Sorry it's taken me so long to update.

Hope you enjoy this chapter.

Chapter 11: Mixed Emotions

House and Cuddy arrived at Arlene's house to find that all of the kids were already in bed. Julia was sitting at the kitchen table waiting their arrival

"How is she?" Julia asked as House and Cuddy walked into the kitchen.

"She's good, they started her on antibiotics."

"She's asleep now though because of the sedative."

"Thank god you guys got her to the hospital." Julia said as she got up from the table.

"Yeah," Cuddy agreed.

"I think we're going to head up to bed," Cuddy said as she leaned against the door frame.

"Me too." Julia said.

Julia turned out the kitchen light and followed House and Cuddy upstairs. Once inside her old bedroom, Cuddy began to get undressed. House got undressed and put on a pair of sweat pants before going to the bathroom. When he returned he found Cuddy staring out of the window. He came up behind her and wrapped his arms securely around her. Cuddy was startled and jumped slightly.

"Relax," House said into the side of her neck.

"I'm just worried about her." Cuddy said as she leaned back into his embrace.

"She's going to be ok." House reassured her, before placing a kiss on her temple.

"Now come on let's get some sleep." Cuddy walked over and turned off the light as House got into bed.

She walked over to the bed and slipped under the covers next to him. House wrapped his arm around her, and pulled her to him.

"She's going to be ok." House said once more. He grabbed her hand and held her close to him.

Cuddy awoke the next morning and rolled over to an empty warm space beside her. She sat up and looked at her alarm clock. It was 6:04. Cuddy sat up in bed and stretched, she knew Rachael, as well as everyone else was still asleep. She stood up and decided to go find House, but had to stop at the bathroom on the way. Cuddy walked down the hallway and entered the bathroom, to find it completely filled with steam. She could hear House humming in the shower, and she smiled to herself. She entered the room and locked the door. Cuddy quickly peed, without being noticed and stripped. House's eyes widened as Cuddy ripped open the shower curtain. Cuddy was completely naked and he was standing there dumbfounded.

"Mind if I join?" Cuddy asked as she arched her eyebrow, and looked him up and down, admiring his built body. Her eyes lingering on a particular area a little longer then the rest. House reached out and pulled her into the shower with him. Cuddy smiled as he pulled her close to him and into the stream of warm water. Cuddy rand her nails down his shoulder and over his chest, making her way down his sculpted abs and to the strip of hair that was just below his belly button. Cuddy moved her hand lower and began to stroke his semi hard cock.

"Someone's a little horny this morning." House said as he reached down and cupped her ass with each hand.

"I could say the same thing." Cuddy replied as she continued to stroke him. House leaned down and caught her lips. Cuddy moaned into his welcoming kiss. After breaking their kiss, Cuddy looked up at him.

"Good morning," she said as she smiled at him.

"It's about to be." House said into her ear, before wrapping his arms around her and pushing her up against the tile wall of the shower. He leaned down and kissed her hard on the lips. Cuddy responded to his kiss and ran her tongue along his lip. House granted her entrance to his mouth and the two kissed until they were out of breath. House smiled into Cuddy's lips as he reached down and placed his hands on her upper thighs and he lifted her up. Cuddy automatically wrapped her legs around his waist and arms around his neck. Cuddy loved how strong House was, he could lift her off of the ground very easily, even with his bad leg. She knew she would probably have bruises from where House was gripping her thighs, but she didn't care. House captured her lips and kissed her passionately. She could feel his now rock hard erection pressing at her entrance. Cuddy sucked in a breath of air as House entered her. She could tell from the way House was moving, that he was going to take her hard and fast.

"Oh God," Cuddy moaned, as House pounded into her. House silenced her moans by kissing her hard, just like he was taking her.

"Oh fuck… House," Cuddy moaned.

She could feel herself getting closer and closer to the edge. House could already feel Cuddy's walls starting to contract around him, and picked up his pace. Cuddy whimpered as House drove in and out of her. She gripped his shoulder and dug her nails into it as she wrapped her legs tighter around him. The extra friction caused House to groan into the side of her neck, as he took them both over the edge together. Cuddy bit down on his shoulder to stifle her moan as her orgasm hit her. House said Cuddy's name as he emptied himself inside of her. He held her tightly against himself and the wall as they tried to maintain their breathing. After a few minutes, House lowered Cuddy back down onto the floor of the shower. The water was less warm then it had been, and House reached out and turned the hot water up.

"Although I love getting dirty with you, it's time to get clean now." House said as he wrapped his arms around her and held her under the hot water with him.

"I know, we need to get going." Cuddy said she tilted her head back to look at him. About ten minutes later, House and Cuddy were both standing in Cuddy's old bedroom with towels wrapped around themselves. It was now close to 7, and everyone in the house would be waking up soon. House couldn't help but watch when Cuddy dropped her towel. He looked at her gorgeous body as he watched her get dressed. House zoned out towards the end, but was brought back to reality when Cuddy stood in front of him and ripped his towel off.

"Your turn." Cuddy said with her arms crossed and a smile on her face.

"My god woman, what's gotten into you today. First you seduce me in the shower, and now your ripping my towel off of me." House said with a smirk on his face the whole time.

