AN: For those of you who are reading my Characters Read DH story, I'm Sorry. I have not abandoned the story. In fact I have the next three chapters written but was really unhappy with them. Just before the holidays I started editing them and fixing them up a bit but my mind hasn't really been in the right place. Between holiday travel, family emergencies, and the unexpected loss of a good friend I've pushed all my writing aside. I have begun working on it again and hope to have an update in the next few days or so.

That being said this is an idea that's been floating around in my head lately and I need to get it out. I don't have it completely outlined yet because I want to put more of my energy into finishing Unexpected chance.

This is a time travel fic. Yes I know there are a ton of them out there so it may not be a great concept but I need to get it out of my head. Instead of the usual Hermione or one of the trio go back in time I am sending Tonks back. Give this a chance and please let me know what you think. I love feedback and any suggestions for this story would be greatly appreciated.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything affiliated with Harry Potter.

Chapter 1

She knew she should not be here. She should be home with her son instead of risking her life but the idea of sitting idly by while others fought and possibly died was not something she could stand. Now with the chaos around her, adrenaline pulsing through her veins, she finally began to feel fearful. She was not afraid of the fight. She was not afraid of pain or injury. She was not afraid to die. The fear she felt was for her son. She had just seen her husband fall.

He had been fighting Dolhov just has Aberforth had said but when he saw her his focus was shaken just for a second. That second was more than enough time for the Death Eater to gain the advantage. There was nothing she could do. Even if she could have gone to him she knew he was lost. Before she could take another step a sinister green light flew past her barely missing its mark. She raised her wand to retaliate and saw who it was that threw the deadly curse. Bellatrix. How ironic that it would be her aunt that she would fight.

The two witches threw curse after curse at one another both dueling to kill. Tonks was skilled and powerful but Bella was deadly. The dark haired witch had a thirst for pain and death. The fear that Tonks was feeling was for her son. If she lost, if she was killed he would be alone, both parents gone. She knew Harry would love Teddy as a son but Harry was more at the center of this war than anyone. There was no guarantee he would survive. Tonks fired off a powerful stunner quickly followed by a binding spell hoping to incapacitate her opponent but Bellatrix was fast she blocked the first and dodged the second. Before Tonks could even think of defending herself the deranged witch laughed cruelly and fired another deadly curse at her prey.

The jet of green light hit the younger witch directly in the chest. Everything went black.

Tonks had never thought much about the afterlife. She had once heard Dumbledore say that death was but the next great adventure. She knew that some muggle religions believed that when you die you are sent to heaven which could be anything from living in the clouds among angels with harps or in some form of your own personal paradise. What she did not think she was encounter was a cold stone. Cold stone was all she could feel. She was not floating on white fluffy clouds. She was not in a beautiful garden surrounded by those she loved. All she could feel was cold stone.

Slowly she opened her eyes and took in her surroundings. It was only a moment before she realized she was in the trophy room at Hogwarts. She jumped to her feet clutching her wand ready to defend herself. She briefly wondered what had happened that Bellatrix's curse had not worked. She was quite obviously still alive. She could feel the soreness of her muscles and the quick beats of her heart.

Whipping around looking for any sign of a threat she realized she was utterly alone. There was no noise, no sounds of the battle that had just been raging around her. The chaos and destruction that had been surrounding the castle and fighters was gone. The trophy room itself was pristine. What is going on? She thought desperately.

Flashes of the battle came to her mind. Black cloaks, firing deadly curses at anyone in their way. Professors, students, order members, all allies, some friends, and some loved ones were falling around her. Her throat became tight as the image of Remus flashed in her mind.

"NO! Stop, thinking of these things and figure out what is going on now." She said to herself.

Her auror training kicked in and she began to think logically about her situation. Okay so clearly no battle is happening here. But even if the fight was over there would still be signs that it happened. So that means either a large amount of time has passed or the battle has not started. How could that be possible?

She closed her eyes and sank back to the floor, thinking of all the possibilities. She knew that someone just leaving her lay there while they fixed the castle around her would never have happened. Therefore being after the battle was simply not a possibility. This meant that the battle had not yet begun. But this again left her with the how question. Suddenly she grabbed the clasp holding her cloak on her shoulders.

