Prompt by PuppyLoveIs4Ever. SB/RL as a spin-off on Little Red Riding Hood.

His disgraceful family was the curse of the town. Being born into the name was the cause for his unfortunate childhood. The people of the grazing hamlet made his life miserable. Revenge was in his nature. He became the Red Hood. He was going to wreak havoc on the village any way he could.

Sirius Black stared up at the full moon, munching on his sour apple and wincing as the juice made his teeth cringe. He swung his legs carelessly, heels hitting the wall in a steady rhythm. He swallowed his last bite and sighed in satiation. He frowned at the core, wondering what to do with it. He sat up straight and looked down. "Ah, Mr. Brighton," he murmured, a cheeky grin growing on him. "How kind of you to walk by." He chucked the core at the gruff man and crouched behind the parapet. He heard a disgusted yelp and loud swearing. He cackled to himself, taking a running leap to the roof of the next house. The night had just begun.

Come morning, the villagers discovered missing food, books, lamps, shoes, firewood, doors, and chairs.

Sirius liked to stash his loot in the dilapidated cabin by the woods, which everyone believed to be haunted – a rumor he had started. He leaned into the newly-stolen chair, balancing on the two hind legs, as he read the newly-stolen book. Mrs. Smith's newly-stolen apple pies were delicious. "Nothing should be this delicious," Sirius said to himself, his mouth full. He was his own best friend and he was all he needed.

The Blacks were known for their extortion and cheating. The large mansion stood atop the hill two kilometers from the village. Neither party liked to butt heads. Sirius hated his family and the village with equal fury. So he rebelled against his mother by running away into town during the nights and then proceeded to torture the town with acts of hooliganism. "This is life," he said happily. He was neither a Black nor a villager. He was the Red Hood. He fingered his thick cloak. It was scarlet, his favorite color. He made himself a masquerade mask to add to the romantic notion of an unidentifiable villain who caused chaos by looting from the people and… keeping it all for himself. Magnanimity be damned.

He was all of seventeen. At first glance, he looked every inch a Black. He had the same intelligent grey eyes, strikingly strong features, and raven curls on his head. But instead of being loathsome and contemptible, he held a mischievous and obnoxious air around him. Instead of the sly and slithering snake for a tongue, his words flowed like warm honey and cajoled sweetly. Instead of reveling in the misery of others, he loved making everyone's lives a little more interesting. In some ways, he was even more dangerous than a Black.

It was on one of his escapades that he learnt of the dreaded wolf. Cattle were going missing every few days and carcasses were found around the border of the forest, half-eaten and left to rot. Sirius heard of the enormous reward that was to be the prize for the capture of the wolf, dead or alive. "A challenge?" he asked, reading the poster under the cover of the night. "I accept graciously," he smirked.

He supposed actually spotting the wolf would be a good place to start. He started staking out the grazing grounds that surrounded the town, patrolling the edges of the forest. He knew wolves were terrifying, had sharp claws and teeth, howled, and were terrifying. Because wolves are synonymous to terrifying. He loved the promise of an exciting adventure and painful death. His weapon was his cunning and a stolen blunt saber. "Gosh, if I died right now, I would not be sorry," he laughed, swishing his sword in front of him as he fought his invisible opponent. "Come out, wolf."

He made a full circle around the field. That was all the time it took for half of a cow to be devoured. Sirius stared at the body with revulsion. "Ugh!" he gagged. "That was quick." He held the saber in front of him and peered into the deep forest. "Here, wolf. Come out," he cooed. He was met with silence. "Shy one…" He looked on the ground. The grass was disturbed and blood dotted the blades of green. "Were you that appetizing, Betsy?" he asked derisively, venturing into the woods. His red cape fluttered in the breeze.

The Red Hood was going to catch his wolf.

"Man, I'm never going to catch that damned devil," Sirius grumbled, kicking a pebble out of the way vehemently. He had been tracking the paw prints for hours. He was tired and hungry. He sat down on the fallen log, moping. This was supposed to be an adventure. It was turning out to be a chore. He tried to find reasons to keep going. "Well… I need to avenge the deaths of the poor cows." Then he tried to find reasons to stop. "Who cares about cows?"

He started digging the forest floor with his sword, bored. He was always bored. "Maybe I'll run away." He dreamed of lands that were much more exciting than ones filled with men who groom cattle and women who look after the house. Any place away from his family would be perfect, he supposed. As long as his name didn't follow him, he would be fine with any place. "Here, wolf," he mumbled, disheartened.

