Chapter 22 The Beginning of the End

Bella's POV

We ran through the forest, I noticed everything. It wasn't hard to run past the threes with such speed. Edward was right by me, actually holding my hand, he lead me through it, though I knew I would do fine on my own. But I didn't want to let go of him.

I caught the scent of something... the smell was so unbelievably good,

"What is that smell?" I asked stopping and looking around.

"It's a deer," Edward said, smiling. "Go take it." It was like a gun went off, ¨

I started following the scent, and the next thing I knew I was breaking its neck and drinking its blood.

"Wow, Bella..." Edward said, standing in front of me.

"What?" I asked, standing up, looking at myself. My clothes were bloody, I felt like I'd made a mess of myself.

"That was the most animal like I've ever seen you." he said, smiling wildly, "Kinda sexy really." I smiled.

I was standing right in front of him, I couldn't help myself, I wanted him, and I knew he wanted me.

The next moment we dropped on the forest floor, feeling, not thinking.

"Edward?" I asked, resting my head on his naked chest.

"Yes, love." he said, looking up at the sky. I didn't know what time it was, the sun was shining above us, making us sparkle.

"Can we run away?" I sat up, looking around for my shirt. "What do you mean by run away?" he said, sitting up as well.

"I mean like, we take Ethan, travel the north for a while, then come back after a while."

He just looked at me. I put my clothes on and stood up, "Edward, we can live forever! We have the world in our hands, we're young and we're free." I explained, "Do you mean we're gonna leave it all, just because we can?" he asked, putting on his pants.

"No, I mean I wanna see the world, I wanna see what's out there, live it." he smiled at me,

"Then lets, it will be fun." wrapping his arms around me. "I don't want to go anywhere without you." he kissed me softly.

Edward and I went back, we knew Alice already knew that we were going.

Edward's POV

As we reached the house Alice and Ethan were standing on the porch, waiting. She didn't look to happy.

"When?" no hello, when, was the first thing she said. "Soon." I answered, I wasn't scared of Alice.

"When will you come back?" she asked, "Max 6 years, we will back before Ethan begins at school." Bella said, walking straight over to Ethan, taking him carefully from Alice's arms.

Alice smiled, she wasn't mad, she understood why we wanted to, she and Jasper had seen the world before they joined the family, and Rosalie and Emmett had their own house, for a reason. Now it was mine and Bella turn.

Bella sat playing with Ethan, as Esme and I sat talking in the kitchen.

"So... I heard you and Bella are planning to leave us for a while," she started, I smiled at her,

"Yeah, I think it will be good for us." I thought of it, me, Bella and Ethan on a six years long road trip, living, seeing the world.

Ethan will learn to walk on a pavement in Michigan for all I knew...

Bella and I took Ethan with us and went to see the world, first to all the states, except the sunniest ones, we didn't want to expose our secret.

Ethan did take his first steps on a pavement in Michigan, he said his first word in a dinner in London, he learned to ride his bike down a hill in Prague, with me and Bella running after him, in human speed.

Ethan didn't easily get wounds and scratches, and that was a good thing, Bella was controlling her blood lust just fine, she had never killed a person, all of us had gone, the whole family traveled together for a year, and then we split up, still talking on the phone of course.

We came back to Forks after 30 years, when Bella said goodbye with Charlie, it was hard for her, but she managed. She didn't want to worry Ethan, though he was 30, he looked like he was between 16-18.

We were gone for about a hundred years after that, seeing how the technology grew, hearing that the people we once knew had passed away, Bella always wanted to go back to Forks, it was here everything started, where her life started, with me and my family, our son.

When we came back the second time there was something new in Forks, a new family.

It was a spring morning. We were running in the woods, as fast as we could, living, enjoying our lives.

Suddenly we heard a sound, coming far away, for humans, we could hear it easily. Now we could see it to, animals, wolves, coming towards us, taking up speed.

They stopped a few hundred meters away from us, shape shifting, turning into people again.

Ethan's POV

The wolves were coming towards us, or the tribe or whatever. That bothered me was they all of them were naked... I didn't like that, seing naked people with my parents was my least favorite thing in the world.

Dad and my mom stepped forward, together with grandpa and grandma. All of them had reddish brown skin, dark eyes and black hair, they all had Native American blood. One of them, the tallest one stepped out, "I'm Sam Uley, this is my tribe." he stretched out his hand.

"I'm Edward, this is my wife Bella, my son Ethan, and the rest of our family." dad told them. I noticed aunt Rosalie was tense, angry almost. "Rosie?" I asked, walking closer to her, I'd called Rosalie Rosie since I learned how to talk, aunt Rosie had always been there for me.

"What are you?" Sam asked, "We're vampires, and you?" grandpa Carlisle asked. "Thought you saw, we're shape shifters, some think we're werewolves, but we're not." one of them said, "I'm Jacob," he added. "Nice to meet you Jacob," aunt Alice said politely.

He nodded to her and smiled. Uncle Emmett and aunt Rosalie had adopted a daughter, about the same time I was 16 years old. She was blond, golden eyes, slim figure, she was beautiful if I may say so myself. She was dying at a hospital, alone, a banded, Rosalie and Emmett were at the hospital, visiting Carlisle at the primary department, and that was where they saw Lilly.

They turned her, the same night as Carlisle told it was okay, that they would adopt her, because she was alone. Jacob suddenly stiffed and none of us, understood why.

At least the vampires and the shape shifters didn't fight, they couldn't because Jacob imprinted on Lilly. The family wanted to best for Lilly, and the tribe wanted the best for Jacob, and me and Jacob actually became good friends.

So everyone ended up happy, my parents, my aunts and uncles and my grandparents.

The end