(Blossom POV)

Ever since the RowdyRuff Boys came back and became good my life has been different.

Buttercup and Bubbles are going out with Butch and Boomer. They look so happy. Me being the eldest they had to ask me. It's been hard since the Professor and his wife moved to the other city. I said I didn't care. They are hardly home so I just lay all over the house. I don't even do homework, sometimes, but still I'm slacking.

"Pinky!" Brick yelled.

I looked up to see my counterpart, Brick Jojo, looking hot as always. Yeah I said it He's HOT. SEXY, Irresistible.

"Yeah, what's up?" I said trying to avoid his gaze.

"I asked what you are doing next weekend." He said.

He just floated in front of me. His hair still ginger and long. He still wears his cap, his outfit was a red tank top that showed off his sexy ass six pack, black skinny jeans and red air force ones. He was about 6'7 while I stood at 6'0. Damn he was tall. He was ripped and his eyes still Crimson Red.

"Nothing, probably lay around the house all day." I said. I stood up and leaned against the school's brick wall.

"Good, cause I want you to go with me on a trip." He said.

"What kind of trip?" I asked.

"I want you to fly with me to New York, this week." He said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Butch and Boomer are all over your sisters so I asked you cause I have nobody else and plus you look like you could use someone to talk to. Besides, spring break is this week so why stay home all day?" He said.

He stopped floating and walked beside me and leaned on the wall.

"Ok, I'll take you up on your offer, besides I want to go to New York." I said.

He smiled that heart-stopping smile.

"Thanks Bloss, and come on. I want to meet you after my football practice. You want to watch us practice?" He asked. He outreached his hand. I placed mine in his.

" Sure." I said

(Brick's POV)

Yes! She's going to New York with me! That was the hardest thing I had to do since we last fought them. They were good. Her pretty pink eyes, with her long ginger hair. She doesn't have her bow she wears it down, her size d-breast, her nice full bottom, she had hips, not too wide but not too small, she was wearing a pink tank top, with black shorts and black and white Jordan's. She looked SEXY!

"Alright let's go." I said pulling her with me to the football field. She went to the bleachers as I went to the field.

"Brick, you're never this early." Boomer said.

"So what?" I asked putting on my cleats.

"Why?" Butch asked.

"Are you sick?" Boomer asked.

"Nah, I just have company." I said.

I waved to Blossom and she waved back. A breeze came and blew her long hair in the wind. God just painted a perfect picture. She smiled her perfect smile that made my heart pound against my chest.

"Dude, you and Bloss going out yet?" Boomer asked.

"Not yet but I plan on it." I said before we began practice.