He fell off his log when a loud howl sounded to the right. He whipped around, still on the ground, and scooted back. He held his trembling sword up defensively, searching the undergrowth for a prowling monster. "I'm going to kill you!" he called out shakily. He cleared his throat. "It's true, you know. I really am going to kill you," he said, his words firm.

The wolf stepped out of the shadows with hardly a rustle of leaves. It was a little less than two meters in height and over two meters in length. Its brown fur was bristled to make it appear ferocious. Its eyes glowed green in the moonlight and it bore its teeth, snarling. All that was left of Sirius was a stumbling trail of a frightened man. He screamed like a girl, sprinting away as though a demon were chasing him. When he lost his breath to screaming, he took in another lungful of air just so he could keep screaming. He didn't want to die. This was a thoroughly humiliating way to die. The wolf heard the screams of the little girl move farther and farther away. It stepped gracefully towards the spot the man had been frozen to, smelling his scent. It would know the next time the man ventured out to 'catch' it. The man had an unusually high voice… The wolf snickered, slinking away into the darkness.

Sirius staggered to a halt beside the cows, knowing that the wolf would rather go for the slow cattle than him. He fell to his knees, wheezing. Colorful swears were escaping him faster than he could gasp. He rolled onto his back, staring up at the dawning sky. "I almost got killed!" He was answered with low moos. "I have half the mind to just let you all get killed instead, got it? So stop complaining." He let out a long sigh of breath, calming his hammering heart. "At least I know what it looks like. Scary."

The next day, Sirius would be prepared with rope, a net, an enormous burlap sack, meat, and his now sharpened saber. He snuck deep into the forest as dusk threatened to turn to night. He arranged his trap in less than an hour. He scrambled up the tree with one end of the rope in his hand. The other end was attached to the burlap sack. He held it open by tying the rope to one of the tree limbs. The meat was in the sack. The net hung from the tree as well. If the wolf did manage to get out of the sack, Sirius was going to throw a net over it to slow it down. Then he waited.

The wolf watched him work. It waited.

And they waited. Sirius had a leg on either side of the branch, leaning against the trunk. He wondered what he should do to kill time. It was too dark to do anything other than try to stay awake, he supposed. The wolf was on its stomach, forepaws folded neatly under its snout, and staring up at the man. It howled softly. The man started, nearly falling off the branch in his enthusiasm. The wolf hummed to itself, amused. Sirius swept his eyes around him quickly. The wolf had seemed close. "Okay, no need to panic," he said to himself. The wolf perked up its ears. Not such a girly voice after all. "He can't touch me up here," Sirius said, assuring himself. "Besides, he's just a wolf. A plain old wolf who is hungry. But I'm sure he won't eat me. How disgusting would I taste, right? Right. He can stick to cows." Sirius stared out into the dark. "Don't eat me, wolf," he shouted. The wolf snorted in amusement. The smell of the meat was driving it wild, but it held strong. It didn't want to expose itself when the human was still awake. "You should know better than to mess with this town. It's bad form to steal from the same farmers every night. Which is why I make sure to rotate through different farmers. It'll keep them guessing. How's that? I'm not patronizing you or anything. Just saying." The wolf twitched his ears towards the man, listening. "And go for variety, you know? Why have cows everyday if you can snack on sheep and horses? Or do you prefer cows? Have you ever had people? Wonder what people taste like." There was something seriously wrong with this man. The wolf eyed him warily. "When I catch you, don't worry. I won't kill you. I think it'll be a lot more spectacular if I brought you in alive."

The wolf barked angrily. Sirius yelped, grabbing onto the branch tightly. His eyes widened when the wolf revealed itself. He pressed against the tree when he realized that the animal was looking right at him. "I– I meant what I said you know," he stammered. "And– and I'm great with a sword!" he added, pulling out his saber. "So don't even bother trying anything funny." The wolf walked up to the burlap sack and swiped a lazy paw at the ropes, cutting it with ease. Sirius gaped in astonishment, watching the wolf crawl into the sack and wiggle back out with the meat in its mouth. Then it proceeded to make the sack its bed for the night. "Hey, shoo!" Sirius said, scowling at the wolf. It looked up languidly, yawning and licking its muzzle. "I said shoo!" Sirius growled. The wolf growled back before turning to his food and tearing into it with delight. Sirius sighed in frustration, wondering if poking the wolf was a good idea. His sword wasn't long enough for him to do that. He watched the wolf chew on the meat happily. "Don't forget that I gave you the rabbit, you ungrateful mutt!" Sirius called down. He thought he heard the wolf laugh, but it might have been his imagination playing tricks on him. He huffed indignantly and settled against the tree for what he knew was going to be a long night.

