Story- Rumored to be True (R.t.b.T.) One-shot series: The Ponderations of a Victim

Author- Alasyn of Crimson Amethyst

Genre- Tragedy/ Angst

Characters- Chloe Saunders

Summary- Chloe was always perceived as small and frail and she always tried her best to convince those she trusts different. If only she could survive the night in order to make that attempt a reality. Unfortunately, tonight only proves that what everyone else presumes is true.

Type- AU/AH- No Powers, One-shot.

Rated: M- For adult content and reference to sexual assault.

Dedication- This goes by request to Aria Soul. Thanks so much for being a continuous follower and the adorable picture of orphan Derek from The Intentionally Forgotten.

Author's Note- Aria wanted to know what was going through Chloe's head while Liam was attacking her between chapters 15 and 16 of Rumored to be True. I want to shy away from Chloe with this plot because I feel like we have a good idea of who she is from all the other fiction, but she does deserve her say every once and a while, so this thought was diminished.

Also, join the commission guys on facebook! Find Lauren and I on our page, titled Alasyn Lauren.


Disclaimer- Okay… do I have to do this every time? It's humiliating enough that I don't own Darkest Powers. Damn it.

Trapped like a cornered cat... the exact opposite of what he told me to do.

The Ponderations of a Victim

After halftime came and went, the game felt like it drowned on for hours. At least, that's how it felt for Chloe. Sure, usually the games were long-winded and overrated, proving to be a giant snore for Chloe as she rather be anywhere but here, at the school, after hours, longer than she was forced to be. But tonight, she wanted to be here. Not for the game of course, and definitely not for the half time show. She may be on the dance team, but nothing contracted her feelings for the sport. It was a complicated relationship Chloe liked to keep to herself. Unfortunately, Rae, a childhood friend knew the dynamics behind her motivation to remain on the team and she had spilled to beans to not only Mila and Amber, but Derek as well.

Derek. Of all people, she had to tell him, who back then, when he had been informed, he had no place to know anything that personal about Chloe. Not that she didn't think about telling him herself, in the future though, if they had some sort of future. She wanted to have some sort of future with Derek.

And that was the very reason why she wanted to be at this game. She was meeting him after so that they could talk. God, they had so much to talk about. In nearly two short months Chloe had befriended Derek- or something like that, their relationship was still very intricate and indefinable, but she liked to think of him as a friend nonetheless- been 'rescued' a number of times by the guy, felt some sort of connection that was different than anything Chloe ever felt towards guys like Nate, Brady, and Derek's own brother, Simon, fought with the hard-headed jerk countless times, and revealed far too much personal information for her liking. But she did like it. She liked him. That's what she wanted to talk about.

But, what Derek wanted to talk about was completely beyond her.

So here she was, suffering through the last play of the game while she bounced her legs unnervingly from her seat upon the bleachers, huddling deeper into the extremely thin jacket she was wearing in the December chill. Whether this was the winning play or not, Chloe didn't care. The heroic story of Liam and- or- Brady taking the win was overkill. Chloe could almost assume they planned on slacking until the very end, making their victory seem even more- victorious. This game was ridiculous anyways. It was like the team no longer played for the fun of it but the fame in it.

Finally, all too predictably, Liam pivoted around a blitz and took forty yards for a touchdown. It was a good thing he had his looks and his gaming skills in life, otherwise, people would actually see Liam for the creep he was. He played this game, where if something crossed his path that he couldn't have, he had to have it, and he would stop at nothing to have it.

Unfortunately, that thing was currently Chloe.

Chloe shuddered, deciding not to think about Liam and his constant forwardness with her. His uncomfortable gazes and attempts of touches, the way he just looked at her screamed predator. It didn't matter. Liam wasn't going to touch her.

Not with Derek around.

