A/N - So this is a request for KityKat-1. Actually it's a combination of requests. A while ago I was asked if I wanted to accept a challenge fic about Shane being married to Trips sister and abusing her etc etc. But the challenge was issued to a few others and I know that there is at least one HHH/Steph version and even a Jericho/Steph version. So I decided to combine KityKat's request with the first one and this was born. I hope you like it KityKat and that I'm able to do what you have imagined in your head justice. The banner has been added to my profile also.

Trish Stratus surveyed the scene in front of her. A beautiful reception hall packed with people, said people either bursting out of their suits or wearing their best dress and 'Free Bird' Michael Hayes dancing up a drunken storm in the middle of the dance floor. It was the wedding of one of her good friends, Paul Levesque and the bosses' daughter, Stephanie McMah...well; she should probably be saying Stephanie Levesque now. The pair had done the deed around four hours ago in one of the most genuine and lavish wedding ceremonies she had ever attended. Stephanie was practically glowing and her buddy didn't clean up too badly either. What was she kidding herself, Paul looked good. If he wasn't so head over heels for his brand spanking new wife she would have maybe pursued something with him a few years back. But she could more than settle for being good friends. As soon as she knew he was interested in Stephanie, any potential feelings had quickly disappeared and they had become close friends ever since. She shook her head as Hayes moved on to yet another diva and made a drunken pass only to get rejected once again. He was obviously blitzed out of his head to be acting this way at Vince McMahon's baby girls wedding because nobody in their right sober mind would even dream of it. Somehow she didn't think that everybody was taking full advantage of the open bar tonight. Despite the fact that it was a party, everybody, barring the intoxicated Hayes of course, was on their best behaviour. It didn't hurt to have a few drinks though so here she currently was, sitting on a stool at the bar alone just taking in the room and ignoring the leery stare of the greasy spot faced man across from her.

"It's nice to see somebody taking advantage of all this free booze!"

She turned slightly and found herself staring into the smiling face of the groom himself. A smile of her own graced her pretty features and she happily obliged as he leaned down to kiss her cheek. "I don't know what you mean. Looks to me like the Free Bird over there is more than drinking for the rest of us."

Paul glanced over his shoulder and chucked as he shook his head. "Tell me about it. When he got up and started singing earlier, Linda was ready for neutering him. I've never seen her so pissed off before!"


"Yeah! It scared the crap out of me and gave me another reason not to screw this up," he joked as he motioned to the bartender for a beer. "God forbid if anything ever happened between me and Steph, I think I might be more afraid of a pissed off Linda than a pissed off Vince."

Trish rolled her eyes at that comment. The chances of him 'screwing things up' were 0%. He loved Stephanie and she loved him. It would take something pretty spectacular to mess that up. She glanced at the beer bottle he was sipping from and a grin instantly crossed her face. "What's this? Is Mr-I-don't-drink-because-I-need-to-look-after-my-awesome-physique-and-be-better-than-everybody actually consuming alcohol? I'm... I'm...well I'm just flabbergasted!"

He laughed out loud at her over the top question and faux shocked expression. It was an inside joke between the two where he constantly gave her shit about her, at times, over abundant wine consumption, telling her that she should be more like him and not drink at all if she wanted to be half as good as 'The Game.' "It's my wedding day," he said as he shrugged his shoulders. "Surely a guy is entitled to have a beer on his wedding day, huh?"

They stared at each other for a few seconds before bursting into laughter. "Alright, I'll give you this one but only because it's your wedding day. The only way you get to have another drink is if you have another wedding."

"Another wedding? Jesus. I'm not even married a full day yet and already you have me on my second one! What an awesomely shit friend you are!"

She swatted his arm and stuck out her tongue as she replied. "Jerk."



"Keep that up and I'll get my wife over here to kick your ass. I don't think she'll take too kindly to you insulting her new husband like that."

She looked over his arm and scanned the room seeing no sign of the bride anywhere. "I hate to break it to you but I think she has run off on you already."