"I am an idiot." She muttered to herself as she looked down at the small gold charm. The hourglass was broken but it was clear that the charm had been a time turner. She couldn't believe she had been careless enough to grab this particular cloak in her haste to leave the safety of home for the danger of war. Before she could berate herself for this mistake she again thought about her situation.

She had never heard of a time turner being activated by blocking a curse but it seemed to the most logical explanation. If she was correct in her thinking the next question is how far back had she traveled? Remus had received word that Harry had arrived at Hogwarts in the late evening. It did not matter how much time she had before everyone would be alerted to Harry's arrival and the impending battle. Tonks knew that she needed to get to the only person who could help her now. Even a few extra minuets warning could make all the difference.

If she could alert the professors and the order sooner there was a chance a lot of lives could be saved. She could keep Remus alive. With that thought her breath caught. She quickly made her way to the doors leading toward the great hall. Before opening the door her auror instincts kicked in again. It would not be wise to be seen. Snape and the Carrows know of her affiliation with the order and being spotted would be the worst possible thing to happen. Having this in mind she quickly cast a disillusionment charm on herself before quietly stepping out into the hall.

An urgent knocking woke Minerva McGonagall from sleep. She had only made her way to her chambers a half an hour before so she was surprised to have this unexpected intrusion. Upon opening the door to her quarters she was abruptly greeted by a shocking sight.

"Minerva, hurry we need to alert the order. Harry, Ron, and Hermione will be here soon. Voldemort will follow soon after. We need to get the students out of the school and prepare. It's bad and I don't know how much time we have but we have to act before Snape realizes what is happening." The young witch spoke so quickly the transfiguration professor had difficulty understanding her.

"Wh…" She was interrupted when the witch grabbed her arm.

"Please Minerva there is no time."

Professor McGonagall stiffened at the contact. "So you have already said but would you please explain to me who exactly are these Harry, Ron, and Hermione persons you mentioned? What they have to do with you know who and what Mr. Snape has to do with any of this?"

When Minerva finished with her queries Tonks flinched back and was visibly shaken. She looked at the witch in front of her curiously. It all began to make more sense, or less sense, depending on how she looked at the situation. Making her way through the castle had been exceptionally easy. It was quiet, peaceful even. In the last year Tonks could not think of a time that she had truly felt peaceful, not even as she and Remus welcomed their son into the world. Looking at the witch in front of her she saw that this Minerva McGonagall was younger than she had last seen her.

"Oh," She breathed. "Oh no. How far back did I go?"

Minerva stood silently waiting for the obviously injured and confused witch to answer her questions. She seemed to deflate as the questions sunk in to her mind. Normally Minerva McGonagall did not tolerate tasteless jokes or inconsiderate behavior. Had it not been for the fact that it was clear that the witch in front of her had been through something dangerous she would have been much less accommodating.

"Why don't you come in and sit down it seems that you are quite confused. Maybe you could explain to me exactly what has happened to you to put you in this state and we can then get you the care you need." McGonagall said with uncharacteristic sympathy in her voice.

Tonks who had been lost in her thoughts sighed upon hearing this. "Professor, what is the date, specifically the year?"

Minerva was confused by the question but answered none the less. "It is May 2nd 1978." She watched as shock registered on the young witch's face before being replaced by desperate longing.

"Twenty years." Tonks muttered. She was absolutely devastated. She had traveled back twenty years. She had thought she would be able to help sway the battle in the right direction but what could she do when she was not even in the right decade. Everyone would still fight and still die or be injured. Lives and families would be forever changed. Teddy would never know what happened to his mother and would be without a father. There was nothing she could do from this time, bloody hell she was only five years old in this time.

Five years old. Wait if she is only five then Harry hasn't been born. Voldemort was powerful during this time but he had yet to take over the ministry. This time was prepared for fighting against his evil, they had not been left in the dark by incompetent bureaucrats. Maybe just maybe there was something she could do that would lead to a better future.