The wolf hid behind the tree as Sirius made the preparation for the night. "You aren't escaping me this time," he muttered, tying the ropes into strong knots. The wolf crept up behind the man and snarled. Sirius screamed in terror, running away. The wolf chuckled, batting at the half-trap.

"I'm not scared of you," Sirius said boldly, sword in one hand and a dead rabbit in his other. "See, I'll show you." He was following the wolf's trail, hoping to bump into it. He didn't know what he was going to do when he did. But he had a sword and the wolf had… claws and sharp teeth. He groaned, moving sluggishly now. "You've been coming behind my back all this time. If you face me head on, I'll give you a piece of my mind," Sirius said loudly.

The wolf met Sirius head on.

Sirius fainted.

"Catch me if you can…"

Sirius sighed awake, turning towards the warm breath and the whispered words. He caught a glimpse of an angel. He reached up to touch the heavenly creature. But the spirit was gone and he met with thin air. He gasped, sitting up. He heard rustling as the angel ran away into the dawning forest. "Wait," he called out. "Who should I catch?"

He heard soft laughter. He scrambled up to his feet, dizzy and sore. He stumbled after the apparition. But there was no discernible path. He tried to find the trail. There was none. He rubbed his sore head and slumped, discouraged.

"Don't think I fainted because I was scared of you!" Sirius shouted, sounding harsher than he had meant to. "Just give me some warning before you jump out."

The wolf growled and approached Sirius slowly.

"Much better," Sirius muttered, holding the sword with both his hands. "Prepare to feel my wrath, you mongrel!" he challenged, swinging the weapon widely. The wolf easily sidestepped the man. Sirius tried again, bringing the sword up then arching in down. The wolf ducked out of the way, charging into Sirius. The man fell to the ground, but shot up a second later. "See? I'm resilient." The wolf brought out its claws, eyeing Sirius purposefully. Sirius gulped when he saw them. "Think you can scare me, do you?" he asked, raising his head defiantly. "Well, guess what? I'm not scared."

The wolf pounced, knocking Sirius onto his back. The man nearly died with fright when the animal pressed all its weight onto him. He felt the hot breath against his neck where the wolf's teeth were. It was all a little close to comfort. "Okay, I'm scared," whispered Sirius. The wolf laughed, nuzzling Sirius' neck. It let go of the man and loped off into the forest. Sirius lay as he was, finally breathing. "What the hell?"

Sirius waited up the tree, feeling rather smug. The wolf approached slowly. This was the same trap as the first night, complete with a burlap sack and a rabbit inside it. Sirius didn't say anything. The wolf swiped his claws at the ropes, rendering the trap useless. It burrowed into the sack and pulled out the rabbit. And like that first night, it lounged on the sack, devouring the rabbit.

"Joke's on you, wolf!" Sirius said, cackling like mad. The wolf looked up lazily. "I put sleeping pellets in there," he crowed, clapping his hand to his leg as he laughed jovially. The wolf blinked at Sirius before falling limp on the sack. "I caught the wolf!" Sirius shouted triumphantly, holding his sword up. He scampered down the tree and moved in for a closer look. The wolf looked much less scary when it was asleep. There was no show of teeth, claws or evil. "Not so tough now, are you?" Sirius muttered, poking the animal with his shoe. He knelt down and studied the wolf's face. "You're kind of big for a wolf, aren't you?"

The wolf cracked open one of its eyes and smirked.

"GAH!" Sirius screamed, running backwards and smacking into the tree. He was knocked out and he crumpled to the ground. The wolf got up uncertainly, moving towards the unconscious body.

"Ugh," Sirius grunted, waking up. His head pounded and he was feeling sick to the stomach.

"You should lay still."

Sirius sat up quickly, growing lightheaded when his vision swam in front of him. "Whoa," he breathed, blinking rapidly.

"I said lay still."

Sirius was pushed back down on the forest floor. A wet cloth was pressed to his forehead. He swatted it away, scowling. "Stop," he said.

"You're hurt."

"No, I'm not," Sirius grumbled, touching the back of his head tenderly. "See? Just a–" His words left him as he turned and stared at the angel. His breath left him when the angel… but it was a man. His breath left him when the man blushed. "Wait… Who are you?" Sirius asked, narrowing his eyes.

