Ai followed behind her young master ever curious on what he had planned. Who was this wolf and why did she need to be tested with him? Didnt her young master trust her abilities...even though she herself didnt trust them. After all she was a half breed and clearly her master was far more powerful then she herself. This brought to light, why was she necessary to him? There had to be a reason behind it all. A plan...a develish plan.
"Get on," Hakudoshi commanded. Ai snapped out of her daze to focus on her master sitting on the fire horse. Entie rawred rearing up making it clear he did not want her near him. Ai rolled her eyes and snorted. " That wasnt a suggestion. ." Ai's eye twitched but she followed as she was commanded and jumped on. Entie bolted off into the sky. "The wolf has 2 shards in his legs. I would like you to retreive them for me."
"Yes, master," Ai spat. The demon horse stopped in the air rearing up. "I can smell him..."
"Good, now go." Hakudoshi commaned pushing her off the fire horse. "And dont fail me."
Hakudoshi's last words sent a chill down Ai's spin. What IF she did fail him? Little time to pounder the thought as the ground came ever closer to her. Ai transformed landing on all four gracefully. Ai sat down and waited. She could smell that he was getting closer to her by the second. Ai thought for a moment, how she should approach the situation at hand. Demon or human.
A hard gust followed by a torando appeared before Ai. She sat infront of a tree, leaning against it. In her more human form she had placed her self as sudctively as she could. Her kimino rest slightly opened revealing her breasts. Her golden hair rest ever so perfetly glittering in the sunlight as her pale skin complemented it. "Whos there!" came a harsh voice from within the tornado.
"Ive been waiting for you wolf." Ai stated peacefully still resting against the tree.
Out of the tornado jumped what she assumed was the wolf her master had been refering too. A young male with long tied back black hair. Dressed in armor and wolfs fur with a tan completction stood infront of her. "Who are you and why do you reak of Naraku?" He growled.
"I am Ai." She started, " I am a nine tailed kitsune. I am being held captive." She tried to make her tone as pitaful as she could. "They took my orb and now i must obey them. Im powerless without it. Any my young master has commanded me to take possesion of your shards, I'm afraid."
~Ai what are you doing?~
"They are using me to find the shards as I can smell them miles away!" She cried throwing herself at him "You have to help me. I cant free myself."
"Smell them?" The wolf poundered? "Interesting. Can you smell any near by?" Ai couldnt help but twitch a ear. This was NOT the reaction she had hoped for. She had expected him to lower his gaurd and try to help her allowing her to get close to retreive the shards as her master had expected. Some how Ai wasnt supprised at this out come. Really she had no idea what she was doing. Or how to be suductive really.
"Y-yes actually. I can smell some to the east of here. Not to far really." She knew it was Inuyasha and his group. "But the smell is reaks of a half breed...and some humans."
"Perfect." Before Ai could question what he was refering to in a flash he was at her. He grabbed her up, bridal style. He glanced down at her a smirk on his face and a glimer in his eyes. In a dash he bolted off to the east. In the distance Ai heard someone cry out 'Koga wait for us!'
Hakudoshi found himself growl in frustration. Something totally out of character for him. What was Ai thinking. He wasnt able to read her mind which frustrated him farther. How had she figured a way to mentally block him? He hit the ground with his fist rising to his feet. Entie bolted to his side snorting. If he had to intervien and reterive her, there would be a harsh punishment. He also found himself rather annoied that the wolf had touched. HIS toy. HIS pawn. HIS property. Hed had to make it clear she wasnt allowed to be touched by ANYONE but him.
Ai held on tight to her new capture. She could feel her powers weakening the farther she got from Hakudoshi. She didnt plan on him grabbing her like this. She was completely unsure on what to do. In a matter of minutes they had stopped and Koga jumped out of the tornado still holding Ai. Landing right infront of Inuyasha and his group.
"Yo." he said cooly setting Ai down next to him. "Long time no stink mutt." Inuysha growled making a grab for his sword. "Dont bother mutt. Im not here to fight you mutt. Im here for...Kagome." he turned his gaze to her bolting over to her. He held her hands in his own staring into her eyes ever so longing. "Im so sorry Kagome. But its not going to work out." Kagome stood there rather confused as Inuyasha growled deeply.
"Stop touching her wolf!" He snapped drawing his sword. "Or ill cut your filthy paws off!" '
"Inuyasha..."Kagome warned sending him a glare, "relax. Koga what are you talking about?"
"Remember how I planned to make you my women after my pack had been avenged against Naraku? Well... I met someone..." Koga let her hands go turning his attention towards Ai. "She can smell the shards. Shes perfect for me!" He dashed over to Ai grabbing her hands. "Im going to make her my women. It just makes more sense. Im sorry Kagome." Ai could tell his anguish was fake but he was dead serious. His look upon her was evident of that. "She is a demon after all...What is your name beautiful?"
"Ai...I didnt and Koga were so close?" Kagome questioned. Ai could hear the pain in her voice. Did this human female actaully have feelings for the half breed AND the wolf? Ai found this rather selfish.
"We're not" Ai snapped pulling her hands away from Koga jumping away. "I just met him. He kidnapped me. I have no idea who he is or what hes planning!" Ai landed next to Inuyasha standing in a fighting stance ready to go. Inuyasha smirked aiming his sword at him.
"Kidnapping now wolf? Pretty low if ya ask me" Inuyasha spat. "Maybe we should take them shards from you and send you home to your dogs." Koga stood confused.
"What are you talking about? You told me Nar-" Ai paniced bolting at him making a slash at him with her claws. Koga easily dodged it landing next to Kagome. "What the hell!" Ai made another attack towards him. She wasnt truely trying but she didnt want him to spill the beans to group.
"I dont know you wolf. I dont want to be your women. And I dont much like being taken against my will!" Ai cried out. "Just leave me alone!"
"What the hell Koga." Maroku shouted in a moment he was at Ai's side trying to comfort her. "There, there." Sango smacked him over the head pulling him away from her. "OW" Inuyasha made a slash at him with his huge sword cutting the ground Koga once stood on, in half.
"Ill be back for you Ai. You WILL be my women!" Koga growled before he was gone in his tornado. Ai breathed a mental sigh of relief.
"Are you alright?" Kagome asked "thats normally not like Koga, i dont know whats gotten into him..." she trailed off biting her thumb as she starred at the place he once stood.
"I-i-i I dont know what happened!" Ai cried breaking into tears. "One second im minding my own business and the next he's got me pinned down..."
"tsht. Sounds like that filthy wolf" Inuyasha said. "Stick with us kid. He wont bother you again. Or else he'll have to deal with me!"
"Inuyasha relax." Kagome commanded. "Something obviously was up with Koga. Maybe he was being controlled or something... The Koga I know wouldnt have tried to hurt her at all..." Inuyasha rolled his eyes turning away from her as he placed his sword back into the sheith.
"Whatever. He could give me a thousand excuses and I wouldnt beleive a one." and with that Inuyasha jump high into a tree ignoring the rest of them.
Ai sighed a breathe of realif maybe now she could get back to her mission... She paniced. She already let her mission go! Koga got away... Hakudoshi would not be pleased with all... And as if on cue she could feel her power returning. Hakudoshi was getting closer...