The hour or so before RAW actually starting, Michelle called both Shawn and Hunter to explain what happened and what's going to happen. She stood up for Edge and Randy, telling them exactly what Randy told her. She even mentioned how he was sincere and honest about it. Shawn, ever the reborn Christian, accepted this with very little hesitation. Hunter, however, couldn't believe that she was sticking up for worthless pricks. Then Michelle told him that Jessi had a relationship with Edge during their feud. That pissed him off.
Hell, even Randy talked to him, apologizing for what he did. He told him exactly what Michelle said, and how shitty he felt about the whole thing. Hunter, with a sigh, finally gave in and forgave him. Then he jumped to the conclusion that they slept together, to which Michelle denied.
Now it was time to confront Jessi. Michelle was very nervous (the word not even covering a quarter of what she felt) but Randy stood there with her. He kissed her cheek as she opened the door to their locker room.
Jessi was inside, taping her wrists. "Michelle—" she quickly cut herself off as she realized that a certain enemy was behind her. "What is he doing here?" she hissed, snarling.
"Jessi, just hear us out."
"WHAT? You're with THEM now? How COULD you?" she screamed.
"How could you have a relationship with Edge and not tell me about it when we're fighting them the whole time? Huh, Jessi? Why didn't you tell me about him, huh? HE LOVES YOU!"
Jessi was fuming to the point of being able to see steam rise from her head. "No he doesn't! He used me to cheat on Lita!"
"He met you before Lita! What the fuck happened?"
Jessi gritted her teeth in anger, confusion, and frustration. She threw herself down into the nearest chair, breathing harshly through her nose.
"He was perfect. You and I know that perfection does not exist. He was the perfect gentleman, but he lied to me, right in my face. He beat up my uncle right behind my back. I found out the day after we slept together."
"They didn't mean to hurt them. They were taking heat from a bunch of different superstars, so they were pressured. It wasn't premeditated or intentional; it just happened. And they're sorry for it. Hunter and Shawn already know about it."
"You're lying!" she screeched suddenly, jumping to her feet. "You're LYING! You've turned your back on me to join THEM!"
"No, Jessi, that isn't it—"
"YOU BITCH!" And she attacked Michelle.
Michelle was taken aback at this. She thought Jessi would understand. And she didn't want to fight her. Arguing with her sucked too.
Jessi's punch landed on her jaw, making Michelle twirl from the impact. From instinct, Michelle swung her leg up, connecting with Jessi's head. Randy was utterly flabbergasted that he froze in place.
They quickly took their fight out into the hall. Michelle threw Jessi into the wall, her hand fluttering to her jaw. It wasn't broken. Jessi came back at her, pushing her down the hall with a flurry of punches and kicks. They passed the gorilla position and went through the curtain, interrupting King and JR.
Jessi slapped Michelle and, in response, speared her to the ramp. She stayed on her, pinning her down.
"Jessi! Listen to me!"
"NO!" And she slapped her, removing herself from Michelle's grip. Randy ran down the ramp after realizing what happened and grabbed her around the midsection, trying to stop her from doing more damage.
Jessi fought him as Edge ran down the ramp, checking on Michelle. She pushed him away to go back to Jessi. She wasn't going to talk anymore, no; she was going to fight her. She kicked her in the stomach and dragged her by the blonde hair to the ring, rolling her in. She slid in herself to pick her up, and whip her into the ropes, clotheslining her to the mat. Randy and Edge sat shocked outside the ring. Edge ran his hands through his hair, licking his lips anxiously.
Jessi kicked Michelle in the head, pivoting on her foot to swing around and strike her again. She gripped her ribs tenderly, falling into the corner of the ring, watching her newly found enemy with a ravenous glare. Michelle attempted to get up into a kneeling position, carefully watching Jessi in the corner. When she made a move, she dropped quickly, making Jessi miss her and fall through the ropes. Edge and Randy kept their eyes on her, but didn't touch her—until she attacked them.
Her eyes were wild as she swung at the two men she hated most. Michelle jumped over all three ropes to jump onto Jessi. They crashed to the floor, and stayed there; catching their breath and holding whatever hurt them. They struggled to get up, Jessi holding her stomach, Michelle holding her head. They stared each other down for a long time. Not moving. Their labored breathing slowed down considerably. They stood at the ready, but no one made a move. Michelle noticed Jessi's arm was bent at a bad angle. All of a sudden, music started up.
Shawn and Hunter walked out from the back, dressed in jeans and a long sleeve shirt and short sleeve respectively. They looked at the girls, then shot a glance between the two of them, then at Randy and Edge. Edge was, well, on edge, but Randy looked mournful.
Hunter had a mic in his hands. "Uh, girls, why are you fighting?"
