Authors note ok this is a cross over between harry potter and Percy Jackson and the lightning thief (the movie not the series) though there are some differences in the story line. Such as Anabeth was never in the story and Percy is 25 along with Grover but he still looks the same as he does in the movie. In the story it will explain a little about how Hermione and Percy meet but after i am finished with this story i will write either a sequel if the story demands it then a prequel or just a prequel of the complete story. As it stated later in the story Hermione is Hades daughter and his pride and joy Persephone who isn't her mother but always saw Hermione as her daughter seeing as Hermione's real mother was abusive and fortunately for Hermione died early on when Hermione was 5 curtsey of her daddy. Hermione does know that she is the daughter of one of the three most powerful gods. Now if you know your Greek mythology you would know that Poseidon and Zues were along with Hades are brothers so this would make Hermione and Percy cousins since I'm not into incest we are just going to ignore this little tid-bit of information. Another fact in this story that is different from the movie is there isn't that many demi-gods/demi-goddesses usually there might be one for each god but most of them don't have any children. Oh yeah and Percy and Grover can do magic like all demi-gods can because of their lineage there are all extremely good at it. I hate tonks mrs wealsley and ginny with a fiery passion so they will be not liked at all. Flames are welcome as well as reviews but all i have got to say is if you don't like don't bother reading it i do this for my entertainment not yours so just don't bother with me cause i just wont reply but i welcome constructive criticism with open arms


"One more push your almost there ms granger, your doing great, its time to become a mother. You have been waiting for this moment for a long time now deary, and you only have a little bit left to do. So don't give up so you are close to the finish line. Come on love one big push and it will all be over and you will have your babies," said the healer for what felt like the millionth time in a most annoyingly high pitch squeaky voice that could break glass of eardrums for that matter.

"1, 2, 3 said another healer she looked at me with a understanding look in her eyes as she cast a glance at her staff member who could be a tad over exuberant at times like this. Its ok your almost there honey she instructed soothingly". This actually made me feel a hell of alot better

I know the first matron was only trying to coach me through the terrible pain of child birth. But I swear if she said your doing great one more time I was going to hit her. I didn't care that I was currently in the process of giving birth. It would be worth it to not have to listen to that extremely whinny voice a second longer she reminded me of a adult version of lavender brown mixed with Pansie Parkinson it caused me to shudder from something other then the gut wrenching pain I was currently going through and had been going through for almost 17 hours. God I was in so much pain all I wanted to was crawl up into a little ball and cry to the goddess to make the pain stop. But that was getting out of it to easy as someone once told me nothing worth having comes easy and there was not a chance in heaven and hell combined that I was going to give up so close to the finish. I am a grifindore for Christ sake griffendores don't give up were stubborn and courageous. Its time to be a true lioness that I was. Even If I had the blood of a snake and was meant for Slytherin I had spent a lot of time with Harry and Ron some of it must of rubbed of on me or so I hoped anyway.

"ARRRGGGHHHHHH" I screamed and kind of half sobbed as another white hot blindingly painful contraction hit me. Yet this one was the worst I had felt through out my entire labour and trust me I had felt some seriously painful ones in the past seventeen hours. And I can tell you the others weren't a walk in the park either.

"I can't do this" I sobbed in a agony induced defeat. I felt like I was breaking something had to be wrong if this was a natural process then it shouldn't hurt this much. Shouldn't it at least I assumed so anyway. It felt like i was being torn i two halfs.

I was in so much pain it had been 18 hours since I gave birth to my first born. My son. They were a day apart and strangely enough a year apart my son was born on December 31 and it is now January 1 and I am still awaiting the birth of my daughter my baby girl. Which would be the reason why I felt as if I was being torn in half. I couldn't wait till I could hold my daughter and son. Well in all truth I couldn't bloody well wait for my daughter to join us in the living. But god I was in so much pain. I was never a quiter even when it was something I really didn't want to do I just found a way to make it easier it was the true Slytherin coming out in me. But this situation I couldn't change for my beafit it was all or nothing and I couldn't afford to lose this time.

