This fan fiction is mostly based on William Golding's Lord of the Flies and not so much of the movies but it has a few alterations with style and characters. So you could say it has a bit of both movies (1990 and 1963) in it too. I made them swear a few times to make it seem more realistic, sticking with the word 'bloody' may be annoying. Haha. So, enjoy!
The sky lifted his heavy arms and released with an overwhelming power, silver bullets of rain and heavy, violent hail. The darts of ice flew down to a white plane dragging itself against the winds of the unfamiliar sky.
The plane, it roared as it fought passed the clouds and fog. Inside it, three young sisters sat.
One of the three sat silently but uneasily in her seat, staring at the glass which would even allow her the luxury of seeing a cloud, just night. She turned around and took a good look at her sisters.
They were sitting as she was, the youngest, Lilly, reading a book patiently while the eldest, Emily, stared at the seat before her.
Everything surrounding the girl seemed blurry and misty; she looked again at her sisters, why didn't they notice? Couldn't they see that everything around them was glowing with haunting lightening, how could they ignore the shakes and shudders of the metal plane? Beyond all this there was the undeniably eerie aura that scared this girl most- something Godly in the air. Something was wrong. The storm was devouring the plane.
"Kill the pig! Cut her throat! Spill her blood!" The team hollered, running through the forest wildly, Maurice and Wilfred carrying a spear on their shoulders with a pig pierced through. They hollered as the others did, walking behind them all as the heavy meat dragged them down.
"They're off at it again." Piggy pushed up his half broken glasses.
"We still have to repair the littluns' shelter." Ralph stood up from the ground. There was a storm a day before that tore apart almost every shelter, they had to repair each one from scratch.
"Here they come." Simon warned.
The chants halted and from the trees, leaped out Jack Merridew who escaped the hunt with a jump and landed with a hunter like stance. He stood up and stuck his spear into the ground, calling out with hands cupped around this mouth: "Kill the pig!" His face was smothered with white and red paint, dragged downwards from the top side of the face, making long lines of blood red rainbows and dirty white finger prints.
"Forget about the meat for now, Jack." said Ralph.
"We've got a shelter than needs fixing. Until then the littluns will have to sleep in our shelters!" Piggy charged. "Them cries in their sleep, none of us want that."
"Then they'll sleep out tonight, big deal." Jack took his spear out of the ground and inspected the tip carelessly.
"Jack!" Ralph gasped at his callous words.
"Jack, Jack, Jack." mimicked Merridew.
Suddenly, the rest of the hunters arrived. "A fiest, a fiest!" Stanley raised his hands.
"This one's enormous." Bill commented.
Maurice and Wilfred put the spear down and let the pig hit the ground.
"We'll eat, after we finish the shelter." Ralph ordered.
"We'll finish the shelter…" Jack began. "After we eat."
Piggy stepped aside and took the conch in his hand, walking back towards Ralph and Jack; he chose to hand Ralph the conch.
Ralph took it proudly and the others paused in silence and their lips were frozen. Even Jack's.
"I've got the conch now. Listen to me." Ralph lifted it up.
Jack, in his frustration, kicked his spear to the ground and painfully ordered his hands on his hips, forcing his anger down. "As you say." Jack muttered beneath his breath. "Chief."
"Are you guys buddies or not?" Roger peeked in from under the bushes, speaking in a monotone voice as always.
Jack said nothing.
Roger shook his head. "Someday, Jack, someone's gonna end up putting you in your place. You better be careful with how arrogant you can get."
Roger was the only person who was aloud to talk to Jack with such honesty. And as far as Jack knew, he didn't know anything about honesty. He stood for everything evil and he himself did not even know how arrogant he was. But what Roger was saying now was utterly ridiculous. Someone? Put him in his place?
"That'll be the day."
Yes, that would be the day.
Because Jack had no place to be put.
And if he were to be put in his place, it would have to be done by an extraordinary person.
The girl shook the dizziness out of her ears and decided that the moment called for a bathroom break. She stood up from her seat.
"Hey, Remi." Emily, the eldest by about a year and a half, looked up at her, puzzled. "Don't wander off."
The girl's name was Remi.
She graced her with a glance, the tiniest form of recognition and passed the rows and rows of empty seats.
