I do not own Skins, or anything pertaining to the show. This fanfic is purely for fun and not for profit!

When I wrote this it was suppose to be a one-shot, but I don't know, I might see what else I can make of it. let me know what you think!

Feel free to leave a review!

"You fucking muff munching bitch!" are the last 5 words I hear after being yelled at for over five minutes by the fabulous Katie Fucking Fitch. The next thing that happens, however, is that she gives me a swift slap to my cheek. My teeth grit and my hand instinctively moves up to the now reddening skin on my face. My eyebrows furrow at her, and somewhere between angered and surprised at the fact that she actually struck me. It's not my fault she fell into me.

Okay, so it was kind of my fault, but not really. So, here's what happened.

We're at this club, and of course Cook passed out pills and alcohol before we got there, as if those were our tickets to get inside, so the lot of us were pissed before we even stepped inside. If you're wondering, no, I'm not with Emily anymore. She broke it off about six months after our second year at Roundview and ended up moving out of the country to go to school. I can't remember exactly where… okay, so I'm lying, I remember exactly what the name of it is… San Francisco University. Of course she would go there, out in big fucking gay-town USA. There's plenty of out and about lesbians to tickle her fancy, since I never was 'out' enough for her.

I'm getting side-tracked, which I find my little red-head (okay, no longer my red-head any longer) still manages to do even though she's half the world away.

Right… Okay, back to what I was saying. So we're royally munted, we being Cook, Katie, Effy, JJ, and me. We're the only ones who stayed back in Bristol, or close enough to be able to come out to party when Cook decided to have an impromptu 'the gang' hang out. Sometimes it's just getting together to remember Freddie in all his stoner glory, in his shed, and sometimes even Karen would come around. Of course Panda and Thomo ended up at Harvard, but they would still send out mass letters (always sent to Effy's address, and she would pass them out as if we were getting Valentine's day cards) to us. You already know where Emily is. So that leaves the rest of us.

Fucked up. That's a fairly good explanation to how we all are, except for JJ, who decided to bring a flask of mango juice, so he could feel cool, but still be completely sober to make sure we all got home alright. What a nice guy. I think it was that girl with the kid that kind of broke through for him. I think he's still with her… shit, what's her name again?

Fuck, I can't remember.


So we're all in a circle, off our rockers, dancing to this techno type of music and the air is so heavy from all the sweaty strangers on the floor doing the exact same thing as we are. Cook goes into the center and goes from Effy to JJ to Katie, then to me, thrusting his hips into each one of us. I'm laughing when he's all but dry-humping JJ because the look of sheer terror on the boys face is simply fucking priceless. Effy, of course, had no emotion come over her face what-so-ever, and Katie smacked him on the shoulder with a flirty look in his eye.

I was surprised when I felt a bit of anger rush through my inebriated body after watching that.

So the Cookie monster comes to me next and I play along. His hands move around my body and soon his hands are cupping my ass, and if I was sober enough to realize it, he then slipped them under the hem of my dress.

"Cookie, you fucking perv, can you like, not grope her right next to me? It's repulsive!"

Ah, Katie, thank you for being the watch dog that you are, though I think she's putting me down at the same time, but I don't care too much because Cook has since extricated himself from my body. The older twin leans over to me, cupping her hand to whisper/yell into my ear over the music, "I can't believe you didn't push him off you... thought you liked licking cunt, not crunching cock."

I should have known it wasn't going to be a nice comment. I had fooled myself for a moment into thinking that Katie and I actually got on. Sure, she speaks to me, but the cunning bitchiness still is clear as day, maybe more so since Ems and I broke it off.

My eyes look over incredulously to the twin and I scoff at her, making sure to roll my eyes so she gets the message. I realize after she has turned away and started dancing that I'm still stood there, like a fucking statue, ogling her while she institutes her own brand of sexy dancing. There are just so many things wrong with this picture, of that I know, but I can't seem to rip my eyes from off her seductively moving form!

"A picture lasts longer, bitch," Katie yells at me, and I can only be glad that I'm not drooling as well, because I can already feel that familiar twinge of desire, which I know is not a good thing at the present time.

Cook hands out another set of pills after seeing that we are all starting to sober up. We all pop ours in and take a swig of our respective drinks. This one, however… wait… he gave us… right… MDMA. I can already feel it starting to move through my body and it just makes me want to touch people, touch… Katie.

I hold myself back, but when Effy backs her arse into Cook, their hands roaming enough to make even a stripper wet with want, I see no one else to dance with besides Katie or JJ. Luckily, my choice is made for me when JJ fucks off to the loo, explaining that he needs a minute (it wasn't like he popped some X, but it was getting a bit hot and crowded for him). The brunette twin has no other choice but to dance with me.

