Any person living in Ikebukuro knew the faces of Tom and Shizuo, especially Shizuo, very well. No one ever put much thought into what their personal lives may be like. Was Shizuo in a relationship? Was Tom? Were they "together"? No one knew for sure, but one informant was intrigued by Shizu-chan's relationship with Tom. Always being so quiet and content with Tom. Was he ever that way with anyone else? He wanted to know more. Izaya pondered for some time before he had come up with a plan, the perfect plan.

Shizuo casually walked down the streets of the city not but a foot behind Tom. Not much went through the blonde's head in an average day as this. He mostly just kept up with Tom as he unconsciously walked the ever so familiar streets. Often he'd start counting his steps until the noise of a car abruptly caused him to lose his place, running into the flea or… the usual. By "the usual" he meant some sort of gang, mostly violent teenagers and unemployed young adults, would challenge him to a fight. He'd sigh, extinguish his cigarette, and then break out into what seemed like an over exaggerated rage fit.

Tom always looked at Shizuo with a little embarrassment when this happened. Mostly he'd just turn away. More than once he had expressed his feelings to Shizuo about how he fought. Once the comment was "Your fighting style is more akin to that of a drunken gorilla." That almost got him a punch in the face. Another remark had somewhat peeked Tom's interest in the subject as he said it. It was "Ya know Shizuo… you kind of remind me of a baby, a toddler if you will. You drink milk, you love sweet things, and you throw temper tantrums! Seriously, you need to act a little more mature." This one, however, did get him a punch, just in the arm though; more of a playful punch for Shizuo anyway. Tom somewhat mumbled the last part to himself "All you need is a pull up and a daddy to spank you whenever ya act up…" and with that he grinned a little. Tom seemed to be formulating his own plan as Izaya was finishing his.