Lilly, an 11 year old that sat cross legged and sophisticated with a book in both hands. "I wouldn't go far without a seat belt if I were you."
As the youngest spoke, Remi passed the head of the plane and watched the pilots, mystified and afraid of her taboo thoughts of unlikely accidents.
"Flight 62, do you read?" Silence and a groan of frustration. "Position 15 26." Another silence. "Flight level 2 5 0." [A/N: lol, BS pilot talk.]
She shut the door behind her and twisted the lever, transforming the color red in view, occupied.
Before examining the mirror, twisting the faucet, pulling the door back open, she lifted her wrist before her eyes and safely undid the end of her watch out of the pin and removed the thing from her arm, placing it beside the sink. The watch was brown and almost ancient; it had stopped ticking years ago.
Suddenly, in the midst of her safe placing of the ornament, nothing became as safe. She saw the objects in the bathroom quake. Remi looked up.
The doors exploded open.
The misty fog had grown clearer and heavier, the clouds had entered the plane.
Remi, grasping onto the doors, feeling the air suck her into somewhere around the Indian Ocean, she could make out that everybody was occupied.
"Everybody stay in your seats!" One pilot stood up and cried out with enormous force and breath. "Get in your seats!" He repeated against the forces of the wind.
"Remi!" Lilly couldn't not be heard, only her moving mouth and her hands before her streaming eyes.
With Lilly's cry, Emily looked towards her sister and felt breathless.
Remi nodded, squinting her eyes from the great pain of air shooting against her face and against her body. She then took her first step, already feeling her shoes fall out from her feet, she grabbed on to the empty seats and creases between objects. The only thing she refrained from grasping onto was the cracks in the walls which were, ultimately, the welcome signs to death.
Emily cried out to her sister and let her hand out, reaching out for her sister while she barely was kept in her own seat.
With difficulty, Remi let one hand out. She felt as if the world had turned upside down and she was now hanging by her side. Gravity had moved and switched in all directions, she was being pulled by various invisible ropes that held on to her like harnesses.
However, as she released one hand from her grip, she noticed the bareness of her wrist.
Her wrist was white and naked from ornament. At this, she looked up at her sister and their eyes met in an instant.
"Shit." Emily spat with malice.
She knew what was coming next.
And as if on demand, Remi swerved back in the direction of the bathroom to retrieve the watch.
"Remi! Don't!" Her sister roared against the wind.
Step after step, difficulty after continuing difficulty.
There it was, the watch on the corner of the bathroom walls, slowly being inhaled by a dark breath. The evil howls of engines and thunder around them grew louder, not stopping for breath.
In her struggle, she groaned in difficulty, taking more tricky steps towards the watch. As the air got thicker and colder, she finally held the watch in her hand.
The pilot turned back and pointed in Remi's direction. "Get in your seat!"
Remi's eyes widened as she saw behind the pilot, the approaching waves. They were falling downwards and the waves were about to hit.
It did. The water crashed against the head of the plane and the glass broke, the water darted in dangerously and loudly.
The broken glass shattered and exploded before the pilots and attendants shot through their bodies, tainting the waters with crimson red liquor. For a split second, Remi lost her breath with a gasp as she eyed several lifeless bodies before her.
However, too soon after, the water hit her like a nuclear bomb, later exploding before her sisters, the water hit Remi against the wall and quickly filled up the entire plane. She floated up, looking up and inhaling as much air.
The water filled up all existing space of oxygen and the sounds dispersed into the liquids. For a moment, everything grew silent, all their cries, all their tears, all their groans were muffled by the water, leaving all noise that came from the core of the ocean float upwards as a bubble.
Below her, her sisters squirmed in their seats. The eldest looked up to see Remi's feet and undid her seat belt, swimming over to the youngest to do the same, they both floated up to the surface, hardly any more air inside their shriveled lungs. They had swallowed more water than they could handle, their eyes were burning and their bodies felt as if blown by a rocket.
The water had filled up to the top and suddenly the plane split in half, the heavy water making pushing the metal and breaking the metal downwards. As the hole grew larger, their bodies floated upwards.
When their bodies reached the smoky air, they each took a great inhale of breath that filled their tiny lungs. The sound of danger was back again and parts of the plane remained floating, the storm still wildly hollering.