As much as she hated Derek being on active Chloe guard duty, she couldn't deny that it was keeping a distance between her and Liam. It wasn't necessarily getting Liam to back off, but with Derek's promise to keep Liam from hurting her, how sincere he was when he made that vow, Chloe believed him. And she wanted to keep it that way.

Chloe remained on the bleachers aimlessly, not willing to retire to the locker rooms quite yet if Derek was going to meet her like he had said after the game. The other girls from the dance team passed, some giving her silent goodbyes, while others passed her questioning looks. Chloe ignored them, glancing around the field for the person in question who wanted to talk to her.

"Waiting for someone?" Chloe was pulled from her search once Rae took a strong position in front of her, leaning back against the railing of the bleachers and crossing her arms. Her eyes bore down on Chloe in distaste and judgment, emotions and accusations Rae had no right in holding.

"If it's really any of your business, Rae, I'm waiting for Derek," Chloe said evenly. Her and Rae weren't on the best of terms as of the current moment and it was because of Rae's superficial, selfish behavior.

"Of course you are," Rae said just as flatly. "Can't get enough of the guy, can you? It's just sad, whatever you're going through, I thought you would handle it better than trailing after some bully-"

"You know everything I'm going through and been going through for almost ten years, Rae. I trusted you with that and you ran your mouth to not only Mila and Amber, but Derek-"

"It isn't like you weren't going to tell him anyways," Rae sneered.

"What's your point? It's my problem to share, not yours," Chloe said sharply. "I don't think you've realized this, maybe I haven't made myself very clear. You've blotched this friendship, Rae. I don't trust you."

"And yet you trust this guy," Rae questioned incredulously. "He shows up out of nowhere with a huge reputation over his head-"

"You don't know anything," Chloe barked, eyes flashing with hostility as the feelings she's been receiving second hand from spending time with Derek finally hit her as words. "Did you ever stop to consider, as much of a shocker it may come to you, that none of the rumors about Derek are true."

"I'm sure he's got you wrapped around his meaty finger, Chloe," Rae muttered, narrowing her eyes. "Whatever. Go ahead and believe him. I don't care. I hope you two live happily ever after."

"It's not like that-" Chloe started, but stopped herself. What was the point?

"I hope that when the truth comes out, it hits you hard, Chloe. And don't come crying to me when it does," Rae hissed, shoving passed Chloe as she stepped down the bleachers. All Chloe could do was let her go. There was nothing she could say because Rae wasn't willing to listen. Rae's real problem was the fact that she didn't think about anything other than herself, and Chloe was done with it. Rae had betrayed her, and that was it. There was nothing to be done.

Chloe simmered on her and Rae's 'conversation' for five more minutes before deciding that Derek must have made his way to the locker rooms to wait for her. Maybe that was where they were supposed to meet. They didn't really dive into all the details because the nameless front office receptionist had cut her and Derek's time short. It was obviously done purposefully, out of the secretary's transparent disdain for Derek. Chloe could see it in her cold, beady eyes. The way she looked at him. The way everyone looked at him. It was as if they thought he would lose control at any given moment, like he was a monster. But nobody knew him, and Chloe's fists clenched knowing that they didn't even try. Derek was just like any other person, and just like any other person, he deserved to be heard out. But he wasn't given that luxury, and that really pissed Chloe off.

Derek wouldn't intentionally hurt anyone, in fact, he was more of a protector than an instigator. He was willing to give up his time and patience to step between danger and someone he cared about. Like his brother, Simon, and that boy who held a knife to him in Albany. Like Chloe and her psychotic stalker, Liam. Did this mean that he cared about her too?

This was exactly why Chloe wanted tonight to happen. A chance where they would finally put their differences aside and just talk. Did Derek care for her as much as she cared for him? He was so damn complicated and conflicted all the time that Chloe could hardly tell anymore. At first, she thought that maybe, he did like her. But then he started to do this thing where he would back off and sort of shove her towards Simon, as if that was the right direction. But all Chloe wanted to do was turn around, because Simon wasn't what she wanted.

