Hey guys! I was bored today and everything. And no one has loked at any of my stories so i was bummed and wasn't motivated to write Story of a Firefly soooo I started this. I donno if the thing is right but the only review i got was from Kenikitten and it didn't even say she looked sooo if you did look at it im sorry that you could review and that i didnt work on it at all.
Anyway, this is a new story that i will write in everyonce in a while. It hasnt been beta-ed i only edited it so if theres mistakes sorry about them. Other than that enjoy!
Dont own Vampire Knight.
I was normal for most of my life, it seemed. I could do what I wanted when I wanted but, I was nowhere spoiled. I was a happy child, but ignored. I got hurt but, I healed. Yet, no one ever treated me like I wanted.
I had, well have, a mom and a dad. I have a big brother and a little sister. I was the invisible middle child and I had loved that. I hated how everyone treated me with pity because of the invisible middle child syndrome I had. I never needed that. Being on that damn list was the best thing that ever happened to me.
This list is one that holds the names of people who will be feed to the level-E vampires to keep them at bay. The pick babies at random or the parents can volunteer them. I was volunteered the day I was born. Thrown aside by my parents. They didn't want a sickly little child. Little did my parents know that any vampire that drank my blood would either turn to dust or be saved.
I scratch the back of my head, "I have to go there? A stiff prep academy?"
"Now, now. You wanted to see my fiancé." Hikari and I stare up at the menacing gate. Vines twirl themselves around the concrete to the iron. Some flowers hold their station on the side of the gate. Pure white flowers with red trim. Now, that's a major hint.
"Whatever." I grumble and follow my partner. This is not what I wanted to do with my life. This academy is known to have vampires but, it's so…preppy. All the girls with skirts and ties and the socks. Yeah, skirts are cool and all but, these are ones that hardly cover your butt. "Do I have to wear the uniform?"
"Kurai." Hikari scolds. He pushes his dark hair out of his eyes too look at me with narrowed eyes. He continues to walk through the gate into the courtyard of the school.
"You'll fit right in." I glare at the back of his head.
"I am only used to this because my family sent me to a prep school like this long ago."
"Yeah, when the seventeenth century?" I snicker. I look up at the sky watching the clouds float by. This would have been a great day if we hadn't signed up for this school and we weren't moving in here.
"Will you stop that?" He nearly growls at me. I feel his gaze but, I don't meet it only because the clouds are too beautiful to miss.
"Oh, mister stick-up-his-ass is here to show his ugly head again." I let out a snicker that only causes him to become angrier with me.
"You need to stop being so rude, Kurai. If you want to fulfill your meaning in life we have to. It is imperative."
"I am not being rude. I am stating the facts bluntly." I lift my hands up to shoulders feigning cluelessness.
"You need to stop being such a smart ass or I will leave you here without any protection or directions." He narrows his eyes. Those fire-y orange eyes, they could melt my heart if I'm not careful.
I slouch, "Okay, I'll be like Silent Kurai."
He nods his head acting his same old dignified way. He can be one of the most caring guys I've ever known. Whenever I would get hurt he would be right there tending my wounds. He's fiercely loyal too. Even though he paid his dues long ago he has stuck by my side helping me with my cause, but sometimes he can be a real snob and everything but, other times he has gotten me out of a lot suckish situations. This whole Cross Academy thing so not being one.
I will give the academy some credit because, damn, this landscape is killer! The tree's leaves are all a deep green color with the hint of orange or yellow. The cobblestone pathway is kind of over the top but, hey, they gotta look fancy. To make it not as bad there are small imperfections like some weeds in between the stones. There are super fancy fountains, with half naked little boys, scattered around spitting water.
I look at the other students with feigning interest. They all look plain and simple. Same uniforms, same hair styles, and same voices even. They all have to be the humans. I don't have anything against them but, geez, they never change. They keep the same old eye colors, none of them that exciting, the same old high school tactics, huddling in groups and gossiping, and the same attraction to all the same things, boys, make-up, frilly things, and vampires.
"EEEEE!" A random girl screams and races over to a gate with a moon over it.
"It looks like we are just in time to see the night class." Hikari states his lip curling in disgust at the girls racing over to the gate.
"Awe, you get to see your gay partner Kaname." I say blandly. Hikari said another reason he wanted ot come back was to see his old 'friend' Kaname. Yet, I still receive a head smack.
"Even if you have never held any respect for other vampires, can you please hold some for him?" Hikari gives me pleading eyes.
I roll mine at his, "Listen, I know this guy is a pureblood and all but, vampires are the same everywhere. Leeches, mosquitoes, or suckers; whatever you call them they still like the neck exposure." I tilt my head and tap my own neck at him.
He gives me his classic 'grow up' glare, "Please, just this once?"
"Just because I love you." I huff and cross my arms over my chest. He leans over my shoulder and rests it there.
"Thank you!" He whispers happily in my ear.
The two of us stand in the middle of the road watching the spectacle in front of us. A small girl with brown hair is trying to push back all the raving fan girls. When a white haired dude shows up the girl glares at him. She begins yelling at him after he shoots one glare at the girls and they back off. In the middle of the rant the moon doors swing open to the vampires.
