared at her.

Her beautiful eyes had a misty tinge to them.

Her beautiful misty cobalt eyes.

And he loved her all the more because of it.