Hey All.

New story, here we go. :)

Dedicated to roxasXnamine-ftw and cammehhh for being totally awesome.

Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts at all.

The blonde stared back at him, smiling. Her blue eyes were sparkling from behind her thick rimmed glasses and the braces on her teeth made her look slightly nerdy. Beside her, his friend Kairi was grinning, her auburn hair blowing around her face. They were standing in the centre of the sandlot, cheeks pressed together. The picture had been taken at an odd angle and they were tilted. It had been taken a couple of years ago with Sora's amateur photography skills.

His attention was drawn back to the blonde. "This is Namine. She's been my best friend for the longest time, and she's invited us to stay at her place for the summer! Isn't it great?" He had not been impressed when Kairi had burst into his work, squealing with excitement about seeing her best friend. Of course, Sora had been extremely happy for her and had gone so far as to actually bounce around the room, holding her hands.

Ever since his cousin had gotten together with one of their best friends, he had been turning into a sap. "It's what love does to you, Rox." He had given the brunette a look before walking out of the room for some food. There was no way that he was ever going to turn into some mushy sap when it came to a girl.

The closest he had ever been to a girl, was when he had started eighth grade and had had a major crush on one of the girls in his group, Olette. He had liked her for such a long time, so when she and his best friend, Hayner, got together, he couldn't help it that he had been slightly upset.

Since then, whenever Kairi or Sora tried to set him up with someone, it always ended badly. He recalled the horrible date he had with Selphie, one of Kairi's many, many single female friends. "She's really nice Rox! You'll love her. You guys are perfect for each other!"

He had come home nearly deaf in one ear and shaking like a leaf. The brunettete was overbearing, clingy and hyper active. She had practically sat on him for the entire movie and being nice, he had offered to take her for ice cream afterwards. She had complained about a diet and that they tortured animals to get the milk. Roxas had calmly explained that milking a cow was completely normal and harmless. Selphie had looked at him like he was an insane moron, slapped him across the face and walked out as fast as her yellow high heels would allow. He had sworn off dating anyone his friends set him up with ever since.

Roxas ran his thumb over the girl's face in the photograph. Kairi had shown it to him a week before the flight, and had forgotten to take it back. He had never met this girl before, but his friends had insisted and had practically dragged him onto the flight out of Twilight Town. She had moved to Radiant Garden along with her brother before he had transferred into the school.

Kairi assured him that she wouldn't try and set them up, because to put it quite simply, Namine had a boyfriend. He sighed with relief. Thank god they wouldn't try to set him up again. Girl drama was just too much drama. Sora had once thought so too, until he had started dating Kairi. Now he didn't even mind it when he was called whipped. He thought it was an honour.

Pocketing the picture as best he could, he looked out the small round window to his right. It was dark outside the plane, and the glass was cold when his leant his cheek against it. Beside him, his best friend was snoring lightly, his red hair looking like a lion's mane. He smirked. The disaster that was Axel's hair was entirely Sora's fault.

He, Sora and Kairi had arrived at Axel's house around 3am with the spare key, Sora's video camera and a bottle of ice cold water. Knowing what his best friend was like around water, Roxas had passed up the privilege and given it to his cousin instead, deciding to stay safely behind the video camera. The redhead was such a deep sleeper, that the trio didn't even have to be quiet when they entered his house and snuck into his bed room. Making sure the camera was rolling, he had nodded to Kairi, who gave her boyfriend a thumbs-up. Grinning, Sora had unscrewed the lid and spilt the entire bottle onto the sleeping man.

As soon as the water had hit his face, Axel abruptly woken and sat up, spluttering. The blankets and quilts hung off him and his hair was flat against his face. Roxas had to bite his knuckle, stifling a laugh. Beside him Kairi started giggling like mad. His best friend had looked like a drowned rat. His cousin had taken one look at the redhead and burst into hysterical laughter. Water was dripping from Axel's matted spikes and the shocked, frantic look on his best friend's face was priceless.