I smile and elbow Hikari in the stomach, "Look the same to you?"
The girls part and let us get a wonderful view of the so called Night Class, "Stop making jokes."
Hikari in that moment doesn't notice that we're in the Holy Kaname and crew's way. All the fan girls stare in awe at us or shoot dagger but, I really don't pay attention to them. Hikari being the noble of the two of us bows as I check the vampires out, "Kaname-sama."
There are two blondes; one with sky blue eyes and the other with sea green eyes, a red haired guy that's really tall; almost taller than Hikari, another red haired guy with two different colored eyes; he has a piece of pocky in his mouth, and last of the boys is the definition of tall, dark, and handsome. There are three girls: a beautiful chestnut haired girl, an orange haired girl; another person with pocky in their mouth, and a white haired girl; that stands off to the tall, dark, and handsome guy.
"Ah, Hikari is that you?" Tall, dark, and handsome who now I assume is Kaname raise an eyebrow.
He gives him a nervous laugh, "Hai, it is. I've changed a lot over the years."
"Psh, that's an understatement." I mumble. No one must have been paying that much attention to me because none of them heard me.
A blonde guy with blue eyes looks me over. I give him a pleasant smile, "Who would you be? Hikari has not mentioned anyone here besides Kaname-sama."
The guy seems entranced with me, but most vampires are, as he answers, "I am Hanabusa Aido. It is such a pleasure to meet you!" He takes my hand and kneels. I let out a girly giggle when he kisses it.
"Oh, no, no! The pleasure is all mine." I lean down and kiss his forehead. In the gasp afterwards he lets go of my hand. All of the vampires stare at me because of my boldness. I also feel the, many, glares from the fan girls.
"Kurai." Hikari's voice sounds extremely strained as he advises me to stop toying with them.
I give him an innocent smirk, "I'm sorry I crossed the line."
The brown haired girl appears behind the group with the snow haired boy behind her. I notify the vampires with craning my neck to smile politely at her, "Yuuki." Kaname breathes. Hikari and I both raise an eyebrow. I look up at Hikari. He only gives me a nondescript shrug. This is an interesting thing, Kaname the pure blood vampire in love with a plain human.
"Are these new students?" She asks with a sweet voice. The guy stands behind her protectively but, defiantly in a menacing way. He doesn't trust vampires, aye?
"Yes, we are." Hikari motions to her arm band, "You must be the guardians."
As he gives her a charming smile I blow hair out of my eyes, "Ya know… I mean… It would be just wonderful for you to show us where Kaien Cross's office is."
"Oh! It is this way!" She waves he hand. I move my bag higher onto my shoulder once more.
I send a smirk back to the vampires, "You guys will be seeing a lot of me so get ready."
I turn back around but, not without noticing Kaname's eyes narrowing.
"So, you are real." Kaien glances up at me trough his glasses. The room is plain. Boring walls, tan, with a dull dark red. A cabinet on the left side of the door. A window behind his large, boring, oak desk. The desk has random papers spewed everywhere.
"You make me sound like a flippin' unicorn! I don't see what's so crazy about a creature with the ability to cure vampires." I sigh. I should have known this is what the reaction was gonna be. No one ever takes this well or indifferently. They're always just so amazed.
"It's just I've been waiting for something this amazing to happen! This is a miracle." Tears run down his face as he childishly dances around.
"I'm hardly a miracle…" I scratch the back of my head a bit embarrassed. Now, that is a first. Miracle.
"So does this mean we are accepted?" Hikari asks making Kaien stop crying and turn deathly serious. He turns to me with eyes that hold so much seriousness it makes me nervous to breathe.
"Now, Miss Kurai there are some rules that you will have to follow like the rest of the Day and Night students," He tells me.
"There are two sets of rules I gotta follow?" I stare at him flabbergasted. Rules have never, ever, bebn my forte.
"We don't want you going around telling everyone what you are." He continues, acting like I didn't speak.
"That's a given." I roll my eyes. Out of the corner of my eyes I see Hikari clench his jaw.
"You are not allowed out after dark."
"That sucks, c'mon!" Hikari's hand twitches towards me. I know about the vampires why can''t I look at the stars?
"Lastly, you are not allowed to sneak into the Moon dorm and offering your blood around."
"'Cause I just give it away." Hikari loses his patience and slaps the back of my head. "Hey, now. I am stating my opinion."
"In a rude manner." He counters.
"Oh, now I can't be rude or have a rude manner to my voice? Lovely." I huff and hang my head. Not the least bit sorry.
"Hikari, you will be with the Moon dorm and Kurai you are with the Sun dorm." He hands us our uniforms. I sigh just knowing I'm going to get in so much trouble here.
"So, unfair." I grumble as Hikari walks me to my dorm room. The hallways are dull and plain like the office was. White walled and tan trimmed.
"You need to stay in line." Hikari admonishes. He says it so much you could call it his catch phrase.