"Yes. One more push and we will have a beautiful baby girl as well as our hansom little man around the house. We have been waiting 9 months for this, don't give up now" said my best friend Rose. Who was also coaching enthusiastically which was typical of her? It was her nature to be hyper and buzz happily around life like a humming bird who just drunk a triple espresso and had been sniffing paint fumes. But I could never be mad at her for acting like she was it just was her nature to always be bubbly and happy. The only time she ever wasn't was when someone she loved was threaten in some way even if it was only the tiniest bit and she would turn into stone cold ice queen bitch who wouldn't hesitate the hurt anything that crossed her path. The change was quite astonishing. I was honestly very glad that she had never been angry or even mad for that mater at me. Rose was truly the most beautiful witch I new both inside and out.

"Fine" I ground out with a ragged pain filled breath.

And I pushed with all my might my face was a unattractive red from the effort I was using. Beads of sweat were starting to dot my face and forehead with the effort of child birth no one should have to go through this tourture it was inhuman and just plain down right crule. I was about to give up again. I wasn't sure if I was going to make as the sides of my vision went a little fuzzy and I could she stars. But then I heard the first ever screams of my baby girl my darling angel I fell in love with it straight away. I had only felt this happy twice before in my life. And that was when I first came to hogwarts and in turning meeting Harry and Ron. The other time when I fell in love for the first and only time I would do so in my life. There was no way I was going to let myself get hurt again not now that I have my miracles and my best friend and I felt complete. Even as I told myself this I felt a hole in my heart forming which I promptly quelled any thoughts of unhappiness I just had to beautiful darling babies. My beloved children.

"It's a girl" said the mid wife with the understanding eyes she had a big grin plastered on her face, as she cast charms and spells on my baby girl to make sure she was breathing alright, and there wasn't anything wrong with her. I hoped with all my heart and sole that my hansom son and beautiful daughter were ok and healthy I couldn't bare to loose either of my precious children not now not ever. They were far to precious to me they were my world.

I lay on the hospital bed waiting for the healer to bring me my babies' so I could see and hold them for the first of many times I was barley able to stay awake after the efforts of child birth they were quite draining all that screaming out in utter agony really wears you out I tell you to prepare for when you do it.

You did it Mya, I'm so very proud of you honey Rose said with a voice like honey to my ears both soothing and gentle with love as well she gently started stroking my sweat mattered hair god it must have been so gross. I could never do what you just did at your age as well I don't even think I could do it at my age now. But what you did it was beautiful Mya to bring life into this world even just to watch and be here for you Mya was so incredibly amazingly magical I almost cried I love you Mya and I love the little perfect angels so much already as well we are going to have so much fun. Ohhhh what are we going to name them we went over so many names but you hated them all I really like some of the names you came up with but its your. Rose twittered on in her own way I had to try really hard to keep the giggles that were threatening to bubble over in side of me.

Finally the healer brought out my babies wrapped in silver and black silk blankets that we had bought just for this happy and joyous occasion. I pulled the blanket away from my daughters face first. She had a certain Dark beauty to her that I had prided myself on almost all of my life. She was so unbelievable beautiful it made my heart ache, she had that same haunted beauty that sent chills up your spine captivating you making it virtually impossible to not love and fear as well as also making it impossible to look away even for the tiniest second, the type of beauty that the moment you let your eyes fall on this dark enchanting fairytale beauty it puts you under it's spell.. she had a tuft a bluish black hair coming up from her delicate porcelain head from both her farther and me. When she opened her eyes I let out a gasp as I almost died of shock they one was the darkest midnight blue from her farther and the other was a beautiful pale violet from me they were so beautiful and unique. I instantly fell in love with them. I silently sent a prayer to the goddess thanking her that my baby would be beautiful right from the very start. It would be easier on her and she wouldn't have to endure the horrible teasing that I did when I went through my awkward stage. As I looked down at my baby girl in my arms I started to cry the tears fell hard and fast. My little baby girl the youngest miracle how could I have ever doubted that I could have not been able to raise my two beautiful children. This feels so natural so right like the world would have stopped if this had never happened.