Even though he was slightly upset that he couldn't have woken up his best friend himself, Roxas decided that it was a good idea that he hadn't. Axel had sent a frighteningly angry look at his cousin, let out a strangled, spluttering yell and launched himself at Sora. His cousin had let out a scream and stumbled out of the room. Axel didn't even acknowledge Roxas or Kairi as he tore out of the room after the brunette, shouting loudly. With a large grin on his face, the blonde boy had followed them, filming. Kairi tiptoed behind him, still laughing.

They had found them in the kitchen and Roxas had very nearly burst out laughing. Axel had managed to grab his cousin in a head lock in one arm, using his other hand to grab onto Sora's nose. He was shouting insults at him and trying to keep the boy from knocking into cupboards and tables. Sora was struggling wildly, swinging around the empty water bottle and a random spatula. Roxas presumed that it came from the open drawer near the fridge. There had been several loud slaps and yells when the brunette began slapping away at his captor with the kitchen utensil. Axel twisted the brunette's nose slightly and Sora had let out a strangled yell before sucking in a large amount of air. The bottle clattered to the floor and immediately Sora's other hand had latched itself onto a piece of Axel's hair. The redhead had yelled in pain and released the boy, who fell to the floor still holding onto a fistful of red hair. Shouting in pain and surprise, Axel had staggered before falling onto Sora. There was a loud scream and a thud, before silence followed.

Roxas smirked and looked down at the bag at his feet. He had the whole thing on camera and planned to show it to everyone as soon as they got back home and maybe even post it onto the internet. Feeling lonely, he leant forward to look at the couple in front of him. Kairi was fast asleep, her head resting on Sora's shoulder. The blonde noted that she looked extremely peaceful when she was sleeping; that was a major change from her usual upbeat personality.

"She's so beautiful..." Roxas jumped slightly, turning to look at his cousin. Sora was gazing at his sleeping girlfriend with love and admiration. His voice was soft. "...Don't you think so Rox?"

"Uh..." The blonde was totally caught off guard. "...I-I suppose she is...isn't...ugly?"

"...Seriously, Rox...Is that honestly the best you can do?" The brunette hissed at him. What was he meant to say? Sora and Kairi were his best friends and they were dating. It wasn't that Kairi wasn't pretty; it would just be totally awkward to say that to her boyfriend!

"I don't know Sora! She's my best friend...I don't really think of her that way, like that, any time. She's one of the guys..." He whispered back, frankly not knowing what to say.

Sora was silent for a moment. "...Are you saying that Kairi is a guy?"

Roxas' eyes widened in shock and he looked at his cousin incredulously. Was Sora really that stupid?

The plane swayed slightly and the blonde sighed, resting his forehead on the back of Kairi's seat.

"Oh yeah, Kairi's hot." Both of the cousins turned to look at Axel with similar looks of disbelief. The redhead's eyes widened in confusion and he raised an eyebrow at them questioningly. "What? It's what you wanted to hear, right?"

"Not like that you jackass," Sora snapped quietly. Roxas rolled his eyes and groaned. They were always at each other's throats, but for some really strange reason they considered each other good friends. The logic of his best friend and his cousin baffled him. They could be snapping each other one minute, the best of friends the next. Why did he have to hang around such weird people?

"Sorry for saying anything." Axel muttered, leaning back in his seat and yawning widely.

"Sora," Roxas muttered from his position behind them. His cousin turned to look at him. "Why did you drag me along anyways?"

The brunette grinned suddenly, shifting slowly to face him while trying his best not to disturb the sleeping girl. "Because, well, we thought it would be more fun with you along."

"I don't even know her!"

"But you will. Namine is really easy to make friends with...well that's how it was about four years ago..." It was four years ago that Namine's family had left Twilight town and had moved to Radiant Garden. Their dad, a business man, had received a promotion and they all packed up and left. Sora always told him that Kairi had been devastated when her best friend had moved away, but they kept in contact through email and phone calls.