"Dumbledore!" Tonks nearly shouted. Minerva flinched back at the unexpected exclamation. "Professor I need to see the headmaster right away please… I know how to get to his office but I… well can you please take me there? It would do me no good to go alone as I do not know the password."

Minerva bristled at this. She had been willing to aid the witch in healing and lessening her confusion but this was simply not acceptable. "Excuse me! I have no idea whom you may be, how you came to be in the castle and you would like me to simply show you around? This is not a safe time and those of us who allow the wrong person into our midst could very well pay a steep price."

"Yes Professor I know this, I believe I know this better than you. As I said I know where the headmaster's office is located. I can go there myself." Tonks could hear the rudeness of her tone but did not care. "I felt that it would have been better for you to escort me instead of me walking around the castle at night or standing outside the headmaster's office reciting every wizard and muggle sweet known to man. I need to speak to Dumbledore. You are more than welcome to stay and hear what I have to say but I will see him with or without your assistance."

The transfiguration professor could tell by the tone of voice and determination in the young witch's eyes that she would not be deterred from her goal. She knew that she would not be able to stop her from seeking out the headmaster. It was a mixture of trust gained from the statement about sweets and passwords and the curiosity this strange girl had awoken in her that caused Minerva to huff, shut her chamber door, and lead her toward Dumbledore's office.

To say that it is difficult to surprise Albus Dumbledore would be a great understatement. However, when his deputy headmistress knocked on his door late at night with a battle worn young witch with vivid pick hair in tow he was to say the least surprised. His surprises did not end there for this unknown witch had quite a story to go along with her unexpected arrival.

Tonks entered the headmaster's office feeling a mixture of emotions. She was anxious, but also fearful. She was unsure of how Albus Dumbledore would take her news but she would not allow him to stop her from doing anything she could to make a better future. This determination did not stop the dread she felt for it had been almost two year since she had seen this man alive. The loss had been hard on the entire wizarding world.

"Minerva, I assume our guest is the reason for your visit." Dumbledore spoke looking briefly to the professor before resting his gaze on the unknown witch.

"I'm sorry for the intrusion Albus but she insisted on seeing you although I have yet to understand why or decide if this is advisable."

"Headmaster I will explain everything but first I must say something. I know that what I am about to say will not go a long way to gaining your trust but it has to be said. After I tell you my story and how I came to the school tonight I will do what I feel is right. Nothing you say can dissuade me from taking action with the knowledge that I have." Tonks stated forcefully.

"I see. Well why don't we all sit and you can begin this … explanation." The headmaster said in a restraining tone.

Tonks took a deep breath as she decided how to begin. "I assume you are both familiar with this." She showed them the broken time turner. "I was given this after I finished my training as an auror. We sometimes use them on assignments. I attached mine to a cloak that I only wear when I know I will be using it. That is until tonight. In my haste I grabbed this cloak without realizing it. It is because of the time turner that I am here."

McGonagall interrupted "It is my understanding that a time turner moves you through time not locations so this does not explain how you came to be in the castle."

"It did not move me from my previous location. I was in the castle when it was activated." Tonks said before realizing how difficult it was to actually explain what happened to her. "Maybe I should start by introducing myself. My name is Nymphadora Lupin nee Tonks." She saw recognition when she stated her married name but neither professor spoke. "I am twenty five years old but I was born in 1973."

This was the second of many surprises Dumbledore had for the night. "Are you telling me Miss… um Mrs. Lupin that you traveled two decades with your time turner?"

Tonks nodded. "I am. If you would like to check my heritage my Father is Ted Tonks, muggle born. My mother is Andromeda Tonks nee Black. If you were to inquire about her daughter you would find that she is a clumsy child who has an affinity for pink hair but likes to change her appearance with her mood. You see she is a metamorphmagus." As she said this she changed her hair blue and gave herself a pig nose.

Seeing that neither professor made a move to speak she changed her appearance back to normal and continued. "Most of my life was spent in a peaceful society as Voldemort was defeated in 1981. Most everyone believed him to be dead…"

Dumbledore raised his hand. "I must ask you to stop my dear. I believe you are telling us the truth about your origins but it is unwise to know too much about the future."

