Paying a debt


I do not like my child keeping things from me… not at all. Pam has been spending a tremendous amount of time with her new friend Sookie. However she will not let me meet Sookie, in fact she goes out of her way to make sure I don't. My child has never had friends, other than me of course. My want to meet this Sookie has nothing to do with jealousy, my child can have friends, and I'm simply being a concerned maker.

"Pam, if you like her so much bring her to me and I will turn her, then you may have your friend forever." I said, trying to appeal to her possessive side to get my way.

"No thank you Master, she would not want to be turned." I let a frown pass my face for fractions of a second, but soon return to my standard cool exterior.

"Why do you care if she would want to be turned?" This makes no sense why would she not want to have her friend forever, and why does she hide her from me?

"Because she is my friend and I care if she is unhappy, that is why I do not want you to meet her. She is a proper lady and not a feed and fuck and if you were to use and discard her like a standard blood bag then she would cry, and I do not like it when she cry's." This Sookie must really be something if her simple human tears upset my child. I will just simply refrain from feeding and fucking her.

"What if I agree not to feed from or fuck her?" I ask, when Pam's phone rings. I indicate that she may answer. She leaves the room so I can only hear her side of the conversation.

"NO NO! We agreed I would pick you up."

"I don't care if it is out of the way; I get off in 40 minutes."

"It's just a bar; you don't want to see it."

"Sookie, I am not hiding things from you."

"Fine you may see the outside, but please wait in the car I will be out as soon as you arrive." Then I hear my child giggle, yes giggle like a school girl and say.

"What did she say about me?"

"Oh I am so in! I will see you in five minutes."

Sookie will be frequenting my bar in five minutes. This is an interesting development. I will give Pam a task that will take 30 so I may get a good look at the Sookie that has MY Pam so preoccupied. Pam returns to my office and say's.

"My apologies, I had a personal matter to attend to." I act as if I do not care and then say.

"Its fine, I need you to make yesterdays deposit before you leave for the evening." The look on her face is pure horror as she looks at the clock and back to me. Then she says.

"Yes, master." And leaves my office with her head hung. I do not like upsetting her, but I must see this Sookie for my own eyes. As soon as I know she is gone I sneak outside to watch the parking lot. We are closed for the night so the only cars left are employees and humans who drank too much and called a cab. Then about a minute later I see a bright yellow mustang convertible drive up, It was being driven by hands down the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, this must be Sookie.

She is talking on the phone so I hover above her so I may ease drop.

"Pam, I will wait for you inside, no one will eat me, and you know I can take care of myself."

"I'm doing it Pam and you can't stop me."

"Pam stop it you know I can't be yours, I'm sorry you know the reasons."

"Okay, I will wait in your office. Bye"

Why on earth could she not be my child's pet? I can think of no reason, now I must get to the bottom of this. I quickly go back inside and into my child's office. I sit in the chair and face away from the door… I have always liked to make an entrance. I heard the door handle jiggle and I was practically bursting with excitement by this point. I heard the little footsteps as she went to the couch and sat down. I spun around at vampire speed and flashed her a fangy smile. Then she threw up some sort of shield and screamed.

"NIALL!" Oh shit, how the hell does she know who that is? I took a sniff; Pam's friend is a fucking fairy… well now I'm pissed. I take a defensive crouch and then hear a "pop" and see Niall Brignat standing in front of Sookie defensively, before recognizing me and standing up. I too stand and wait to see what happens.

"Sookie what is the matter?" he asks confused, she wipes tears from her face and say's.

"I think he was going to eat me."

"Oh child no, this is Pam's maker Eric, even if he had bitten you I could not have done anything I owe him debt." I growl, he has met my child? Pamela knew of her connection to the fairy prince?

"Calm down Eric, I have never met your child. I simply smelled your essence on Sookie one day but it was diluted so I knew it had to be a child of yours and knowing you have only ever made one child I knew it was Pam. It seems she and Sookie have become fast friends, they are next door neighbors you know." Niall say's, I calm a little at that omission. Then I have an Idea of how I may secure my child's friend for her.

"Niall, about that debt, I would like to call it in now."

"Yes Eric what can I do for you?" He sits and strokes Sookies hair and gives her a kiss on the top of her head. She is obviously family and relatively close family at that.

"I would like Sookie." He look's shocked then he looks worriedly at Sookie who just smiles at him and say's.

"I will assume your debt, it's not like you were going to find a Fae willing to mate with me anyway."

"Sookie you don't have too, I would never force you to take my debt." Niall said in a pleading tone.

"Grandpa shush, Pam say's he is a good and fair master and has never commanded her to do anything she does not want to do unless she is in danger and I won't allow you to forfeit your life to keep me free that would not do anyone any good." She gets up and kneels at my feet baring her neck and says.

"I assume my grandfathers debt."

"You are Fae I cannot mark you, I could kill you." I said helping her back to her feet. I don't know why but I just feel it wrong for her to bow to me.

"Oh I'm only a quarter so I'm just extra tasty, sometimes I let Pam have a swig or two." I just rub my hands up and down her arms and lean down to look her in the eyes and say.

"Not tonight, you are not beholden to me I only wish to have you to give to my child and offer you the protection you deserve." I am beginning too see why Pam is so taken with her. Then she lunges forward and wraps her tiny hands around my body and gives me a lingering hug. I sigh and return the hug, I don't know why but I feel very happy in her embrace. Of course in that moment Pam walks in and looks heartbroken and say's.

"You can have anyone, why her master?" I see a single red tear run down her face as she leaves the room; I can feel her pain and… betrayal? In the bond, she thinks I have betrayed her. I must go explain before she gets the wrong idea.