"Get dressed House." Cuddy said as she smiled at him.

House obliged and pulled on a pair of boxers , as well as a pair of faded blue jeans. He was about to put on a band tee, when Cuddy tossed him a long sleeve green thermal.

"It's cold outside." Cuddy simply stated.

"But momm…" House whined. House pulled the thermal on, and Cuddy smiled at how well it fit him. It fit well enough to show off his well built chest, but it wasn't tight on him.

Cuddy walked over to him and pulled his head down to hers.

"Sexy." Cuddy said before pulling him into a kiss.

House and Cuddy were walking down the steps when there was a knock at the door. Cuddy walked over and opened the door to reveal Reid and Ben standing there.

"Hey you two." Cuddy said before giving them each a hug.

"Come on in, we were just about to go to the kitchen." Cuddy said as she shut the door.

They weren't in the kitchen very long before Julia walked in.

"Hi honey." Julia said, as she walked over and gave her son a hug.

"Let me get breakfast started, the kids will be getting up soon." Julia said, but was stopped by Reid, who put his hands on her shoulders.

"I got it covered, you three go make sure you mom is ok." Reid said.

"Thank you." Julia said before kissing her husband.

The three arrived at the hospital around 8:30. House parked Cuddy's SUV and they all walked into the hospital together. Once on the right floor, House bugged the nurses at the nurse's station until they finally gave him the information he was asking for. He walked down the hallway with Arlene's chart in his hands, glancing over it before walking into her room. She was awake now, and quite aware of her surroundings. House walked into her room to her questioning both Julia and Lisa.

"And I know why Lisa likes you so much."

House looked up from the chart.

"I don't remember much of what happened, but I do remember seeing you naked when I ripped down the shower curtain. No wonder Lisa…"

"Mom." Arlene was cut off by Cuddy who had a slight blush on her face.

House just stood where he was, seemingly not affected by Arlene's comments. House passed Arlene's chart to Cuddy who looked over it.

"All the tests came back negative, it was just an infection." Cuddy said to her mother.

"You should be able to check out today, but we have to get your attending to sign off."

"Where is that little dork anyway," House asked.

Julia shot Cuddy a confused look.

"I'll explain later." Cuddy said.

"I'm going to see if I can go find him," Cuddy said as she turned to leave the room.

"I'm coming with you." House said, following right behind Cuddy.

Cuddy found Dr. Simmons sitting at the desk at the nurse's station. She leaned over the desk and looked at him.

"Why good morning Dr. Cuddy," Simmons smiled up at her from behind the desk. His smile soon turned into a frown when he saw House standing behind her.

"I was wondering if my mother was going to be released today." Cuddy stated as she continued to look down at the man.

"I was planning on signing off on her today…." Simmons trailed off, as he continued to stare up at Cuddy.

"Just let me look over her chart one more time." Simmons said as he began to look through the charts on the desk.

House stared down at him from behind Cuddy, as he handed him the folder that he was looking for.

"Thank you…." Simmons trailed off as he glanced over Arlene's chart.

"Everything came back negative, let's go take a look." Simmons said before getting up behind the desk.

House and Cuddy followed as Simmons led them down the hallway to Arlene's room. House grabbed Cuddy's arm before they reached the door.

"He still wants a piece of this." House said as he wrapped his arm around Cuddy's waist and pulled her to him.

"Well it's a good thing I have you here to protect me then." Cuddy said as she teasingly ran her hand up and down his chest.

"I was thinking… maybe I could make dinner for everyone tonight." House said as he looked down at Cuddy.

"I think that's a wonderful idea." Cuddy said before pulling him down into a kiss.

"Now come on, let's go inside." Cuddy said as she grabbed House's hand and pulled him inside the room with her.

"What else do you need?" Cuddy asked, as she put a bag of salad into the cart.

"I need to go get a few bottles of wine." House said as he smiled at her.

"Are you planning on seducing me later?" Cuddy questioned as she walked c loser to him and smiled at him.

"Oh my dear, I'm sure I'll have no trouble in doing that." House said as he wrapped his arms around her and placed a soft kiss on her lips.

Cuddy smiled against his lips as she broke their kiss.

"Let's go get the rest of the things that you need to make dinner." Cuddy said as she pulled back from him.

Cuddy had just sat down in the car, when her phone began to ring.

"Hi Wilson, yes everything is fine."

"Mom got discharged earlier today… yes she is ok."

House walked back up to the car after taking the cart the short walk back to the store. He got inside as Wilson continued to question Cuddy.

"We'll be home tomorrow sometime."

"How is everything running at the hospital?" Cuddy asked when she was finally able to get a word in.

"That's good… " Cuddy trailed off as House took the phone out of her hand.

"Hey Jimmy, we'll be back tomorrow. Until then I'm sure you can hold the fort down." House said into the phone.

"We'll see you tomorrow James." Cuddy said after she snatched the phone back from House.

With that, Cuddy hung up her phone and looked over at House.

"Thanks," she half laughed.

"He's like a teenage girl on the phone." House said as he smiled over at Cuddy.

"Let's get going so you can make that dinner." Cuddy said as she put her car in drive.

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