"I'm no one," the man said quickly, turning Sirius' head to look at the bump.

"How did you find me here?" Sirius asked, staring at the tree he had hit while the man prodded the back of his head.

"I was walking by."

"Why were you walking by?"

The man stilled against Sirius' bruise, staring at Sirius' neck. He touched it gently. "I was hunting," he murmured.

"Hey! So was I!" Sirius exclaimed. "Darned wolf made a fool of me again."

"A wolf? That's a tall order."

"Nothing's too tall for me."

The man laughed quietly, absently caressing Sirius' hair. "Not even this wolf?"

"I just have to find a way to outwit it. What were you hunting?" Sirius asked, brushing the twigs off of his clothes.

The man smiled wanly. "A hunter…"

Sirius frowned. "You were hunting a hunter?"


"What's your name?"

"What's yours?"

Sirius turned around, eyeing the man suspiciously. "Tell me yours first," he said deliberately.


Sirius gave him an easy smile. "I'm Sirius. You aren't from here, are you?" he asked.

"No," Remus murmured, searching Sirius' face. "Why?"

"Everyone knows who I am in my village."

Remus' chocolate brown eyes fell on the red cape that lay on the ground, covered in dried leaves. "Yours?" he asked, holding the cloth up.

"Yes, mine."

"I like it."

"Me too," Sirius said, grinning as he shook it free of foliage.

"Why are you hunting the wolf?" Remus asked.

Sirius shrugged. "It's eating the cows. And I'm bored," he said.

Remus' brows shot up. "I'm sorry… Did you just say that you were bored?" he asked.

"There is absolutely no adventure around here. This is the first time I have got into a mess like this," Sirius said, proud with himself.

"You're so strange, Sirius."

"I'm strange?" Sirius scoffed. "You're the one that said that you were hunting a hunter."

"True. I'm strange too. So… What did the wolf do to you?"

Sirius scowled, pursing his lips. "Thinks it's being a smart mutt. But it has another thing coming if it thinks I'm going to give up," he muttered vehemently.

"I'm sure he is very interested in meeting you again," Remus murmured, looking off into the distance.

"Are you going to stay at the village, then?" Sirius asked, getting up gingerly.

Remus helped him up. "Maybe," was the vague response Sirius got.

"Hmm… I'll see you around, then. Thanks for… this," Sirius gestured to his head.

"Didn't want you getting hurt," Remus said with warmth.


"Bye," Remus whispered, pressing his lips against Sirius'.

"Whoa," Sirius said, pushing Remus away. "What was that?"

Remus' eyes sparked with mischief. "It's how we say goodbye where I come from," he lied smoothly.

"Oh really?" Sirius asked, defensive.


Sirius frowned. And kissed Remus. "Bye." Sirius walked away, saber in hand. Remus had to bit his cheek to stop from bursting out into happy laughter while Sirius was within earshot.

"Okay, no more tricks," Sirius said, circling the wolf with his sword held tight. "I practiced." The wolf let out a low growl, tilting its head to one side. They charged at the same time, Sirius letting out a battle cry and the wolf snarling menacingly. Both sidestepped each other at the last minute. "Hmm… You're quite good. But not good enough." Sirius rammed his sword forward. The wolf jumped out of the way, dragging his claws at Sirius. A loud rip sounded and Sirius' eyes bugged out. "YOU RIPPED MY CAPE?" he shouted, causing the wolf to stagger back. "You are so dead!" Sirius went on a rampage now, slicing murderously. The wolf was light on its feet, moving with Sirius. As one moved forward, the other stepped back. It was synchronized and fast. Sirius grunted in frustration when the wolf blurred from one position to the next. He swung his sword in a full circle. It caught the animal on the side. Both gasped, Sirius letting go of the weapon and the wolf falling to the ground with a whine. Blood was trickling from a wound on wolf's foreleg.

Sirius groaned, dropping on his knees. "I didn't mean to," he murmured, pulling the wound towards him. The wolf growled, snapping at him. "I'll fix it, okay?" Sirius said in appeasement. He grabbed his cloak and tore out a large piece of cloth that was already ripped from the wolf's attack. "It's all your fault, you know?" Sirius groused, trying to wash the wound with the water from his canteen. The wolf whimpered, hiding its face with its other paw. "If you hadn't started killing those poor cows, we wouldn't be here, would we?" The man wound the red makeshift bandage around the animal's leg. "Does it hurt a lot?" The wolf watched Sirius carefully wrap its wound. "It's not deep. Good thing I'm not a master at swordplay, right?" Sirius laughed. He absently patted the wolf on the head. Then he froze. He looked into the wolf's eyes. "I'm still going to hunt you," he scowled. The wolf snickered tiredly, resting its snout on Sirius' lap.