He just laughed as he swallowed the rest of his beer and set it down on the bar. "Actually she's over there dancing with her brother I believe." He squinted to make out the tall figure on the other side of the room dancing with Stephanie. Quickly turning back in her direction, he reached for her hand and gently pulled her out of the stool. "Speaking of which, will you give me the honour of dancing with the second most beautiful woman in the room tonight?"

"Oh you are such an asshole!" she groaned, rolling her eyes but laughing all the same as she let him lead her out to the middle of the floor, a cheeky grin of his own in place.

As they found a spot, his hand held hers while the other rested on the small of her back. She gripped one shoulder and maintained a safe distance, letting the sound of the music drift her away.

"You're looking way too dreamy on me, Stratus."

She opened her eyes and chuckled at him. "Sorry. I just can't remember the last time I got to dress up and dance like this at a party, even if it's with you of all people."

Paul sulked playfully. "Hey! I'm a great dancer. I haven't even stepped on your toes yet." He chuckled for a moment before he caught sight of his wife over her shoulder. Trish watched as a warm look spread across his face and his eyes lit up. It didn't take a genius to figure out who he had spied over there. She only wished that someday she would find a man who looked at her the way her friend was looking at his wife right now. Deciding that it was high time she got out of the way and let the happy couple spend their time together, she gently tapped his shoulder to get his attention.

"Hey, why don't you go dance with your wife and kick start this honeymoon of yours?"A sly smile crossed his face at that remark and she could only roll her eyes at him. Men.

"If you insist!"

"I do. And just so you know...I'm really happy for you, Paul. I guess I'll kind of miss having you around for the next three weeks."

He smiled and pulled her into a hug. "Awwww, are you going to miss me?"

She groaned and slapped his back. "Don't be a jerk!" They pulled away and she put her best exasperated face on. "Now go! Give Stephanie my regards, will you?"

"Of course," he grinned back, moving to step away from her before leaning down and kissing her cheek. "Thanks, Trish." He took her hand and started pulling her towards Stephanie and Shane. "Come on, I'm not just going to ditch you. I'll take Steph and you can have Shano."

The pair came to a stop just behind the McMahon siblings. Noticing his new brother-in-law and Trish Stratus standing behind them, Shane motioned with his head causing his sister to turn around. Stephanie smiled delightedly at her husband, then Trish. While some women might be annoyed by their partners having close female friends, it never really bothered her. She trusted Paul completely and knew Trish well enough to know that she didn't fool around like that. They were just good friends, that was all there was to it.

"I was trying to dance with him but he was too busy making goo goo eyes across the room at you. I figured you may as well take him before he started to hump my leg or something," Trish joked, removing her hand from his and placing in front of Stephanie like he was some filthy infected object.

The bride's amused laughter filled the air as she gladly reached out to take her husband's hand and gently tug him next to her. "I understand completely. Sometimes he needs to be tamed."

"I know. He's like the world's worst quarterback, always making passes but it's never enough to score the touchdown."

"JESUS!" Paul cried out, throwing his hands in the air. "I am standing right fucking here you know!" He looked at Shane in disbelief and then turned to face Trish. "If I had known you were going to start a verbal assault I would have left you over there to fend for yourself."

Trish chuckled and shared a conspiratorial wink with the new Mrs Levesque. "Oh hush. It's not like you've never given anybody flack before."

"That's the thing, Trish, he can give it but he can't take it," Stephanie added, thoroughly enjoying teasing the hell out of her husband right now. He looked wounded!

Paul smirked and wrapped his arm around Stephanie's waist, tugging her closer. "Well that all depends on what exactly it is I'm supposed to be taking."

"Aaaaannnnddddd that's my cue to leave," Shane spoke up noticing the looks on his sister and brother-in-law's faces. He had seen that look before and it usually ended in the two of them disappearing for a period of time while they got up to God knows what. Although he silently thanked Paul for bringing the beautiful Miss Stratus over with him. He would more than happily step in.