Then the healer brought out my eldest child. It's a fine strong lad said the healer complementing my son as she handed me my eldest child my first born my warrior, my prince my son. My eyes shone with pride and a sort of wistful sadness. For there in my arms was a miniature version of his father he would look just like him when he grew older apart from the hair my son got that from me. with bluish black hair the colour of night and beautiful deep midnight blue eyes that I have come to no and love so much he also had a strong build even for a baby. There was something about him he seems older then he was mused Rose aloud more to herself then to anyone else, her eyes bright with love and curiosity. It's true I mused even though he was barley an hour old. It was then I remembered the old fraud Tralawney's so called prophesy for me as I went to change out of her class. God she was so strange and a complete fake! I never did understand why she still taught there after so many years of people knowing the truth about her seer abilities or the lack of said ability. But I guess I will never no now I mused not entirely upset by this prospect of never having to deal with the bug eyed fraud of a divination teacher. As much as i tried to keep my mind away from that fateful day i couldn't help it the words floated through my mind as clear as they were the day i heard them.

When son and daughter born of the underworld and sea their birth right

In the middle of a war between the dark and light

Power only the three have known

Watch how far he has grown

The son of darkness heir of the eternal night

He has been very blessed and so he shall fight

He is the king of hauntingly beautiful night darkness and fear.

But things are never as they appear.

Born from son of light and daughter of darkness she will soon like her family come to dearly know

Can the almighty sea accept this family though?

She is loved by all that see

Everyone loves this queen to be

But deep inside he crystal heart

There is a battle just waiting to start

Her heart is dark but as pure as the light

She will only ever do what she feels is right

No one asked her to be

But she will always be the queen of the sea

The goddess of the night princess of the moon

She will be reunited with her beloved family soon

So many secrets that she holds so tight

She always did what other thought was right

She carries so much heart felt pain

That was slowly driving her insane

Then she met the sea the one who understood

She fell faster then any thought she possible could

Her friends don't no the truth about her past

Or that she ever fell so fast

The secret life that she lead

While they we saftely tucked in bed

They are destined to be to always be together

Soon there little family will get there forever


I felt my body shiver as I held my angels in my arms I felt hot tears slip down my face as I thought back to that fateful day i was so scared not only for me but for my twins as well. I thought she was just weird deranged and insane this couldn't be true even though in my heart I new it was but who was the sea and who was the goddess of the night and princess of the moon. It all made absolutely no sense. It will be ok I will be there to help every step of the way Hermione said Rose softly mistaking my tears as ones of fear, but in truth I have never felt more alive.

Its not that I said through my tears it's just that they are both just so beautiful it takes my breath away. I no what I will name my darling children my miracle twins. Her name will be Siabella Calista bewitching beauty. My sweet, little, darling angel. Remember my darling you will never be alone ever. She smiled her blood red lips so completely perfect she will be a haunted beauty the type that makes you almost unearthly beautiful. Then I turned my attention to my eldest son so strong handsome he would be so incredibly powerful just as his sister Siabella would be His name will be Dmitri Romeo so powerful and regal completely royal. It means King of the Night and underworld heir to both the Moon and The Stars.

Awwwwwwwwwww I love it both of them they fit both so perfect say hi to Aunty Rose she squealed and cooed at my sleeping angels,.

Shhh there sleeping I scolded my friend with a sleepy smile on my face. This felt so natural with motherhood even thing came to me so easily . even on this day the day my darlings were born I cant imagine life without them it hurts to much.

Already a loving mother its good to see you so happy Mya but you should get some rest you just had a major work out session and you need to sleep smiled Rose as she took my angles out of my arms and held them tight as I drifted into a dreamless sleep. That's when it came crashing down. And it all flipped and changed...again. nothing ever stays the same for long i should have known this. Especially since its me. Only daughter of Hades god of the underworld.