That was how this whole mess had started. Roxas had just started his shift at Chocobo Road, a local ice cream store, when Kairi had burst into the parlour, dragging his cousin behind her. He had thanked god that they weren't busy, because the girl had practically bounced up to the counter and demanded him to "guess what!"

He most certainly had not predicted that Namine asked her to visit for the holidays. He had been ever more surprised when Kairi pulled out the letter and handed it to him, pointing happily at the neat cursive writing.

...I'd really like to meet your friends.

When I spoke to Dad about it, he actually went and bought four tickets for a package deal! They're only one way, so Demyx promised to catch the train back with you guys afterwards. Apparently Axel's invited Dem to stay with him for a while. It's so exciting! Make sure you bring Sora, definitely. One of the tickets is for Axel, Demyx 'requested' it. Of course one is for you, but then there's a spare. I don't care who you bring, just make sure that they're one of your closest friends!


Roxas was actually astonished that she had chosen to invite him out of all her other friends. He didn't know much at all about Namine, except for the information that the picture told him; blonde with braces and glasses, big, blue eyes. He supposed that the girl in the photo was slightly pretty, but personally, he preferred brunettetes for some reason. But the picture left him curious, why hadn't he been told more about her?

"What is...well...was. What was she like?" He asked his cousin, who sat idly in the uncomfortable plane chair, twirling a strand of Kairi's hair around his finger. Next to him, Axel shifted and leant forward to hear the conversation.

It was Sora who spoke, "She was quiet. She was always drawing and she had this quiet yet sweet smile. She was always helping people out. I remember, this one time when we were eleven, she spent a whole day cleaning one of the art rooms in school. And then this other time, she actually helped Seifer get through his parent's divorce, and that guy was always picking on her. That's how nice she was."

Roxas was in awe. That was a brave thing to do. That girl must've been selfless. He hated Seifer, and the bully hated him. They were always glaring at each other, but it wasn't nearly as bad as Hayner's relationship with the bully. The two of them absolutely loathed each other, purposely going out of their way to make each other's lives a living hell. Sometimes it was funny, but Hayner was ridiculously moody when Seifer had done something to him. But Roxas didn't have to worry about that anymore. After Hayner and Olette got together, the two boys had drifted apart. That was around the time that he met Axel.

Beside him, his best friend smirked at him. "She'd always been a cute little blonde. Dem was my best mate, and little Nam was always drawing and smiling." The redhead closed his eyes and leant his head back against his chair, the smirk still lingering on his face.

"You're not day dreaming about her are you?" Sora asked inquisitively, narrowing his eyes at Axel.

The man in question nodded smugly, "Wouldn't you like to know?"

Giving his best friend a look that the redhead didn't notice, he pulled up his left sleeve. The digital watch on his wrist read 5.24am. They had about half an hour until the plane landed in Traverse Town. Kairi had told them that Namine's elder brother Demyx would be there to meet them and drive them to the Hollow Bastion district where their family lived.

Sighing, Roxas slumped down in his seat and looked out the window. The sun was coming up slowly, the clouds tinted in an array of pinks and oranges. There was no time difference between Twilight Town and Radiant Garden, so at this point in time he imagined that his sister, Alice, would either be sound asleep or awake, sculpting and sketching strange creatures like rabbits in waistcoats and creepy, grinning, purple cats.

He turned back to ask his best friend a question. He merely smirked when he found Axel eyeing one of the blonde flight attendants. His best friend had always had a soft spot for blondes; all of his previous relationships were either with human Barbie dolls or with complete bimbos.

The girl was currently oblivious to be watched. Dressed in a somewhat bland black and white Gummi Flights uniform, she was pushing the cart down the aisles with a bored expression. Weren't flight attendants meant to smile?

The smell of airline food filled the cabin, and Roxas suddenly felt like chicken...at 5.30 in the morning. "That's really healthy for you Rox. Way to go." Kairi always scolded him for eating non-breakfast food for breakfast. He didn't care though. Cereal tasted better as an afternoon snack or as dinner, instead of first thing in the morning.

