A/N: Well, hello everyone! I'm back, and, yeah, it's a small chapter. But I personally liked writing it. It could have been longer, but I decided to keep it short and sweet.
I wrote this while watching
Gone With the Wind with my parents, so hopefully it's okay. I was trying to distract myself with writing. Any and all mistakes in this are my own.
I would just like to clarify that I used
What Makes You Beautiful because it fit, not because it's the only song I know by One Direction. I'm saying this because I know some people go crazy if you say you're a fan and you only know their one hit song.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own
Phineas and Ferb or the song What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction. If I did own Phienas and Ferb I would go crazy with the schedule, and I can't really own a band...
I hope you enjoy the chapter!

Isabella looked at herself in the mirror. She didn't know whether or not to be happy or disgusted. Her hair was too thin and scraggly, her figure too small and frail, and her eyes were dull and average. There was nothing special about her. Nothing that she could think of that would make Phineas still love her.

A soft creak sounded through the room, but Isabella stayed looking at the mirror.

"Isabella? What are you doing in here?" Phineas looked around the room. It hadn't been used for so long. Dust was all around them, piling on top of old furniature, and barely and light leaked through the one circular window on the other side of the room. "Isabella..." the man walked towards his wife, his arm stretched out to rest on her shoulder. She pulled away. "Izzy..."

Isabella stood stone still. The last time Phineas had called her Izzy was before he proposed. That was the last time.

"Do you think I'm beautiful?"

Phineas stared at her, shocked. "Of course!"

"I don't see why you should." Isabella's gaze went to her feet.

The red-haired man shook his head, and sighed. "I do. There are so many things that I see that tell me that you're beautiful."

"Oh, really, what, then? My hair is horrible, I'm too small, and my eyes are nothing. How could you love me? Look at me and tell me!" the young woman raged.

Phineas raised his hand and stroked her hair, "I see magnificent midnight-colored locks." his hand went to Isabella's cheecks, cupping them and smiling, "I see startling blue eyes that make me catch my breath every time I look at them." Phineas wrapped his arms around Isabella and pulled her back to his chest. "I see a radiant, tall, perfect woman who I fell in love with, and have never stopped loving."

Isabella turned around in his grasp and buried her face in Phineas's chest, her soft cries were muffled from the fabric of his shirt.

Phineas shushed her and cooed sweet nothings in her ear as he kissed her hair and led her to sit on the small sofa that was placed in the corner. He pulled her against him once more and kept her as close as he could. "Don't believe anything anyone else says, or these things that you think. You're perfect. No matter what. I love you. I love you for you, and for nothing else."

Isabella gave a silent chuckle and pressed her face closer to Phineas's chest and she breathed in his scent. Everything about Phineas calmed her, but it made her full of energy and life at the same time. They both fit together, evened each other out. They reasurring each other and keeping each other safe and happy every step of the way.

"I love you Izzy." Phineas mumbled into her hair.

"Love you, too." Isabella wrapped her arms around her husband's waist.

"Always and forever."

A/N: Tada! I hoped all of you liked it! Again, short but (hopefully) sweet.
Thanks, everyone, for sticking with me this far. I really appreciate it; and I especially appreciate the people who actually wait for my updates, since they're so spazzy.
Until next time.