The newly married couple barely noticed as Shane and Trish walked away. Paul wrapped his other arm around Stephanie's waist and pulled her flush against him, his head moving to her shoulder which he kissed and nipped while her arms wound around his neck. Brothers and friends were quickly forgotten and thoughts of a more private wedding night celebration began to grow stronger.

A few feet away Trish smiled at Shane as he took up a similar dancing stance to her good old buddy just a few minutes earlier. Every so often her eyes flitted over his shoulder. She couldn't help but glance at Paul and Stephanie, at how they were practically pressed together, how he was holding her so close, every so often feathering her neck and lips with kisses and all the while they gazed at each other with that look on their face, the look of a newlywed. So help her but she felt a pang in her chest. She wasn't exactly jealous but being on the road made it so hard to be in a relationship. She missed the closeness of having a man around. She was the type of girl that needed more than just meaningless sex every now and then. When she looked across the room she saw everything that she wanted but it was so damn hard to find.

"They know how to make you want somebody to be with, huh?"

Shaking her head and coming back to the present, she tried not to be taken aback by his words. "I'm sorry?"

Shane smiled softly and motioned his head backwards towards his sister and brother-in-law. "I said they know how to make you want somebody to be with."

"Oh. Sorry I wasn't paying attention, I..."

"It's alright. Believe me, I know what it's like to have that feeling of longing in your gut," he said sadly, his eyes leaving hers and dropping to the floor.

Trish studied his face. He looked exactly how she felt. It had been a big topic of conversation when the news broke of Shane's divorce almost two years ago, not because of the divorce itself but because the boy wonder had began tearing through the female locker room afterwards. Thankfully she didn't get the luxury of having to turn him down. Shane McMahon or not, she didn't mix business with pleasure and especially not for some fling. But his comment had piqued her interest and she decided to probe a little further. "Speaking from experience I take it?"

His eyes lifted and locked with hers. "Absolutely. Ever since my...divorce I've felt like that every day. Sometimes I don't think I'll ever move past it." Things were silent for a few moments before her soft laughter caused him to frown. "What's so funny?"

"Look at us! We are at your sister and my friend's wedding and all we can talk about is our own crappy love lives!"

"Yeah," he chuckled along with her. "I know for a fact Steph wouldn't appreciate me putting a damper on things like this, even if nobody can hear me apart from you."

A surprisingly comfortable silence enveloped the pair as a new song started up and they danced together. One song stretched to two, then three, then four, each one bringing them physically closer and closer together and before they knew it, she had her arms wrapped around his neck and her body pressed against him suggestively while he held her tight to him. They were locked in a heated stare until a loud chorus of goodbyes and congratulations' rang around the room. Trish glanced to the front to see Paul and Stephanie hand in hand and saying goodbye to their parents. Everybody began to head towards the door to wish the pair a happy life together. Completely taking her off guard, she felt Shane's hand slip into hers and he began to lead her towards the front of the room and out the door. They followed everybody else and managed to push their way through the throng of people to get to the front. Vince was hugging Stephanie tightly and she rolled her eyes over his shoulder as she saw her brother approaching. Almost as quickly as he took it, Shane dropped her hand when he came into view of his family. Trish didn't know whether to feel happy or disappointed. The whole series of events after Paul left her were starting to blur together. Just what exactly had happened?

"Hey Stratus!"

She looked up at the sound of her name being called. She watched as Paul ushered Stephanie into the waiting limousine before he turned and offered her one final cheeky grin. "Try not to miss me too much." With a playful wink he disappeared inside and headed off to start what she was sure to be a great honeymoon. She shook her head and waved along with everybody else until the car was out of sight. And so it was over. She turned around and locked gazes with Shane once again. Or maybe not. He walked towards her with a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

"So...would you like to go back in for a drink? The bride and groom may have left but there is still a party to be...partied?"

Laughing at his stupid comment, she boldly linked her arm through his and motioned with her hand. "Lead the way."