Sirius jumped in fright when he heard a knock on the cabin door. No one was supposed to do that. Knocking led to the ghosts being awakened. Or so he had said. He kept silent, listening intently. He jumped again when the knock sounded.


Sirius edged towards the window next to the door. It was boarded shut, but he had a small slit that he had cut out so he could look through. He bent down to look at it. A brown eye blinked back. He let out a terrified shout, nearly tumbling back while clutching his chest. He wrenched the door open and pulled Remus inside, slamming the door shut with a heave of relief. "How did you find me?" Sirius hissed.

"I followed you," Remus said, his eyes wide as he took in the cabin and all its spoils. "You stole these?" he asked in awe.

"Go away," Sirius muttered, not bothering with hints. "This is a hidden cabin."

"It's haunted, isn't it?" Remus asked. "And why do you have doors?" He pointed to the doors that were stacked in the corner.


"Because… why?"

"I want to."

Remus smiled, rolling his eyes. "That's not a good explanation, is it?"

"It's the best I have," Sirius said, snubbing his nose at Remus. "What are you doing here?"

Remus flicked his eyes at Sirius. "I'm bored," he said.


"Let's hunt that wolf."

Sirius' expression turned sour. "I hunt alone," he said.

"So do I," Remus said, a sparkle in his eye. "Come on." He pulled Sirius towards the door.

"Wait, it only comes out at night," Sirius said, trying to wrench his arm from Remus' grasp.

"Have you tried hunting him in the morning?" Remus asked.

Sirius paused, brows knitting in consternation as he eyed Remus. "No, I haven't…"

"There you go," Remus said. The two men sprinted out of the cabin, disappearing into the woods.

"I've never been here in the morning before," Sirius panted as they finally slowed to a walk.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Remus murmured, touching the dewy leaves. "You can actually see everything."

"Hmm… It's alright," Sirius said with an unaffected shrug.

Remus hid his smile, his fingers entwining with Sirius'. The latter didn't seem to notice. "Why does everyone know you in the village?" Remus asked.

Sirius stopped to look at the red berries. "Well, my family is awful. So everyone knows me. Think these are any good?" He plucked the plump fruit.

"The yellow ones are better," Remus advised. "Why is your family awful?"

Sirius dropped the red berry and picked the yellow one. "Because… they are. No one likes them," he said, biting into the fruit. "Mmm, you're right. This is good."

"You don't like your family either?" Remus asked, tugging Sirius forward.


"And you steal from the village because you don't like them either… Who do you like?"

"I like me," Sirius said with a brilliant grin.

"I like you too," Remus said.

"That's good. You're the only other one," Sirius said, scowling at the root he had stubbed his toe on. "I think that wolf likes me too, actually."

"You think so?" Remus asked, trying not to laugh.

Sirius sighed. "I feel bad. Yesterday I… I kind of stabbed it with my sword," he said sullenly.

"That's what you want to do, isn't it? You want to catch it," Remus said, carefully weighing his words.

"Well, yeah, I want to catch it. I don't want to hurt it," Sirius said. "It's just a hungry wolf."

"What do you think the villagers will do if you catch him?"

"When I catch it. I don't know. I'm not going to think about it," Sirius said vaguely.

"You don't want to hurt him, but you'll catch him and give him to the villagers? That doesn't seem right," Remus said.

Sirius shrugged glumly. "I don't know."

"Why don't you just stop hunting him?"

"Think I should?" Sirius asked.

Remus stared at his shoes as he walked, stepping over the undergrowth lightly. "No… I don't think you should," he said quietly.


"But what?"

"You were going to say something. You don't think I should stop hunting it, but…"

Remus smiled wanly. "But don't hurt him. He won't like getting hurt," he said.

"I kind of like the wolf too, you know. I'm not a monster or anything," Sirius said.

"He is a monster…"

"Yeah. A monster who ripped my cloak," Sirius said, stomping on an unsuspecting mushroom.

Remus couldn't help laughing at Sirius. He pulled the man into an adoring kiss, standing on his toes to reach. He rested a hand against Sirius' cheek and another against the nape of his neck. Sirius responded in kind, looping an arm around Remus' waist and pressing his other hand against the shorter man's racing heart. Remus felt Sirius' lashes against him, causing a thrill to run down his spine. He sighed into the kiss, flicking his tongue against Sirius' bottom lip before pulling apart.