He watched his best friend as the cart pulled up beside their pair of seats. The blonde girl sent them an uninterested look. "What would you like? We have cereal Stars or fruit salad."

Before Roxas could say anything or stop his friend from doing something stupid, Axel leant over and took the flight attendant's hand. "Are you on the menu, sexy?" Her eyes widened in surprise quickly, before she narrowed them at him. "If not, I'll have a coffee."

"I'm sorry sir," She snapped at him. "We don't fulfil people's sick, perverted fantasies here. This is an airline not a brothel."

Roxas sighed and face palmed. This was bad. When they snapped, Axel was hooked. Thank god they would be off this stupid plane within the hour.

Grinning, his best friend lifted the attendant's hand and gently kissed it. It may have seemed like a gentlemanly action, but Roxas knew better. "Enchanté..." Axel squinted at the blonde's badge, "Larxene. What a beautiful name..."

Larxene rolled her eyes and glared at the man. "Let go of my hand now you sick freak," She hissed at him. "Or I will shove your coffee up your ass."


Sora cut his best friend off, "I'd really, really love some cereal Stars please!" They all turned to look at him, and he just smiled at them in response. "What? I'm hungry." He looked over at his sleeping girlfriend then turned back to the attendant. "She'll have the fruit."

Sighing in relief, Roxas sat up straight in his chair. Sora had just extinguished a possible argument. Axel's flirty ways often got him in trouble and it was a bad idea to cause trouble while they were thousands of feet in the air.

In the seat in front of him, his cousin was whispering to his girlfriend. Kairi stirred slightly and Roxas took the opportunity to ask for the cereal and a hot chocolate. The attendant pulled out two trays of cereal and handed one to Sora and the other to the blonde boy, who had flipped down the table from the back of the seat in front of him. His cousin was also handed a tray of the fruit breakfast, which he put in front of the yawning redhead.

Beside him, Axel's ego had been chopped down slightly and he mumbled something about fruit. The attendant smirked and unceremoniously dumped the tray on his lap before pushing the cart forward to the next people. The redhead watched her go, mouth gaping.

Eyebrow raised, Roxas turned to his best friend. "What was that about?"

"I-I think I'm in love."

The blonde looked at his best friend in disbelief. "What?" He asked incredulously, but Axel didn't reply. He was too busy staring at the attendant as she walked further down the aisle. "Axel, snap out of it. You're half tired and you look like a gaping lion...fish...thing"

The redhead shut his mouth and turned abruptly to face Roxas, the fruit tray on his lap nearly tumbling to the floor. "Seriously Rox," He said, green eyes wide with wonder. "I'm being totally serious. She's hot and feisty and no one has ever had a comeback to my flirts before..."

"I have." Roxas replied bluntly.

Axel brushed it off. "I meant no female. With you, I'm just messing around." It was true. Ever since they first met, the redhead would make a flirty reply to nearly everything Roxas did or said. But it wasn't just with him. Every single one of his friends had to suffer the same thing. Including Kairi, who shifted and turned to look over the back of her seat at Axel.

"I can give comebacks to your flirts, and as far as I'm concern, I am female."

"Yeah, but Kai, you're like one of the guys."

"My girlfriend is not a guy!" Sora practically shouted from his seat.

"Fine, fine...cool your jets pipsqueak." Axel sighed and pulled down the table in front of him. Resting his tray on it, turned to look back at them all, "What I meant was, no female," He expressed, pointedly directing the word at the couple in front of him. "That is blonde and totally in my league has given me a comeback before."

"You know," Sora said from his seat, taking a mouthful of cereal. "If Roxas was a girl, you'd be totally head over heels for him." Roxas and Axel both looked at him with varying expressions of shock and disturbance. The brunette swallowed and cleared his throat. "Oh, Roxina, I'm totally in love with you because I cannot deny your smoking hotness, witty, sarcastic comebacks and your overall blondeness." The brunette's voice had dropped an octave to match the redhead's and he had put on a flirty expression.

