Chapter One;

"This is a waste of time. He was most likely trying to get a rise out of me." Alec thought almost mournfully. He raked a hand through his hair, frustrated. He was standing outside the High Warlock of Brooklyn's apartment, silently arguing with himself.

Shortly after parting with Jace, Clary and that mundane that had gotten himself turned into rat, Alec had taken his sister home and tucked her into bed where she could sleep off whatever she had consumed before heading back to Magnus Bane's apartment.

"This is idiotic! There is no way someone like "Magnus Bane" would be interested in me. Even, if he is a downworlder!" Just as Alec was about to turn around and go back home, a small cat that looked more like a small rodent darted past him and began scratching at the large wooden door's of the apartment complex. The cat's fur was, ruffled in an attempt to keep it's self warm against the night's chill. Alec's heart went out to the poor thing.

Alec bent down and picked the little guy up. Upon closer inspection, Alec noticed the cat had a…rainbow, scarf tied neatly around it's neck.

"Oh, no," Alec groaned aloud. He knew the cat had to belong to the High Warlock. He also knew he had no choice but to return the cat to its rightful owner. However, that did not stop him from contemplating the idea of leaving the cat where he had found it. Taking a deep, somewhat calming breath, Alec lifted his hand…and pressed the intercom button. The one next to the name Bane: After a moment, the intimidating, yet strangely alluring voice of Magnus Bane rang over the intercom.


Alec recoiled slightly, but proceeded nonetheless. "A-Alec: Alec Lighwood. I was here with my friends earlier…?" He trailed off, feeling heat rise in his cheeks. "He doesn't remember me."

"Are you the one with the pretty blue eyes?" Magnus inquired through the intercom sounding hopeful.

"Y-yes," Alec said, stammering once more.

"The doors open…" The Warlock positively purred.

A shiver ran down Alec's spin as he went inside the apartment complex and proceeded up the stairs. "He does remember me!"

Alec could hardly contain his goofy grin at the realization; however, it soon faded when he reached to High Warlock's door. Alec had always been shy, never one to venture out alone: So what was he doing out, late at night, standing outside of a downworlder's apartment?

Before he could question himself further, the door in front of him flew open on its own accord.

Or so it seemed.