Disclaimer: I do not own the Percy Jackson series but I am a huge fan.
Percy Jackson and his little sis the Champion of Olympus
An: This is an alternate universe of the series Percy Jackson. Percy has a younger sister that is 1 year younger than him. She is raise by the Elder Olympians to be the Champion of Olympus.
Chapter 1: The council meeting (Athena Pov)
I started to gather the ancient scrolls that were needed for the council meeting. When I first discovered them the scrolls look like it didn't see the light of day in a millennia. As I made my way out of my temple I couldn't help but think of the dangers of the plan I was about to propose. The elder gods could have a dangerous debate over the very concept of my idea. But what was more important is would they accept it. What my plan offered was the power to control fate and history itself.
I step out of my temple and made my way to the halls of Olympus. The sun shined bright in the sky. The birds were fleeting from tree to tree singing and chirping. It was a pleasant summer afternoon maybe this was a good omen. I walked up the marble stairs and through the halls. There were giant statues of the gods on either side of me settling in large alcoves. There was Zeus raising his lightning bolt, Apollo in his sun chariot, Artemis who was bow ready and on one knee looking for a unseen target, and there was me dress in full battle armor with an owl on my left shoulder and a spear in my right hand with a fierce expression on my face.
As I open the gigantic doors that lead to the throne room everyone turned attentively toward me. All were present Hestia, Hades, Demeter, Hera, Poseidon, and Zeus.
"I have called you here today to discuss the Great Prophecy." I said when I made my way to the middle of the floor. All of the Olympians leaned in their thrones this was good I had their attention.
"Well I discovered a spell made by Chaos." I said holding up the ancient scrolls so all could see. I continued on saying. "This spell distributed Chaos's powers among his children Gaea, Erebus, Eros, and Tartarus. When I was sure everyone absorbed what I had said I went on. "So far two children of the Big Three have been sired."
Lightning crackled Thunder boomed
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN TWO?" yelled Zeus his eyes brightened with anger. Everyone tensed in their thrones expecting the worth.
I was not even frightened by his anger instead I put on a calm expression. "Calmed down Lord Zeus." I said in a formal tone.
"Only one child has been born and she was mine, and I publicly admitted to what I have done" said Zeus he looked at me in a questioning outrage and asked. "So who is this second child?" asked Zeus in anger.
Poseidon rose slowly "Mines brother." He said
Thunder rumbled across the sky as Zeus jumped out of his seat looking at Poseidon in blind rage. Demeter, Hestia, and Hades watched the two in anticipation.
Hera whispers something in Zeus's ear to calm him down. Zeus slowly lowered himself in his thro ne but was still furious.
"He is a boy named Perseus Jackson." said Poseidon looking at each Olympian individually. He continued saying. "I had hope to keep him a secret to protect him so he won't suffer a terrible fate." He said. Then he turned around and glared at me. "I do not know how my niece knew unless she spied on me." He accused.
I stared back at him my face was emotionless and my eyes were penetrating. "Yes uncle I did spy on you but not without just cause." Poseidon continued glaring at me so I went on. " You see the Great Prophecy tells of two half-bloods of the Elder Olympians making a decision that will either destroy Olympus or bring it into a new age.
"But my dear husband's child was foretold to die." said Hera with a mischievous grin. She of all people was probably the most happiest with this news.
"I know." I said "but if Poseidon re-consummates his relationship with Sally Jackson then the second demigod will be born and would be fully related to Perseus."
"Ok but where does Chaos's spell comes in?" asked Hestia. This was the most essential part of the plan it is also the part that they might not accept.
"Well if I recite the spell and if all of you give your powers to Poseidon willingly then the child will be born with all of your powers." I said
Everyone was silent. They all had thoughtful expressions, and if they refuse what I have offered then all is up to fate. My father and uncles were foolish to try and fight the Great Prophecy. It would be more wise to either let things take their course, or if things were crucial then it would be best to manipulate the prophecy.
"Wait a minute dear niece." Hades sneered. "If I understand you right this demigod will be practically the most powerful hero ever to walk this earth. How do you know the child will not turn on us?" He asked. This was to be expected from Hades. He was always pessimistic.
"That's were Poseidon fatal flaw comes in. If we all take part in training, and raising the child he/she would be loyal to our cause and preservation."I said.
"But if the this demigod will have all our powers won't it have all our flaws as well." asked Zeus
"No father the baby hero would still be Poseidon's child, but with the added boost of your powers." I replied.
"But what of the demigod Perseus what guarantees his loyalty' ask Hera
"Isn't the fact that he will have a long lost sibling that he would love to get to know and a Father on the Olympian council enough?" I asked logically. "You see Perseus has Poseidon's fatal flaw when he finds out he is a demigod and makes friend in Camp Half-blood then he won't be able to help but be loyal to Olympus."I finished.
"I think it's a wonderful plan." said Demeter with enthusiasm. I was little bit caught off guard by her reaction due to the fact that she was quiet throughout the whole meeting. She seemed to have fully accepted and understood the promising effect of my plan.
"Yes, I think its due time that Olympus has another champion." said Zeus. "So is everyone in agreement." He asked. All raised their hands except Poseidon. Everyone turned to him. He was in deep thought, and when he noticed that everyone was waiting for his response he looked at me.
"I will agree to this plan only if Athena gives the child her blessing of wisdom." said Poseidon. I thought it through. This was in fact a very good idea the child could have all the powers of the world but it would need to have wisdom to use them effectively wisely.
"Of course" I said. Maybe just maybe he wasn't such a kelp head after all.
"So when everyone was in agreement I directed them into a circle around Poseidon and to hold hands. I unrolled the ancient scrolls and started to recite the spell. The ancient Greek symbols started to glow a startlingly white, and the Elder Olympians auras flared to life. A fiery orange for Hestia, Blacks as midnight for Hades, green for Demeter, chocolate brown for Hera, sea-green for Poseidon, and a sky blue for Zeus. The colors of their auras flowed like a steady stream and merge with Poseidon's own aura. Once I completed the spell Poseidon's eyes shined with power everyone else's were dulled with exhaustion.
"I will be back so you can reverse the spell Athena." said Poseidon in a deep rumbling voice. Before he left he turned back to me and said.
"Remember to keep the promise you have made." He said warningly. All I could do was nod my head. This was the first (and will be the last)time I was lost for words. Poseidon disappeared into sea mist. My father, his wife, my Aunts and Uncle, and I made our way to the large water basin so we may view Poseidon actions.
AN: I hope you like the story please review. I want your honest opinion you can also give me some advice at what I can do with the story.