Tonks sighed looking at both professors before speaking. "This is why I said I will do what I believe is right. Headmaster…. Albus, I have knowledge that can end this war sooner and hopefully with less death and destruction. I intend to use this knowledge. I do not know everything I need to in order to stop Voldemort himself but I had hoped that you would be willing to help me. I am well informed on the laws of time travel but I know of no way to return to my time and I CANNOT be here and do nothing."

"While I understand your need to act I do not believe it advisable do risk changing the future." McGonagall spoke for the first time. "I'm sure we could aid you in finding a way to return to your time."

Tonks could feel herself getting angry. "Tell me have either of you ever heard of a wizard traveling such an amount of time? Have either of you heard of a time turner being activated when hit with the Killing curse. That is how I ended up here. You have no idea how dangerous it is in my time. I have studied time travel because of my auror training and our need to use these objects. There have been three other wizards whom have traveled extensive time periods. One year, five years and ten years, all in controlled environments but those wizards stopped aging until their um… how do I explain this… until they caught up with themselves." She shrugged it was difficult to understand when talking about time travel. "When they caught up to the age they were when they activated the time turner they actually rejoined themselves. It's all quite odd and I won't pretend to fully understand it but as in my time there has never been a way to travel forward in time I doubt there is such a thing now. This means I am stuck here. Now knowing that I will act with or without your support would you like to hear what I know?"

Both Dumbledore and McGonagall remained silent after hearing what the young witch had to say. Tonks waited for a response. She wanted their help but she would not force them into that situation. She was almost certain that Dumbledore…the future Dumbledore, knew exactly what happened when Harry was a year old. She knew that she did not have all the information that she needed but she was hoping with the aid of the professors they would be able to make great strides in ending Voldemort.

She could see the hesitation in the eyes of both professors and it frustrated her. Hesitant and unsure is something that she had never known Albus Dumbledore to be and had very rarely known Minerva McGonagall to act as such. "I can see you are both struggling with this and I truly do want and need your help so let me put things differently. I know the risks of what I am suggesting. I realize that Voldemort could end up more powerful or that not everyone may be saved, and most importantly that some people who I knew to exist twenty years from now may not if we change things." Tonks reached into her pocket and pulled out a picture of a small child. "This is my son, my one month old son. I know the risks. I know that there is a chance that I may never have the most precious thing in the world to me but… Ugh. I can name over two dozen people who will die between now and my time. These people are your students past present and future, your friends. I know the risks but those are only possibilities, the deaths I know about are definite if I do nothing. Tell me could you do nothing if you were me?"

Minerva spoke first. "No I could not. I will listen and do anything I can to help you."

They both looked at Dumbledore waiting for his response. Tonks could see he was still hesitant and decided on one more round of persuasion. "Sir, I would never have used my time turner to come here. I know the laws. A random happening sent me back to a time that gives me this chance. If you had such a lucky twist of fate would you not act?"

Dumbledore's mind went immediately to the only thing in his life he would want to change. He knew the pain of loss and confusion. He could not in good conscience say he would not take action if presented with the opportunity. "Alright my dear let us hear all that you know."

Tonks told them about the prophecy that put the Potters into hiding. She explained she did not know the full extent of the prophecy nor did she know who it was that relayed the information to Voldemort. She explained that the prophecy could have meant Harry or Neville but for some reason Voldemort had targeted Harry.

"No one really knows what happened that night but Voldemort vanished and Harry was legendary. I heard Harry once tell Sirius that there was truly nothing special about him that he had survived because his mother sacrificed herself for him." Dumbledore nodded but said nothing, he was beginning to realize that Tom may have done much more evil than he had realized.

Tonks continued with the story explaining Peter's betrayal, to which McGonagall was expressed her amazement that three of her students had become animegi by their fifth year. Tonks hoped they would not get in trouble because she shared this fact but was assured that as the three students in question would be graduating within the month and are all of age they would not be punished.

