AN: Yeah! A new story! I know I should be working on Thief's Lament, but it makes me cry. I don't want to end it! I hope you enjoy!

Chapter One: Wipe Out

Somewhere far far away in a different realm of existence angels were in the middle of discussing an important topic. Something that would change the world.

"All right, we all know why we're here. We need to discuss this before it gets out of hand." A young woman with beautiful long flowing blonde hair and fiery green eyes stands up at a little table in the middle of a beautiful white room. Stunning white and blue shimmery wings sprout from her back. A little, almost childlike figure, shrouded in a black cloak, slaps her hands against the table as she stands up from her chair.

"I say we go on strike." A tiny childish voice says from under the hood. A snort echoes across the table. A tall angel leaning back in her chair sneers, marring her beautiful face. Long dark blue hair cascades down the back of the chair, just barely brushing the floor. Her white wings fold into her back as she leans forward, resting her chin in her hand, her other hand plays with a feather.

"Is that really necessary, Kei?" The cloak shakes as the little figure clenches her fist, digging her nails into the table. The figure flips the hood back with a jerk of her head, revealing a round childish face. The girl's golden eyes burn as long algae green hair falls into her face.

"Yes it is. He has been treating us like crap for to many years! I say we nip it in the bud and go on strike!" The young girl, Kei, says.

"Isn't that what Terry said before he went, well we all know where." The blunette says sliding the feather across her plump lips. Kei growls like a feral animal. The blunette flinches back.

"What about all those poor souls? They'll be lost forever." A tiny fragile looking brunette says her white brown spotted wings curling around her. The blonde at the head of the table sighs.

"Well I have a feeling this is not going anywhere, so we will reconvene tomorrow." A groan echoes around the table. "Yes, I know, but this issue needs to be resolved and well I have no ideas." Kei growls flipping her hood back over her head and grabbing her scythe. Flipping the scythe over her shoulder she walks out of the room.

"They're all a bunch of idiots!" Kei yells leaping into the sky as she races out onto a balcony. She hovers in mid-hair for a few seconds before two small black wings sprout from her back. She soars through the sky and gnashes her teeth as wind whips her hair around. She pulls to a halt as she enters the human realm Seeing another figure hovering in mid-air, her eyes widen. Kei grins showing a pair of pointed fangs.

"This just got good."

I blink staring down at the scene of chaos below me. People run around screaming and sirens blare as a fire truck pulls up. Cop cars surround the area. A bunch of firefighters race over to the two intertwined cars, the jaws of life in hand. I clench my shirt in my fists as they drag a screaming boy out of the car and onto a stretcher. What's going on? I gasp as they pull the limp body of girl out of the car and lay her on the road. My eyes widen seeing my own wide frightened eyes staring back at me. That's me.

"Why am I…?" I mumble shaking my head as tears pour down my face. "No, it's not possible." I pause and look down. I blink seeing the ground thirty feet below me. My eyes water as my gaze blurs and twists. I close my eyes and shake my head. I bite my lip to keep myself from vomiting.

"Well, isn't that just sad." I yelp as a voice mutters by my ear. I turn around and scream as a dark hooded figure lurks over my shoulder. "So young to die."

"Wh-Who a-a-are y-y-y-ou?" I stutter leaping backwards. I grab the cross at my throat and clench it in my fist. The hooded figure turns towards me.

"Well, can't you figure it out?" The figure asks laughter in its voice. I shake my head.

"No. It's not possible. I didn't want to die!" I scream tears pouring down my face. I look back down at the scene and sob as a car pulls up. My mother runs from the car, my father not far behind. I cover my ears as her scream echoes in my head, my eyes squeeze shut.

"Afraid?" My eyes shoot open hearing the voice right in front of me. I shiver as white teeth and two fangs appear from under the hood. Two glowing yellow eyes leer at me.

"You don't have to be." I watch as the black hooded figure pulls its hood back to reveal a young girl with algae green hair. She smiles at me and I gasp seeing two black tiny wings.