At first we're kind of dancing together, but separate. You know, facing each other, dancing to the beat all on our own, standing about a meter away from one another. A couple songs go by and we've stepped closer to each other without realizing. I look up to see that Cookie and Eff are still all but fucking a little ways away, with her legs wrapped around his body and her hands connected behind his head. Yep, those two wouldn't be coming over to dance with us any time soon. I chance a look then into the different, yet familiar brown eyes that are sparkling and flashing with the strobe lights, and my breath hitches. She's beautiful, and not just because she's my ex's twin. Her face is rounder, her tits larger (and more on display!), and that lisp of hers is so endearing and… hot…

I must have some type of Attention Disorder or something, because I can't seem to stay on track with my story. It's got to be those damn Fitches, always getting in my fucking head and scrambling my thoughts around.

So she ends up sliding into my body her hands moving up my arms (I was too scared to even try to move them to touch her for fear of being yelled at), and I notice that her eyes are watching one of her hands. "Soft," I see her say to herself, and I wish that I could have heard it, because I know it would have been so much better with that lisp of hers. Katie moves closer, her body is now undulating into my own.

After a few songs I pluck up the courage to actually move my hands onto her body, but before I do, she turns around, backing her oh-so-lovely ass right into me. I feel my knickers flood and I have to put my hands behind my neck to keep me from feeling her up. MDMA, you are my enemy right now!

Her hips are pumping to the beat and she often leans back onto my breasts as well, and let me just say, my nipples are hard as rocks after her shoulder blades brushed against them… almost painfully so! I feel her hands slide around to my hips and she pulls me tighter against her before letting me go again. I nearly pass out on the spot with her next move. All of a sudden she drops to a crouch and I'm left there stood like an idiot with my hands on the back of my head and my legs shoulder width apart as if I'm about to be frisked by the local patrol. My eyes take in her body as she shimmies back up, sliding along the entire length of my body. I swear, I think I had a mini-orgasm.

But she's not done, of fucking course not! Her knees bend deep again and this time she straightens her legs first, one hand snakes around to my ass and she grinds hers between my legs with her head down. She flicks her head back, her brunette hair softly whips my face as she stands up straight. Her free hand (the one not currently making crescent shaped nail marks in my ass) reaches up to my neck, and it's then that she realizes that I haven't touched her the whole time, and apparently that is like, against some code or something. Guess I haven't exactly read up on the rules of dancing by Katie Fitch!

Her other hand reaches up and she grabs one wrist in each of her hands. I figure she'll just put them on her hips or something and go about her dancing business. Fuck, I was wrong, like… epically wrong! Her hands slide around the backs of mine and her fingers slip through the spaces between my own. No, it doesn't stop there. She then proceeds to start at her shoulders, guiding my hands over her perfectly delectable tits, stopping to allow me to cup them on my own for a few moments before she reclaims my hands and moves them down her stomach. Oh my fuck, this is so wrong. She's the straight twin, high as a fucking kite, and drunk as a fish, and I'm taking advantage. I glance around and notice that there are plenty of guys watching our little display, and I manage to look down at her and realize her eyes are closed and she's simply in the moment. Feeling.

Oh fucking Christ.

I pull away, reluctantly, mentioning something about getting us a drink, and manage to make it right to the bar to order fuck knows what. I asked for a shot of tequila for me, and then asked the bartender for her choice, but to make it a shot and something sweet and fruity, because after all this time, I know that that's what Katie really likes. I laugh to myself when she hands me the two shots and I inquire as to what the name of it is and the girl behind the bar laughs and tells me the name: 'Purple Hooter'.

Curious, I take a sniff. It actually doesn't smell all that bad. I put a few notes down and start moving through the throng of people toward the brunette who now has her back to me. I'm just about to say her name as I get in her vicinity when I'm shoved from behind. Katie decided, in that split fucking second, to turn around. I end up pressed against her, both shots now empty and soaking both of our tops (the liquid actually starts at her neck and I can't help but stare as it slides down in rivulets down between her tits).

It's at this time that she starts to go off… for a good three minutes, straight, and I wonder how she's able to keep talking without breathing. I'm sure I'm meant to hear every word she says and feel bad about what happened, but it wasn't my fault I was bringing her some fruity fucking shot and got shoved. I didn't have to get her a drink at all, but I was being nice (and I needed to take a minute to myself so that I didn't pull a Cook and simply fuck her on the dance floor). She grabs my hand and starts pulling me toward the designated smoking area and I feel fucking relived, because I could use a fucking fag right about now.

My excitement becomes short lived when she turns around, shoving a finger in my chest and continues to yell at me. I do hear the last words though, "You fucking muff munching bitch," which is when she reached back and slapped me. You remember this part, right?