She wanted Derek.

Even if he was brooding and angry all the time, Derek was a walking contradiction. He strongly believed that people should be real with themselves and that it was his job to keep them out of harms way. Yet he didn't even think twice about himself. He was so kind, and soft, and selfless. For someone so big and mad all the time anyone would find that hard to believe. But Chloe liked to think that she could see past that rough exterior and make out the tender concern beneath it all.

With a light flutter in her chest, Chloe stood and gathered her things, deciding that it was about time to go search for Derek. The stands were filled with less people at this point, making the night seem colder and quieter. Chloe decided that she rather not stay out here too long, an uneasy feeling suddenly being pushed upon her and she hurried down the steps of the bleachers. She could see a couple more players and dancers in the distance, making their way to the campus so she followed suit, step quickening out of anticipation to see Derek and mull things over. Maybe they would actually get somewhere tonight, instead of just ending in an argument.

A wind blew across Chloe, biting her in the face and intensifying that unsettling feeling in the pit of her stomach. She hunched herself into her jacket, Goosebumps rising on her arms as her hair stood on end. She felt suddenly exposed on the sidelines of the field, like something wasn't right.

Her pace picked up a bit, only to have her feet yanked off the grass by a sturdy arm snaking around her waist. Chloe immediately tensed and yelped out of instinct, but a sweaty hand stifled her cry and her vision rushed in the dark as the assaulting appendages tugged her out of the open. Her mind raced, unsure of what was happening because it was happening so fast. Before she could blink, her eyes focused to find herself facing the bleachers from behind the bathroom facility a few feet away. She struggled against her captor.

"Sssh, Chloe," a whisper cooed into her ear, causing Chloe's blood to drain from her face, her heart to plummet from her chest, to freeze before she squirmed even more.

No. No, this isn't happening. God, no, Chloe thought, her entire body vibrating against his hold.

She heard him chuckle darkly as he buried his face into her her hair. The action sent Chloe's heart slamming against her rib cage, the fear building up beginning to escape her through trembles. She whimpered against his hand, her moist, hot breath bounced back and met her lips. He hummed in satisfaction, sending a thrilling shudder down her spine.

No. I'm not going to let this happen, she forced herself to believe, having Derek's advice run through her head.

"At least try to not look like a cornered cat- One, you can't ever find yourself alone when that guy is around. Two, if you ever are, then pull out you're secret weapon. Catch him by surprise, then run like hell-"

Right now, advice number two was Chloe's only option. Her predator didn't have a hold of her arms. Thinking quickly, Chloe snapped her elbow back as hard as she could manage, nailing him in the ribs. His voice hissed in her ear before evolving into a sickening growl. But his grip on her loosened nonetheless and she made a break for it, a slight hope tickled her insides at the thought of getting away.

But Chloe had to be real about the situation. There was absolutely no way to was only proven once she was yanked back by her jacket.

Lose the jacket, she screamed at herself, the adrenaline thinking for her. She ripped her arms from the sleeves. There was no way to escape, but she wasn't going down without a fight. She stumbled, twisting around to face him as she staggered back.

The way Liam's eyes appraised her figure, sliding up and down her fairly exposed body made her entire form feel like putty, a shudder shot through her. God, what could she do? How was she going to get out of this?

"Come on, Chloe," Liam drawled, catching her immediate attention. The smile on his face left a bile taste on Chloe's tongue. "How much longer are you goin' to keep this up? Face it. You know you want me, just as bad as I want you."

"You're sick," Chloe sneered, taking to advice number three.

"-Three, if you can't, then you need to hold your ground and look confident, like he can't intimidate you. He feeds off of stuff like that."

Liam smirked, mocking her poor act of courage. He threw his hand over his heart with exaggeration, as if she had just inflicted him with a weapon.

"Oh, that hurts me, Chlo-" That little nickname he had for her only fueled the bravery. But that wasn't saying much.