"You're a demon." I mutter grabbing my cross. The girl rolls her eyes and holds her hand above her head. I watch as little white balls of light glow in her hand. My eyes widen as they begin to take shape. I yelp and leap back as a huge scythe appears in her hand. She grins at me and holds the scythe over her shoulder.

"So, how about a second chance?" The girl asks. I twitch and narrow my eyes at her.

"Wait, are you serious?" The girl grins. In a flash the scythe is against my neck. I yelp and flinch.

"What do you think?" The girl asks. I laugh nervously lean away from the scythe. The girl rolls her golden eyes and pulls the scythe away, resting it against her shoulder.

"Listen. I don't give this chance to too many people, so do you or don't you?" The girl asks. I shake my head and float back.

"No. I'm not going to Hell." I mutter glaring at the girl. The girl groans and heaves a breath.

"You stupid girl. I'm giving a second chance at life! What is wrong with you humans?" The girl shouts waving her scythe. I flinch and jump back.

"Be careful with that!" I shout. "Alright!" I yell. The girl pauses and blinks at me.

"What?" She asks. I sigh.

"Well, maybe…" I say trailing off. The girl grins and hoots happily. I yelp as she leaps at me and squeezes me in a hug.

"Thank Go-" The girl pauses and twitches. "Well, thanks." She mumbles grinning up at me. I smirk and press the cross to her forehead. She blinks at me before narrowing her eyes.

"And what was that supposed to do?" She asks. I laugh and pat her shoulder.

"Well I had to try." I mutter as the girl pulls away. She rolls her eyes and leans the scythe against her shoulder.

"So, you sure?" She asks. "Because in order for you to come back, again, you do have to die, again." I take a shaky breath and look down at the used to be accident scene. People had dispersed during our conversation and the area was clearing of officers.

"I don't have much else where to go, now do I?" I ask looking over at the girl with a small twisted smile and tears pouring down my cheeks. The girl looks away and nods her head.

"Yeah." The girl mumbles. I nod my head and swallow the bile in my throat.

"When I'm reborn, will it be a good life?" I ask. The girl twitches. I smile and nod my head. "I used to think it would be cool to live with Shiori, just for a day." The girl freezes and looks up.

"Shiori who?" The girl asks. I blush and look away.

"Shiori Minamino. She's from the show I like. Yu Yu Hakusho. She's a literal angel in my opinion It's just a stupid anime." I say smiling at the girl. The girl grins and flaps her wings.

"I think I know exactly where I'm going to place you?" I blink and smile.

"Cool." I say. The girl holds a finger in my face.

"But I do have some rules." I nod my head. "I'm gonna have to erase your memory and well," I flinch back as she holds up the scythe. "This might hurt a bit." I scream as she brings the scythe down with all her force. I close my eyes as the tip cuts into my heart.

The angel girl, Kei, grins as the poor innocent girl's soul sucks into the scythe. Kei tosses the scythe up in the air and it disappears in a glow of light. A little orb appears on the necklace around Kei's neck. Kei smiles and closes her eyes as she disappears in a flash. She opens her eyes and looks around. She eeps as a soul zooms past her. She narrows her eyes at the kitsune soul as it enters the pregnant woman's belly.

"Stupid kitsune. That was my pregnant lady!" She yells. "Well, that went out the window. Hm, how about that one?" Kei says looking down at a dirty blonde haired woman with glowing green eyes. Kei grins seeing the rather bulbous belly.

"Bingo!" Kei looks at the glowing orb and plucks it from the necklace. She breathes on the orb and smiles as it turns a beautiful light ginger.

"Enjoy your new life." Kei whispers blowing on the orb. The orb floats from her hand and drifts towards the woman. It lands softly on the woman's belly. The belly glows and the orb slips in. Kei takes a deep breath.

"I hope this is what you want." Kei mumbles disappearing in a gust of black feathers.

Down below in the park, the woman turns around and smiles seeing her friend walking towards her. She walks towards her. The woman pauses and rests her hand on her belly. The woman smiles as the baby kicks around in her belly.

"My little baby."