So I'm stood there, my jaw feeling like I just went a couple rounds with Mike Tyson (without getting my ear bit off… ha ha, Evander Holyfield, you fucking idiot!), but I'm looking right into the chocolate orbs of the girl who just unleashed herself on me. I'm opening and closing my jaw painfully and I manage to notice that her eyes have softened, and she almost looks remorseful. "I'm such a bitch," she mutters, but I can easily hear her now that the music is muted through the walls.

I try to think of something to say, but in all honesty I can only think of two things: the pain radiating through my entire face and skull… and how incredibly erotic Katie looks. I know, I'm just aching to get another smack to the face, but fuck, I don't know how I didn't notice how stunning this twin really is.

"You can answer any time now."

She gets me out of my increasingly filthy Katie fueled mind to look at the real thing. I look up and when I catch her gaze, I can see her breath hitch and now she's holding it in, as if I'm about to say something really fucking important. Which makes me nervous, and now I really can't say anything. "Sorry?" I try.

Somehow she finds that funny and starts to laugh. That laugh though, gets stuck in her throat when a tosser pushes her into me to try to get behind her in the thin walkway where we're stood staring at each other. I freeze as does she. Her hands instinctively moved out in front of her to stop her from falling, right onto my chest, with each of her hands covering a breast of mine apiece. Her eyes are gawking at her hands as if she has no control over them, and her thumbs move so achingly slow across my already hard nipples.

I have no control.

My head falls back, my eyes shut, and I can only stifle back the moan that her thumbs cause by running over my rigid nubs.

"You like that," she states.

My eyes snap open and I tilt my head down to look at her. I'm sure my eyes are nearly black and my face feels heated, so I'm sure a blush is running across my cheeks. I'm done thinking. My hands move quickly up to cup her breasts, and I squeeze softly through her top, my thumb and finger moving to her nipples to pinch them through her shirt. Her lower body pushes into mine and something between a groan and a growl comes from the shorter girl in front of me. "So do you," I state back to her.

All it took was one more pinch before Katiekins pushed herself onto my lips. She tasted like cherries, and I'm sure it was her gloss, because I … wait, she was actually eating cherries earlier... but anyway, she's got me pinned against the wall and she manages to slip a thigh between mine and my knees bend of their own accord. I'm sure my knees are listening to my cunt, because I'm all but begging for some friction.

"Heya… whoa… lezza action, go at it then girlies."

Fucking Cook. Katie jumps away from me as if I was the aggressor and James and come right in time to stop me from molesting her.

"Awe, don't stop on account of me being here, I'll be good and just watch." He laughs then and Katie gives me a look that says 'if you tell anyone, I'll gut you alive', and I fucking believe her, because she's Katie Fucking Fitch, and she's capable of pretty much anything… especially if it's violent!

I only realize I'm breathing hard once those two leave me and Effy saunters around the corner with a smirk on her face. My hands are shaking so badly from unshed lust and desire that I can't get my fucking fag lit. Thank fuck for Eff as she holds my face still and flicks the lighter under the tip of my smoke.

"Interrupted you, did he?" Says without looking at me.

"No." I utter nervously, though I know the all-knowing Effy already knows, probably had some premonition or dream about it months prior to tonight.

"Pity, isn't it?" I'm a bit confused by her question. I suppose it was a shame, but it was awkward too. I mean, she is my ex's twin for Christ's sake! When I don't answer Effy speaks again, "You love her." I'm not sure how she came to this conclusion, but I'm about to protest when she interrupts me, "… and she loves you."

So now my jaw's open and I'm working on my fly catching skills. I take a puff and turn toward the hypnotic blue eyes of the girl who knows fucking everything. I'm tempted to think she's absolutely right, but as I think more on it, there's no fucking way that Katie likes me, let alone loves me. "You're full of shit."

"She just doesn't know how to show it, and neither do you, so you fight and bicker to express yourselves. But think about it, Naomi, you always want to see her, don't you." It's a statement, not a question, but I find my head nodding anyway. "And she constantly comes around, even though she moved out of Bristol." I nod again. "You two even hang out without us, don't you? Go out for lunch, dinner, maybe even stayed at each others' houses?"

Effy, you are such a mind-fucker.

"So, grow a pair."

Of course those are her last words of encouragement as she moves back inside, flicking her fag right into the rubbish bin, which I immediately hope isn't going to catch fire. I do the same to my own, and I pray that I can get my head out of my ass for long enough to talk to her, because she, Katie Fucking Fitch, is the girl I want. Maybe the one I've always wanted (though I'd never really admit that to anyone).

Don't forget to leave a review. Let me know what you think, and what you'd like to see in the future!