Kairi giggled and Roxas felt his eye twitch slightly. He scooped a piece of cereal up and put it in his mouth, watching his cousin with interest.

The brunette cleared his throat again. This time, his voice came out high pitched and somewhat nasally, "Oh, Axey-baby. You really are pathetic aren't you? Just because you love those things about me, doesn't mean that you actually are in my league. Gosh." Sora rolled his eyes dramatically, and pretended to flip some hair off his shoulder.

"Sora," Axel said somewhat calmly. Roxas looked over to his best friend. He looked slightly unnerved to hear Sora pretending to be him. "That is one of the creepiest things that I have ever heard. And I have heard a shit-load of creepy things."

"Never, ever do that again Sora...seriously." Roxas shuddered. His cousin had sounded so much like a girl; it wasn't funny, just entirely and completely freaky.

"Plus," Axel added from beside him. "I would totally be in Roxas' league. In fact, to be honest, I don't think that he'd be in my league." The blonde snapped his head over to look at his best friend. The redhead simply smirked and winked at him.

"What are you on about? You are such a pervert. When was the last time you actually had a girlfriend?" Roxas snapped at him. It didn't seem to affect Axel, who leant closer to him.

"When have you ever had a girlfriend?" In the seats in front of them, he could hear Sora and Kairi laughing at them.

Roxas' eye twitched. "At least I don't date sluts."

"Are you implying that all blue eyed blondes are sluts?"

"Yes..." The redhead smirked and Roxas' eyes widened. He was a blue eyed blonde! So was Namine, and judging by the picture, she wasn't even close to being a slut. Suddenly feeling guilty, he backtracked. "No! I meant no! Not all blue eyed blondes are sluts!"

"Whatever you say..." Axel had that playful grin. He leant closer, and now the redhead's pointy face was invading his personal space. "...slut." He whispered the last part.

"Come any closer and I'll stab your eye out with my Spork, you overgrown hedgehog." Roxas hissed, holding up his plastic cutlery threateningly.

"Sure you will Rox, sure you will." Axel said playfully, leaning closer. The blonde leant back and pressed himself against the cabin wall. The redhead grinned at him and sent him a wink. "...slut."

It took approximately half a second for Roxas to stab his best friend's hand with his plastic Spork.

"SON OF A -" Letting out a stifled yell, Axel swiftly removed his hand from the arm rest and held it in front of his face. There were about three red indents in the skin, and the redhead prodded them slightly, wincing.

The blonde smiled in victory. In front of them, his cousin was laughing loudly. He turned to look at them and came face to face with the lens of the camera. They had just caught the whole thing on tape.

"Smile for the camera Rox." Sora grinned at him. Suddenly feeling childish, Roxas poked his tongue out at his cousin. Being the mature sixteen year olds that they were, Sora replied by blowing a raspberry at him.

He was just about to do the same, when something buzzed over the intercom system.

"Good morning passengers. This is your captain. It is currently 5.48am and we will be landing in Traverse Town in approximately nine minutes. Someone will be around to collect the trays of food shortly. We also ask you to please buckle your seatbelts and prepare for the descent. Thank you for flying with Gummi Airlines."

As soon as the announcement was over, Roxas noticed that Axel had bit his lip to refrain from cursing. Smirking, he buckled his belt and looked out the window. The sun had risen slightly more, and he could see the city below getting larger. Relaxing back into the seat he sighed.

Soon he would meet Namine, Kairi's legendary best friend and one of the nicest people that his cousin had ever met. He couldn't help but feel slightly excited and a little bit hopeful. Maybe this trip wasn't going to be as bad as he thought.

And there we go, :D

Hope you guys all enjoyed that, HOPEFULLY.

Review with what you think. Or don't. I really don't mind.