"Vampire I will take my leave, be good to my Sookie." And with that he is gone; I disentangle myself from a concerned looking Sookie and say.

"Sit here and stay… please." Then I went to find Pam, I found her lying on my couch crying. I have only seen Pam cry a few times over the last 250 years or so, I must explain that I did this for her.

"Pamela…" I start but she cuts me off.

"Master why was there a fairy in my office?"

"Niall is Sookies grandfather, she is Fae. I cashed in a debt to acquire her for you; she is mine and by extension yours. I did it so you could keep your friend forever or at least until she perishes, I now understand why you would not want me to turn her, who knows how a Fae would take the turn." Pam sat up and wiped her face and said.

"You cashed in your debt to the fairy for me? Oh thank you Eric!" she gave me a big hug, And said.

"This is wonderful! Now I can bring our Sookie inside the house, she smells so good it will be better than fabreze for the humans!"

"About that, how has she lived next door to us for so long and I have never seen her?" I ask.

"It was a lot of work master, I met her before work one night and we hit it off she knew what I was and I knew she was 'other' but I was not sure until now. I always made sure to patrol for her before you left and if she was out I would make an excuse for her to go back inside." I laughed, but abruptly stopped when Sookie 'popped' in grabbing Pam's arm and my hand. Then next thing I knew, the world was being sucked away and I was in a black tunnel that felt like it was crushing me. Then we were suddenly released and I was standing with the rest of my vampire staff in a room I did not recognize, wondering what the fuck happened. Then Sookie Popped away again leaving us all looking at each other puzzled. Pam got up off the floor and said.

"Why would Sookie bring us to her home?" Then I thought, yes why the hell am I not at my bar? When Sookie popped back in she was being held by three humans, her clothes were torn and her face bloody, the magic from her 'pop' had not even dissipated before one of them shot her. All she got out before she fell to the ground was.

"Fellowship, bombed." I caught her before she could hit the ground and barked out.

"Secure them now!" I carried her into the room that smelled the strongest of her assuming it was her bed room. Pam walked in and said.

"Eric, heal her please." I simply nodded and bit into my wrist and held it to her mouth willing her to drink. After a few moments she latched on and began to suckle. I removed my wrist when she had enough. Then my phone rang.

"Northman." I answered.

"This is Andre, Fangtasia was bombed were there any casualties?"

"None of my vampire staff was harmed, we managed to all escape into time. We have three of the perpetrators in custody." I kept the details vague not wanting to alert them to Sookie, it is not critically important to me to ensure her safety and wellbeing.

"Good I will contact the AVL for you goodnight." And then we hung up and I turned to Pam and said.

"How did she know and did you know she could do that?"

Sookie began to stir and said.

"No she didn't know, and I'm a telepath, it's one of my many skills." I stared at her wide eyed, before she continued. "I could not save your humans, you will have to re-staff. Hey why can I tell that you're relived, and amused, a little angry and a lot horny? SHIT! Eric did you give me blood?" I shrugged and said.

"You needed healing; I did not want you to die." She popped up and yelled.

"What were you thinking? I'm Fae; I would have healed in a day or two! Now I'm bonded to you forever!" I don't know what she is talking about; it takes three exchanges to create a bond.

"Simmer down Sookie, I did not know you would heal on your own and it takes three exchanges to create a bond."

"That only counts with humans who have no magic of their own! Fae and vampires bond on the first exchange and it does not even have to be mutual." Then she started to cry and it was breaking my heart, her emotions were so strong in me I could hardly function.

"Why are you so upset?"

"Because, you're bound to me with Fae magic also now and I don't even know you. You have been marked as my mate." I am a little taken aback. I just sit on the bed next to her and say.

"Why have I never heard of this?"

"Because most Fae don't survive long enough around you guys for a blood exchange, that's why we can't be turned, and now if you die I will die and vice versa." I gasp and look at her hoping she is going to be very long lived.

"Don't worry, as long as you don't meet the business end of a steak I will stay alive, for all intensive purposes you turned me, I'm immortal now, just without the taste for blood or need to sleep during the day." I can't help but feel pleased; even if it was not intentional I now have something no one else can ever have.

"Stop felling so fucking smug! Your fucked because of the fairy magic you will literally not be able to feed or fuck anyone other than me or drink synthetic and I don't even know you so I will not be putting out anytime soon. I have been holding onto my virginity way too long to just give it up because you're hungry and horny." She smiled at me and now that bitch was feeling smug…

"This cannot be true."

"Oh it is, even just try to kiss Pam." I look at Pam for her approval; she just waves me over with her hands. I try, I want to but I can't, the only person I want is Sookie! I finally walk away from Pam and punch the wall leaving a huge hole and scream.

"FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!" Sookie get's up and right in my face and say.

"Listen here Mister, you're going to either fix that or have that fixed! This is not my fault it's not like I was snatching your blood in the daytime and I would have warned you if I had been awake. Now say sorry for punching my wall and making a mess!" Who the hell does she think she is, I could crush her.

"I could kill you with a flick of the wrist, you will respect me."

"Ya, first of all Fairy Princess trumps vampire Sheriff, I have more political sway by birth rights than you ever will, and also to harm me would be to harm yourself and we all know you would never do that." I just stare at her wide eyed as she continues.

"We have a clusterfuck to clean up so let's get the prisoners into my basement. You can say sorry later, don't think I will let that go." I just walk behind her out of the room, trying to will the bond away. She directs Chow and Talia to a wall that she waves her hand in front of lifting some magic and opening a door. She leads us into not a basement but a full blown torture chamber; maybe she will not be so bad after all?