Soon the hollers of the winds faded and became the hollers of the girls. Remi looked around her, trying not to swallow any more salty sea water and it was some point when the storm began hitting them farther a part from each other that she couldn't tell when her tears ended and the sea began.
This morning commenced with measures of time identical to the days that had passed by unnoticed by the boys or the in existing clock. Like always, cries of unknown birds, familiar enough to be mimicked, had woken the littluns.
And it was on this daylight hour; Jack stood by the glass-like sea, unknown to the idea that his presence on this particular measure of time in this particular part of grainy ocean border would unleash a new series of commencing days and events, stimulated by a secret presence.
It was now, however, in the present, that he stood knee high in the marine. A spear in his grip and his eyes searching for fish. He found none to cross his path but while beating against the shallow waters, he occasionally found some stillness in the water to glance at his reflection. He compared the reflection of now to the one four years ago.
When Jack had arrived at the island, his face was young and bright. Clean and glowing with the energy of a young boy determined and sure of a happy, bright future. All this was now changed.
His round face had lengthened; his smiling, singing mouth had transformed into a firm determined line indicative of decisions; his eyebrows had become dark and solid; his eyes had a look of deep sadness in them, and at times angry explosions of hatred would sizzle within them; his skin, soaked in the light of day and the rays of the sun for so long, was a strong tanned layer.
The deep learning of the hunt and danger he had acquired was reflected on his face in an expression of intelligent self confidence, in addition, though naturally tall, he had acquired the healthy vigor of a body continuously fighting all things around it.
The elegance of his lean, trim form had given way to the solidity of a round muscular figure.
His clothes had also changed. The long black cloak was now used as a blanket and left in the shelters, the cap not worn since years back, and his gray shorts tattered with tears at the lap. His upper body was covered with a messy white blouse with broken buttons; it was left open with his bear chest exposed.
In addition, the harsh sunlight had transformed his red hair into a sort of dirty blonde. Moreover, his eyes have been habituated to darkness, had obtained the strange talent of distinguishing objects in the dark, like those of a hyena or a snake.
However now, his fist was gripped loosely and lazily around the end of a sharpened spear. Usually, holding the stick would give that ape allowance to chatter in his ear, to let his hunter instincts take over and swing the spear like a pendulum.
However, now, the waters were empty of hunt.
Jack looked into the waters with a bitter frown. There were no fish to swim. There never are any fish to swim.
Spear fishing.
Somehow, throughout the months, the boys had grown excited by the idea of fish and crab, the attention was shifted to different parts of the island as they discovered more possibilities with the strength of the spear. And with Jack's ego and intelligence of the strength the spear possesses or ego of, he volunteered to spear fish as well as hunt for pigs. But he hardly caught any of those slimy scaly animals, especially so shallow into the water.
However, if he went out deeper into the ocean…
He looked up and took a glance at the horizon, lifting his forearm before his eyes, hitting it against the sun's intense beams.
And he walked deeper into the core of the sea, was now to his hips in the warm water, his eyes following his feet in search for any big fish. Suddenly, one appeared between his feet.
It quickly escaped, after feeling the approach of Jack's spear. It flew like a bird would, across the waters. Jack's eyes followed it and he even tried catching up with the quick creature but his eyes could only follow its glistening scales as it swam farther away.
But across the waters, across the glossy blue ribbons and sheets, he saw something float, a flat figure of pale pink and white. The figure was moving with the waves but was still of movement completely.
His body froze at the examination of the figure and it wasn't long after he found his uncontrollable body run across the waters as the fish had. He beat the waters and beat all the rocks with his feet and all the kelp with his spear. He ran faster with more trouble, drawing closer and closer to the girl in the water. As he finally approached her, he dropped his spear.
"Holy shit." He felt his hands hover above her, too afraid to see if her skin was cold or to see if her eyes were white. He took a noble breath and did so anyways, first holding her arm in his palm and then hearing her soft breaths accompanied by the movement of her chest. He swam his hands under her and lifted her up, her arms dangling with her fingers touching the waters. From the run, he was panting, spinning to see if a boat was near by. When he saw that the coast was clear of presence, he faced the island. "Ralph! Piggy! Simon, hey! Any of you!"