If I owned Glee, it would be on by now and Darren and Chris would get way more air time.

Blaine stared at the Calculus book in his lap, trying to care about indefinite integrals and refusing to look at the chestnut head bowed over the MacBook beside him. Both boys had a pile of homework tonight, and Blaine had had the brilliant idea that they do it together in his room. Sometimes Blaine didn't think things out very well.

Blaine gave up on finding a way to integrate secxsinx, pulling out his English essay and beginning to make corrections. Somewhere around the second topic sentence, Kurt began muttering French phrases at his laptop. This simply wasn't fair. Who could expect anyone to care about Twain's use of the double when such sexy noises were coming out of his boyfriend?

Now, Blaine was fluent in Spanish and Italian and could even carry on a conversation in Mandarin, but French was not his forte. He had no idea what Kurt was saying, but whatever it was must be gorgeous according to the way the words rolled off his tongue. Blaine stared unabashedly at his boyfriend's lips as they moved smoothly along with the whispered words of his French essay. What he would give to feel those lips on his own, to have that tongue say his name as reverently as…. Whoah. Whoah. Was that a pout?

Kurt's eyes locked on his own as a strangled sound escaped his lips. The next thing Blaine knew, he had Kurt's soft hair between his fingers and pliant lips on his. Blaine attacked Kurt's mouth with a ferocity he didn't know he had. As his hand slid down to Kurt's neck, Kurt made a whimper in the back of his throat that made Blaine groan in victory. Kurt threw his arms around his neck and kissed him with abandon. Blaine had never known kissing like this, kissing that made everything else in the world fade into the background, kissing that made him feel so close to this beautiful boy he thought he might just float away in shared joy and memory.

Several moments later, when Blaine broke away for air, Kurt looked up at him with mingled curiosity and amusement. "What was that for?" he asked breathlessly.

"French," Blaine gasped, stroking the side of Kurt's face as he stared into his blue eyes, blushing at the incredulity of Kurt's expression. "It's.. it's quite… I like it."

"Donc, merci mon chou."

No more homework got done that night.