I _ don't _want _ to _ {f o r g e t} _ how _ w e _ [u s e d] _ to_ be.

{p a r t o n e}

"Screams. So many bloodcurdling screams and mindless shrieks, ripping at his mind, tearing it to pieces. He ran and ran, tripping and stumbling until he reached a dead end in this crumbling labrynth. He was the mouse and the Apple of Eden was the cheese. The trees hanging overhead was what scared him the most, watching him as he sprinted and dodged the arrowfire, his armor deflecting some. He cried out in pain as one of the arrows pierced deep into his thigh, the blood spurting out—" Naminѐ stopped reading outloud, but didn't. Her pale blue eyes were wide.

Roxas sighed deeply and took back his notebook of musings, sounding irritated, "I told you. You wouldn't like it. Now, go find Hayner for me, please?"

He huffed a little, taking off his beanie, feeling a bit warmer, his hair disheveled. The lean blonde hopped off the locker where the two of them were sitting and jogged off.

It was still early in the morning and there was about an hour before school started and it was almost as if the school was deserted. No sound. No people.

It was perfect.

Roxas was just glad that Naminѐ didn't try to turn the page or anything. Then he would've been in big trouble, for the next few pages were of his… fantasies. Fantasies which he would rather not have other people see.

Now, if there was one thing to be known about Roxas, it was this. He was lusted after by many girls for his looks and witty, quirky personality.

Another thing was that he never dated anyone and this fact seemed to make girls lust after him more. The reason he never dated these girls, you ask? Quite simple.


At school, he was the pretty boy that everyone was friends with, that everyone liked, that teachers loved and pictured as the 'model student' who balanced sports and academics.

At home, he was a grouchy, angsty teenager who was sick of pretending to be something he wasn't. He wanted to be loved, adored for who he really was. Not who everyone thought him to be.

He longed to tell someone who he truly was, but the last thing he needed was to worry about that person telling everyone. So he decided to try to stick it out. And for a while it worked.

But then Axel happened.

He was so… different from the norm that people were attracted to him like magnets, seeking his infectious humor and personality. His hair was a bright red, with a dark crimson outgrowth, purple upside down triangles on his cheeks, almond shaped eyes which were a green fire that drew people in, seeking their warmth. He truly was beautiful, but he would prefer being called handsome.

Oh, and one other thing. He was an absolute flaming homosexual. But, much like Roxas, he kept it inside. Well, he did until he met the fiesty blonde, and they stuck together like glue. It was almost instantaneous the way they became best friends.

Roxas eventually developed somewhat of a crush on his redheaded friend because they spent all of their free time together.

They hung out together, gamed together, went to parties together, spent weekends at each others houses. Eventually, one of them had to discover that the other was gay.

It was Roxas who found out about Axel's sexuality first by means of his older brother Reno, who had said to him that he once caught Axel with another boy when he walked into his room once.

Inner Roxas let out a sigh of relief at the discovery while Outer Roxas was freaking out.

How in the hell would he react to this? Well, rather how would the Roxas that everyone knew react?

[ p a r t _ o n e _ e n d ]