"Don't call me that," she hissed, glaring heatedly at him.

"I get it, you prefer cutie," Liam chuckled, causing Chloe to take another step back. "That's fine with me, but listen, before I do you any favors; you're going to do something for me first."

"I don't want anything from you, Liam! Leave me alone," she shouted, voice faltering at the end. He stepped closer, weaving his way towards her while she kept moving back. Thankfully, they were slowly shifting into open grounds. If Derek was looking for her at this point, then maybe he would see her. Or maybe someone else would see her.

She was so caught up in trying to make herself visible that she missed it when Liam launched himself at her. Chloe jumped back in surprise, but she was too slow.

Liam took hold of her forearm, ripping her back towards the concrete wall of the restrooms. He released her and she fumbled, backing herself right against the wall. Chloe was hit with Deja vu, remembering how she had stupidly done this a couple weeks before, naively cornering herself with no way out while trying to find a way out. Liam sauntered closer, chuckling as Chloe eyed him distastefully behind fearful eyes. She clutched herself to the wall as much as physically possible.

"You'll see, Chloe. Don't worry." His voice was slithery, sliding off his tongue. Chloe's voice bubbled up in her throat, nearly becoming counterproductive in her attempt to speak. "I'll help you realize that you want everything from me," Liam continued. "It'll only take some persuasion on my part, but like I said, you have to do something for me first."

"Get away from me," Chloe forced around the frog in her throat. She tried to push past him, shove past him, anything, just to get away from him. Liam grabbed her shoulder, pushing her back against the wall, he inched closer.

"Don't touch me," Chloe shrieked, mind taking over with out her really telling it to. She thrashed her arms in his direction. Chloe caught the slight quirk in his brow, knowing it was useless to try and fight him, but she did anyways. He easily caught both her wrists and slapped them against the concrete wall on either side of her head. She kicked out her legs, which Liam rendered useless by pressing his torso against hers. Chloe gasped, trembling even harder when she felt a bulge press against her pelvis.

"No," Chloe cried softly as Liam dipped his face down to her ear.

"That's right, Chloe. Go ahead and scream, that's all I want from you- at the moment," he added menacingly.

Chloe's breath, which had been gradually escalating, hitched, blowing out in a ragged gasp. He wanted her too scream? As if the very action gave him some sort of pleasure? Chloe's throat went dry and her heart was hammering in her ears. She could feel tears bubbling up in her eyes as reality kicked in over the adrenaline. He had her trapped against the wall, and he was going to make her scream.

Chloe sucked in a sharp breath when he found a spot just below her ear, barely skimming his lips against it. She couldn't hold back the small whimper that escaped her lips.

She was trapped, useless, vulnerable. And there was no one here to see her, help her, hear her scream once Liam finally made her.

What if Derek figured that she ditched him and decided to go home?

She was truly alone in this. But she wasn't going to give Liam what he wanted, no matter how much it hurt. Her jaw tightened, she panted, trying to even her breathing as she stilled herself against him, willing herself to remain quite and numb herself from feeling anything.

But she could feel his smile against her skin and it wasn't helping her resolve.

Nor was the slight pulling sensation on her neck. Or the trail of slime his moist, scaly tongue left on her flesh.

But she had to stay quite. Aside from several gasps and whimpers that escaped without her permission she didn't make a sound.

She was not going to let Liam have the satisfaction of hearing her scream and break before him...

That was all before he sunk his teeth into her skin. Her barriers shattered, and the stadium was no longer quiet.

Review please, and tell me what you think. I actually liked writing this, having the point of view from the predator before, now we have the view of the victim.

I'll tell you now it was a heel of a lot easier than writing in Liam's POV.

Join Lauren and I on facebook. Alasyn Lauren is our username and read my other One-shot, Love and War. More Chlerek and definitely fluffy.

Thanks everyone!