The girls in question were staring at them in confusion and shock. When did they get here?
Michelle rushed up to her uncle to hug him, but Jessi stayed down there, even as Shawn threw his arms wide in an invitation for a hug. In fact, she backed up so she was pressed against the ring. Shawn took the mic from Hunter.
She shook her head continuously, mouthing no, no, no, no, no repeatedly. They walked down closer to Randy and Edge. They sized them up quickly, realizing the tag team didn't mean any harm, and Hunter clapped them on the back. He truly did forgive them for what they were forced to do. Jessi, however, was going crazy.
"NO! YOU CAN'T! AFTER ALL OUR HARD WORK TO BEAT THEM! NOOO!" She pulled her hair with her good arm, clearly torn between running away, or fighting for her life.
"Jessi, please—"
"NO!" She ran around the ring and jumped the barricade to run up the stairs, clutching her arm. Michelle was about to go after her, but Shawn stopped her. He shook his head no.
Jessi quit the next day. She was also checked in at a hospital for her arm, and for a part of her sanity.
Michelle was in a SmackDown locker room, Randy and Edge sitting on the couch as she paced a hole in the floor. They were there to address what happened last night, and for the men to apologize publicly to Hunter and Shawn. Michelle's contract was given to the men the night before, directly after RAW.
"Shells, sit down. You're making me nervous," Randy said softly, pulling her down onto his lap.
"I can't help it. I'm just really nervous. I've been trying to think of things to say to explain what happened with Jessi, but nothing's coming to me."
"She broke down," Edge suggested, "You realized we weren't really the bad guys and tried to tell Jessi that. She didn't want to believe it, so she fought you because you were taking our side. Then we'll apologize to Hunter and Shawn, and everything will be peachy keen again." He sat back, satisfied with his answer.
"You guys aren't going to turn on me, are you?" Michelle asked flatly, eyeing the both of them. They shook their heads, serious about everything they told her. Besides, the Hardy's were their main opponents. DX wasn't after their titles.
They got up to head to the gorilla position, waiting patiently for the match to finish before they could go out and address everybody.
They made their way to the ring as soon as the opposing tag teams left up the ramp. Michelle shook in nervous anticipation, climbing up the steps and stepping into the ring. The two men were behind her, Randy coming up to her to take her waist.
There was a mixture of boos and cheers in the crowd. Michelle took the offered mic from a techie near the ring, waiting for the crowd to quiet.
"As you saw Monday, a lot of things went on that was quite confusing. Well I'm going to try to answer some questions I'm sure you all have," she explained, "Here's some background history for you: Jessi dated Edge for about a week, but quickly cut it off when she found he had hurt her uncle. My uncle was also hurt, but something didn't sit right with me. At first, I followed Jessi's plan of revenge until I noticed quite a few things. Ashes found out about the relationship between them and told me. That's when I noticed Edge didn't seem to be in the right state of mind. He seemed…lost." She paused to look at him with a shrug. He returned it, agreeing with her choice of words.
"I confronted him about it, and when he told me, he seemed to be very sincere throughout the whole conversation. The only thing that bothered me now was Randy's sick and strange behavior, but that was quickly fixed," she said, looking to glare at him, "And I couldn't feel the hatred Jessi was trying to make me feel anymore. These two were just misunderstood in their actions."
They booed at that, but they quickly cheered when Shawn and Hunter walked out to their music. They walked down, coming into the ring. They had a mic between them, but Hunter raised it to his mouth to speak first.
"You know, guys, I understand you were under pressure. I understand you were taking heat from the locker rooms. But what I don't understand is why you had to sleep with our nieces. I mean, the damage was done when you put us out of action, but—"
"I love Michelle, Hunt," Randy said, putting his arms around her shoulders. Michelle's eyes grew wide at this, not believing her ears. She stiffened in his grip.
"And I love Jessi. I knew it before, we uh, yeah." Edge scratched the back of his neck as Shawn glared at him.
"But we are very sorry that it happened to you," Randy started, taking the mic gently from Michelle, "we really regret it. Edge and I hope that we can move past this."
Hunter watched skeptically, but Shawn stuck his hand out, offering Edge a cordial handshake to let bygones be bygones. He smiled in response, firmly taking Shawn's hand. They pulled away to watch Randy extend his hand in the same manner, waiting for Hunt. Michelle pleaded with her eyes for this to work out. He brought the mic to his mouth.
"You better take very good care of her, Orton. I mean it." And he slapped his hand in a shake.
Michelle hugged her uncle, whispering her thanks in his ear.
It would be an understatement to say that things didn't turn out too badly. Bygones were bygones, after all.
FINISHED. THE END. NO MORE! [please don't make me write more]