"Are you going away?" Sirius asked breathlessly, letting go of Remus.

Remus smiled sadly. "How naïve are you, Sirius?" he asked softly, running a steady hand down Sirius' hair.

Sirius blinked. Remus staggered back when he caught the glint in Sirius' eyes. Sirius laughed, pulling Remus into a bruising kiss. "Not as naïve as you'd think, Remus," he whispered, pushing the brunet against the tree. "My, my… What big brown eyes you have! Better to see me with?" He squeezed Remus' forearm, eliciting a gasp of pain from him. "Hmm? What have we here?" Sirius asked, running his fingers down Remus' shirt and snapping off the buttons. Before Remus could struggle away, Sirius had wrenched the shirt off of him. "Well, will you look at this?" he said, running his fingers across the red cloth that bound the wound. "How on earth did you manage to do that, Remus?" Sirius asked, pressing demanding lips against Remus' mouth. Remus parted it and Sirius wasted no time in pressing his tongue against Remus'. The two men moaned, dizzy from the proximity. Sirius broke away, trailing his kisses down Remus' neck. "You ripped my cloak."

"I'm sorry," Remus breathed.

"I want a new one."

"I'll get you a new one."

Sirius smirked, marking Remus with a red bruise. Remus dropped his head on Sirius' shoulder as hot hands pressed against his bare chest. "You are so appetizing," Sirius rumbled, his reverberations causing Remus to go weak-kneed. "I thought you were an angel…"

"I'm no angel."

"You're a monster."

"I'm a monster."

"You're my monster now," Sirius whispered trailing his kiss down with his tongue. He knelt on the forest floor, pulling away Remus' belt while lacing a new one across his waist with bites.

"What are you doing?" Remus asked, throwing his head back and clenching his hands into fists.

"I am going to have my way with you," Sirius smirked, pulling down Remus' pants.

"Here?" Remus squeaked.

"For a big bad wolf, you are kind of a pussy," Sirius said.

"Oh gods," Remus gasped as Sirius engulfed him in warmth and wetness.

Sirius let go. "Not gods. It's Sirius." He went back to licking Remus wantonly, his eyes on the wolf.

"Sirius," Remus groaned, his fingers tangling in Sirius' hair.

"Hmm…" Sirius chuckled.

Remus sighed and tried to move. His eyes flew open when he felt Sirius inside him. "Oh… um…"

Sirius cracked his eyes open, nuzzling Remus' neck with his warm breath. "What?" he asked.

"I– I have to go," Remus said, shifting around uncomfortably.

"Ugh, stop moving," Sirius grunted. "Unless you want another round."

Remus' eyes went wide. "Another round? Where do you get it from?" he asked.

"Not my fault that you think you're an old man," Sirius muttered, pulling out gingerly. "Why do you have to go?"

"I'm… hungry?" Remus said hesitantly.

"Why don't you just eat human food?" Sirius asked, hugging Remus close.

"Doesn't fill me up," Remus murmured, pressing kisses on Sirius' shoulder.

"Tell me what you are," Sirius said.


"How does the curse work?"

Remus breathed in Sirius, never wanting to leave. "I change for a few hours every night."

"You need to feed every night?" Sirius asked.

"No. Every few nights."

"Isn't it disgusting?" Sirius asked, repulsed.

"It's delicious," Remus said alluringly. "And no, I haven't tried humans. Why? Have someone in mind?"

Sirius snorted in derision. "No."

"What do we do now?"

"Now… let's run away."

Remus blinked at Sirius blankly. "What?"

"We'll run away and never look back. We'll be the perfect duo, don't you think? It'll be romantic."

"You aren't serious, are you?"

"I am."

Remus frowned in confusion. "Do you think I'm going to change?" he asked hesitantly. "Because I can't. I am who I am."

"And I am who I am," Sirius said, grazing his fingers against Remus' jaw. "And we'll drive everyone crazy with our escapades. Red Hood and his wolf. What do you say?"

"Why not wolf and his Red Hood?" Remus asked coyly.

"Because I have the brains in this operation, obviously."

"You're full of hot air," Remus chuckled.

Sirius kissed Remus passionately. "And so began the adventures of Red Hood and his wolf…" Sirius whispered.

"And so they began," Remus sighed in contentment.