"When Sirius went to look for Peter, Hagrid took Harry to you at his aunt and uncle's home where he spent the next ten years of his life. Harry never spoke much about his time with his relatives but from the little I have heard he was not treated well at all. Despite this Harry turned into a wonderful man. He gained confidence over the years and has always done his best to help others. Over the last few years I have had the… pleasure of hearing about his school years. It seems to me that he may have found a way to fight Voldemort even if he had never known about wizards.

She told them the little amounts she knew of Harry's first and second year. Most of what she knew about the Chamber incident came from Ginny Weasley. When the family first came to stay at headquarters Ginny asked to speak to Tonks about the experience. She had said that she had few female friends and while Hermione was a great friend she was much too logical to offer the emotional support Ginny had been looking for. Tonks had listened to the young girl relive her first year and the fear it still caused within her and was appalled by what the poor girl had gone through.

"So Harry not only entered the chamber but also destroyed this memory of Tom?" Dumbledore asked softly.

Tonks nodded explaining that Ginny had told her she woke to find Harry holding the destroyed diary and a basilisk fang. She briefly explained the next year as she had already told them of Sirius' fate there was not much to add to that tale.

When she continued she was able to explain Voldemort's resurrection and subsequent rise to power in more detail. The future Dumbledore had given the Order members a detailed account as to what happened to Harry the night of the final Tri wizard task and Tonks had been involved in much of the happenings from then on.

"The Minister refused to believe that Voldemort had returned?" questioned McGonagall. "So in essence he hindered our ability to resist him." She continued appalled.

"Yes and because of this another life was lost on Ministry grounds." She told them of Harry's visions. While she did not know the extent of his dreams she knew that he had these visions as they are what saved Arthur's life. She explained what happened the night Sirius died. She also explained the actions of Snape.

"I do not know what he did to gain your trust Albus but it soon became apparent that trust had been misplaced." After making this statement she told them how Dumbledore would often leave the castle during Harry's sixth year only stating he was acting to gain information to help defeat Voldemort. She told them of the injury Dumbledore had sustained at the beginning of that year and how Snape had said it was a powerful curse that could very well have killed the headmaster. When she explained the events that happened the night Dumbledore was killed she fought back tears of sadness and anger.

"He killed Albus?" McGonagall exclaimed. Tonks nodded sadly.

"It was then we realized his true allegiance. I do not know what you said to Harry but for the last year he and his friends have been… on a mission. He told Remus that this mission was something that you gave him and no one else other than Ron and Hermione could be involved. Many in the wizarding world believe he was simply running but too much happened for that to be true. We would get word of sightings as we were out of contact with him during this time. We know that they entered the Ministry and freed a number of Muggle borns who were accused of stealing their magic. Shortly before the war came to a vital point we received word that they broke into a Gringotts Vault and…" Tonks laughed. "They escaped on a dragon."

McGonagall gasped while Dumbledore looked quite intrigued. "It sounds like young Mister Potter is quite the determined wizard. You do not know what it was that they took from the vault" He asked.

"No. Not long after this news Remus received word through the students who were a part of the group Harry formed in his fifth year, Dumbledore's Army that the trio had arrived at Hogwarts. Everyone believed they were going to make a stand against Snape and the other Death Eaters that were running the school. This we knew would draw Voldemort's attention as it was the first time in almost a year that Harry's whereabouts were known. This brings me full circle as it was during the battle that I was hit by the killing curse cast by Bellatrix Lestrange that sent me here."

When Tonks finished speaking all in the room were silent. Even the portraits were quiet, staring at the time traveling witch in awe. It seemed like hours before Dumbledore spoke. "I can see why you are so adamant about changing the future and I believe that you understand the possible consequences. You have given me much to think about, not in the least is who if anyone to share this information with. There is still much we do not know but the information you have shared has given me some possible explanations for actions taken by my future self. I believe it is best if you go to the hospital wing and have your injuries healed. Minerva will make arrangements for your sleeping quarters. We will meet tomorrow and discuss our next course of action."

McGonagall and Tonks stood to take their leave but halted at one last statement from the headmaster. "I believe it is best if you remain unseen until we speak again Mrs. Lupin" He said her name with a smile and bright twinkle in his eye.