"Yeah, yeah, and do my homework. I know dad." I sigh. "Why do I have to be in the stupid Sun dorm? I rather be in the Moon dorm!" Night time has always been my thing since my first bite.
"Cross-san is being careful. The vampires do not know of your power yet. I don't believe he wants them to know just yet." He says in his smarty pants voice and I nearly gag.
"I get it, I get it. It still sucks though. And this uniform. Kill me now!" I look down at the blazer and skirt. I stick my tongue out at it. I'm only glad that its black.
"Stop being childish. I must go and put my belongings in my dorm." He turns away and begins to walk down the hall. Leaving me feel overly alone.
"Can I-"
"Damn…" I sigh. He continues down the hall way getting farther and farther away from me. I push open my door. Room 113. A room made for two people but, I will be the only one residing here, because Kaien is too scared that I might let it slip to a poor little old human. I look at the plain white walls with red trimming. Plain, plain, and more plain; is that all the school can offer me? I bet the teachers are crazy boring too. The only good thing about the room is the giant balcony and even that is kindda boring. Red drapes cover the doors. 'Man, I thought I would get a sucky room with nothing but, a small window and a bed. I'm going to have to thank Kaien for this later.'
I drop my bag on the floor and open the balcony doors. I step out into the night air and smile, "This is my kind of living."
"Leave them alone, Aido." My ears pick up on a soft voice. What is Yuuki doing outside? She can't handle herself against these vampires! They're freaking nobles!
"Ah, Yuuki." Aido murmurs back. I lean over the railing of the balcony to get a better view. I see a red head from earlier, donno his name, yet, though. Aido is holding onto Yuuki's scratched hand. There are some Sun dorm chicks behind them staring in horror at the scene taking place, stupid. They probably wanted to see the vampires; damn these humans are not only plain but, stupid too. Hm, I only smell a little bit of blood. He must be starving to be attracted to that little or on those wimpy blood tablets. "Your blood smells wonderful." I raise an eyebrow when he licks it. Geez, that's so sexy!
"Oh, shit." I look back and see half of my body is over the railing and my hands are slipping, "Damnit." I feel myself falling through the tree branches. My ass lands firmly on a huge branch, "That's going to hurt in the mornin'." Everyone in the scene looks up at me. My clothes are a bit torn showing the red marks the tree lashed. "Well, how do you do? I overheard this conversation and I was leaning closer to hear it and, well, I slipped and ended up here." I smile and swing my legs. Man, I sound like a ditz.
"Take your hands off of her." I watch as the white haired boy pulls out the Bloody Rose. I wince when I see it. I've been bitten by a number of vampires so I have acquired some of their traits. One of them being that I can be killed by that legendary gun.
I look towards Aido and then notice Kaname and Hikari walk towards the group. 'Damn, Hikari is going to kill me with his damn lecture later!'
Kaname relieves the Sun dorm girl's memories and turns to me, "Hikari, what do you want me to do to her?"
I grind my teeth, "He does choose my future."
"Kurai." Hikari stares at me trying to scare me into submission. Not going to work.
"Yes, Kurai, you should listen to him. I am superior to you." Kaname gives me a nice charming smile. Oh, so you think I'm more of a vampire, hm, interesting.
I nearly blow up because of that damn smile, "I'm going to bed."
"Don't you need to take the stairs?" Kaname asks politely as I grab onto a branch.
"No, I am fine with taking this tree." I snap back at him. Damn, I didn't know the guy could ever be so cocky.
"It doesn't seem very lady-like."
"Get to your damn dorm leech." I spat turning around to glare at the challenging pure blood.
"That's rude."
I jump down from the tree and stride up to him, "I'm not going to respect someone that doesn't give me any back. So stop looking down at me and I might be a bit kinder to you in the future." I stare up into his eyes. The flash a menacing red but, I don't dare back down. "You, with the Bloody Rose," I glance away and stare into a barrel of the gun. "Put it away before someone gets injured." He pulls the gun away from my face to reveal his violet eyes. I feel my heart speed up as he glares at me. I know all the vampires hear it but, right now, I could care less. This is the first human that isn't dull. Violet eyes.
"What's your name?" He asks with a velvet voice that could rival any vampires. A shivers rides it way down my spine with a satisfying chill.
I push the urge to say, "Did you hear it when Hikari and Kaname said it when scolding me?" I place a smirk on my lips and let out my name, "It's Kurai. Can I have yours?"
"No. Yuuki, c'mon." He grabs her wrist and turns away. I reach my hand out momentarily distracted by the boy. Humans are even attracted to me. The only beings not attracted to me are Level-E and Hunters.
"Don't even think about it Kaname-sama." I turn around and smile at the vampire. "I'm not stupid. Now, go back to your dorm and let me sleep." He gives me a smirk. Then he frowns when he looks at the red head and Aido. Aido gives me a sheepish smile before turning away.
Hikari gives me one more disapproving glare and follows the vampires reluctantly. I let out a breath of air, "Damn, this school is freaking crazy."
Should i keep this up? More reviews = more motivation! XD