Sorry it took so long to get this and the previous chapter up. Busy week.

Anyway, chapter 12! The final chapter! Enjoy!

Cathy's POV

The next day, Wednesday, couldn't have come fast enough. This plan was epic, and I couldn't wait to see it all happen. This was going to be good. If only someone could record it.

At lunch, the MBC and I all sat with the other MBC who were, once again, in their disguises to look like us. Everyone was looking at us all funny because they thought that we all hated each other. Guess who thought wrong?

"This is gonna be great!" Danielle, sorry, I mean Caitlyn giggled. It was so hard to call them by their fake names now.

"I know! But the wait is almost over. See? Mark's going over to Chris and Ky- I mean Dylan now." I pointed over to where, truths behold, Mark was walking over to where Chris and Kyle weren't waiting for him. (Okay, they were totally waiting for him there!"

Chris's POV

All according to plan.

"Hey guys, I have a question for you," Mark asked, his tone kind of quiet. Guess he didn't want to be caught talking to a computer geek like me. Figures.

"And what might that be?" I asked as a response.

"How did you mess up with Sara?" Mark asked.


"You obviously did something wrong to get her to break up with you. Now what was it?" Mark explained his odd question. And I honestly hadn't been expecting that.

"I didn't do anything. Sara and I just realized that we're more like… brother and sister than boyfriend and girlfriend," I chose my words carefully.

"What do I have to do with this?" Kyle, I mean Dylan, asked.

"Oh, I really didn't want to talk to you," Mark said.

"I can introduce you to Sara, if you want," Dylan offered.

"Really?" Mark exclaimed. "Thanks dude."

I repeat; all according to plan!

Danny's POV

Now this is getting exciting. Sara, Sam, and I were all waiting for Dylan to throw the line and for Mark to take the bait. And he did. So, now it was our turn to make the catch.

"Ok, guys. Remember how we practiced," Sam repeated for literally the thousandths time.

"Yeah, yeah. Don't be too rough, don't make it obvious that this was a set up," I began rattling off.

"Don't drag it out too long, don't end it too quick, no roundhouse kicks," Sara continued my list.

"Okay, I think we get the point," Sam cut us off. Sara and I giggled. "You two seem more alike than you're supposed to."

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" Sara asked. I burst out laughing. Sam rolled her eyes, but I could tell that she wanted to laugh too. Sam usually did that. Especially when it was Chris that said something funny that got Cathy and me laughing. I wonder….

"Hey, Sara. This is Mark," Dylan said as the three some walked over to us.

"Yeah, I know him. What's up Mark?" Sara asked, her voice sounding a little innocent. I wonder if Sam noticed.

"Um, not much," Mark replied. He seemed nervous. Mark never gets nervous.

"Actually, he wants to ask you something Sara," Chris said.

"Oh? And what might that be?" Sara asked.

"Well, I was wondering if you would go out with me?" Mark asked. Sara seemed to thin about that for a minute.

"You know what Mark? I've only been here for about a week, but I already have an answer for you," Sara replied. Then she picked up a bowl that was full of applesauce. She looked down at the bowl, then, without warning, dumped the bowl on Mark's head.

"I don't date people with applesauce on their heads," Sara said plainly.

"You set me up!" Mark cried.

"Perhaps," Dylan looked all innocent.

"But hey, at least we didn't use chocolate pudding," Sam said. Mark ran away, covered in applesauce.

"That was… AWESOME!" Cathy cheered. "I can't believe it worked!"

"But it did, and that's all that matters," I replied.

And that's the end! I hope you all liked it!

Stay tuned for more stories by BeachBabe123. Coming soon! (Just as soon as I narrow down the idea and figure out the plot.) It'll be soon. Don't worry.

Thanks again!

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